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  1. Madam Red

    OakClan A Warrior Cats RPG [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. Madam Red

    Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

    ooc: Um, as far as I know, a new wolf pack called the Phoenix Hunter's set fire to a pine tree, and the flames have spread to both the Seraphim and Shaitan territories. Some of the Shaitan wolves think that it was the Seraphim who started the fire, but I'm not sure if any of the Seraphim...
  3. Madam Red

    The Stars that Fade Away

    lol, very true.
  4. Madam Red

    The Stars that Fade Away

    For me, I'm just confused as to which territory the fire originated, but you made a good point. Did they mean for it to turn into a huge deal? Or just that one little pine tree?
  5. Madam Red

    Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

    Listening to the warning howl, Aurora watched in abject horror as thick black smoke billowed up from her territory. The acrid smell of it burned her sensitive nose and stung her eyes, but she continued to just stand and stare, standing stiffly as the animals paid the two carnivores no heed in...
  6. Madam Red

    Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

    As she trotted quickly through her enemies land, Aurora felt her apprehension and fear rise, though she knew not why. At some point, she was beset with the most uncomfortable sensation of being hunted, and her already spiking fur stood straight up in what she knew was justified fear. Though she...
  7. Madam Red

    Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

    Near the edges of the Seraphim Pack's territory, a familiar lithe figure could just barely be seen slinking through the tall trees and undergrowth. Flicking her rusty ocher ears, Aurora carefully, and expertly stalked a young doe who was busily stripping the leaves from a tree nearby, completely...
  8. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    Jasmine clapped her hands together in a 'lets do this' manner, and hopped astride Jake's shoulders, gripping the sides of his head firmly with her thighs. She would not be knocked off easily. "Alright, no more dawdling, if you wanna back out you better do it now, because I'm ready to go" she...
  9. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    Her eyes flashing in glee at the upped bet, Jasmine nodded her agreement. "You are so on, just don't try and weasel out when you lose" she teased.
  10. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    Jasmine smiled mischievously and wiggled her eyebrows. "The team" she answered him in a singsong voice.
  11. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    "Oh, for sure, losing isn't even an option" Jasmine smirked, lifting her hand for a high five. "Come on, don't leave me hanging" she laughed, wiggling her fingers. "And as for the bet, I'd say loser has to either swim completely naked, or set up the entire camp by themselves, whichever one the...
  12. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    "Ooh, this just got a lot more interesting" Jasmine laughed. "You'd better be prepared Isabel, because I don't like to lose" she warned, a devious smile on her face. "Hey, why don't we make it even more fun with a bet?" she suggested.
  13. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    Jasmine looked over at Rick and Milo and smiled. "That's so cute how he's trying to teach Milo, and he's always such a harda** at school" she mused, moving so that she stood upright once more. "So anyway, do you know any other pool games?" she asked.
  14. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    Milo sucked in a quick breath, his eyes wide. "We're going to start now?!" he squeaked, already on the verge of panicking, and he wasn't even in the water yet! Forcing himself to take another breath, this time slower, and deeper, he told himself not to be such a wimp. It was just water, so what...
  15. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    Milo couldn't-and didn't bother trying to-hide his surprise when he looked up at Rick from his place on the ground. "You'd be willing teach me how to swim?" he asked, his tone a bit disbelieving. He had to wonder if it wasn't some ploy to get him in the water and then leave him there to drown...
  16. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    A touch of fear entering his eyes when he looked at the water, Milo blinked quickly and looked elsewhere at Rick's inquiry, shrugging a bit in feigned nonchalance as he answered. "Deep water and I haven't been on very good terms since since I was seven, when my Father decided that the best way...
  17. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    "Ugh, finally, I thought I was going to melt if we had to walk much longer in this heat" Jasmine smiled, already stripping out of her shorts and kicking off her flip flops. "Good ears Rick, couldn't have found it without ya" she commented, clapping him on the shoulder as she passed him in a mock...
  18. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    Jasmine walked up and tossed her arm around Milo's shoulders. "Isabel's right Milo, you can totally work on soaking some color into that porcelain skin of yours" she chuckled, ruffling his hair before a cheeky smile crossed her face. "And I'll tell you what, if you help rub suntan oil on me...
  19. Madam Red

    Realistic or Modern The Lost

    Jasmine emerged from the bushes a few moments later in the process of tying her long hair in a ponytail. She'd dawned her bikini and was wearing her shorts over it, planning to ditch them once they got to the lake. She followed behind the others after retrieving her bags, not about to leave them...
  20. Madam Red

    Joined the GoT fandom yesterday. Any shred innocence I might have still harbored has been...

    Joined the GoT fandom yesterday. Any shred innocence I might have still harbored has been crushed to dust and blown away with the wind 0.o