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  • Users: Jolin
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  1. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    He throws a punch as hard as he could and yet, could do but naught as the tattooed woman dodged his fist with ease. But what's this? The woman who had freed him returned, armed with what looked like a kitchen knife! She sneaks up on the tattooed abomination and lands a solid thwack. "Well...
  2. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    The tattooed pirate's sword misses him by bare centimetres. Whoa, he thinks. "Nice sword", he exclaims. "I'll keep it as a souvenir once I have run you through with it". He clenches his fingers and they harden, taking on an almost earthy hue. Pulling his arm back, he punches with all his...
  3. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    Yarodou sees the pirate charge and a chill goes through his body. He steels himself thinking, calm yourself. You are a dragon blood. You belong to the House Iselsi. Do not shame yourself. Weaving to and fro he tries to dodge the astounding attack. "Worthless cur! Do you think you can succeed...
  4. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    He sees the woman draw her sword and charge at him. "F£$%&/&$, F£$%&/&$, F£$%&/&$". He runs and uses his momentum to try and slide under her. The deck seems slippery enough to allow it.
  5. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    "F£$%&/&$" he exclaims. "We've been spotted. I guess we have no choice but to join this fight almost naked. It's been good knowing you, short time that it was." [spoiler=]Join Battle roll Iselsi Yarodu rolled the following in his 5 dice: 10, 7, 3, 9, 6 Using 7 as the target number, the...
  6. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    The officer cabins! Yes, of course! he exclaims. It makes sense that they would divvy up our possessions. He tiptoes behind her and almost bumps into her when she stops suddenly. What is it? he hisses. [spoiler=]Iselsi Yarodu rolled the following in his 7 dice: 1, 9, 5, 2, 2, 4, 5 Using...
  7. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    Yarodou closes the trap door softly and makes his way back to the woman. I tried to make my way above, but I heard voices. I could not tell what they were talking about. What do you think we should do? You seem the knowledgeable type. Perhaps you could tell if they are friend or foe?, he says...
  8. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    Yarodou stops just before pulling himself out the trapdoor. What is this? Do I hear someone speaking? It two voices. A male and a female perhaps. It can't be. Are they quarreling? The situation makes no more sense now than it did earlier, but he stays in...
  9. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    Yarodou tries to make as little noise as possible. The situation is delicate and this would not be an opportune time to be caught. He opens the larger, double trapdoor and peers out. Stay here, he says. I am going to go up and look around. I can't see much from here. No sense in both of us...
  10. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    Yarodu is shocked. He had no idea that his self-control had slipped enough that he had said aloud what he thought he had said in his mind. I can be quite furtive when the need arises. Let me go ahead and see if I can spot anything. I will call for you if it is all-clear. Should I be making...
  11. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    He flinches a little when she ruffles his hair, but he was in no position to complain. Thanks, he says. He rubs his wrists and ankles to get some feeling back to them. Watch my back and I'll be sure to watch yours. I'll have have more fun doing it, that's for sure, he thinks. Looking around...
  12. Jolin

    Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

    Yarodu looks around with bloodshot eyes. He might have noticed a substantial reek emanating from his unwashed body were he in any position to notice. "Wha...What's going on? What's happening?", he exclaims. He turns around as much as his shackles would allow and notices a woman. "Hey, you...
  13. Jolin

    OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

    Hiya! I thought I'd introduce myself since I'll be joining this merry band of bastigeness :) So uhhhhhh hiya?
  14. Jolin

    Iselsi Yarodu [Glorious Bastards]

    ATTRIBUTES [ ] Strength OOO [ ] Dexterity OOOOO [ ] Stamina OO [ ] Charisma OO [ ] Manipulation OO [ ] Appearance OOO [ ] Perception OOO [ ] Intelligence OOO [ ] Wits OOO ABILITIES Air [ ] Linguistics [ ] Occult OO [X] Stealth OOOO [...
  15. Jolin

    Iselsi Yarodu [Glorious Bastards]

    Name: Iselsi Yarodu Age: 25 Aspect: Water Motivation: Restore his house's honor in any way possible. Back Story: He has vague recollections of life as a child on the blessed isle and the Empress's court. He remembers it fondly as being "better" and is extremely bitter about his...
  16. Jolin

    With a Twist

    I'd be interested in playing Gar or Ryu :shock:
  17. Jolin

    OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

    The horse lady is still here.
  18. Jolin

    Prelude: Ebb and Flow [Whispers of Heresy]

    Name: Joleen Location: Santobal-South East Quadrant She eyes Takamichi speculatively and decides to follow him. While he busies himself helping the villagers, she goes around checking the stability of the buildings and uprooting any broken or unstable pillars.
  19. Jolin

    Prelude: Ebb and Flow [Whispers of Heresy]

    Joleen was crouched over in the corner, with her back to the buildings. She thought it was more prudent thus far to just observe, given her murderous instincts towards the Dragon-blood. "About time. The chattering was beginning to bore me. There are far too many miscreants that need a firm...
  20. Jolin

    Prelude: Ebb and Flow [Whispers of Heresy]

    Name: Joleen Location: Santobal "Enough of this mindless chatter. It is clear he only begs for his life now, so he may pursue us again another time. I say we kill him here and now and be done with it" says Joleen, while glaring at Chenow.