OOC Thread: Insert clever title here [Whispers of Heresy]

Well at the reducing 1 level per twenty minutes I'm at the bare minimum anima display. Of course if we are going by scenes I'm probably still up there quite a bit.
I'll go by minutes rather than scenes, just because of the relative length it might take for a scene to play out in pbp; I will, of course, be notifying you all as to the passage time for this purpose as I update.

Also, I hope all of you are in good health (or at least better health, as the case may be)! The worst I have to deal with is allergies here in the Midwest : P
Just a reminder, I am leaving tomorrow morning and I won't be back until Sunday evening/Monday morning (if anyone is still around, that is).

For anyone kind enough, I'd appreciate some tips; this game obviously could have gone a lot smoother, but I'd like to know if there is anything I could do/change for any future games I might run.
Unless I missed something, I thought this game was still going?


I think the bigger issue was simply that this group was too large. Try to keep to the 4 or so people per group general rule. Also, I find the getting to know each other bit tends to take forever, and ends up killing games before they get going unless you get lucky. Maybe ask players to write their backgroudns then provide some more background of recent events and just tell the players that they've been working together so they should amend their backgrounds to a joint history involving your storyline and out of character chat about things so the dynamic between people gets determined quickly (or have them told to work together by a higher power they all serve).
Yeah it's still going, I didn't mean to come off like it was over. I was just noting that there were some bumps along the way (mostly to do with the fact that there are 8 people). I'm new to running pbp and Exalted both, so I'm pretty much always looking for ways to improve : P
Sorry it took so long to update, my computer was having a lot of trouble loading the site today. Don't know if the site was down or if it was just pc troubles.

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