S01E01: Flames [Fropm Malfeas with Love]

Team Stunt 1 for Tyler and the Hand, for making the ST laugh.

@Feantari: it's a *restaurant*, not a bar.

The owner would be offended.

Both your mates are just scarred.

Being Exalts, they will recover completely but will take some time.
Jackal enjoys the taste of the restaurant's finest wine, letting it linger on his tongue. It's surprisingly drinkable, especially given the quality of the food. Still, it's nice to eat something that resembles real food, and drink something that's not a cross between vinegar and austrech piss.

Tyler and the Hand's weeping brings Jackal out of his reverie, and he realises that Tyler asked him a question about half a glass ago. He rewinds the conversation in his mind. Then he rummages in his pockets, brings out the slim booklet that was the only thing of note on the dead Solar's person, drops it on the table.

"This is the only thing that looked worth keeping," he says. "I haven't even had a chance to read through it, yet." He flips the booklet open.
Tyler remains in an indifferent silence, visibly unconfortable....

In fact, no one knew that in reality he had kept those mawkish letters, and he read them secretly crying...

He cleared his throat, acting like a real badass.

" oh my God, I could puke thinking again at those letters...I mean : what a loser!"
[-- Montage --]

The wheels of the swift rider scream against the gravel as Tyler accelerates it straight towards the Demon's crotch.

Behind him the Hand, with a furious glare in his eyes, hastens towards the exposed flesh of the monster.

It's a moment before they plunge straight into the dark, gooey opening.
[-- Back at the restaurant --]

The booklet seems... Well, it's just a diary.

The first page reads:

I finally completed my quest to hide the Eye.

Oh, the greatness of my adventure!

Oh! the glory I feel pervades my Holy being!

Oh, the genius of knowing that nobody will ever find it!

I really want a beer now, and to visit that fancy tavern nearby, the waitress is such work of beauty and feminine grace I should pay her my homages again.
The rest of the diary is just as vapid, boastful and most importantly devoid of any useful detail of any sort.

Everyone feel free to continue your (awesome & entertaining) banter, but roll Int+Investigation/Linguistics
Jackal flips through the pages of the diary, hoping for something - an obvious code, perhaps, or just a single piece of realistic self-analysis. He sighs and shakes his head.

"Anyone else want to try reading this thing?" He offers it to the others without much enthusiasm. "I don't know what I was expecting - maybe a sketched map with a little arrow labelled 'Here Lies the Eye of Autochthon'. Well, at least it isn't more poetry. The food here isn't great, but I'd rather keep my lunch inside me."

"Mmmmh....fancy tavern....waitress....work of beauty...."

Tyler focuses on his memories, till you can see steam coming out from his ears.

Kana frowns and the corners of her eyes tighten. Could someone this vapid and full of himself really have eluded them for that long? She searches the pages again looking for some secondary meaning or message.

I'm not good in thinking...but I'm good in one thing!

The Hand suddenly stands up and heads towards a cute waitress ready to shock her with his wonder.....

As he remembers the state of his aspect, he come back at his spot, restarting whining and shaking his head on the table.

The Hand roller 1 die:



0 succeses
Likewise curious, Yugu gave the book a glance, and had to spend a willpower point to keep reading. "Venus's Tits, what is his crap?" He groaned. It was an arduous task, if a mortal had attempted it, Yugo would have little doubt that the Unconquered Sun would deem them worthy of Exaltation on the spot.

Having already earned his Shard however, Yugo forced himself to continue reading, and looked for anything that suggested that this garbage was more than what it first appeared.

7 dice for 5 successes
[-- Montage --]

Tyler and the Hand disappear inside the crotch of the demon.

Chemosh's eyes open wide, in an expression of pain.

His body trembles, then lowers on the knees as if defecating.

From the mouth, a grumble rises, first just a low murmur, then louder and louder until a deafening roar shakes the whole ore.

The Trap shatters in a kaleidoscopic rain of purple Essence and from the ground just below Chemosh's feet a black stain opens, swallowing the demon whole, and then closing suddenly.

At the very centre of the pit, where just a few seconds ago stood the demon, two large and Solar-shaped turds writhe in pain.

Tyler and the Hand are covered in the devastatingly corrosive fluids of the demon.

Yugo is busy polishing his orichalcum, when a detail dawns on him.

He rushes to the diary, and quickly skims all over the pages...

Could it be...?

Almost at every page Romeo mentions being in a different place.

Page after page, a picture emerges.

Not once Romeo mentions anything accurate about a place.

And yet, he often mentions some relation between the current place and the previous place where he has been.

Not all pages are such, but all of them must include some clue to the previous location...

This is the way to the Eye of Autochthon!

Walk Romeo's way backwards, step by step, page by page, from the end of his journey, to its very beginning.

- End of Episode 1 -

- From Malfeas With Love -

Karregan as the Hand

Loki as Tyler

Iron Penguin as Gilded Jackal

Feantari as Kana

JayTee as Hugo

Xarvh as all the rest​
[-- In the Next Episode montage --]

A great ball.

Vain nobles.

Five Immaculate monks.

Four beautiful women.

Dark creatures from the Night.

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