Prelude: Ebb and Flow [Whispers of Heresy]

Delayed XP Tuesday! Because you have persisted to post, but little has happened (my fault), Rankin, Takamichi, Sabrina and Joleen each receive 1 XP.


Chenow laughs between wheezes as the group surveys their surroundings. The hour grows late, and Sol Invictus is all but resting beyond the western edge of the sky. Most villagers have returned to what remains of their homes or to those of their neighbors for the night, but the strongest men and women remain out in the streets. One by one, torches lining the streets are lit by teams of youths eager to help, providing light for the people who are committed to rebuilding even at this late hour. Scattered among the tribesmen and women are Immaculate monks, their shaved heads giving them away as outsiders, but they too -- whether out of charity or guilt -- are helping to rebuild. The streets are now well-lit, though dark shadows linger in the spaces between buildings and in shady sidestreets.

The damage to the town has been scattershot: the northwestern quadrant has been largely untouched, but the north- and southeast were heavily damaged by flame and quake. The southwest of town has minimal damages on the surface, but fire has gutted many buildings from the inside out, and they threaten to collapse. Somewhere amid this destruction, the Immaculate sybil, Ringing Bell, is tucked away. Even more insidious, cultists too lurk among the people of Santobal -- hiding, waiting, watching.

This is a new scene; another hour's worth of motes have been regained, banners/tell-tale signs have reduced accordingly. The town is open to explore, though each quadrant has its own dangers (or not) to discover!
Name: Takamichi

Location: Santobal-South East Quadrant

Moving around the south-east part of town Takamichi take his time, helping those few still at work with the building after helping them out he moves on but not before making a subtle(or what he thinks is subtle) inquiry about either the Bone Serpent or Ringing Bell.

My Essence is now back to full how about that. Also what roll if any should I make to see if I can learn anything useful.
Name: Joleen

Location: Santobal-South East Quadrant

She eyes Takamichi speculatively and decides to follow him. While he busies himself helping the villagers, she goes around checking the stability of the buildings and uprooting any broken or unstable pillars.
Name: Rankin

Location: Street in Santobal

Rankin stays seated and watches the flurry of activity about him, but does not make a move to help anymore. Sitting next to the Terrestrial, he just drinks and watches. As Takamichi moves away he speaks just loudly enough to be heard by him, "Call if you need me."
Santobal - Southeast

Takamichi and Joleen find themselves amid almost total destruction. The torches lining the streets reveal that roughly every other building has collapsed or otherwise been reduced to char and ash. There are few monks working with the villagers here, though the few that are work with compassion and intensity. There are no few injured here, waiting for the opportunity to be tended to. Those that Takamichi talks with speak willingly enough, though few seem to know much at the moment. Will wait for a roll to go into more detail.

Joleen discovers that the buildings that still stand are relatively safe. They will need to be reinforced in due time, but at the present, there is no imminent danger of collapse.

If you are subtly gathering information, Manipulation + Investigation would be required. A more direct approach, should it be desired, would use Charisma instead.

Santobal Square

Chenow looks over at Rankin. "Why stay? I'm sure it's not my sparkling wit that keeps you."
Name: Rankin

Location: Santobal Square

Rankin flashes him a quick grin and takes another swig of his rapidly diminishing supply of the fruity tasting beverage. "Oh, I'm sure you can be charming when you wish. For a son the Earth Dragon. However, I'm staying here in case of further revelations from you...or in case we need to turn the village's thirst for vengeance away from you. I know I can't find things out easily from people who wish to hide...but you're willing to help, somewhat. Simply put, I'm doing what I can for the search for your cultists, staying right here. Stopping your death or escape should you attempt to."
It is a quite direct approach he intends to be subtle but he ends up being quite direct and open so i'll go with Charisma and hope I don't get a knife in the belly.

Takamichi rolled the following in his 4 dice:

8, 4, 10, 9

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.

Location:With Tach and Joleen

Sabrina, finding watching the Dragon-blooded to be rather...well, boring, heads off after the investigating duo, and starts making a few inquiries of her own...slightly more discreetly, perhaps, than Takamichi's.

Manipulation + Investigation
Santobal - Southeast

Takamichi's overtures may be far from as subtle as he'd like them to be, but he is able to glean some information. When he brings up the subject of the cult, he is often met with ignorance, but he notices that several people in the area do their best to work hard and ignore the group when the subject is brought up. He has more success with finding about the errant monk. A nearby monk, hearing Takamichi's questions, rushes out of the longhouse he has been working in, hammer still in hand. "Is something wrong, sir? The sybil is busy to the north, but if you need it, I can be of assistance!" His youth and eagerness are readily apparent.

Sabrina's inquiries have the tact that Takamichi, in his earnestness, lacks. During the course of a conversation with a worker in the street, a voice, hoarse and low, calls to her from a longhouse whose lights have been extinguished. Her attention having been drawn away, the worker picks up several planks and carries them off down the street."You are right to be cautious in your questioning, miss. Why do seek the Serpent? Don't deny that you do, I can see it written all over your face." The man's face, half cloaked in shadow, is blank and uncertain; whatever happens next depends entirely on the way Sabrina reacts to his question.

The Square

"Oh ho, you're a cagey one, and pragmatic, too," Chenow says. "The bleeding has stopped, but even so, I'm more likely to kick off on you than to try running away. You want to keep me alive so badly, why don't you call one of those damned monks over? A handful have medical training; helps to win over the savages, you see."

Takamichi smiles at the young Monk as he answers. "I have a message for the sybil could you tell me where specifically he is? Also you wouldn't happen to have any medical training would you?"

I'm not sure I posted it but Takamichi took the bone necklace with him.
Name: Rankin

Location: Santobal - The Square

Rankin glances about and walks over to a near by monk, "Excuse me, do you know which of your order that is here is most skilled at medicine, we have an injured man in need of some expertise at putting people back together again. Please send them to that man, " he says pointing to the Terrestrial, " and hurry."

Turning and walking back after making sure the monk had heard everything, Rankin returns to the Terrestrial and examines him a little more closely.

Int + Med

Rankin rolled the following in his 6 dice:

8, 6, 8, 3, 1, 7

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.

Trying to find out what's wrong specifically and provide first aid to stop bleeding and maybe heal him a little.


Taaron had been helping a group of villagers put out the fires for the last two hours, and his cast mark has already faded (I did get the 9 motes I needed, right?). He sees one of the people who helped him fight in the battle, and decides to listen in on the conversation he's having with a monk. With a touch of effort, Taaron's senses again improve beyond mortal limits.

I use keen hearing and touch technique from personal essence.

Outside the darkened longhouse

"I seek the Serpent," Sabrina answers the Shadow Man in a low voice, "because I seek knowledge in all its forms. I don't accept what is told to me as 'good' or 'bad' knowledge; I seek it myself, learn it, and then make my own decision. I have heard some speaking of this cult as a bad thing; I wish to be educated, so that I can know the truth."

Er, bluff? Manipulation + Investigation again, I suppose

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