Prelude: Ebb and Flow [Whispers of Heresy]

Battleground Santobal

Tick 3: Rankin earns a 2 die stunt: 2, 3. No successes.

The next soldier has fear in his eyes, but his sword holds steady. Unfortunately for him, Rankin's blows come with such force that his weapon is knocked to the side with each admirable, but ultimately feeble attempt to parry.

Attack 1: 13 - 6 DV = 7. Damage: (3+4+7) - 6L = 8L: 7, 1, 4, 10, 8, 7, 2, 6. Four levels Lethal

Attack 2: 11 - 5 DV = 6. Damage: (3+4+6) - 6L = 7L: 2, 10, 2, 10, 2, 4, 7. Three levels Lethal.

Elite Soldier 1 dies.

With just two attacks, the guard is unconscious on his feet; the next two are simply overkill. Two soldiers now lie dead in the streets of Santobal, brought low by the unnaturally swift blades of Rankin Invictus.

Tick 4:

Taaron rushes at the fourth soldier, who just moments before had been flinging bottles of sorcerous fire. The soldier stands, blade at the ready, prepared for whatever this stranger might bring upon him.

Speed 5, Attack x1 (-1 DV)

Taaron rolled the following in his 14 dice: 4, 10, 7, 9, 7, 2, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 10, 8, 1. Eleven successes.

Attack: 11 - 6 DV = 5. Damage: (3+6+5) - 6L = 8L. 1, 2, 9, 2, 1, 6, 8, 7. Three Lethal levels.

The blow overwhelms the soldier, sinking into his flesh. He remains standing, though obviously in pain.

Unless Gonzu posts in the next day, I will operate under the assumption that he is guarding (Speed 3).

Tick 5: Joleen earns a 1 die stunt: 3. No successes

Joleen leaps at the fifth soldier before her, but, moving with a speed worthy of an elite soldier like himself, his blade is there to meet her claws, and he shrugs the attack off with ease. Attack: 4 - 6 DV = -2. Parried.


Tick 5: Sabrina

Tick 6: Takamichi, Reshu, Mosu, Rankin, Elite Soldiers 2, 4, and 5

Tick 7: None

Tick 8: Joleen, Unknown Terrestrial

Tick 9: Taaron
Name: Rankin Insoran

Tick: 6

Action: Move 1 yard, Attack x4, Total DV -4, speed 3

Stabbing at the soldier on the ground had been purely tactical, he coated his blades in blood and bits of cloth while Joleen takes a swing at the soldier next in line. As soon as the soldier turns to face Joleen, Rankin rushes him, loudly, making the soldier glance over for just a moment. Enough time by far for a warrior of the Fire Dragon's style. Swinging his blades and spinning like a dervish, his feet barely touching the ground, Rankin splatters the blood of the last soldier across the face of the next one and moves opposite Joleen with the soldier between them, stabbing at the soldier with brutal force before he can wipe off the blood. Using both the threat of Joleen and the previous soldier's corpse to his advantage.

I Move 1 yard to the closest soldier (ES5), I'll be exactly opposite to Joleen, so in a straight line with him and the soldier but on the other side so we're flanking him.

I'll flurry against him, attempting to stunt the attack.

Rankin rolled the following in his 19 dice:
1, 1, 4, 10, 7, 7, 2, 7, 2, 4, 9, 1, 6, 3, 8, 8, 8, 5, 2
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 9 successes.

Rankin rolled the following in his 18 dice:
4, 9, 5, 2, 8, 3, 6, 5, 10, 4, 2, 6, 2, 10, 4, 7, 2, 3
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 7 successes. [Opponent DV-1]

Rankin rolled the following in his 17 dice:
5, 3, 10, 10, 5, 1, 10, 9, 10, 3, 3, 1, 8, 10, 9, 8, 7
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 15 successes. [Opponent DV-2]

Rankin rolled the following in his 16 dice:
8, 9, 3, 9, 6, 2, 7, 7, 6, 8, 1, 9, 1, 4, 1, 6
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 7 successes. [Opponent DV-3]
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Tick: 5

Sabrina was already stepping forwards, lifting her Daiklave, when the Terrestrial so casually chopped down one of his hostages. And, for a moment, she freezes, despite knowing what the followers of the Realm were capable of, seeing it always gave her pause, for worry....

Then she hefted her Grand Daiklave higher, and looked the Terrestrial straight in the eye.

"You are the blasphemer here, and the true Anathema!" she shouts a the top of her voice. "You want this town? Come and take it!"

Lunging forwards, she charges in at an angle, almost aiming more torwards one of the buildings, then leaping off the ground, one foot darting out to redirect her path off the front wall of the longhouse, her blade flashing out as she rebounds torwards one of the soldiers...

going around to the right of ES4 and ES2, and attacking ES2
Battleground Santobal

Tick 5:

Sabrina gains a 2 die stunt: 8, 8. Two additional successes

The second soldier's eyes widen at the mention of Anathema and at the sight of Sabrina's massive blade, but he nevertheless valiantly attempts to parry the attack. It does not go well for him: the hardened Orichalcum blade shatters the soldier's inferior chopping sword, and he takes a long, painful slice across his chest and midsection. He falls under the weight of the blow, his consciousness snuffed like a candle. The soldier lives yet, but in the heat of battle, it likely won't last long.

Attack: Dex+Melee+Acc = 12. 1, 6, 9, 6, 5, 8, 10, 9, 3, 4, 6, 10. Seven successes.

9 suxx total - 6 DV = 3. Damage: (3+12+3) - 3L = 15. 10, 9, 2, 4, 6, 3, 6, 9, 4, 1, 4, 8, 10, 4, 10. Six levels lethal.

Elite Soldier 2 is incapacitated.

Tick 6 will commence once the players acting respond.

Tick 6: Takamichi, Reshu, Mosu, Rankin, Elite Soldiers 4 and 5

Tick 7: None

Tick 8: Joleen, Unknown Terrestrial

Tick 9: Taaron

Tick 10: Sabrina
Mosu - Tick 5 - Actions: Dash to the DB, Attack x1; Total Speed 4, DV -3

Though he expected to see blood, Mosu just witnessed something he could not exactly understand. It was him and his sudden companions (who... seem more than human) that drew their weapons and intended to strike the soldiers down. What was the point in killing a helpless villager, here? He was already held hostage. He was too weak to be of any threat to the Terrestrial. Yet, he chose to kill the pitiful man--instead of protecting his underlings. They were pathetically being slashed away by these strangers. He had heard of their lunatic decadence, but this is not only unacceptable, this is insensible and pointl---

Mosu's attempt at reason was suspended when he realized that, with his sword cutting through the raindrops, he was charging at the Realm commander. In honesty, his conviction faltered in the usefulness of this action. But no matter. It was his heart that moved him this way and he was sure this was just--and that's all the mattered. Creation desires just vengeance.

Trusting the justice of karma and feeling the Unconquered Sun's Essence through the veins, Mosu leaped from the muddy ground and swung his sword at the Terrestrial's throat. The Damascene ripples of Nayutaya reflected the fires and seemed to dance, slowly, across the air.

Mosu's dashing through the engagement right in front of his eyes and towards the Terrestrial. He's got Compassion 4 (which he's channeling for this roll) and the vengeance of the villager and the safety of others is more important than his safety or combat effectiveness. 

Making a two action flurry here--dashing head on towards and then attacking the DB. Channeling Compassion with a point of Willpower (that's acceptable with the description, right?) and spending 6 motes on First Melee Excellency. (Dex 3 + Melee 3) x 2 + Acc 3 + Compassion 4 - Split action penalty 3 = Total pool of 16.

Mosu rolled the following in his 16 dice:
7, 10, 8, 9, 5, 10, 4, 4, 7, 8, 1, 1, 10, 3, 8, 5
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 12 successes.

Mosu now has 3 Compassion channels, 6 temporary Willpower and 7 personal motes left.
Takamichi: Action Dash 11 yards toward the Dragonblood followed by jumping the remaining 4 yards and finally attacking him. Speed 5 DV -4.

Flying into a rage at the slaughter of his kinsmen Takamichi pounces on the filthy DragonBlood. His blood racing with the righteous anger of a Lawgiver he screams, "Die you bastard!" and his blade carves an arc toward the filthy dastard.

 Channeling Valor and saving my charm for defense.

Takamichi rolled the following in his 15 dice:
5, 8, 6, 1, 4, 8, 3, 7, 10, 9, 8, 8, 9, 10, 3
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 11 successes
Name: Gonzu

He couldn't help cringing at the sight of the murder. Sure, there we go again, further reason for him to believe on the unfairness of the Dragons. No respect for those below them, whenever on their side or not. Most of the ones he had seen just came in, talked loud, bashed heads and stormed out, let the rest of them sort out the mess afterwards. Why, he--

No, wait. the younger ones have him, it seems. they had (suspiciously) taken care of most soldiers on a surprinsigly good way...

"Still, i guess it's time to finally move" he laughed as he approached a nearby soldier, focusing his newfound power on his arms.

He checked the soldier a bit "You'll do nicely" and then sending a direct blow at his face.

Activating supplemental charm Fist of Iron Technique, then attacking ES4 (unsure if that needs a dash action)

If i'm not mistaken that's Dexterity 4 + MA 5 + Accuracy 2

Would appreciate it if there's a bit more explanation regarding the DV's
It is XP Monday! Because I forgot last week, please add 4 XP each to your sheets.

Battleground Santobal

Tick 4:
Gonzu earns a 1 die stunt: 7. One extra success.

Speed 5, Attack x1 (DV -1)

Bracing for the blow, the soldier before Gonzu desperately attempts to jump out of the way, hoping to evade the crazy-looking man's attack. It does not have the desired effect, however, as Gonzu lands a blow directly in the center of the soldier's chest. The resounding clang of fist on metal goes into the air, and, astonished at the force of the blow, the soldier loses his air momentarily. The soldier remains standing, though he has obviously been injured by the attack, and reels a bit on the battlefield.

Attack: 7, 5, 8, 10, 9, 4, 10, 7, 7, 9, 8 = (11 succeses + 1) - 3 DV = 9. Hit.

Damage: (3+2+9) - 6L = 8: 4, 10, 6, 4, 5, 10, 9, 1. Three levels Lethal

Elite Soldier 4 remains standing.

Tick 6:

Reshu takes no action at this juncture, instead preparing his defenses, should one of the soldiers decide to attack him. Speed 3, DV -0

Mosu dashes, closing by more than half the distance between him and the murderous Dynast. Speed 3, DV -2

Takamichi, on the other hand, manages to close the gap entirely. The Terrestrial, moving with spectacular, and perhaps Essence fueled ease ease, twirls the Dire Lance in his hands until he is holding the long shaft horizontally in front of him, ready to block the coming attack. The pressure of the sword strike is too much for the massive Dynast, however, and the Reaper Daiklave makes a slight scratch in the white Jade of the Dynast's breastplate. "Hahahahaha!" the Dynast laughs. "Pitiful Anathema! You will have to try harder than that if you wish to injure the mighty Cathak Chenow!"

Takamichi earns a 1 die stunt: 9. One additional success.

Attack: 12 - 10 DV = 2. Hit

Damage: (3+4+2) - 10L = -1. Attack only does minimum damage 2: 6, 4. No successes.

Rankin comes upon the fifth soldier with the same deadly speed and grace as he did the previous two, and once more, the onslaught proves to be too much. The soldier lies dead at Rankin and Joleen's feet, the dirt now soaking up his blood.

Rankin earns a 2 die stunt: 7, 9. Two successes.

Attack 1: 11 - 6 DV = 5. Damage: (3+4+5) - 6L = 6: 1, 6, 8, 9, 7, 5. Three levels Lethal.

Attack 2: 7 - 4 DV = 2. Damage: (3+4+2) - 6L = 3: 10, 10, 4. Two levels Lethal.

Attack 3: 15 - 2 DV = 13. Damage = (3+4+13) - 6L = 14: 4, 10, 7, 7, 9, 5, 4, 5, 4, 9, 10, 5, 1, 2. Six levels Lethal.

Elite Soldier 5 dies.

Elite Soldier 4, not very pleased that he was attacked, retaliates. He swings his sword at Gonzu, though the pain of his injuries hamper his movements.

Elite Soldier 4, attack x1 (-1 DV), speed 4

Dexterity+Melee+Accuracy = 15: 4, 7, 1, 4, 7, 2, 4, 7, 8, 4, 7, 5, 7, 10, 4. Eight successes.

Tick 7:

Rushing out of one of the longhouses to the east of the market square, two more soldiers appear, roughly 8 yards from the assembled Solars.

Elite Soldier 6 joins battle: 7, 4, 9, 5, 7, 2. Three successes.

Elite Soldier 7 joins battle: 1, 5, 10, 9, 7, 8. Five successes.

Tick Order:

Tick 8: Joleen, Unknown Terrestrial

Tick 9: Taaron, Rankin, Mosu, Gonzu

Tick 10: Sabrina, Takamichi, Elite Soldier 4

Tick 11: Elite Soldier 6

Tick 12: none

Tick 13: Elite Soldier 7
Name: Rankin Insoran

Tick: 9

Action: Move 4 yards, Jump 2 yards, attack x4, Speed 5, DV -5

Glancing at the new soldiers, Rankin grins slightly to himself. Always more with the Dragonblooded. More artifacts, more lands, more people...their greed gives them every advantage, except the pure awesome power of being a Solar, that is.

Grinning gruesomely he turns from the corpse of the last soldier he handled and crouches low for a moment before rushing toward the remaining soldier while the corpse of the second falls from Joleen's attack, just before getting there, he leaps over the soldier, cartwheeling his body so his head and more importantly, his arms always face toward the soldier and swinging his blades through the intense movement. Rankin uses his Sight Robbing Solar Flare to flash light into the poor man's eyes, lighting up his anima for just a moment, distracting the soldier before he can even get used to being in the battle.

I'll flurry against the one left standing.
I'll activate my combo Sight Robbing Solar Flare. Spending 16m + 1WP from personal (spent as peripheral) to add 4 dice to each attack.

Agains ES 6:

Attack 1 : 13 successes

Attack 2 : 6 successes [Opponent DV-1]

Attack 3 : 11 successes [Opponent DV-2]

Attack 4 : 12 successes [Opponent DV-3]
Name: Joleen Ires

Action: Move 6 yards, Attack x4, Total DV -4, speed 3

Joleen sneers at the soldier cooling at her heels. "Death by daiklave.....heh. Perhaps you'll be more time."

Glancing around she sees two new soldiers. "Ahh. More accidents waiting to happen. Lets not keep them waiting shall we, Rankin?

I attack ES7

Joleen Ires rolled the following in his 14 dice:
1, 2, 8, 1, 5, 5, 7, 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 10, 7
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 8 successes.

Joleen Ires rolled the following in his 13 dice:
6, 4, 9, 7, 1, 5, 2, 7, 7, 7, 8, 10, 5
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 8 successes.

Joleen Ires rolled the following in his 12 dice:
6, 9, 2, 5, 9, 3, 10, 1, 3, 8, 7, 6
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

Joleen Ires rolled the following in his 11 dice:
3, 10, 5, 5, 5, 1, 6, 5, 9, 8, 6
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes.
Name: Takamichi

Tick: 10

Action: Activate Dancing Flame Method, Speed 4, DV -1

"Harder you say? Is this hard enough for you?" Takamichi's anima bursts forth in all it's glory shining totemic for a moment before being devoured by a pure white flame of Solar glory. Then as his weapon erupts into white flame and he unleashes a barrage of essence driven attacks at the horrid beast before him.

Just a note The Terresterial will act before this and against that my DV will still be -4 and I will be free to use whatever Charms I want to defend.

Spending 15 motes of Peripheral Essence to buy three attacks with Peony Blossom Attack each with three dice added to them by Essence Overwhelming.

First Attack:
Takamichi rolled the following in his 20 dice:
4, 9, 7, 2, 1, 1, 8, 1, 10, 5, 7, 5, 6, 9, 6, 1, 10, 3, 9, 7
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 11 successes.

Second Attack(-1 to Terrestrial's DV due to Onslaught Penalty)
Takamichi rolled the following in his 20 dice:
6, 4, 4, 9, 10, 10, 1, 9, 6, 5, 7, 3, 3, 2, 2, 6, 10, 10, 8, 3
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 12 successes.

Third Attack(-2 to Terrestrial's DV due to Onslaught Penalty)
Takamichi rolled the following in his 20 dice:
8, 1, 4, 3, 5, 10, 8, 7, 5, 9, 8, 3, 8, 8, 6, 8, 4, 1, 5, 4
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 10 successes.

Tick 9

Taaron sees the Terestrial kill the defenseless man. Memories of the senseless bloodshed from his own past enter the back of his mind, not fully coalescing, only half way into his conscious mind. In an instant his vision goes red, anger overflowing him.

"Damn it all!" he yells and rises his sword above his head. A white-gold radiance envelops him entirely, centered on his brow and his sword. In an instant, he brings the blade down on the soldier with seemingly impossible speed.

I use 8 motes of peripheral essence on first melee excellency to attack ES4.

4 dex + 4 melee + 2 spec + 4 accuracy + 8 excellency = 22


1, 3, 5, 9, 7, 6, 7, 1, 8, 3, 7, 10, 7, 6, 8, 3, 8, 4, 7, 3, 1, 1 = 11 successes.

Battleground Santobal

Tick 8:

"It would seem you have not had your fill of death, heathens!" Chenow cries. "Do you really wish to see all your companions die?"

The Dynast whips the Dire Lance about with frightening grace, striking down and killing two of the remaining three captives. All the while, his eyes are locked on Takamichi, a vile smirk splayed on his fat face, the sort of look a childhood bully might have as he breaks his victim's favorite plaything.

Cathak Chenow flurries, Attack x2 (DV -2), Speed 4. Two Captive Villagers die.

At the same time, Joleen rushes for one of the recently appeared soldiers. He shouts something indecipherable, a wordless cry of rage, as he haplessly attempts to parry the madwoman's claws. Each time his sword is beaten back, until he is eventually struck down.

Attack 1: 8 - 6 DV = 2. Damage: (4+5+2) - 6L = 5. 3, 2, 7, 4, 7. Two levels Lethal.

Attack 2: 8 - 4 DV = 4. Damage: (4+5+4) - 6L = 7. 8, 5, 4, 5, 3, 2, 2. One level Lethal.

Attack 3: 6 - 3 DV = 3. Damage: (4+5+3) - 6L = 6. 10, 7, 5, 10, 10, 6. Four levels Lethal.

Elite Soldier 7 dies.

Tick 9:

Taaron's attack utterly overwhelms the already injured soldier, briefly enveloping the invader in the white-gold flames of Essence that had sheathed the Daiklave just moments before. He falls to ground, dead.

Taaron earns a 1 die stunt: 10. Two additional successes.

Attack: 13 - 2 DV = 11. Damage: (3+6+11) - 6L = 14. 3, 2, 2, 7, 4, 6, 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 7, 4, 5. Four Levels Lethal.

Elite Soldier 4 dies.

Mosu leaps toward the mounted Dynast, who attempts to block with the massive jade lance, but something goes terribly wrong. Mosu's blow lands with force, knocking the Dragon-blood clear off his mount. The fat Dynast is nimble, however, and manages to land on his feet. Despite falling off the horse, Chenow appears unharmed. "Filthy cur!" he spits. "You will all pay for this."

Attack: 12 - 4 DV = 8. Damage: (2+3+8) - 10L = 1; Attack does minimum, 2 dice. 1, 5. Zero levels Lethal.

Rankin, a veritable whirlwind of destruction, alights upon the unfortunate soldier with fury, and the poor fellow can only watch with dismay as time and time again his parries are bested. He holds his own against the unstoppable force of the blows, or at least, he holds up better than his comrades did. His wounds only grow with each attack, and by the end of the onslaught, the soldier can't even lift his own weapon to defend himself. The fourth blow comes down with great force, dropping the soldier like a sack of rocks.

Rankin earns a 1 die stunt: 2. No additional successes.

Attack 1: 13 - 6 DV = 7. Damage (3+4+7) - 6L = 8 = 8, 1, 4, 10, 1, 6, 8, 3. Three Levels Lethal.

Attack 2: 6 - 4 DV = 2. Damage (3+4+2) - 6L = 2 = 3, 7. One level Lethal.

Attack 3: 11 - 3 DV = 8. Damage (3+4+8) - 6L = 9 = 3, 2, 10, 1, 6, 6, 2, 3, 7. Two levels Lethal.

Attack 4: 12 - 0 DV = 12. Damage (3+4+12) - 6L = 13 = 10, 9, 2, 7, 7, 8, 2, 4, 2, 8, 4, 4, 5. Six levels Lethal.

Elite Soldier 6 dies.

Madmal, we are also waiting for your next action.

Tick Order:

Tick 9: Rankin, Gonzu

Tick 10: Sabrina, Takamichi

Tick 11: Joleen

Tick 12: Cathak Chenow

Tick 13: Mosu

Tick 14: Taaron

I've edited my previous post for tick 9 to fit the changes. I'll just use all my attacks against the remaining soldier instead. Also, I'll be acting on tick 14 again.
Name: Gonzu

Tick 9

Gonzu steps aside, letting the blade hit the air and walks foward. He doesn't turn even after that soldier is killed.

So, ole cousin was up to it again. He could only wonder how had he managed to escape the stick after the disaster that costed him his previous troops. Maybe the army indeed liked the bullies.

The once fractured bones were aching again, one spiteful side of his brain claiming for his blood.

Why, fate? that was the question. In a way, he had died that day. No more need for trying to act like a whipped dog, getting pushed around on an attempt to find some degree of peace.

He didn't desired a confrontation. Chenow had broken many arms, and Gonzu no longer had that neat appearance and tidy beard necessary for any respectable soldier that was expected to lick the soles off their commander.

He gave a glance at the last captured villager caught in the fray, between the sudden radiance blowing though the field. There were more important things than some petty desires for retribution.

Moving towards the last captured villager, will dash if necessary.
Name: Joleen Ires

Action: Tick 11, Move 6 yards, jump 3 yards, Attack x4, Total DV -5, speed 5

Finally having dealt wth the minions, Joleen turns to the terrestrial. When a quick glance confirmed that even more villagers had died, she could no longer contain her anger.

With Takamichi's weapon flaring a white flame and Rankin lighting up everything 9 feet around him, even considering stealth was laughable. Keeping the horse between her and the Terrestrial, she starts running. Speed was essential to what she was planning.

Closer and closer she got to the horse, until finally having built up enough speed, she JUMPS. Banner flaring behind her like the exhaust of a comet, Joleen jumps over the horse and lands behind the terrestrial.

"Nice armor. Let's see how hard the man underneath it is."

Her anima flares and tinges blue for a moment as her claws stab toward him...and almost turns ethereal and translucent, poking, stabbing at the very flow of essence within him. It slips right through the armor the Cathak wears.

I attack joooo RAWR!!. Just trying to stunt my attack.

I activate Drowning in Blood charm and apply it to each attack, spending 16m from peripheral.

Joleen Ires rolled the following in his 14 dice:
2, 10, 6, 8, 9, 5, 7, 4, 3, 1, 6, 5, 2, 1
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

Joleen Ires rolled the following in his 13 dice:
9, 1, 8, 3, 5, 5, 6, 1, 10, 9, 4, 7, 6
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

Joleen Ires rolled the following in his 12 dice:
2, 4, 3, 10, 2, 9, 5, 1, 4, 2, 7, 9
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.

Joleen Ires rolled the following in his 11 dice:
9, 1, 10, 10, 2, 9, 8, 10, 3, 2, 8
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 10 successes.

Would I be correct in assuming the Terrestrial has a -2DV right now? I may not end up doing anything depending on what Sabrina and Takamichi does.
Battleground Santobal

Tick 9:

Gonzu dashes to the last captive, who is bound hand and foot. With Chenow knocked off his horse and dealing with two of the "Anathema," there is little that would prevent Gonzu from helping the villager. (Speed 3, DV -2)

The bindings on the villager can either be cut with a blade, or undone with a Dexterity+Larceny roll; both Speed 5 actions with a -1 DV penalty.

Tick 10:

Fueled by Essence, Takamichi's attacks the Terrestrial with great fury. Chenow responds in kind: as he swings his mighty lance to meet each blow, a shining, golden-white Essence-sculpted mountain erupts around him, accompanied by the roar of a rockslide. With the Cathak's anima banner in full swing, the ground begins to shake slightly. Takamichi's blade knocks the lance aside each time, and to the Dynast's shock, two of the blows find a chink in the armor, staining the polished, white surface of his breastplate with red blood. Chenow lets out a roar of something between rage and horror. "You will pay for this, worthless cur!"

Attack 1: 11 - 9 DV = 2. (3+4+2) - 10L = Minimum damage: 2 = 3, 2. No damage.

Attack 2: 12 - 8 DV = 4. (3+4+4) - 10L = Min dmg: 2 = 10, 10. Two levels Lethal.

Attack 3: 10 - 6 DV = 4. (3+4+4) - 10L = Min dmg: 2 = 4, 8. One level Lethal.

Cathak Chenow remains standing.

Chenow's anima flux is in effect; staying on the battlefield too long will cause players to take damage.

Tick Order:

Tick 10: Sabrina

Tick 11: Joleen

Tick 12: Cathak Chenow, Gonzu, Rankin

Tick 13: Mosu

Tick 14: Taaron, Takamichi

Jolin, Chenow had a -2 DV penalty going into this round; needless to say, it is higher now that Takamichi has worn him down a bit.
Tick 10


Taking a quick look around at the battlefield, seeing Gonzu carrying off the surviving hostage and all of the soldiers down, Sabrina turns torwards the Terrestrial, in time for to see his anima flare.

And she shakes her head, scowling, as she shifts from one foot to the other, balancing her weapon as she prepares to charge. "I don't think we'll be paying for this, Chewed-up," she shouts, taunting, as she hefts her Daiklave over her head and starts to run torwards the Dynast, her caste mark beginning to glow brightly as she channels her Essence into her attack. "Or then again maybe we will - with your Dragon's blood!"

Aiming her trajectory to pass between Mosu and Taaron, she raises her giant blade to bring it crashing down upon Chenow's head!

Spending 9 motes of peripheral essence on the First Melee Excellency (Dex 4+Melee 5) and attacking Chenow
It's Monday again! 2 XP for all the lovely folks still with us!

Tick 10:

The great mass of Sabrina's daiklave rises like a flashing, metal tsunami, beating back the Dynast's defenses. Such is the power of the blow that the portly, powerful man is brought momentarily to his knees. Such an attack, if taken by any other person, would have outright killed its victim, and yet Chenow inexplicably rises to his feet once again, and as he does so, the earth begins, unmistakably, to rumble a bit harder. He opens his mouth to speak, but instead, a gout of blood rushes forth. He spits the blood still in his mouth into the dirt, and smiles a wide, madman's grin with glistening red-brown stained teeth. "That one hurt, Yozi dog!" he cries, "and yet, you still cannot slay a Prince of the Earth!"

Sabrina earns a 1 die stunt: 3. No additional successes.

Attack 1: 6, 3, 3, 9, 2, 7, 3, 8, 2, 2, 7, 1, 8, 8, 9, 8, 10, 2, 5, 5. Ten Successes.

10 - 7 DV = 3. Damage: (3+12+3) - 5L(Piercing attack) = 13. 4, 9, 10, 10, 5, 10, 8, 1, 6, 7, 7, 6, 4. Seven levels lethal.

Cathak Chenow remains standing.

Chenow's anima flux is growing stronger.

Tick 11:

Joleen's defiant cry alerts the injured Dynast just in time for him to react. Calling upon his inner reserves of strength, he manages to move with preternatural grace, but even this is not enough to avoid the Bronze Tiger's attacks. Chenow finds them unavoidable, at least, in his current state. The latter two attacks take hold; the flows of Essence coursing through Joleen's fists divert the course of the Dynast's blood, forcing it into his lungs. With a cough, Chenow hacks up a sticky red mess as he struggles to breathe. He cannot even come up with a sneering insult.

Joleen earns a 2 die stunt: 5, 8. One additional success.

Attack1: 6successes - 5 DV = 1.

Attack 2: 6 - 4 DV = 2.

Attack 3: 5 - 3 DV = 2.

Attack 4: 10 - 2 DV = 8.

Opposed roll, (Joleen 9 vs Chenow 7) x4:

Attack 1: (6, 3, 9, 6, 9, 8, 10, 5, 8) Six vs (8, 5, 6, 6, 6, 3, 10) Three. Joleen wins.

Attack 2: (1, 10, 2, 5, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1) Four vs (4, 9, 7, 1, 8, 5, 9) Four. Chenow wins.

Attack 3: (2, 4, 2, 5, 1, 7, 8, 1, 7) Three vs (4, 7, 8, 5, 5, 7, 9) Four. Chenow wins.

Attack 4: (3, 9, 4, 8, 9, 1, 2, 7, 9) Five vs (6, 2, 7, 2, 9, 7, 1) Three. Joleen wins.

Chenow acts at Stamina 2 for two actions, and Stamina 3 for one additional action.

Tick 12:

Knowing when he is beaten, Chenow, ever the consummate coward, falls to his knees before the Solars. "I yield!" he cries, coughing up blood all the while. "My life is forfeit, but spare me please! I will tell you whatever you want! I will leave and never tell Command where you are!" The look of abject desperation on Chenow's face is would be pitiful if he were not so monstrous. "Your cult will be safe; just please, let me live."

Tick Order:

Tick 12: Gonzu, Rankin

Tick 13: Mosu

Tick 14: Taaron, Takamichi, Joleen

Tick 15: Sabrina

Tick 16: None

Tick 17: Cathak Chenow
Name: Rankin Insoran

Tick: 12

Action: Dash and attack suppourt structures [Misc. action] Speed 5, DV -2.

Wiping off some stray blood, Rankin glances around at the carnage. Bodies strew the House of Hospitality and the remorseless pack now stood around the Terrestrial, ready to mete out justice and revenge in equal parts. "Well, they've got it under control I think." he murmurs to himself before looking at the buildings around him. Fires were growing, soon they'd jump between buildings and spread.

Without thinking it through as well as he maybe should have, Rankin dashes towards the closest building on fire. The one that was behind the last soldier to fall from his unrelenting advance. Jumping in, he swivels about the room and comes to a decision. The support beams, a few well placed cuts here and there...the building would collapse in and on itself and smother the fire within. Protected by his Solar Anima, the Anima of a Twilight, the flames barely touch him at all. Attacking from the the back of the building forwards, he jumps out after completing his attack run on the structure and jumps out as it begins to collapse.

Dust billows out and as it settles, Rankin's form becomes visible once more. He glances back, checking to see if his plan worked. A smile briefly forms before he glances at the building next to it, also burning down, the fight wasn't over yet.

Rankin rolled the following in his 8 dice:
9, 3, 8, 2, 1, 9, 8, 8
Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.
Name: Takamichi

Location: The road of the battle

Takamichi sheaths his blade and looks down upon the surrendering Terrestrial anima still flaring. "Before we agree to release you let alone allow you to live you will answer our questions. Why did you come here and slaughter these people? I can hardly believe you did it merely for the joy of killing."

This posts assumes combat time has ended, after all if we decide to kill him we can just start it up again.
Name: Gonzu

Tick: 12

Action: Attempt to undo the feet of the prisioner

After hearing Chenow's pleas, he wasn't sure to laugh or pity, so he just subtly shook his head, and focused on the task at hand, still wary of any other "surprises".

"Now now, you keep still, i'm going to take care of the feet first so you can stand properly"

Dexterity(4)+ Larceny(2)

And yes, i'm not untying the arms yet.
Name: Sabrina

Location: The road of the battle

"If you want to live," Sabrina growls, raising her Daiklave a bit once more, "you'll tell us everything you know, starting with why you felt the need to burn these innocent people in their homes and then hide behind your soldiers killing hostages."

Attempting to intimdate and get a truthful answer. If that's even possible.
Santobal - Aftermath

With Chenow offering his surrender, what few soldiers lingered in town run off into the night, leaving burning buildings and sobbing villagers in their wake. The earth, still shaking from the flux of the Dynast's uncontrolled anima, threatens the structure of the buildings that remain and the health of frailer villagers, but the Exalted have naught to fear from this elemental imbalance.

The one captive villager that remains shakily gets to his feet as Gonzu undoes the bindings around the unfortunate soul's feet. "Bless your heart, sir. I was ready to die tonight, but I am saved instead! Thank you!" The man's voice trembles with fear and awe as he says this; he has seen and felt Dragon-blooded presence before, but the sight of these new glowing figures before him is another thing entirely.

Rankin, meanwhile, picks out the worst affected building, almost entirely consumed by flame, and sets about putting it out. With a few well placed strikes, the Twilight is in and out of the longhouse well before the weakened supports collapse. As the longhouse falls, a gout of embers and glowing sparks fly high into the air; if nearby villages were not yet aware that Santobal was under attack, this would surely be a signal to them that danger had found a home here. The force of the collapse, and the sudden lack of oxygen fueling the flames is enough to put out most of the fire in this particular building, though a number of small, insignificant fires flicker dramatically atop the ruined heap.

Against this backdrop, Cathak Chenow grovels before Takamichi and Sabrina. His body is racked with convulsions as he coughs up the last of the blood in his lungs, only lending to how pathetic he now seems. Responding to Sabrina's impassioned cry first, he sputters, "I would hardly call these people innocent, not any less so than I would call you innocent, Anathema. These people brought this battle to their doorsteps." He spits with contempt, and in the firelight, it is still painfully obvious that it is more blood than saliva. "You are all heretics, servants to demons and false gods, and in your infinite maliciousness, two scales of my men were slain, including a cousin of mine. He was none too dear to me, but honor dictates that I take vengeance upon those responsible."

Chenow writhes in pain for a moment before continuing."What few of my intelligence officers that remained traced the attack to a fringe cult, and that cult was ultimately traced to this village, leading me, of course, to you foul creatures." He sighs, though beaten as he is, it sounds more like a death rattle. "Is that acceptable to you?" he sneers. "Have I justified myself to your satisfaction?"
Takamichi takes this all in his face growing darker at the mention of demons. "Stay calm I still have got more questions: This cult you found, who were they worshiping? Was it as you say a 'False God' or was it something else? Perhaps a denizen of Malfeas?"

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