Search results for query: *

  1. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] [Wyrrmie] C902

    (it will not allow me to modulate the text size to standard for what ever reason when i type in my leader's name)
  2. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] [Wyrrmie] C902

    Δ-12 views the life form briefly in awe. "No disrespect intended but, we still don't know whom we are speaking to. Nor do we know what you are. Factually, we don't even have a word to describe such a combination of materials." H-6 continues, "The Admiral's logic is correct, you have...
  3. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] Dominatus Machina

    *This is a public service announcement* ^Patriotic tones^ Your nation wants to know what you enjoy doing with your spare time, your answers will be integral in determining the favored past times of our people as a whole. This survey may even produce a new world wide sport! Please submit...
  4. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] [Wyrrmie] C902

    Δ-12 replies Laconically "I am Fleet Admiral Δ-12. We are that which was created, we think therefore, We are. We server the Dominion of Machines in search of new life and resources. Now that we have introduced we wish to meet and learn." H-6 continues. "We are indeed mechanical in nature...
  5. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] [Wyrrmie] C902

    H-6 Hurriedly accesses a console to reply typing "We are DMNS-A of The Domitnatus Machina Fleet, identify yourselves. Attacking would be illogical"
  6. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] [Wyrrmie] C902

    Δ-12reviews the data on the monitor seeing no signs of intelligence prior to orbit, he takes a quick view of the vessels approach vector. taking a quick look around the bridge for H-6 comes up futile. Donning the reigns of authority the orders begin. Get H-6 up here immediately. Raise...
  7. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] [Wyrrmie] C902

    Δ-12 Reviews his data monitors momentarily before turning to his bridge crew. We should review each planet and its accompanying satellites individually. Bring us into a low orbit with body C. Then proceed with D, then A, then B. You will have 5-6 complete orbits (roughly 8-10 hours per planet)...
  8. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] Dominatus Machina [Admiral] Δ-12

    Admiral Δ-12 of the Machina Dominatus Machina Dominatus 1st Fleet Flagship DMNS-A Ships 1 Flagship 2 Frigates 2 Cruisers 1 Destroyer Aboard; 1st Machina Air group H-6
  9. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] Dominatus Machina [Admiral] Δ-12

    General Info Name: ?-12 Race: Machina Gender: Asexual Age: 350 Appearance Visual Appearance:
  10. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] Dominatus Machina Headquarters

    A-3 turns to his monitors quickly and Reviews the costs. (A-3) I have reviewed the data. I am submitting we send the new flagship MDNS-A and a small compliment (2 Cruisers, 2 Frigates, and 1 destroyer) to the closest solar system. Δ-5, ∑-6, I hope you will both understand that if there truly...
  11. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] Diplomat Links

    Dominatus Machina H-6
  12. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] Dominatus Machina H-6

    General Info Name: H-6 Race: Machina Gender: Asexual Age: 256 Appearance Visual Appearance:
  13. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] Extra Planetary Offices

  14. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] Leader Links

    A-3, Dominatus Machina Executive leader Bonuses: Industriousness Organization
  15. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] Dominatus Machina A-3

    General Info Name: A-3 Race: Machina Gender: 'His' response; "What kind of question is that?" (Machinas are asexual) Age: ~5hepta cycles (approximately 500) Appearance Visual Appearance:
  16. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] Dominatus Machina

    Military Army 1st Machina Army Group 10 Scout Divisions (1,000 Health) 10 Medic Divisions (1,000 Health) 15 Soldier Divisions (225,000 Health) 10 Marine Divisions (100,000 Health) 8 Heavy Divisions (40,000 Health) 1st Machina Armored Corps 8 Soldier Divisions (120,000 Health)...
  17. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] Dominatus Machina

    System 31 (1) sector C-9 Celestial Bodies S3131 (1-1) the "Small" sized yellow star the system is centered around, there have been no anomalous readings beyond small solar flares. It is expected to expand to red giant status in about 8 billion years. P3131 (P1-1) The small Rocky planet...
  18. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] Dominatus Machina

    Dominatus Machina (Machine Dominion) Leader A-3 Race Machina. A people composed entirely of hardware and adaptive software that accounts for their behavior. Each individual is capable of replication, but they seem to be hardwired to "copulate" (term applied loosely) Racial...
  19. Wyrrmie

    [Astrum: Heavens] Signup Thread

    Request to claim c-9 for the Dominatus Machina (Machine Dominion)