Prelude: Ebb and Flow [Whispers of Heresy]

Name: Renshu

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Though he can't make out the words, he can recognize that the shouting comes from a foreigners voice, and judging by the hostess' expression, something must be up. He lowers his eyes thoughtfully for several long moments, as the lines that etch his face seem to lengthen and grow with thoughtfulness, as he muttered slightly in just a barely audible voice.

Is something wrong? He asked, his concern growing. Though generally his propensity to aid his fellows was generally limited to medical attention, or speaking with local gods and spirits, he still wished to lend his aid in any way that he could.
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Location: Hall of Hospitality

As her meal nears an end, Sabrina looks up as she hears shouting, indistinct yet noticably involving two, distinctly disagreeing, people, and furrows her brow in concentration, trying to pick out what's being said.

Before she can, though, the hostess enters, and advises them to return to their rooms...

She pauses, and will select another piece of bread, if one is available, looking at the hostess with an expression of concern.

"If there is trouble, perhaps we could be able to help?" she offers.
Name: Joleen Ires

Location: Hall of Hospitality

She was still in the middle of her meal when the hostess arrived asking everyone to return to their rooms. Something was wrong, that much was clear but she was confident that she could take on whatever that may be thrown her way.

She returned to her meal, content.
Name: Takamichi

Location: Hall of Hospitality

As the commotion out side starts Takamichi keeps eating his meal but one hand disappears beneath his cloak grasping the hilt of his daiklave. Unnerved by the Hostesses sudden change in demeanor as she tells the guests to return to there rooms Takamichi asks, "Is something the matter? I may be able to help."
Hall of Hospitality

"Thank you for your concern, brothers, but you will be safer here," the Hostess says in response to Renshu and Takamichi. She moves in front of the door as Taaron attempts to exit, and continues. "If you all must know," she says, hesitating, "there are soldiers in town; they are looking for particular people, and you would not be of interest to them. For safety's sake, please, stay out of sight!"
Name: Takamichi

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Standing up from the table and heading towards the door Takamichi says with a devilish grin spread across his face. "I think you are underestimating me sister."
Name: Renshu

Location: Hall of Hospitality

... Renshu stood quietly as well and gathered up his staff he carried with him wherever he went and made certain his sling was readied. "If there is something wrong, I am obligated to provide aid." He said, before placing a hand on Takamichi's shoulder. "Let's not do anything too foolish, Brother." He added with a soft smile of his own.
Takamichi turns to Renshu with the smile still spread across his face. "Oh I won't; don't worry Brother."
Taaron, The Hall of Hospitality

After Taaron is stopped from taking a look through the door by the Hostess, he goes to his room to gather his only posession there, his daiklave. While walking there, he announces:

"I agree with the other guests, Hostess. I find myself obligated to at least see that no unnecessary violence comes to pass."

After a short moment he emerges from his room with the sword. He stands firmly in place, while obviously staying alert to his surroundings. He holds the daiklave in both arms in front of himself with the tip resting on the ground. Even with the blade still wrapped in cloth, the tall man resting his arms on the large weapon proves to be a very imposing sight.
Hall of Hospitality

With something clearly beyond her ken happening before her, the Hostess lets her confusion show. "You weren't sent by Shintarin, were you?" she asks the Mahnakee men. "I just... oh goodness. I don't know. I couldn't ask all of you to help. It would be unbecoming of a Shakmah woman."
Gonzu, The Hall of Hospitality

Gonzu raised an ear at all the hustle, even if he couldn't understood a part of it. It seemed clear that there was trouble outside, seemed like a time some people will use to kick butt, probably people who also didn't saw any problem speaking ill of the Realm on place moderately near to it.

He mentally shrugged and sunk his teeth on the meat. He wasn't lying about it, he would bet that the gods ate something like this if he wasn't considered to be a dead man, and therefore had to be extra careful with the money he could get his hans into.

...on the other side, there were lives at stake. Sure, there wasn't any indication on the real "sides" of this conflict... but the food was good. And panhandlers don't go around charging into a fray...

He decided to stay to listen a bit more. Besides, he haven't started on the bread yet...
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Rankin stands and in a slightly louder voice speaking to the entire room says, "Gentlemen, I applaud your shows of bravado, but the hostess suggests we stay here and be still. I think we follow her advice before we start a fight the people of this village will be forced to suffer through. Don't get me wrong, whomever out there starts to fight the village, I too will join in the fight to stop them. But we should not be the ones starting things, forcing a battle on this village. Let them sort out their issues their way, and we will be backup. Simply additional forces if peacful negotiation doesn't work. Come now, sit, eat. We may need all the energy we can muster soon enough. Put your weapons away, hide your anger a while longer. We should not bring doom upon these people because someone outside sounds rude. 'Tis the Realms way to push slightly till someone fights back and then annex the place to 'bring back peace' or some other nonsense. We're not going to be such easy targets are we?"

Having said all he wishes to, he pulls his short daiklaives out half way and lets them slide back in as a show of readyness, then wraps his cloak back up so he looks more the wanderer than a warrior and goes back to picking at his meal, more interested in watching the door than anything but staying innocuous for now.
Taaron continues to stand alert in front of the door to his room, almost as if trying to form a one-man military formation, if such a thing were possible.

"Indeed," he looks towards Rankin. "As I said, I will not allow unnecessary blood to be spilled."

Taaron gets tense, both in stance and in language, when things start to get dicey. At least that's what I'm trying to evoke.
Takamichi's confusion shows plainly on his face as the Hostess asks about this Shintarin fellow, "Who?" After Rankin's monologue he turns to him and says, "Are you brain damaged or something, why would we start a fight? I only plan on helping should a fight occur."
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Location: Hall of Hospitality

"He has a point. If multiple armed people come out looking ready for a fight, things are more likely to turn into a fight, wouldn't you think?" Sabrina points out levelly. "Being ready is something that should be done, but going out looking for trouble, even subconsiously, could cause more problems then they solve."

She smirks a little, as she finishes her bread, and raises a finger in the air in emphasis. "Which isn't to say, of course, that if there is to be a fight, I don't want to be in the middle of it. It's been awhile since I had any significant...exercise...aside from walking."
"Oh I don't plan on appearing ready for a fight, open hostilities are foolhardy; but I do think a fight is inevitable." After saying this Takamichi saunters over to the door and looks out the window.
Name: Rankin Insoran

Location: Hall of Hospitality

Rankin rolls his eyes, feeling the rushing about battle readyness of the room fade more toward waiting. Perfect. Now there wouldnt be any stupid mistakes from over eager people. If it had been allowed to continue, he was sure, they'd have run out 'for the greater good, to help others, to prevent unneeded bloodshed'. Even if that assumption was wrong, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Shrugging he says "I'll accept that I'm brain damaged if it'll keep us from swinging first."
Taaron keeps his sword in the same position, and like it, seems to be rooted in place.

"Well I have to say, friend, you seem to be quite eager to make sure none of us are on our guard."
Rankin raises an eyebrow.

"Guard all you wish, I went and armed myself too. I've never spoken against getting your weapons on. I've spoken against moving outside the hall or raising any suspicion of the will to fight. I understand we weren't at the point of charging out there, but it was escalating rapidly till the hostess asked for some calm action instead." nodding his head to her he continues. "I've been keeping my weapons loose in their scabbards expecting trouble, but I'm also not standing near the door armed and ready. I'm not quite sure what's happening, but untill the other side starts something, we're just travellers and harmless folk. Thats how she wants us to play it and it's her roof we're under."
Hall of Hospitality

The Hostess is clearly taken aback by Takamichi's question. "But your views, I was certain that... Never mind. Stay out of sight. I will return shortly, if you would wish to know more." She clears her throat, switching back to River-speak. "Regardless, you would all be wise to listen to this man," she says, pointing to Rankin. "I would not have my guests killed in some foolhardy act of heroism! Stay here, and I will return when this is over." She quickly wraps a heavy cloak about her and runs out the door, into the growing dark of the evening.

Outside, more screaming can be heard, an unnatural light can be seen from out the window. One of the nearby longhouses has erupted into flame, and casts flickering light and shadow on the nearby buildings, which are safe from the flames, at least for the moment.


Shortly before the fire starts, Taaron can make out the unmistakable sound of glass shattering. Mingled with the screams of fleeing natives, the Zenith can distinguish a single voice in laughing.
Taaron is already moving towards the exit of the Hall.

"It seems our loud friends did not prove as reasonable as we had hoped," he announces to those present.

He goes outside to investigate where the screams and particularly the laugh is coming from.
"Wait, whats happening? Has it started?" Rankin mutters as Taaron leaves and stays still for a moment. Just a moment. Then he rushes to the windows to look outside and sees the fire.

Muttering swear words in an ancient tongue he looks back at the Hall. "Everyone, gather up your posessions and if you have mounts go get to them in their stalls. Saddle up and get ready to leave in a hurry. You. " he says specifically to Joleen, " You came in with me, I know you have a horse so get to it and calm it." glancing back outside he glares angrily at the fires, " join in the response if you want."

Walking outside with his things already gathered in his pack, he walks just outside the hall. "This is foolishness, but damn me if I let this happen right infront of me." (Old Realm)

Shouting to the town, "All who want to live, go to the Hall of Hospitality, All to the Hall! Come people, to the Hall! Defend the Hall!"
Name: Sabrina Ailena

Location: Hall of Hospitality

At the sight of flickering flames outside, Sabrina clenches her fist, almost tight enough to draw blood, and stands, quickly moving to follow Taaron and Rankin outside. "I will not stand idly by and allow people to burn," she says, flatly, a more metaphorical fire burning in her eyes. "Regardless of what it costs me."
On the Air-ward Road

To the south, Rankin, Sabrina, and Taaron can see that soldiers of the Realm have taken the square. In the center of the square, a man in what can only be white jade armor sits atop a horse, bellowing laughter. Soldiers kick in the doors of longhouses and ransack them, looking for someone or something, as the Hostess eluded to. The source of the fire, so strange after the long rains, is revealed to those looking on as well: when the soldiers exit a longhouse, they produce flasks of an unidentifiable (at least, from this distance) substance and throw them on the wooden structures. When the glass shatters, the substance combusts, leaving sticky globs of fire all over the buildings.

A few soldiers exit the buildings with Mahnakee prisoners in tow; these, from what few can be seen, are being brought to the square and pushed to ground in front of the armored figure on the horse.
Name: Rankin

Location: Air ward outside the Hall of Hospitality

Rankin watches in disgust at whats happening. Realm business. Same old almost. Time to do something. Noticing Sabrina walk out of the Hall and hearing what she says he turns to her, "Want to help? Get the people inside to fill every vessel with water and throw it on the walls, might not save the hall but it'll give us time. If more people come, get them to barricade the windows and other door...keep them safe." moving out of her way if she wants to continue out he shouts into the Hall, "Hey, there's another of you who speaks the local language in there. Your friend is in this mess, please, can you find him while telling the locals to come here? We can't defend the whole village at this rate. But we can make sure at least one building is standing...and I think you'd love to take down all comers who try to burn down the Hall. If we get one or two more people who are able fighters we can take the fight to them but keeping something looking like shelter around is a priority for after..."

Glancing back ahead, Rankin wondered if there would be an after. That person in the white armor was a Terrestrial...and this many troops, attacking was folly for any except the Exalted, and even then, letting yourself get surrounded would only get you killed. "Just one or two more people willing to fight...and we'll be comin' for you my pretty dragonborn." Rankin glares at the armored person on the horse.

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