OakClan A Warrior Cats RPG [Inactive]

Madam Red

New Member
✰OαкCℓαn✰ A Warrior Cats RPG

Main Camp-

OakClan’s camp is a good sized clearing in a ring of thick bushes, and in the middle of this clearing is a gigantic old Oak tree whose roots branch out, woven tightly together and forming many tree caves of sorts, there is room enough to house the whole clan comfortably.

High branch-

A thick tree branch that the leader addresses the clan from.

Leader Den-

Higher up the tree trunk is a hole big enough for a cat to fit through. Once in though, it opens up into a good sized hollow. This is the leaders den.

Medicine cat den-

At one end of the camp is another cave like construction of roots, made larger with brambles. This is the medicine cat den.

Nursery & Elders Den-

On either side of the medicine cat den is the nursery and the elders den. They are constructed completely out of thick bramble bushes and lined with the softest moss on the territory.

Warriors Den-

At the other end of the camp is the warriors den. Like the medicine den, it is a cave made from the twisting roots of the tree.

Apprentice Den-

Next to the warriors den is the apprentice den, and it is basically the same, only a little smaller.

OakClan hunts a large variety of prey, they are not picky eaters. From frogs to rabbits, if they can catch it, they can eat it. Their stomachs are strong and can digest just about anything. It is for this reason they rarely go hungry, even in the leaf bare months. Most of the territory is full of dense undergrowth, trees, and uneven terrain, but the Clan is well suited to their surroundings.

Training Hollow-

A large sandy clearing out in the territory is where the mentors bring their apprentices to train.

SkyClan Border-

A slow moving river serves as border between the two clans. It’s also a good place to fish and cool off in the newleaf heat. Just watch out for hostile border patrols as OakClan Is almost constantly feuding with them.

MarshClan Border-

A dried up stream bed acts as the border between this water loving Clan. OakClan is currently on good terms with them.
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