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Fandom HUNGER... BlackButler RP ( Recruiting )


Junior Member

...... 黒執事

нυиgєя... α вℓα¢к вυтℓєя яσℓєρℓαу

Our roleplay is set before the end of Season 2. Ciel has no memory of the burning of London and the truth about his parents murder, and Alois has entered the fold as a new adversary and partner in suppressing London's criminal underground. The Queen was found alive and ghoulish rumors are whispered from East End to Big Bend. She's all but cut herself off from the world, and Ciel must depend on Sebastian's judgement in finding assignments. Sebastian's troubled with the paranoia of keeping Ciel safe from harm, and free from the rival Butler Claude's hands. Its becoming more difficult as of late, because a disruption in the Trancy manor has caused Alois to reach out to Ciel more than the Earl or his Butler is accustomed to.

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@Red Juliet as
Sebastian Michaelis

@BlueInPassing as Ciel Phantomhive

[/i]Kichuna as Venessa Villalobos

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яυℓєѕ . . .

1... You must submit a character, original or canonical, for approval and wait to be approved before posting. PM your Character Bio, and I will critique and evaluate it. Revisions might have to be made, but I am not unreasonable or inflexible. Once it is approved I will give you the go ahead to post it in the Character Profiles thread.

2... Please try to remain relevant to the setting. It is 1885 in Victorian England. There are not cell phones, there is a strict class system, and an obsession with keeping a moral appearance. Have fun with it.

3... If you encounter a disagreement or are having an issue with another member, please don't antagonize each other or let it build into a fight. Send me a PM and I'll delegate and help you both sort it out.

4... You must be active. I don't ask that you post every single day, but you must post at least twice a week. If you think you have to be gone you must let us know so we can prepare.

5... This is a literate, detailed RP. Please spellcheck your posts, don't use script format, no caps or huge fonts. You must post at least four sentences. Don't stress about this though. Just describe the environment around the character or how they are feeling or thinking. You arent going to get booted for short posts, but if it continues to be a problem for people I'll have to do something.

6... No God Modding or Power Playing. Your character has not read other players Character Bio's. They cannot see the future or read minds. They are not infinitely powerful. I trust you to handle any combat maturely and fairly.

7... No Mary/Gary Sues/Stus. Your character must have noticeable flaws. If you give your character flaws, real human flaws, I guarantee that you will love your character more and have more fun playing them than the most perfect special snowflake unicorn princess in the world. I will call you out on this.

8 ... You are only allowed to play 3 characters at once, and we recommend only playing 2. You can shelf certain characters in your cast in order to play a new one, but first I must see that you can balance the ones you already have.

9 ... More as I see fit. ( Help??? )

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ѕєттιиg . . .

England, 1885. The values of Victorian morality are saturated in the climate of the culture. The class system is elitist and all sights are on industrialism and improvement. The world in Europe changed very quickly, and the people are determined to retain their point of views on humanity despite all the discoveries. There are strict social courtesies people must abide by, especially when interacting with the opposite sex. People strictly practice sexual abstinence, at least on the surface. Any sexual or overly flirtatious behavior they engage is kept secret or shared with very few. Views on right and wrong are black and white, execution is still common, and your life relies on your reputation more than anything else. The higher you are, the harder you fall.

With the prevelancy of commercialism and industrialization the people are beginning to have inner doubts about religion. The virtues prescribed by religion were named as values, a morality based conduct and behavior. Ideals were upheld as morals and values. Agnostic way of thinking emerged due to the tremendous and rapid transformation of the country’s economy, development and political situation. A facade of sobriety, sternness and piety was adopted while turning a blind eye to the many evils that were rampant. The most thought was given to what was respectable. From the aristocracy to the working class, respectability was the topmost thing on everyone’s minds. Being clean, truthful, and polite and observing the rules of conversation were very important. Philanthropy was also an example of Victorian morality.

Anyone not adhering to the morals dictated was shunned and criticized.

Recommended Reading: The Making of Victorian Sexuality; After the Victorians; & Manners, Morals and Class in England | History Today
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иσи ρℓαуαвℓє ¢нαяα¢тєяѕ . . .

Queen Victoria

Hannah Annafellows



¢нαяα¢тєя αρρℓι¢αтισи . . .

( All of these must be filled out, even if you are applying to be a cannon character. We are not accepting animals/ferals, or furries. Werewolves, familiars, or transformations are allowed. )

Full Name:

Apparent Age:

Real Age:



Fashion: ( How do they dress? Be general. They arent going to be wearing the same thing every day. Just talk about the style. )

Distinguishing Features: ( Scars, tattoos, strange body language, odd habits, funny accent, ect )

First Impression:

Current Residence:

Brief History: ( Just the milestones in their life. Ciel's family died. He got a butler. London burned down. It fucked him up. Just the jest, you will get into your history in the story telling later. Dont waste it here. If you want your character to remain a mystery, give a short description of where they appear to be coming from or what lie they are telling other people. Below, in brackets [[ ]] Explain their real history. It will remain private, and will not be posted in the general Character Bios. But I must have an idea how your character can fit into the grand scheme of things so I can work them into the plot better. )

Core Values: ( Ciel's core values are dignity, his duty to the Queen, the safety of his family and his revenge. If your character has important goals or is religious you would add this here. )

Skills: ( List any talents, special powers, or proficient skills here. )

Combat: ( Weapons or fighting style. If your character has combat or martial arts training, you must specify where they did their training and what style. You can have only two weapons! Shinigami can have only one. )

Sample: ( Copy a previous RP or excerpt of personal work and paste it here. It doesn't need to be for this character. I just need to see how you write. Must be a paragraph. Can be a small one. If you have already had a character approved you do not need to add this in further applications. One time gig. )
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иєωѕ αи∂ υρ∂αтєѕ . . .

2/18/2016 . . . It lives! Not open for posts yet, still accepting applications.

2/21/2016 . . . I forgot to mention that if you have already had a character approved, than you do not need to add a second writing sample in your further applications! This has been added to the character application.

2/25/2016 . . . We have all the necessary characters we need! We are ready to start playing!

4/6/2016 . . . My computer finally decided to die. Right now I can borrow my mom's from time to time, but she runs a business with it so my posts will be sporadic. Don't wait up for me!

ιмρσятαит ℓιикѕ . . .

Feeler and Recruitment: Casual - Black Butler RP?

OOC Thread



Characters Thread
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London was noisy. There were a great deal of people in the streets, and walking was a slow affair. The din of their voices mingled with the clatter of carriage wheels and the shouting of less-than-reputable merchants selling miracle cures and tonics in the streets on makeshift stages. The air was a mix of the scent of ladies' perfumes and the acrid stench of industrial pollutant. The city wasn't clean, but it didn't stop the ladies from lightly lifting their intricate dresses to avoid trailing them upon the soiled cobblestone, or the men from walking about in their perfectly polished shoes.

But it was in London that the case had led them. With or without the Queen's orders, there were still those that would tarnish the city's name, and in doing so her reputation. At first it was nothing unusual, just the disappearance of a young child. Children often turned up missing, usually victims of trafficking. But when the bodies began to turn up, that was when the patterns developed. Someone was taking and murdering children off the streets of London.

The party was a social affair, and as the young master had been addressed and invited specifically, it had been a requirement to accept. It was, however, also a perfect opportunity to gather information and look for clues on the current case. Such horrible news would be one of the topics of the night, and gossip and rumor were also likely to be tied to possible leads.

Upon entering the estate, Sebastian thought it was rather gaudy. He turned his eyes toward the young Phantomhive, a strand of dark hair slipping over one eye. "Will you be addressing the host or would you like to acquaint yourself with the guests, My Lord?"

@BlueInPassing @Robyn Banks @Milk Prince
@Robyn Banks


@Red Juliet


Bartlebee Archambeau had orchestrated an expensive, classy affair. All of the big wigs and social movers and shakers in London were invited, and few could turn down such an elegant invitation. The servants decorated The Archambeau Townhouse with silk banners, long scented candlesticks, and polished every utensil and plate to a bright shine. Before the party Bartlebee went over the mansion, adding personal touches of fragrant roses and bowls of fruit.

The Archambeau servants met before the doors were opened and briefed on the proper etiquette expected of them and their important duties during and after the party. Keep off the ballroom floor to make room for guests to dance, clear the attendee’s plates when they were finished, fill their glasses as they run out, and most importantly- prevent any attendee from ascending to the 2nd floor. The staircase was roped off to signify that the second floor was off limits, the doors were locked, and two servants were commanded to stand guard in alternating shifts. Bartlebee completed the gathering with an applause and the words,

"Remember - in all things, opulence. "

As the party carried on into the evening, Bartlebee socialized with every attendee assuring that they were having a marvelous time. The general tone at the beginning was a dark one. People shared suspicions about the murders of local children. They wondered what the Queen was up to, and how she could allow such crimes to persist in her city. Mutterings of incompetence were prevalent. But Archambeau was rather quick to change the mood, distracting them with gossip of fellow party goers. As music broke out into the ballroom the people were alight with festive frivolity and pleasure.

But one party goer he was saving his attentions for last, the esteemed Earl Phantomhive. The young earl stuck out sorely, being the youngest by far and abstaining from dancing and other festivities. As most butlers weaved in and out of cliques offering pastries and bubbling champagne or stood several paces apart awaiting personal orders, Ciels butler remained endearingly close to his master. Bartlebee smirked as he eyed Ciel who appeared to be brooding on the sidelines. Bartlebee summoned his most trusted maid servant to his side.

"Nancy, would you be so kind to offer the Earl of Phantomhive an Earl Grey with cream and sugar? Maybe something sweet will quell his sour mood." Bartlebee gave her a signature broad, crooked smile.
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It wasn't as if she'd never attended a party before, Nancy had been to many, of course, yet the bustling mixture of high class and wine and fine clothing never ceased to amaze her. Oh, and the women! She did not see anything gaudy, nothing garish, no, she saw them as beautiful and impossibly graceful creatures, nothing like how she saw herself. The excitement was almost too much, she felt like a giddy child on Christmas morning, even though she should have been behaving like a calm and mature young woman.

When her Master called her, it shocked her out of her daydream, and for a moment, Nancy didn't quite recall what she was supposed to be doing. Quickly, she trotted over a bit closer, adjusting the bodice of her dress on the way, already nodding earnestly.

"Of course, right away, sir," She smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, "Earl grey, cream, sugar. I won't take long, I promise," With that, she began to make her way off, weaving between the distinguished guests and trying to stay out from underfoot.

Really, Nancy couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that she'd been ushered off- sure, it was her job, and she wouldn't give it up for all of the tea in China, but she was just afraid of missing something interesting. Ah, well, the tea wouldn't take too long, and she just wanted to make the man she worked for happy- that was her main aim.

After minutes of tapping the counter impatiently and bouncing on the balls of her feet, Nancy brought the brewed tea back up into the room, along with the cram and sugar, as requested. She knew, of course, who the Earl of Phantomhive was- they had never formally met, but... Well, she just knew.

"Good evening, sir. Would you like some tea?" She was about to reel off a dozen new questions, but stopped herself just in time, smiling politely instead.

@Robyn Banks @Milk Prince @Red Juliet @BlueInPassing
Lady Isabella was bored out of her mind. She was currently dancing with a man almost a decade her senior, listening to him drone on and on about matters that did not interest her. Well, perhaps they would have, if she found him overall more engaging.

Parties used to be exciting for her. They were a chance to flirt and mess around, to catch up on any new information that she had missed, and to show off simply how well she could clean up. Yet somehow, she just wasn't in the mood for this sort of thing; this dancing was dull, the man was nothing new, and the conversation had become one sided several songs ago. Ugh, if she was ever going to be a damsel in distress who needed somebody to save her,
this would be the time.

Thankfully, the young woman could preoccupy herself with thoughts of the initial conversation- there was the important, macabre topic of the murders of the children in London. Smirking, she recalled what a man had whispered to her earlier that evening; many had made quick remarks about the Queen's failure to protect the city, but his claims of incompetence could almost be considered treasonous. Oh, some people just didn't understand etiquette.

Apologies, writer's block.
As the night dragged on, Ciel found it increasingly difficult to mask his displeasure beneath a facade of politely detached indifference. His feet hurt, he was bored, and he was surrounded by the inane prattling of the so-called social elite, who clearly had too much time on their hands. Coming to this party was a mistake, but he could hardly admit it to his butler now, especially after having insisted on attending. At the time, it seemed like an excellent excuse to avoid his duties as a host to his most recent guest… So he obstinately remained on the sidelines, undisturbed by the other partygoers who felt that they had little in common with the young noble. It was not an ideal arrangement, but a tolerable one that allowed him to observe the going-ons of the night as an elevated spectator.

"Good evening sir, would you like some tea?"

A brief moment of confusion, and then understanding dawned upon the earl. Fine alcohol was the standard for such events; evidently the host had arranged something particular in consideration of his young guest. No doubt Lord Archambeau had taken notice of his... lack of enthusiasm, to say the least – damn, he'd have to make more of an effort in appearing engaged.

"Earl Grey, is it?" He accepted the proffered cup with a gracious smile before taking a tentative sip.
Blegh, sugared dishwater. Objectively speaking, the tea was not bad, but it certainly paled in comparison to Sebastian’s brews. Ciel set the cup back on its saucer, transforming his grimace into a look of appreciation. He smirked inwardly. Here was something interesting: rather than the murders (which the upper class knew nothing about anyway -- that was just an excuse for his sudden interest in social events), he was far more interested in why Lord Archambeau had roped off the second floor. However innocuous the barrier seemed to be, it showed either an offensive mistrust of the guests or a need for secrecy.

“Sebastian.” He drew his servant closer, not enough so that it would seem improper, but enough for the demon to hear what it needed to.
Find out what Lord Archambeau is hiding. With this command given, he pulled back. “Bring me something to go with this fine tea. I'm feeling slightly peckish,” he declared loudly. “And you, I must thank your master for his hospitality.” He left the two servants to themselves, along with the tea, which remained forgotten on the maid's tray. He really couldn't drink any more of the stuff.

@Red Juliet @ailurophile @Milk Prince @Robyn Banks

Jacqueline arrived at the party with a car, to show off her father's associate new model. Cars were pretty new to the world at this time and often represents a person with a luxurious lifestyle, especially since this was the only car present. She returned from France only a couple of days ago after fulfilling her 'duties' to the queen. Assassinating a English diplomatic that was rumored to be giving classified information to the French. She didn't see her mother while she was there though for reason she didn't like to talk about.

She arrived alone since she persuaded her uncle that she would be alright without a male guardian and that the boxes of souvenirs she brought for her old friend wasn't going to be misplaced, simply by the fact that he was starting to believe she had hysteria.She heard the rumours of what was going on in her absence and she was opalled though in actuality, her heritage was of england but her heart remained in America. She looked around the room for any familiar faces. Someone who would be glad of her arrival back safely. Someone to converse with on the present matters. But instead she spotted a noble, she heard about but haven't quite met and tried to pull off a little discussion.

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The lavish carriage rattled down the London streets as they sought to reach their destination. They were fashionably late; fashionably in the sense that the young Earl was having terrible difficulty in finding his most adequate outfit for the evening, which in turn was making their arrival quite overdue. It was only a mild nuisance to Claude. These were Alois' affairs after all, not his own, however he was aware of the probability of finding a certain intriguing pair at these festivities. He understood the Queen's Watchdog to be a rather secluded type of individual, not one to bother himself with such exhausting social events, so as Claude saw it, it was all a game of chance.

The demon sat poised, his hands politely folded in his lap, his face an impartial expression. He looked towards the young blonde boy across from him, or more so passed over him, his gaze focusing instead on the red velvet curtain that draped so eloquently about them as he remained in silence, thinking on such things. Finally, the carriage slowed to a halt in front of the Archambeau Townhouse. Their were already a mass of others attendees and you could here the faint din of talk and laughter. Quite the party.

Quickly adjusting the cuffs of his coat, Claude rose from his seat, stepping down onto the cold stone ground. He took a slow inhale of cool air, letting it soothe and clear his mind. Claude turned and held a hand up for the young master to clasp in order to assist him down from the carriage steps, already knowing too well it was something he would want from him.

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Alois was beaming with excitement for the chance to mingle with other aristocrats and take in the crowds attention. He was meticulous in choosing his outfit, a crisp cranberry blazer with white fur trim along the collar and large embellished golden buttons. A pair of straight black slacks and wingtip heeled shoes finished the outfit and gave him a more mature demeanor than the Earls usual fashion. Alois wanted to attract a more sophisticated audience this evening. As the carriage rolled in to the estate later in the evening, Alois noticed there were few attendees to greet them. As Claude stepped out and offered Alois his hand, butterflies of nervous excitement fluttered in the boys stomach. A nondescript butler escorted them through a velvet roped entrance, where a beautiful young blond woman greeted them.

“Your name?” The young woman asked in a bored voice. Alois was jealous and intimidated by her disinterest and aloof attitude. Since becoming the Earl of the Trancy state Alois had not attended many parties and few would recognize him, but for the purpose of appearances Alois pretended to be offended.

“Do you not recognize a superior? I am Alois Trancy, Earl of the illustrious Trancy estate. “ Alois pouted. “Claude, show her our invitation.”

The woman took the invitation gently in a gloved hand and inspected the names.

“This invitation is for Arthur Trancy, your father.” The blond woman said with distain. “This party is not for children.”

Alois scowled a hideous expression. “My father has passed away and I have inherited his titles and responsibilities. How ignorant of this Archambeau fellow for not offering his condolences for my fathers demise. “ Alois shouted, bringing on the judgmental stares of several party goers and servants. Alois shoved his way past her and into the party without much effort, the woman was clearly not going to put up further fight about his attendance.

Alois had never been to a ballroom affair like this before. The atmosphere was casual, in stark contrast with the fashion of the attendees and the expense of the decorations. People were flirting openly, joking around and drinking heavily. Alois was excited to engage in some controversy and partying. But first he wanted to introduce himself to the host and stir up some drama about his improper treatment. As Alois strut through the party goers, he spied Ciel Phantomhive. Rage grew hot in his stomach – clearly certain children were invited without complaint. And Alois was currently staying as a guest in Phantomhive manor and Ciel had not invited Alois to the party or even informed him that he was also invited. Alois stormed his way after the other boy, eager to make a public confrontation.
ѕєвαѕтιαη мι¢нαєℓιѕ

The name fell from the young master's lips with the lingering promise of a command to follow. As he was beckoned, he leaned forward as befitting of a servant to attentively listen and attend to his master. To an outsider, the momentary interaction would have been perfectly ordinary. The true order was quietly uttered, and once given it would be fulfilled without fail. It was masked, quite artfully, by the following of another much more mundane request in the authoritative tone of which he had become quite familiar. His lips curved upwards into a smile and he bowed with one hand elegantly poised over his chest.

"Understood. I will see to it immediately," Sebastian answered. He inclined his head and properly excused himself from the young maid. Her attempt to cater to the young Phantomhive was likely a result of their host. But he could tell from the color of the tea that the temperature of the water had been slightly off, likely a result of hurried steeping. As Ciel turned to speak with Lord Archambeau, Sebastian turned to the crowd. Ascending the stairs would draw unnecessary attention, so he decided to investigate the second-floor hallway by accessing it from an exterior window.

To deceive the human eye was quite simple, and the move outside and to the sill went unnoticed by any party guests. The second floor had quite a different atmosphere than the jubilant party below. Peculiar paintings lined the walls, one particularly poignant theological piece depicting the fall of Lucifer caused him to pause for a moment and stare with slight amusement.

The floor was clearly well lived in, small hoards of jewelry, books, laces, and books everywhere, and rooms with men's and women's clothing strewn haphazardly about. Small wonder it was kept roped off, and yet hardly what he was searching for. There were children's toys meticulously and carefully placed away amongst small clothing, and yet he couldn't recall seeing any children. The last room he entered gave him pause.

"My...to contaminate the sweet fragrances of fresh tea leaves with something such as this," he remarked as he removed his glove and pressed his fingers to a well-used carving table. Still relatively fresh. His eyes moved to one of the chairs at the table where a small wrapped package lay in a dirty rag. He unwrapped the package and examined the items within. Afterward, he replaced it precisely where he found it and returned to the party to find something appropriately sweet.

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Nancy Holloway.

Location;; Archambeau Townhouse, in the ballroom.

Occupation;; Maid to Lord Archambeau.

Feeling;; Interested, jittery, excited.

Tags;; Ciel, open.


Nancy chewed her lower lip as the young Earl took a quite tentative sip of the tea she had made-- oh, perhaps he thought she had poisoned it, or something dreadful like that! No, she was simply being dramatic again. Though the young man transformed it quickly and tastefully, the maid still caught a brief glimpse of his fleeting grimace, and groaned inwardly at it. Perhaps he didn't think her murderous, but what sort of maid couldn't even make decent tea? Still, she didn't press it, nor did she prompt him to take the cup and saucer back again; she let them remain on the tray.

"Enjoy the rest of your evening, sir."

She dipped her head again and trotted off, weaving between the party's attendants and ditching the tray (along with the tea) on a nearby surface on her way through. There were other people to greet and attend to, and she wanted to make an effort to be on her very best behaviour. Deep in a daydream, ironically about how she was going to work efficiently that evening, Nancy bumped into a couple of the arriving guests, but simply uttered a hasty apology before scrambling away. Focus, she needed to
focus. It wasn't as if Nancy Holloway was usually so clumsy and air headed, far from it, she was actually quite a good maid, she supposed it was just the excitement of the party that was getting to her head. Oh, of course her skills should fail her during such an occasion.

"Now, who could possibly need my assistance?" She murmured to herself, adjusting her stockings swiftly.
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First, it was only a slight shift in the flow of the crowd, a few turning heads towards the angry shouting at the entrance. The voice was vaguely familiar. It triggered an instinctive feeling of aversion, but Ciel couldn’t quite put his finger on who the speaker could be -- nor did he care to. Some uncouth was making a fool of themselves, nothing to see there. Instead, he scanned the hall for the velveted figure of the night’s host, who had faded into the party once again.

Turning heads soon became murmurs of disapproval when Earl Trancy stormed past the guests, his blatant displeasure souring the mood of their gathering. His butler trailed silently behind like a shadow.

“Alois!” Ciel blurted out faintly, surprised. What was he doing here? From the looks of it, the blond was about to hurl himself into one of his usual tantrums; for what, Ciel did not know, but he seemed to be the target of Alois’s ire. The resulting scene would be… unsightly, no doubt. His lip curled in distaste, and his back straightened in steely preparation for the impending confrontation. Eyes filled with contempt and head tossed slightly back, as if in condescension and defiant challenge, Earl Phantomhive met the other's fiery rage with frigid calm.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Earl Trancy," he snipped. Act in a way befitting of your title, was what his tone seemed to warn.

@Milk Prince
@Robyn Banks


@Red Juliet



Bartlebee had been an attendant host throughout the evening, engaging in light casual conversation with many of the parties attendees. He was careful to give off an occupied, important impression so that his guests wouldn’t have the opportunity to pry too deeply. Bartlebee was doing a fine job of avoiding personally greeting the guest who’s company he was the most enthusiastic to have. Between the bobbing heads and elegantly draped shoulders Bartlebee kept an eye on Earl Phantomhive. The disappearance of the Phantomhive butler made Bartlebee curious, and he was bewildered at the excitement he was feeling at such a minor occurrence.

“Lord Archambeau, you frequently do charity work with local downtrodden orphanages correct?” A tall man decorated with a rich silk green cravat asked Bartlebee with the cadence of inebriation in his voice. As he stroked his thick mustache, wiping the cream from the cake he had been eating from its whiskers, Bartlebee let a curious wide smile spread across his face.

“Yes, although most of the work I do is writing checks. “ Bartlebee quipped, swirling his wine glass in his hand. “There is so much work to be done, and I’m afraid my schedule doesn’t allow for much charity work.” Several of the guests he had been speaking to chuckled with aristocratic comfortability. The mustachioed man did not share in the laughter, and gave Bartlebee a sidelong glare.

“You of course know I am speaking about the recent string of tragedies in the city. This maniac is targeting children! And with such an important position you’re in these orphanages must have been in communication with you. “the gentleman accused gruffly. Bartlebee rolled his eyes dramatically. “Have they increased their security? What have you done to help these impoverished damned souls?”

The last remark prompted Bartlebee to scoff, clicking his teeth with disappointment.

“Only a foolish man would inquire publically about specifics of security risks put in place when there is a serial killer on the loose. “ Bartlebee took a sip of his merlot and raised his chin, looking down at the man with a malicious smile. “That killer could be at this very party, and I would never put the lives of children at risk.”

The surrounding people uncomfortably stepped away from the gentleman with the emerald cravat and poor manners. He gave a grunt of drunken disbelief, and handed his plate of half eaten cake to Bartlebee and then turned to leave. As the conversations drifted to more pleasant topics, across the room Bartlebee spied a woman so beautiful that he went deaf to the flattery and laudation being given to him for his courteous rebuttal.

Bartlebee dropped small plate onto the floor, where it shattered sending fine china and splattering cake and frosting all over the marble floor. Lord Archambeau sauntered handsomely across the room, floating between guests who were appalled and excited at his lapse in politeness. Bartlebee took a final swig of his wine, finishing the glass and set it on a small end table. He then descended upon young Lady Isabelle Farley, his great height casting a haunting shadow over the girl.

“My lady, I am your host. Lord Bartlebee Archambeau.” Bartlebee delicately took her hand, and with a bow he placed a soft kiss upon her fingers. “Would you do me the great honor of this dance?”
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@Robyn Banks


@Red Juliet



Alois felt his face growing hot with anger and embarrassment at Ciel’s cool surprise. Alois stood up straight, putting his hands on his hips in an attempt to make himself appear taller and more imposing.

“No, I suppose you wouldn’t expect to see me here! You were careful to keep your own invitation a secret from your honored guest!” His attempt at intimidation was defeated by the high pitched whine in his voice. “I’m from an important family. It was only natural that my attendance was requested.”

Alois scoffed with annoyance, sweeping a curl of light blond hair from his face with a defiant swing of his head. The young boy erected a front of entitlement and authority to mask the discomfort he was beginning to feel. Alois would never admit it, not even to Claude, but his feelings had actually been hurt that Ciel had not informed him of his plans for the night. Alois had developed an admiration and familiarity with Earl Phantomhive, and to discover the feelings weren’t mutual stung. But Alois was never someone who would acknowledge his true feelings if it didn’t give him an advantage on the situation, and he swallowed the lump in his throat and disguised his discouragement.

“So…” Alois expressed with a drawling sigh. “Where is the purpose of this garish affair? Has the host given a toast or a speech? Where are the pastries and tea cakes? Why hasn’t a servant offered me a drink?” Alois prattled, unintentionally displaying a need for Ciels attention. He waved a hand at Claude, summoning him to obey an order. “Ciel and I require refreshment. Bring us two glasses of the sparkling champagne. And a plate of something sweet to snack on.”

Lady Isabella Farley

Location;; Archambeau Townhouse, in the ballroom.

Occupation;; Lady of the Farley Estate.

Feeling;; Interested, flirtatious, relieved.

Tags;; Lord Bartlebee.


The young lady Isabella was precisely one minute away from slapping her dance partner in the face just to stop him from droning on and on and knocking into her most awkwardly when her saviour came in the form of the party's host. With a simple 'helpless' shrug of one shoulder to her original partner, the blonde twirled to face the man before her, looking up at him as he practically towered over her. She didn't have time to offer up her hand to the man, who was several years her senior, but he took it just the same and graced her fingers with a simple kiss-- polite, yes?

Grateful for the fact that she'd been pulled away from the boredo of her previous partner, she glanced away for a moment with a shy smile as though she was bashful and nodded before looking back up to meet his gaze.

"Why, of course, it would be a pleasure. What a lovely home you have, my Lord," She tucked a loose curl of hair behind her ear before moving her hand to rest somewhere near his waist.

"I must say, you're quite the improvement from the men I danced with earlier."

@Milk Prince
ѕєвαѕтιαη мι¢нαєℓιѕ

As expected, no one noticed a servant moving about the party on his own. Sebastian's eyes quickly searched for Lord Archambeau or any of his servants, but it seemed no one had seen his ascent upstairs. It was not his decision to investigate further or not. As once so eloquently stated, he was simply the chess piece being moved around the board.

But he paused as his eyes scanned the crowd of party goers. He had picked up on a very
distinctive presence, and his instincts were never wrong. He sighed as he glanced towards the silver platter balanced carefully in one hand with the delicate strawberry dacquoise perched and prepared with a dollop of fresh cream. If his instincts were correct, it seemed the dessert would go to waste.

Defenses raised as he realized that the appearance of the two could be troublesome, he made his way back to his young master. As he expected, the young Trancy and his butler were, in fact, present. He hadn't calculated upon that, but he kept his expression in place regardless. Perhaps they wouldn't be so brazen as to start any sort of confrontation in a crowd full of influential nobility.

Though it seemed the boy had no issue causing a scene. Sebastian refrained from another sigh as several heads turned to watch their interaction.

"I did not realize you had company, shall I bring another pastry, Young Master?" Sebastian asked purely for the benefit of the party guests watching and listening. To be involved in any type of scene here could poorly affect the Phantomhive name. However his attention was upon Claude, wondering what their intentions may be.

@Milk Prince @BlueInPassing @BlackPlagued



The mansion glimmered from afar, grell stuffed his scissors in his pockets before leaping towards the entrance. when spears was away, Grell came to play! Especially with his darling Sebastian. Oh the thought of him made him squell. He bursted through the doors with his lavish outfit of red of course. Something most people weren't worthy of wearing. Like the hag over there. Despicable! He scanned the permeter before He say his target,Sebby his lover! With another handsome man beside him. How pleasant! So many men he didn't know what to do with himself. He leaped towards Sebastian in open arms. "Bassy! My darling! Did you miss me? because I sure as hell missed you. Your crimson eyes seems to burn my body, my soul! But it does not bring me pain in fact it makes me feel alive!" Grell spun on his heels before turning to Claude with a smirk. "And who is this hunk of a man? Never seen you before because if I had I would've remembered." He said before getting uncomfortably close and pushing up his glasses. Though Grell did enjoy the flirting, he had to keep an eye out something he would forget quite soon. Someone was going to die tonight before he just had to wait for it to happen.



Jack watched Grell bolt towards Sebastian. With his usual gleam of joy. She shook her head with a smile on her face already having a general idea of what would follow. Sebastian will be unamused and grell would keep confessing his Shakespearean love for him multiple times. She wondered if she should approach the three but she thought not. She approached the butler of the manor,Bartlebee, before handing him the wrapped presents that surprisingly stayed intact. I was unaware where to put it done figured I should give it to you. I'm quite surprised how I managed to hold on to it for the time but I do have my ways." She didn't make eye contact with him until after she was finished with her comments. She noticed the markings on his face as if he was a clown. quite awkward for her since she was coulrophobic when she was younger. She cleared her throat before adjusting her dress. Looking at the crowd of people. "Now tell me what is there to do at a social gathering like this? Honestly was never a fan of parties. Full of pretenders trying to make their way up the hierarchy, make everything seem like its fine when in actuality its not." She realized her voice of opinion was being pushed upon him before she decided to lighten the mood. "I do like Large parties though, they're so intimate while at small parties there's no privacy." She laughed prior to nodding in acknowledgement Towards him. "You must think I'm so rude. Going on and on without introducing myself.Jacqueline but you can call me jack for short."

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Phantomhive was curiously alone when Alois spotted and confronted him which inevitably led Claude to wonder where the other demon had left to. He stood straightened, his hands clasped behind his back and kept his silence as the two Earls conversed, noting the underlying tension and the scarcely detectable rigidness in Alois that Claude already understood to be the result of losing the battle with his own emotions. But he kept his composure well enough against Ciel's cool, stern demeanor especially under the circumstances. Claude nodded his head in a slow sweep of obedience as he was given his orders, but out of the corner of his eye, beneath his spectacles, he noticed the approaching black figure of the other. He caught Sebastian's gaze as he inquired his own master, but before Ciel could respond, Claude spoke up.

"That won't be necessary, Mr. Michaelis. I have been given my orders." Claude replied with slightly narrowed eyes, but as well equal visual finesse and etiquette as his adversary. That was the wearisome thing with public events, people were observing these young important figures, even if it hardly seemed so at times; the fools exposed to this mock game of refinement and good natured interaction, kept in the shallow and petty end of perspective. Claude was about to make his way to the refreshments when another approaching figure disturbed his path; this one in red.

A touch of alarm reached his face a moment as the red cladded man galavanted towards them. The reaper clung to Sebastian tightly, affectionately babbling nonsense as the latter seemed less than committed to those words. Then he spun around and Claude was met with his shark teeth grin and batting eyes. Though his outspoken nature flustered him a bit, Claude kept a stoic face as this confusingly androgynous man closed the gap of personal space between them, unamused with his antics. He back away from Grell and in the same motion left the small group to fulfill his given orders.

@BlueInPassing @Red Juliet @Robyn Banks @Milk Prince



Grell gasped as the man took a step back from him and left. "How rude! Seems like he doesn't know how to treat a lady." He spun on his heels to shift his attention to Sebastian."but I'm sure you do Bassy." He said seductively, touching the edge of his vest. Until all the fun was over when he heard a woman scream. He rolled his eyes before showing of his devilish smile. "Well I guess I'm on duty to find the crimson red victim. Just follow the sound of screaming and uncertainty" he laughed taking out his scissors and making his way to the ballroom or what was now a crime scene. On the way he bumped into Jackie as he calls her. She looked up at him like she was getting ready to curse him out but instead she said. "What happened? What's going on?" He giggles to himself as if what she said was nonsense."What do you think darling? Someone died. Come along we have much to talk about. Like your hair! Why isn't it red?" Jacqueline looked dumbfounded until she realized that grell always took death so nonchalantly as that was his job after all. Grell always try to convince her that the job would be fun if she was there and all she had to do was kill herself. Jack denied for the obvious reasons.

All they say was a broken window and a giant box on the ground. Nothing out of the ordinary. Grell took out his book before announcing. "Richard Douglas. 12. Such a soul but he looks better now at least." Jack took a good hard look at the body.Jack's face didnt change"I don't see a dead body." Grell only smirked amused "well then look inside the box." Jack slowly approched it, her hands reaching out to peek inside. The dusgusting fumes of it hit her nose as she slowly closed it to not cause anymore of a scene than it already is. She was sure the others would arrive but she didn't decide to wait on anyone. She tried to move the observers away saying it was just a stunt a person tried to pull and there was nothing to see. Grell seemed pretty flattered with himself already so she decided he had to stay for any insight of the person.

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Venessa Viallalbo


There was nothing like the feeling of being covered in fresh dirt and blood after a long day’s work. It had not been their fault that mare had gone into labor, with twin foals no less, and that none of the grooms available at the time had known enough to help the mare. So there she had, for the last few hours, a noble woman kneeling in the middle of an open field helping to clean out the mouth the second foal. No this was what Venessa Villalobos lived for, never mind the fact that she was meant to be at the party that was fully underway by now. There had been know time to think of that until after she saw too the foals having suckled and that the grooms knew to leave the mare with her foals until the next day.

Having cleaned up as she could in the stables Venessa makes her way back to Lord Bartlebee’s townhouse. She knows that if she appears in front of the whole of London high society in her currently state it will reflect poorly on her family. The only option she really has, at least she thinks so, is to try to sneak through staff door in the back and be able to get to her room on the first floor, snagging a maid once she was in house to help her into her dress.

At least that had been the plan.

"Check the grounds!"

"They could have gone out the staff door!"

Venessa reaches for the door as it opens and she had no time to react as she is yanked into the house, "I found them." As she tries to wrap her head around what is going on as she in thrown against the wall held in place with the help of someone else.

Venessa growls low, “What is the meaning of this! Is this how the servants of this house treat a guest!” She could take being yanked into the house but she drew the line at begin throw against the wall and held in place. “You will unhand me this moment mandrake mouth!” She struggles to get away from the wall call and them as her arms are pulled behind her back and arms being held in place none too gently.

One of other servants came up with a cord of rope, “Do you really think this is the murder?”

‘’Stop your struggling you murder. We will have our master decide what to do with you,” the servant says as they slam her head hard into the wall. “Don’t sell me a dog, whore.” He takes the rope as he looks at the other servant, “Let Lord Bartlebee know the murder has been caught and will be brought to him.” They are not going to allow this intruder get away from him.

Blood trickles down Venessa’s head, as she passes out for a moment, while the rope being tighten around her arms. “I repeat unhand me this instant!” She was going to have a few choice words with Lord Bartlebee about her treatment once this was done with. As well as send her father a letter. At at least once her head stopped hurting. Who knew when that would be.

Venessa remains quite as she is taken into the main room by the smug servant, whose hold remains tight on her roped arms, blood still dripping from where her forehead had been smashed in, the bloody and dirty riding gear was the last of her worries. This was not how the Spaniard thought her introduction in into London High Society was going to happen, she knew she looked every bit like a criminal that she was being accused of being. That was not going to prevent her from trying to walk with confident strides and to keep her head up, she was still a lady and she was going to show it as much as she could.

The next best thing was going to be to allow Lord Bartlebee to deal with this issue, this was his house after all. Surly he would believe her when she told him what she had been doing, or at least send someone back to the stables to help confirm her story. At least that was what she was hoping it would happen.

Slang Term Meanings

mandrake= homosexual

mouth = fool
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