The Hand [Fropm Malfeas with Love]


New Member
Name: The Hand

Concept: arrogant gunslinger

Motivation: to absolve Creation

Caste: Zenith

Anima: The most brilliant light, with Heaven's pealing.


Chewer Jones sat on his favourite stool in his favourite bar slowly sipping beer, glancing at the girls, and chewing raw carrots, as he always did.

Everyone stood away, because he was a dangerous man. Even the bartender simply left two jugs of beer next him, careful to stay as far as possible from him.

Then, with a loud noise, the rotten wooden door fell down in a dust cloud.

As the dust settled, everyone in the bar gazed at the figure that was slowly appearing.

Leather winklepicker with spurs on their back, flaired red pants, a pair of flame piece holstered behind the lower back, crossed red suspenders on his bare chest. Then, a cowboy hat that let some wisps of dark hair be shown.

Jones hated to be annoyed. He thrusted out his glass and began yelling against the figure, when his sentence stopped as he met the figure's gaze.

- Chewer Jones - the voice of the man was calm and firm - you are accused of 27 crimes against decency and law.

You are a danger in this country.

Jones never apologized for anything, but the Man's words where just overpowering.

He fell on his knees and beg pardon for the sins of his life.

- I can see you are true - he closed his eyes and took a breath - I absolve you.

His right hand slowly moves toward his back as to pick up something.

From out of nowhere, a huge shiny dual-barrel rifle come out, suddenly pointed against Jones.

As the bar was blown up from the Unconquered Sun Light, he just walked away, with a cigarette in his mouth and the Sun drawing the shadow of his hat on his face.


????? Strength

????? Dexterity

????? Stamina

????? Charisma

????? Manipulation

????? Appearance

????? Perception

????? Intelligence

????? Wits


????? Firearms ??? FSC

????? Martial Arts

????? Melee

????? Thrown

????? War

????? Integrity ??? Dodge

????? Performance

????? Presence

????? Resistance

????? Survival

????? Craft

????? Investigation

????? Lore

????? Medicine

????? Occult

????? Athletics

????? Awareness

????? Dodge

????? Larceny

????? Stealth

????? Burocracy

????? Linguistics

????? Ride

????? Sail

????? Socialize


????? Compassion

????? Convinction

????? Temperance

????? Valor

????? ????? Willpower

????? ????? Essence


????? Artifact: Fiery Solar Cannon

????? Manse

????? Manse: Sphere of Perfect Balance


Integrity II

- Invincile Ego Shield (1m, use MDV as DDV)

Presence II

-Worshipful Lackey Acquisition (12m, 1wp, throw car + pre - MDV. unnatural mental influence: become his slave)

Lightning Hands Reload (-, reflexivly recharge 1 weapon each round)

-Elsewhere Draw Mastery (1m, exile a firearm)

-Flawless Quick Draw Concentration (-, at JB reflexivly draw a firearm, add accuracy (max 4). At first shot, if the target has not received a tick, +3)

Heaven's Eye Markmanship (3m, +150 yard, +50 for every tick aiming)

-Every-Angle Perfection (6m, shots curve around angles, are unbloackable, ignore cover and external penalty)

Mastery of Small Manners (1m, ..)

Shadow Over Water (1m, refresh DV)


DDV: 5

MDV: 10


Accuracy: +3 (15)

Speed: 5

Damage: 18L or 9L

Range: 300

Attune: 8

each shot cost 2 motes or 1 motes but deal half damage.


Accuracy: +1 (13)

Speed: 5

Damage: 8L

Range: 8


5 for bgs

7 for essence

5 for wp

1 for spec
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