Prelude: Ebb and Flow [Whispers of Heresy]

Name: Renshu

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Renshu nodded as he stepped to the side to allow the strangers entrance, before returning to the space he was sitting at and staring, letting his eyes search each of the others features, trying to glean some understanding of their purpose... What were so many outsiders doing in this small village at once like this? And they didn't seem to be traveling together. It was almost a frightening thought, as he wondered if this was the start of some great evil...

He already disliked the Realm's presence in the nation. Their monks traveled around and disrupted so much of their lives, and their preaching also often created more trouble with local spirits and gods and through that the villages. It seemed he spent most of his time trying to keep the local worship alive and tending to relationships between them and mortals than he did anything else.

"The locals are very kind, and always offer what they can to strangers and visitors." He would speak, if anyone would hear him.
Taaron - Hall of Hospitality

With a rush of energy, Essence is consumed; with his newly boosted senses, the tingle of dissipating Essence runs through him like an electrical aftershock. The rain outside, already a pleasant white noise, is now loud enough to be the steady rushing of the surf. Voices within the building ring louder and clearer than any bell, and even the conversation of the merchants outside can be heard as though he were there next to them.

Unless I note otherwise, consider anything said in the following posts to be audible to you, as well as whatever speech is in the posts between your activation of the Charm and this one. When the scene (and the Charm) ends, I will let you know, if I feel it might be unclear. Also, as far as mote expenditure goes, you should keep track of it, if only so you can keep an accurate gauge on your power levels. I will also try to keep track and make sure that discrepancies don't arise.

Joleen - Hall Foyer

The woman nods. "Yes, madame, there is a communal bath house in town; if you would care to go, I would be happy to show you the way."

If you want, take your next action from the bath house, or stick around in the Hall if you don't feel like being naked in public. Either way :)

Gonzu - Town Square

Everyone else having left but Gonzu, who had been there for some time anyway, the merchants quickly go back to being bored and begin to gossip.

"I still say they could be from the Realm," says the brazen merchant. "'S been a lot of strange stuff goin' on lately. My cousin Shikami, he says some crackpot-lookin' group of Realm soldiers stopped his caravan last week talkin' something weird about traitors and treacherous curs and what not. I don't know 'bout you guys, but that group looks pretty crackpot to me."

"Shut up, Chuma," says the friendly merchant, his friendliness gone. "Yer the one who's crackpot, if'n ya think that lot are Realm soldiers. By Taknaht, the only person who came through here today looking anything like a decent fighter was a tribesman like us!"

"Maybe so," Chuma says, and falls silent for a moment. "Say, Mari," he asks the (not-so-) friendly merchant, "Whaddya think the new monks 'll be like? I hope they're as unobtrusive as the ones we got now."

"Unobtrusive? You only got one in your house! Try living with four. Sure, they're polite enough, but they can go to Malfeas for all I care," Mari spits.

Sabrina, Rankin, Mosu, Takamichi, Renshu - Hall of Hospitality, Communal Area

The Hostess of the Hall refreshes Mosu's tea as if she could tell just by looking at him that he wants more. "It's called jinja tea, sir," she says with a smile, sensing his question. "We brew it with a mixture of tea leaves and local herbs." She then hurries to a small room at the opposite end of the hall, presumably the kitchen to oversee the cooking of supper.
Mosu - Hall of Hospitality, Communal Area

"'Jinja', I see..." Mosu mumbles to himself. Then, he turns his attention to Renshu. "It seems as such. I have been here for no more than a few days, yet surrounded by such warm-hearted folks, I may end up settling down here", says Mosu, with a light smile. "To hold outsiders at such high esteem in these dangerous times, the Mahnakee people must be very strong in spirit."
Name: Renshu

Location: Hall of Hospitality

"It's the spirit of Hospitality, a deeply rooted tradition of providing haven for people of Creation from the harshness of nature. By doing this, they also invite kindness and consideration from Creation... Unfortunately, there are those who take advantage of such kindly offerings and press further in than many would comfortably allow." He said with a smile and nod towards Mosu as he gently sank back down into his seat, his fingers intertwining beneath his chin to prop his head up.

"Fortunately though, this tradition is still shared by many of the tribes, and provides comfort to one who travels constantly."
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Location: The Hall of Hospitality

Nodding politely to the Hostess as she explains the Hall, Sabrina chooses a room for her own, and quietly places her belongings in it, removing her rain-soaked clothes and carefully hanging them to dry.

She then pauses, standing in the apartment without a word, without a movement, closing her eyes and listening to the sound of the rain drumming on the roof. Her mind slipping back to her mortal youth, of spending time with her sister, playing in the rain, the sound of its pounding in the night being one of her earliest, fondest memories...

Shaking her head, she pushes the memory back, and pulls dry clothes from her pack, slipping them on, before exiting her chosen apartment back into the main Hall, in time to overhear the ongoing discussion.

"A small comfort, perhaps," the red-haired, greenish-brown-eyed woman observes, "but many small comforts can add up, and sometimes any small comfort is welcome."
Name: Takamichi

Location: Hall of Hospitality

After finding a suitable room for himself Takamichi returns to the Foyer in time to hear Sabrina's comment, "To one who has experienced scrounging for grubs in the wild and sleeping under a bush no comfort is small. Of course some comforts are larger then others but the things most people consider 'small comforts' are amazingly large."
Name: Jolin Ires

Location: Bath House

Joleen takes a nice long bath at the communal bath house and walks back to the Hospitality Foyer. "Thank you", she says to the woman. "That was very relaxing. Do you require any help with anything?"
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: Hall of Hospitality/Room 3

While he had noticed many times over that he could go for days without rest if needed, it still annoyed Rankin to do so. Thus it was that though he was not even close to feeling tired just yet, he decided to go back to his room after some tea and enough food to satisfy him till the evening.

Also better for his intended idea of being relatively unnoticed. He was a fairly perceptive man and the talk of monks in the hall bothered him, it was time to keep a lower profile than he had been. Simply covering himself with a cloak and hat wasn't going to work as well with those monks if any were Dynasts.
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Location: Hall of Hospitality

"Correct, however doing without even 'small comforts' can, for a time at least, be quite invigourating." Sabrina nods to Takamichi in acknowledgement. "However the longer one goes without, the more satisfying it is when you can, once more, enjoy what you were lacking."
Name: Gonzu

Location: Town Square

Well, things seemed to be on the move, and he'd better catch up. He slowly slumped foward, dropping on all fours, and then pulling himself upwards, stretching and yawning.

He picked his stuff, and calmly walked towards the Hall of Hospitality. Spending a full day contemplating the rain would probably be pleasant enough to someone blessed by Daana'd, but certainly not him.
Everyone - Hall of Hospitality

The Hostess, addressing Joleen, says "No, that won't be necessary. Please, relax and let me take care of everything."

As Gonzu enters, the Hostess looks over and says, "Welcome, sir. You're just in time." With that, she reaches over and rings a modestly sized bell hanging just beside the Hall's entrance.

"If I may have your attention, dear guests," she shouts, "supper will be served now. Please take a seat at the table at the rear of the Hall, and feel free to serve yourselves once the food has been laid out."

In response to the bell, several men enter, each carrying large, steaming dishes: one contains rice mixed liberally with steamed vegetables, another contains several cuts of savory-smelling meat, and a third contains several loaves of fresh-baked bread. A fourth man fills the cups around the table with hot jinja tea. Each man, after finishing his assigned task, bows shallowly and takes his exit.
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Sighing quietly to himself, Rankin wraps his cloak around himself a little tigher and walks back to the hall to get himself some supper. Sitting toward the end of the table but not the end itself he settles by two men larger than himself and slouches a little lower in his seat...eating quietly, just another guest.
Name: Renshu

Location: Hall of Hospitality

"Thank you, but I already had something to eat... Something a little less... decadent." He murmured, being far more suited to eating simpler foods, or food he himself gathered from the wilderness than to be served like some form of nobility. However, that feeling also came from the fact that he had been to this village many times since he began wandering, that these people were as family to him, and he felt out of place indulging in such things. Of course, for new visitors, it would likely be a wonderful treat and example of the culinary talents shown by the locals.

Still, he would sit near by, eager to hear any conversations, as well as wishing to continue a friendly conversation with the few among them who had shown a propensity to being more verbal.

The Hall of Hospitality

Taaron, while spending more than a week in the village, has only spent two nights in the Hall of Hospitality. This would be his first dinner in the Hall, and the hospitality here is even more impressive than what he'd seen elsewhere. He decides to join those who have already started to eat. Seating himself near a group of guests, yet far enough from any host for his question to be overheard, he voices to the nearby group of people:

"I wonder how these people can afford to spend this much kindness on strangers. I've travelled a across a good deal of the East and the South, and in any other land I've visited, a dinner like this, free of pay, would be something unheard of."
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Quietly heading to the table, Sabrina takes a seat, and when the food is served takes some of the rice and vegetables and a loaf of bread.

"It is because the people here see caring for strangers not as a luxury, but as a duty," she says softly. "Something that others could stand much to learn from and emulate. Unfortuatly, all too many see taking care of themselves as a higher priority."

The Hall of Hospitality

"So it seems madam, score one again for my stomach." Gonzu smiles at the hostess and bows.

He then takes a place by the center of the table, and pours on his respective cup some jinja tea, humming a tune while eyeing the bread.

"Ah yesss, may the heavens bless this people. Thier meat is particularly delicious. As someone that has been around here from time to time, i recommend you snatch a piece before they go away"

The Hall of Hospitality

With a scowl, Taaron continues:

"In much of Creation, where entire villages are looted and burned to repay sickeningly paltry debts, most people have very little choice but to look only after themselves. The Mahnakee are truly blessed to have a home far from such things. Though, I hear there've been problems with the Realm recently. If those sorts have as much interest in this place as it seems, one has to wonder how long Halls such as this one will be operating."
Name: Renshu

Location: Hall of Hospitality

"The nations have all this prosperity thanks to hard work, a sense of pride and selflessness, and their reverence for the spirits of nature... Though the Realm would seek to deprive them of their beliefs to instill their structured systems. Though the immaculate way may be prevalent, it will only spell hardship for the nations." Renshu murmered as he crossed his arms where he sat.
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Carefully chewing a mouthful of bread, the redheaded woman swallows, and takes a sip of tea before responding to Taaron.

"Hopefully for a good long while; those who would seek to quelch such traditions and friendliness are deserving of no respect at all, indeed, Creation would be better off without them."

After this declaration, she settles in and concentrates on her meal.
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: Hall of Hospitality

This was going to get interesting.

There were people here who openly speak against the Immaculate faith this close to the Realm and Lookshy. Well at least they'd keep attention off him...untill a monk showed up to 'bring enlightenment' or 'quell blasphemers'. It might be wiser to leave now...Rankin took another bite of the meat and had to agree, it was delicious. Maybe just a while longer.
Name: Takamichi

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Sitting down at the table after serving himself a large portion of food Takamichi once again brings himself into the conversation. "Very true, very true. The ending of this fine tradition among my people would be a cause for much sorrow; Those who would do such a thing are a blight upon the face of Creation." By the time Takamichi takes a bite of meat his calm demeanor has begun to falter and it is quite obvious he has strong feelings about the Immaculate Order.
Everyone - Hall of Hospitality

Outside, the rain has stopped. As the assembled guests eat, the Hostess looks on, smiling contentedly, though anyone who cares to notice see that her smile takes a pleased, if somewhat wry quality as the conversation progresses.

From outside, shouting can be heard. Though indistinct, some is clearly angered, and some has a distinct note of panic. A Mahnakee man bursts through the front door; he looks as though he is about to say something, but he is taken aback by the gathered guests, and holds his tongue. Instead, he gestures the Hostess over. They exchange a few worried whispers, and before long, the Hostess turns to the group.

"I am very sorry, but there is something which requires my attention elsewhere. I would recommend that you finish your meal and return to your rooms. It would be... prudent for all."

It's time for weekly XP allotment! Everyone receives 2 XP. I think this is fair, but if the consensus is that this is too little (or somehow too much!) then I would be open to discussion of the matter.


The Zenith's hearing, still supernaturally augmented, can pick out fragments of the shouting outside.

An angry voice, booming and robust: "Where are they? I know they are here! You cannot tell me otherwise!

A nasally, panicked voice: "My lord, I swear to you, they are not! We have been with these people for months now; if these cultists were here, we would have found them by now."

The sound of boots splashing through the mud punctuates the exchange, which becomes more indistinct as the whispering becomes the loudest thing in the room to Taaron.

The man does not appear nervous, but his whispers betray his barely contained terror. "We need to leave, Malia. Those dogs are here, they are looking for us! Sari and Talchakh have managed to flee already; if our work is to continue, we must also get out. Now, Malia!"

The Hall of Hospitality

Taaron abruptly rises from the table with the intention to walk to the main doors to take a look outside, before he would try to talk with the man and woman whos whispering he just overheard.

Taaron just gained a point of compassion during the conversation so he'll try to help out if there's any problems, especially with the Realm.
Mosu - Hall of Hospitality

The meal the villagers have prepared for him and other guests was delicious--quite a bit, actually--but the ruckus outside and the mannerism of the man bothered Mosu. Calmly, he puts down the half-eaten piece of bread and stands up from the table, gently, meaning to take a look at outside while being as nonchalantly as possible.

It would be best if he didn't appear at responsibility. But with the presence of the Realm around here, it could very well be the case.
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Rankin had gotten up and walked to his room almost before the lady had finished talking. Something was up...he takes out his armor and gets into it, strapping it on quickly before putting his cape back on. Things were probably about to get interesting. Better to be prepared. He packs his belongings back into his backpack and puts that over his cloak. Just incase he needed to leave quickly. Nodding to himself that all was in order he tests that his swords can come out of their sheathes easily and closes his eyes, trying to calm himself.

He was a warrior before he ever left Nexus, you don't simply forget that. It was too late to make a dash for freedom, besides, he was tired of running. If it wasn't hopeless, he'd try to help the Mahnakee if he could. If that meant staying hidden, so be it. If that meant fighting off some few Immaculates, even better...actually, there were others who talked of that in the main hall.

Rankin moves back to the hall, knowing he looks bulkier now, and retakes his seat, and waits.

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