[Astrum: Heavens] Dominatus Machina [Admiral] Δ-12


Look at you, a pathetic creature of meat and bone!
General Info

Name: ?-12

Race: Machina

Gender: Asexual

Age: 350


Visual Appearance:


Physical Appearance: ?-12 stands 1.9 meters tall and weighs an astonishing 172 Kg

Personality Information

Likes: Games of logic and strategy, Good and loyal subordinates, a successful mission

Dislikes: Unruly subordinates, Fear, over active emotion, surprises

General Personality: ?-8 is through and through a military man. He enjoys nothing more than service to his nation. He was very serious when he took his oath of office and any breach he does not willingly avoid is a statement against his beliefs. Although he is usually very serious he has been known to make an occasional joke to ease tension among his men during times of duress or speeches.


Stuff: a solar charging unit with direct conduit attachment, 20kg in processed materials (food)

Equipment: A Heavy pistol, A light assault rifle, Ballistic and energy dampening vest.


Unique Powers: N/A

Skills/Spells/Talents/Other: N/A


Class: Officer

Job: Admiral 1st Fleet

Legend: Decorated war hero

Rank: Admiral

Character's History

History: ?-12 was created just prior to the Unification war. During his early years he was raised with the knowledge he may spend his existence fighting his fellow kind. Once able he enlisted in the navy to join the fight to defend his country. During a major battle the ship he was aboard was severely damaged, and not seeing any officers around he assumed command of the small group of his fellow machinas. He was able to keep the vessel afloat and managed to steer a course toward the nearest friendly city with only 1/5 of the smaller crafts normal crew. Distinguished for his bravery and willingness and ability to lead he was made an officer and sent to a larger battle vessel where he became the weapons officer aboard.

Shortly after his promotion he was able to confront the enemy fleet with his new position. When he received communications to surrender, leave their stations and lay down their arms and they would be spared, he responded plainly "Come and take it!" The resulting battle lasted for more than a day. Both fleets suffered major losses, but the battle was won when He lead the boarding party onto the enemies battle ship that had held them at bay for so long. The ship was easily overtaken, the down side of emotions is an uncanny will to save one self by any means, including fleeing when presented with opposition. Since the victory he was granted command of his own vessel and was very integral in the blockade and strangle hold to end the war. For many of his acts he is considered a war hero. He has also received some of the most prestigious awards attainable by military personnel. All except pulsar award, given for sacrificing oneself to save your fellow crewmen in a heroic instance.

Since the end of the war he has felt almost useless until the notion of a space bound fleet was born and he was individually nominated to lead it. He eagerly awaits to watch history unfold as they search the galaxy for rights of conquest and diplomacy.
Admiral Δ-12

of the

Machina Dominatus

Machina Dominatus 1st Fleet




1 Flagship

2 Frigates

2 Cruisers

1 Destroyer

Aboard; 1st Machina Air group


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