[Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] Dominatus Machina


Look at you, a pathetic creature of meat and bone!
Dominatus Machina

(Machine Dominion)





Machina. A people composed entirely of hardware and adaptive software that accounts for their behavior. Each individual is capable of replication, but they seem to be hardwired to "copulate" (term applied loosely)

Racial Bonuses:

1: culturally numb. Not influenced easily by outside culture and influence, they respond much more readily to proven facts. It takes twice as long to influence their culture. It also requires more time to influence others.

2: Scientifically Inclined. Research and technology are a way of life. The Machinas are fascinated by science and mathematics, and love to keep up with developments in technology as a whole. Most citizens desire to be in a field of scientific development, and often times they attempt to mix their fields into science. Research is completed slightly faster.

Residual: Colonize anywhere, except acidic climate, extreme gravitational differences or very high EM. Machines do not need to breathe, but are highly susceptible to acidic and high Em environments. Although an atmosphere does substantially increase their ability to communicate.


Socialist Republic

A very large pyramid style of governing. The lowest level is the citizen workforce and is composed of approximately 75% of the population. Each individual is provided sustinance, housing, power, and access to the public data net, for the work they perfom in exchange for redeemed work hours. No one lives in squalor but very rarely does anyone appear to live beyond their means. The next level is the supervisors both on the workforce level and the community level, comprising ~18% of the population. These are factory foremen, Mayors, Governors, industry administrators, ans safety personnel. this sector of society recie ves slightly better accomodations for the work that they perform and would be associated with a middle class. The final and highest tier are the sector representatives, and other appointed officials. This section of society is the leadership of large groups. They are reminded from time to time that they may govern over many but their true job is to keep those under them happy and satisfied. This section of society is appoximately 8% of the population. Those who reach this level start from the bottom as a reminder of whom they serve. Almost all read by example and try to keep everyones best interest in mind. The accomodations provided are only slightly better than those of their lowers occasionally they barter odds and ends to attain something out of the ordinary.

Every machina recieves representation through their work and community supervisor as the base of society all problems that they have are handled at the lowest level possible

Important Officials

A-3: Executive representative

?-5: Head of defense

?-6: Head of Scientific Development

?-2: Head Of Industrialization and Development

?-8: Head of Intelligence

H-6: Head of Diplomatic Relations

Economic System

Socialist Market

Economic Tier



"The Credit." Dominatus currency does not exist, though they understand monetary value. They tally their wealth by time amassed working, which is stored in data recorders attached to their bodies. Goods and services are bought by trading time. Time circulated is regulated by the department of industrialization and development

Nation Bonus

Industrialist: Able to build with great precision and reduced cost, both in materials and time. Slightly reduces building costs and time.


The History of the Machinas is a relatively new thing for them, as they have only been 'awake' for the past 2 millennia. When The Machinas Awoke, from their strange facility they call the cradle, in small groups. They were unable to truly formulate what had occurred to them, or why they had been left there. Upon their emergence they began building small shelters to protect themselves from the elements as they began trying to build from nothing. The planet was almost desolate, with very little life that already existed. they began by making primitive tools, refining their skills to build a respectable life for the others they saw emerging from the cradle. Within a hundred years the cradle was almost empty, most of them had awoken to a society that awaited to accept them and allow them to begin helping them build.

After several hundred years they were in an industrial revolution, until they met more beings like them. Something about the new beings was off, they thought differently, they thought of conquest, and of emotions. Such things were illogical to the Machinas. "Why couldn't we coexist?" For a time that worked, but the new beings were too ambitious. After a 500 years of living together in a tense peace the feeling Machinas attacked. It would have been illogical to not prepare for something like this. The Machinas were ready they had planned their defenses carefully for centuries. After a mere 50 years the Rogue machines had been destroyed, but not without consequences, many of their young had been successfully integrated into Machina society.

This integration Has brought about a certain fervor for exploration. Also, a dedication to what the Machinas hold dear has been sought with a dedication unseen before. At first some individual groups began plotting against the unfeeling but the government acted accordingly, and has been able to stop any major incidents from taking place. Those that have gone through and caused harm and destruction have been minimized. Even though these groups have been deemed dangerous, their reintegration back into society has been successful. That being said there have been labor camps and prisons to help train and educate the populous at a very successful rate with minimal deactivations necessary (only 15%). Aside from all the nastiness that comes with having a great society, they have thrived and the influences of the 'feeling' have found a place in the "gene pool" of the Machinas, and have lead to Their further development. Also, The Machinas have just recently sent their first inter stellar ships into orbit, and are planning further development of their own solar system.


The Machinas as a society are scientifically-centered. Research and technology are the epicenter of the society as a whole. The only thing as important to Machinas as science is industry and the ability to implement their scientific discoveries. Young Machinas are linked directly into research centers, to learn and explore as they will on any topic that suits their fancy. School for the young is reciting thesis reports and running experiments to their parent's approval. The language used by the Machinas is an auditory hexi-decimal making communication and information exchange blindingly fast and very concise. Emotions among the Machinas are dull and attempting to play on them is ineffective and ultimately futile.

Nation goals

Build a network of space elevators, one for each of your major cities (0/10 Completed)

Discover the reasons for the Machinas' creation.
System 31 (1)

sector C-9

Celestial Bodies

S3131 (1-1) the "Small" sized yellow star the system is centered around, there have been no anomalous readings beyond small solar flares. It is expected to expand to red giant status in about 8 billion years.

P3131 (P1-1) The small Rocky planet in Close orbit to the central star, its mass is slightly above a planetoid and it is considered to be non inhabitable.

P3132 (P1-2) Home planet to the Machinas it is almost an M class planet by standards except that at some point its eco systems were devastated by an unknown cataclysm. The satellite in orbit appears as though it used to be spherical but is missing a portion of its shape, cause unknown.

Major cities:

Area 1: The largest Metropolitan area, The location of the 'Cradle' A historical landmark and preserve, and the Capital city of the Machina Dominatus.

Area 2: The rebuilt capital of the 'feeling'. Includes a monument to the people that fought against the Dominatus honoring their bravery and courage.

Area 7: A bustling metropolis. Remarkable only in how unremarkable it is

Area 11: A large city most well known for producing personal transportation vehicles.

Area 15: The largest production and shipping hub on the planet millions of tons of materials, recyclables, and finished product travel through here every quarter.

Area 18: The scientific hub of the Machinas, Some of the facilities at their disposal includes a large hadron collider outside the cities area.

Area 23: Home of the primary re-education penal colony, since the end of the unification war, it has maintained an unprecedented low inmate capacity of 12%, all convicted criminals of major crimes serve their sentences here. Also, a major military outpost is stationed nearby.

Area 32: Home of the great ship yard. More than half of the seagoing vessels are built here.

Area 42: No one is sure what the great computer here is for only that it was build by a 'misguided' machina.

Area 53: The great and secretive headquarters of the military. Outside the government not much is known, but there are many theories, perhaps there may be a time when what the military does will become known to the public.

P3133 (P1-3) Another Near M class planet in orbit around S3131 initial analysis suggests that there are more heavy metals contained within the crust of this planet than on P3132. Also, this planet appears to be relatively dormant ,geologically speaking, and has 1 small moon in orbit.

A3131 (a1-1) A large belt of asteroids believed to contain many useful resources, preliminary scans indicate that there is a large series of planetoid sized asteroids in synchronous orbits with one another

P3134 (P1-4) The first and largest of a series of gas giants in this systems. This planet includes 6 satellites 4 of which are about the size of p3132 (size between Saturn and Jupiter)

P3135 (P1-5) The second gas giant of this system (roughly Neptune sized) and has a complement of 4 moons orbiting it, both the planet and moons are at an eschew orbit from the rest of the solar system. And has visible rings

P3136 (P1-6) 3rd Gas giant of this System occurs with 6 satellites in orbit

P3137 (P1-7) The furthest orbiting planet in this solar system, its current size is 1 1/2 times that of p3132 but belived if warmed it would dwarf P3134

Neighboring Systems






Colonized Systems





1st Machina Army Group

10 Scout Divisions (1,000 Health)

10 Medic Divisions (1,000 Health)

15 Soldier Divisions (225,000 Health)

10 Marine Divisions (100,000 Health)

8 Heavy Divisions (40,000 Health)

1st Machina Armored Corps

8 Soldier Divisions (120,000 Health)

10 IFV Units (100 Health)

15 APC Units (225 Health)

10 Tank Units (150 Health)

10 AAV Units (100 Health)

Air Force

1st Machina Air Group

15 Gunship Squadrons (225 Health)

10 Dropship Squadrons (100 Health)

25 Fighter Squadrons (300 Health)

50 Drone Squadrons (500 Health)

8 Bomber Squadrons (160 Health)

2nd Machina Air Group

15 Gunship Squadrons (225 Health)

10 Dropship Squadrons (100 Health)

25 Fighter Squadrons (300 Health)

8 Bomber Squadrons (160 Health)

Space Navy

1st Dominion Fleet [Admiral ?-12]

1 Flagship [DMNS-A] (1,000 Health) :rank0:

2 Frigates (1,000 Health)

2 Cruisers (1,500 Health)

1 Destroyer (750 Health)

2nd Dominion Fleet

1 Carrier (1,000 Health)

3 Frigates (1,500 Health)

3 Cruisers (2,250 Health)

2 Destroyers (1,500 Health)

Unique Unit


These fighter drones are capable of both autonomous scanning, and coordinated attacks. They can be programmed to perform normal self run scouting maneuvers and manually interfaced to fly with the precision of a manned inter-atmo fighter. Because of their compact size due to not needing the added space for a cockpit, or user interface they take up 1/4 less space per squadron (5 squadrons can fit in the space normally occupied by 4 on a ship or base)

(1 Drone Squadron = 10 Health)







Flagship rank:0



Armor: 6 - (1,000 Health)

Point Defense Turrets: 6

Anti-Ship Turrets: 6

Ballistic Missile Tubes: 5

Anti-Ground Cannons: 5

Sub-light Engines: 4

Aircraft Capacity: 7 - (7 Fighter/8 Drone Squadrons)


Scanners: 5

Perks: N/A
Approved! :)

I've reviewed & updated your thread, and everything seems to be in order- Feel free to rename your flagship and remember to create a profile for it's Admiral! Also, remember to list 10 major cities, underneath your homeworld in the 'Celestial Bodies' section and indicate which is the capital city of your nation.

One change I'd like to request- Is that you cut down on the amount of moons in your system.
*This is a public service announcement*

^Patriotic tones^

Your nation wants to know what you enjoy doing with your spare time, your answers will be integral in determining the favored past times of our people as a whole. This survey may even produce a new world wide sport! Please submit your responses to WMIW.Public _Survey.gov to issue a response, also please respond to the attached census report

^music ends^

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