Search results for query: *

  1. Kichuna

    Experiences Tell a moment in your RP that was so sad, you literally cried IRL

    I have mostly cried because of happy things in my past RPs. My favorite one is when I wrote my characters wedding vows. I had most of the group crying as well.
  2. Kichuna

    Other If you could be any animal (even fictional) what would you be?

    Manatee for a land animal, I love them so much and they are so sweet looking. Wolf for land animal, I have always had a strong connection with them.
  3. Kichuna

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    I’m going to sound super old here, but I stated back in late 1999 RPing back in the days when Yahoo Chat was all the rage and you could make your own rooms and such. After that it was mostly on Gaia and there where a few other sites between than and here.
  4. Kichuna

    Other If you were a natural disaster, what would you be?

    Hurricane, because than I can bit of everything. Not one that makes landfall just one that stays just off shore and flirts with making landfall.
  5. Kichuna

    * Hello, I'm returning after two years.

    That’s funny that you are returning after two years, because I am doing the same thing. Once an RPer always an RPer right?
  6. Kichuna

    Hello! Anyone interested in boku no hero academia?

    I knew I had should have done that on my computer! I meant to mention that I don’t mind being Present Mic as long as you don’t mind me bringing in my OC at some point.
  7. Kichuna

    Hello! Anyone interested in boku no hero academia?

    I’m about in same boat as you are with wanting to RP BnHA. If it makes you feel better I remember RPing back in the days when Yahoo had chat rooms you could crate on yourself. I’m also in love with plotting something out. I do have an OC that I would like to use, but not for romantic reasons...
  8. Kichuna

    Fandom HUNGER ... BlackButler RP OOC

    I feel like I was the one to kill the RP because I was the last one to post. Even so I am still here.
  9. Kichuna

    Looking for Fantasy/Fandoms [Ignore Post Count]

    I'm interested in a Shinigami / Demon RP, if you are still looking.
  10. Kichuna

    The Number Game

  11. Kichuna

    Fandom HUNGER... BlackButler RP ( Recruiting )

    Venessa Viallalbo There was nothing like the feeling of being covered in fresh dirt and blood after a long day’s work. It had not been their fault that mare had gone into labor, with twin foals no less, and that none of the grooms available at the time had known enough to help the mare. So...
  12. Kichuna

    Fandom HUNGER ... BlackButler RP OOC

    Hello everyone. I should be posting my OC's frist post soonish, not something I can easily do on my phone while at work. I look forward to RPing with you all. I'm still very new too the site and it might take me a bit to get up to date with coding of post and such.
  13. Kichuna

    Fandom HUNGER . . . A Black Butler RP + Cast

    Name: Venessa Villalobos Titles: Lady of Villalobos, her parents the Conde (Earl) and Condesa (Countess) Apparent Age: late teens Real Age: early twenties Race: Human Gender: Female Fashion: During the day she is most often seen wearing riding entire due to her family being prominent...
  14. Kichuna

    -blows up-

    -blows up-
  15. Kichuna

    Creeper! Hisssssssssssssssssssssss

    Creeper! Hisssssssssssssssssssssss
  16. Kichuna

    I really need to cover that webcam.

    I really need to cover that webcam.
  17. Kichuna

    I hope you feel better soon. If it's a sore throat honey might help.

    I hope you feel better soon. If it's a sore throat honey might help.
  18. Kichuna

    I am at a counter...

    I am at a counter...
  19. Kichuna

    Lurking online at work

    Lurking online at work
  20. Kichuna

    News The Nyte Life: Part 1

    When you have to sneak post during work. Lol