Dragons and Demons [Glorious Bastards]

"Lintha, once again? Leiji, it's useless to try to escape them...Direct the ship TOWARDS them! Just need something like 30 meters...

Gripping his hands, Nyusul smiles.

Nyusul rolled the following in his 7 dice:

1, 2, 9, 9, 4, 5, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.
Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 5 dice:

9, 3, 10, 6, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.
Far in the distance and beyond the island, about two or three miles from the coast, a large cylinder of red light glows in the air, several meters above the sea, barely visible from where you are.

But as the Scourge moves fast towards the harbour, it disappears behind the island.

Roll Int+Sail to understand more. Those that rolled at least 4 suxx in the previous roll get a +2.

Declare your actions.
Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 7 dice:

8, 6, 1, 1, 9, 4, 5

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.

Chu concentrates slightly harder and his boots begin to emit a soft light from each vent in it and he climbs to the railing of the ship, coiled and ready to jump, waiting for the distance between ships to close...if Leiji listen's to Nuysul. "Time to lower the pirate population of this island it seems."
Mnemon Eris rolled the following in her 2 dice:

4, 1

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in a botch. Heh...heeh.

Muahahaha-my first!! Let's celebrate with some killing!!

Without a sound, she hurls her body upwards, like an arrow, landing firmly on the mast right above Chu's head, ready for some action at last. She feels the wind surrounding her as the ship's speed increases. Things always feel better with more wind around.

The smile on her face is getting even more disturbing as combat seems to be at hand.

"Better view from up here cousin...Ready to party?"
Sighing, Chu glances back.

She was high up, again. Always hopping about, that girl. "Sure thing cousin, just as soon as they get into my range."
Nyusul rolled the following in his 4 dice:

9, 10, 10, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

"F£$%&/&$" he exclaims. "We've been spotted. I guess we have no choice but to join this fight almost naked. It's been good knowing you, short time that it was."

Join Battle roll

Iselsi Yarodu rolled the following in his 5 dice:

10, 7, 3, 9, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.
"Speak for yourself." she whispered to herself even as she dashed around her opponents, completely ignoring them and the threat they represent to instead make her way directly toward the cabins she located earlier with a swift look. She didn't have any time to waste in a fight and she didn't really care either way if they came in running right after her.

Join Battle

Wits 2 + Awareness 3 = 5 dice

5d10 → [3,2,4,10,4] = 2 successes
Still not close enough but why not.

Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 6 dice:

5, 1, 3, 8, 2, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 1 successes.
The tattooed woman draws a sabre from her side and slashes quickly against Yarodou.

#0, Tattoo, Speed 5, DV -2[/b]

Flurry: Draw Weapon + Attack

Attack on Yarodou: 3 suxx

Instead the bulky, fanged man snarls and roars in anger and jumps for Hildegarde, arms stretched towards her.

#1, Fangs, Speed 5, DV -1[/b]

Clinch Attack, 8 suxx, following with Crush if successful.

Both have DV 5, Soak 2L and Armor 5L.

I will be waiting at least for Amethyst to post again before the Bastards arrive.
Hildegarde would be daft to miss the monstrous bestial man stomping his way toward her, arms outstreched and ready to grab her in a powerful and deadly hold should her reactions be anything less than perfect.

Thankfully she is indeed and agile and swift but even a second too late could cost her dearly and she can tell as his fingers brush once against her that she cannot afford anything short of perfection, as they dance together, her barely managing to keep out of his range, she taps deep within the wellspring of excellence that is her heritage.

As she expected it is plenty enough for her to leap out of the way and leave him stumbling slightly under the force of his own assault as she take advantage of his distraction to take care of her own business, dashing past him and toward the cabin with great speed.

May the Holy Elemental Dragons be with her, she could only wonder what would happen should she come face to face with more of them inside the cabin. She did not want to resort to fisticuffs but if pressed... well, one should do well to remember that fire ought to be feared. Her gaze as steel showed her resolve even as her mind racing with every eventuality kept coming back to this one.

She wouldn't be defeated twice.

Oh no you don't![/i]

1 mote of First Dodge Excellency for 2 dice

2d10 → [10,6] = 2 successes

Effective instant Dodge DV is now 9. Let me know if I get even a single die of stunt, I don't need the die but I can always use that mote. ;3

Aside from that, now that he's done and that the woman is tied up, when it's Hildegarde's action she'll use the dash action to make her way to that cabin she spotted earlier.

Tick #2, Dash, Speed 3, DV -2

Wound Penalty: -1 (2B, 1L)
He sees the woman draw her sword and charge at him. "F£$%&/&$, F£$%&/&$, F£$%&/&$". He runs and uses his momentum to try and slide under her. The deck seems slippery enough to allow it.

My dodge dv is 9 -1 for wound and it's a Dash (Speed 3, DV -2) so dodge is 6

He slips under her and with a quick motion, jumps up and turns around. Performing a quick series of motions to offer thanks and claim guidance from the earth, sky and sea, he starts taking on aspects of all ï¬ve elements.

I activate Five-Dragon Form[/i]

My dv refreshes from the run but drops from using the charm, so dv is -2 (wound and charm). I spend 5m on activating Five-Dragon Form
"Prepare to board!" Leiji shouts. She has taken Nyusul's suggestion and directed the ship to approach the single Lintha one in the harbor. It will come up much closer than 30 meters -- close enough, in fact, for the small crew of soldiers on the Scourge to throw ropes across and cross over to the pirate ship, which seems to be involved in some kind of conflict. Of course, you never send mortals to do the job of a Dynast -- Leiji readies for combat alongside Nyusul, Chu and Eris.

This is my Int + Sail roll.

Peleps Najalin Leiji rolled the following in his 7 dice:

8, 8, 3, 3, 9, 2, 8

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.
On the Lintha Ship

Yarodou and Hildegarde reach quickly the door of the officer's quarters, below the quarter deck.

A short corridor, about five meters in length, carries straight to the captain's cabin door, that seems locked.

The corridor features two doors at each sides, all open, each opening to an officer's room.

Just next to Hildegarde, at the beginning of the corridor on the left, a tight and steep staircase leads to the lower deck... Hey, there's a real kitchen there!

The bulky man strides along the deck and plunges on the door, charging the fugitives.

Fangs, tick 5, Speed 3, DV -3[/b]


8 suxx

This is an attack against Hildegarde.

If she uses her Dodge DV, he will occupy the corridor and prevent her from entering.

In the corridor, she will suffer a -2 to her Dodge DV.

Yarodou can be either in the corridor already, or outside the door, his choice.

If in the corridor, he will be behind Hildegarde.

Remember that per house rule, a bare fist has Speed 3, this counts for clinches too.

On the Scourge

On the main deck, Thomai yells mercilessly at the men.

Chain shirts and spears!! Hurry! NOOOOOOOOW! You fucking bastards! I will use your bowels as rudder replacements! Take the ropes! Form a line! A FUCKING LINE I SAAAAAID!!!

Quickly and professionally, the soldiers of the Scarlet Empire prepare for boarding.

Screams come from the island.

The pirates seem to have noticed the Scourge as it nears their vessel and are gathering on the port.

Suddenly, a short column of flickering purple light rises from the gathering.

The water under the Lintha ship shakes and bubbles and two infernal worms emerge, twist around, screaming at the Scourge, and dive back down, swimming straight towards the Bastards.

Bastards, you are not yet in combat time.

Reaching the worms or the Lintha ship will happen when dramatically appropriate, but assume about 200m of distance.

Amethyst, you have 40 men, all equipped with chain shirt and chopping sword.

Set Mass Combat units and assign a Commander to each unit.

We are using the experimental rules for Mass Combat that I posted somewhere in the OOC.

I will post them later in the Rules thread.

Everybody tell me how you ready yourselves for the fight.

Do your worst. ^^
Chu stares at the railing of the other ship intently. He knew how far he could jump and he would simply wait until their ship was close enough for him... the boots increasing his jumping distance being a significant help.

At last, some pay back for the worm incident. He was going to cause general murder and specific vengeance.
A gentle breeze starts emanating from Eris' feet and spirals up, growing stronger, resulting in whirls of wind embracing her whole body. Increasing the jumping distance means getting there faster...and the party can start!

She feels her essence flowing, enhancing her every move, as she is getting ready for combat.

Her eyes are gleaming with excitement. A chuckle escapes her at the thought of blood painting the scenery magnificently red.

"It's been a while since we got some decent muscle stretching...Have fun cousin!"

Activating Air Aspect Anima and Air Dragon Form, 10 personal spent
At first Hildegarde almost let panic get the best of her as the man charged her again, intent on grasping her and then crushing her in his arms, or failing that, forcing her in the tight corridor. However, pressure only made her mind shine as a diamond and so she quickly ascertained the most urgent pursuit she should give her full attention to and how to realise it as she positioned herself as if she was about to fight him off. Slightly nodding to herself as she steeled herself for him, she once again calls on the grace of her heritage as she squats down to the ground, right out of the way, at the very last possible moment and shoves herself across the relatively large space between his bulky legs. Her fighting spirit had just been a feint to fool him into thinking she'd stand her ground.

If he caught her, this would be painful, she could tell, but if if worked she'd be able to at least confuse him.

Unexpectedly, it did work but she didn't give herself any time to feel relief even as she took advantage of his confusion at her being out of place to push him aside while his balance still isn't quite perfect, just hard enough for her to make it past him to that tight staircase to the left.

She felt his hand brush against her back but in the end like a slippery eel she evaded his grasp. Having done so she rushed her way down the stairs and into that kitchen she'd got a glimpse of earlier. As quickly as she could she looked over what was there, hoping to find something sharp and deadly to implement on that guy's ass. Preferably by way of cleaving. <3

After all, as she had understood earlier while under pressure, this was a Lintha kitchen, and so chances were good she'd find unusual and exotic 'kitchen knives'. If not something even better.

At the very least she hoped for a meat cleaver.

First Dodge Excellency for 2 motes

Hildegarde rolled the following in his 4 dice:

10, 5, 1, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.

Dodge DV 7 - DV Penalty 2 - Wound Penalty 1 + First Excellency 3 = 7
The large demon blood trips and rolls forward, slamming against the captain's cabin.

Oblivious to any pain, he stands up and, enraged, punches at the wall.

Then he slides his sabre from the leather rope around his waist and looks at Yarodou, waiting and grinning through his fangs.

But Hildegarde has reached the crammed quarters of the kitchen.

Looking swiftly around, she considers her options:

  • A long, sharp bread knife.
  • A large cleaver.
  • A wooden dipper.
  • A meat knife.
  • A meat tenderizer.
  • A peeler.

Outside, the tattooed pirate screams and jumps against Yarodou, both hands on the hilt, point straight against the Terrestrial.

Tattoo, #6, Speed 5, DV -2[/b]

* Jump

* Attack, (using Melee I): 10 suxx against Yarodou

Fangs, #8, Speed 5, DV -1

* Reading weapon.

Two stunt 1 for Hildegarde.

Weapons Stats:

Spd Acc Def Dam Rate
knife 5 +0 +0 +2L 3
bread knife 5 +1 +0 +1L 2
cleaver 5 +0 -1 +3L 2
dipper 5 +0 +2 +1B 2
meat knife 5 +1 -1 +1L 3
meat hammer 5 -1 -1 +0B 3
peeler 4 +3 +5 +9L 3 Piercing =P

Yarodou sees the pirate charge and a chill goes through his body. He steels himself thinking, calm yourself. You are a dragon blood. You belong to the House Iselsi. Do not shame yourself.

Weaving to and fro he tries to dodge the astounding attack. "Worthless cur! Do you think you can succeed against me? ME? Unarmed I may be. Naked I may be. By hades, I still suffer wounds from your imprisonment. But know this. By end of this day, your blood shall wash my feet and clean the filth from my body."

I spend 4m on Second Dodge Excellency for 2 successes

My dodge is 9 - 1 wound + 2 Second Dodge Excellency = 10 and attempting 1 die stunt.
The tattooed pirate's sword misses him by bare centimetres. Whoa, he thinks. "Nice sword", he exclaims. "I'll keep it as a souvenir once I have run you through with it". He clenches his fingers and they harden, taking on an almost earthy hue.

Pulling his arm back, he punches with all his might.

I spend 1m to activate Five-Dragon Force Blow and roll to see if I hit.

Iselsi Yarodu rolled the following in his 9 dice:

2, 8, 2, 4, 7, 4, 2, 9, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.
Stunt 1 for Jolin, yielding 0 suxx. Unfortunately your strike misses, by a single suxx.
At the look of the two giant worms, Nyusul is ready for battle.

"These must be his parents."

activating Mantis Form. My goal is still the lintha ship.
Quickly considering her options, Hildegarde goes straight for the meat knife. After all, it felt the most balanced of them all, it would be a bit harder for her to parry with it, but she'd rely on her capacity to avoid blows in a more direct manner. The sharp edge and good balance pleased her and it was just light enough for her to use it repeatedly in swift yet accurate motions.

Letting a bit of relief wash over her, she soon cuts this childish behavior short as she forces her way back up the stairs and into the fray, she doesn't waste time evaluating the situation more than is strictly necessary, instead taking advantage of her cover in the staircase, just before the corridor to leap onto the first victim she can find, whoever appears there first.

Considering the placement of adversaries, it would seem that the female pirate covered in tattoos would be her victim of choice, dodging Yarodou's fist as she is wont to do, only to fall prey to an attempted ambush from Hildegarde. After all, though the hulking man might be expecting her, it wasn't like the shorter woman had seen her run away down into the kitchen. Even if she had, who's to say if she expected her to make her way right back up in such a short period of time.


"If the victim is distracted by conversation or focused on some other activity, rather than casually looking around (or if the attacker is completely outside the field of her senses, as by being directly behind), the victim suffer a -2 internal penalty on this roll." Core p.155

Just so we're clear on why I'm even attempting this. <3

Hildegarde, Tick #10, Speed 5, DV -1

Dexterity 5 + Stealth 0 = 5 dice

V'neef Hildegarde rolled the following in his 5 dice:

4, 1, 8, 9, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.

Dexterity 5 + Melee 5 + Accuracy 1 + First Excellency 4 = 15 dice + 2 motes

V'neef Hildegarde rolled the following in his 15 dice:

7, 1, 7, 3, 4, 9, 1, 6, 2, 6, 6, 7, 9, 9, 3

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

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