[Astrum: Heavens] [C-9] [Wyrrmie] C902

Helix Nebula

Three fries short of a happy meal: WHACKO!!
  • "Coordinates have been calculated and confirmed. Board is green. Jump in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... All ships, execute FTL jump zero-one."

    In a bright flash of blue, six ships vanished from the Dominatus Machina's home system and in a near instant, traversed several hundreds of light years, reappearing in another solar system.

    "Admiral, the jump has been completed- No problems reported." Lieutenant ?K-870 reported, initiating a brief moment of cheer and celebration aboard the DMNS A's bridge, as the Machina had now truly taken, a giant leap forward in technological advancement as well as began a new era, to add to their brief history. ?B-094, the designated Communications Officer, looked up from it's console- "Admiral, all ships of the flotilla are reporting in. They are awaiting for your orders." "I am now receiving preliminary system information. Eight celestial objects detected, DRADIS shows no signs of unknown vessels." "That does not remove the possibility of, advanced alien life in this system. Our DRADIS' range can only go so far." ?-95, the designated Chief Scientific Officer, spoke up, whilst reading DRADIS & Scanner results being transmitted to it's console.
Δ-12 Reviews his data monitors momentarily before turning to his bridge crew.

We should review each planet and its accompanying satellites individually. Bring us into a low orbit with body C. Then proceed with D, then A, then B. You will have 5-6 complete orbits (roughly 8-10 hours per planet) with complete DRAIDS and scanner control. Upon entry vector search for signs of; life, intelligence and resources. If you detect intellegent life, we are to move away as soon as we are aware and only respond if we are contacted first, but we are to scan from a high orbit. Too far for primitive devices and normal vision to notice. You will still only have 8-10 hours to scan so make it count. Hopefully this area will be rich with resources While in close proximity we should get a good look at the stars composition for our full report to be sent home. Keep the battle group at alert status, they are to keep their sensor channel open. If they detect anything go to stations as a precaution. When not on an approach vector sweep for any incoming vessels on DRAIDS. We will return home in about a week. You all have your assignments please keep me apprised of any developments. H-6 your position on contact will be attempting to establish communications, we have an experimental language analyzer hopefully it will assist you.

he hops onto the 1MC (ship wide loudspeaker communications channel)

Today calls for a celebration, the supreme executive A-3 has awarded us with a special meal, we will all have gold and platinum laced food tonight, from what i understand it is supposed to be quite delicious and you will experience a slight euphoria, don't be alarmed it is just bonding to your internal power conduits. Also, there will be a pilots tournament the winners will face the carriers battle group winners, report to the simulation rooms to join the roster. I wish you all a good evening. Skipper out.

He retires to his quarters and sets up his monitors to display any sensors data before sitting down to read.
The hours crawled on by, as the Machina flotilla made it's way to C902C and began it's scanning. While it barely took them an hour to complete scans of the planet and both of it's moons, the time allotted by the Admiral and the Brass back home, did give the Crew more time to get used to the routines of exploring space and more or less, living aboard a spacecraft.

It was their fourth hour in the system, and the Admiral was in the mess, about to get to enjoy this supposedly rare delicacy, when the call came on the ships intercom; "[Chimes] - Admiral Δ-12, your presence is immediately required on the bridge. I repeat, Admiral Δ-12, you are required on the bridge." 'What now' was likely it's first thought, but when the alarms sounded battle stations, the Admiral knew to make haste.

Once it got to the bridge, the crew were all in full commotion and on the main view screen, the picture of an unknown alien ship was displayed. A-30, the Admiral's designated XO and second-in-command quickly brought it up to speed. "Admiral." It saluted, "We were studying some peculiar energy readings, we detected beneath C902C's ocean's surface, when an UFO jumped in right on top of us." "So far the UFO hasn't moved nor sent any broadcasts, since it first appeared. Our scanners are also experiencing interference, most likely the alien ship is jamming us or, our scanners aren't strong enough to penetrate their hull." Lt. ΞK-870 said once A-30 had finished. "They might have some form of shielding against our scanners, which causes false results and causes interference." "Either way, we've got no way of telling, what they're up to- Or if they're preparing weapons."

System information updated.
Δ-12reviews the data on the monitor seeing no signs of intelligence prior to orbit, he takes a quick view of the vessels approach vector. taking a quick look around the bridge for H-6 comes up futile. Donning the reigns of authority the orders begin.

Get H-6 up here immediately. Raise defenses, and hail the fleet to raise general quarters if they have not already. Stand by to depressurize the hull if they attempt to board. Hopping on the 1mc: [alarm] General quarters, General quarters! All hands to general quarters!

Once H-6 has reported in both turn to the command console.

Are you ready for this, my friend? Were breaking our protocol, I believe they are under a similar directive as us.

H-6 Presses the outbound comm switch "Unknown vessel please identify yourself."


Again "Unknown vessel please identify yourself."

once again, greeted by awkward silence.

The bridge crew can tell that Δ-12 is ready to launch a full attack against the craft, but is not willing to take that potential folly yet. Tensions are definitely rising.
"Sirs!" Δ-95 shouted as it's console beeped, "We're now receiving a transmission from the alien ship.. It's a text-only message. Putting it on screen." It pushed some buttons and in a few seconds, a small box appeared on the view screen, next to the picture of the alien ship. Inside the box, it read;

"Hakrii belokhar'xesolar. Keferti'toch, ex'pratirai tochan'shumhisir." Beneath the alien text, there was another line; "Attention alien vessel. Identify or be destroyed."
H-6 Hurriedly accesses a console to reply typing "We are DMNS-A of The Domitnatus Machina Fleet, identify yourselves. Attacking would be illogical"
It seemed, whoever these aliens were- They were in a talkative mood. "They are now sending an auditory broadcast.. Putting it on speakers-" Δ-95 said, flipping a few switches as static filled the bridge's speakers. It then handed both H-6 and Δ-12, headsets which had microphones attached to them, for speaking.

After a few seconds, a voice echoed through; "Hail, DMNS-A of the Dominatus Machina. I am Commandant of this expeditionary vessel. We have arrived here from... Another, region of space and apologize, if our standard response, has come off as, illogical, and hostile. Our intentions are quite the opposite, we are here to explore and study. Not destroy and conquer." There was a brief pause. "We are, however, intrigued, by the fact, that we can read no life signs aboard your vessel. I must ask.. Do you represent a race, of artificially constructed life forms?"
Δ-12 replies Laconically "I am Fleet Admiral Δ-12. We are that which was created, we think therefore, We are. We server the Dominion of Machines in search of new life and resources. Now that we have introduced we wish to meet and learn."

H-6 continues. "We are indeed mechanical in nature. We are eager to form diplomatic relations with those that will listen to logic and understanding, We are prepared to board as soon as you reach a conclusion, in the mean time we shall continue our planned course. If you wish to maintain a holding pattern with the DMNS-A and our battle group, you may."
"Unfortunately, we cannot allow you, to board this vessel. We do, however, possess an alternative method of direct.. communications." When the "Commandant" of the alien vessel finished, the Machina saw something.. Remarkable. A holographic image, of another being was 'constructed' onto the bridge, from the floor to the being's head. Soon, a slightly transparent image of what surprisingly appeared to be, another mechanical being- Though it appeared to have some kind of organic material on it's body, covered and supported, by it's golden exoskeleton. This alien machine, was quite a bit taller than any of the Machina and there was a definite sense of.. Shock, on the bridge.

The alien glanced at it's surroundings, with it's six, brightly colored eyes. It then focused onto Δ-12 and H-6. "Greetings." The being's voice seemed to still be projected through the speakers. "This, is the holographic representation, of my physical form. Through the sensors and scanners, aboard our vessel - I am now able, to perceive the interior of your ship, as though I was seeing it through my own eyes." A-30 hemmed, "Well, there's something you don't see every day."
Δ-12 views the life form briefly in awe. "No disrespect intended but, we still don't know whom we are speaking to. Nor do we know what you are. Factually, we don't even have a word to describe such a combination of materials."

H-6 continues, "The Admiral's logic is correct, you have neglected to fully identify your species and your... physical state."

Both of their expressionless faces eye carefully over their guest, studying how it moves and gestures, picturing its modes and strengths.
(it will not allow me to modulate the text size to standard for what ever reason when i type in my leader's name)
The being turned it's head towards H-6, "We did not neglect." It's voice was as neutral as the voice of a Machina. "We chose not to explain to you, something you could not comprehend. It would have been.. pointless." The alien paused as it's gaze moved through the bridge, from one Machina to the next. It then turned to Δ-12, "We call ourselves, the Yannron."

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