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Fandom HUNGER . . . A Black Butler RP + Cast


Junior Member


饑 ...... 黒執事

нυиgєя... α вℓα¢к вυтℓєя яσℓєρℓαу

Please only post your character profile in this thread if its been approved. You can chat and plot about your characters here if you want, but I would prefer it in the OOC Chat.

OOC Thread



яυℓєѕ . . .

1... You must submit a character, original or canonical, for approval and wait to be approved before posting. PM your Character Bio, and I will critique and evaluate it. Revisions might have to be made, but I am not unreasonable or inflexible. Once it is approved I will give you the go ahead to post it in the Character Profiles thread.

2... Please try to remain relevant to the setting. It is 1885 in Victorian England. There are not cell phones, there is a strict class system, and an obsession with keeping a moral appearance. Have fun with it.

3... If you encounter a disagreement or are having an issue with another member, please don't antagonize each other or let it build into a fight. Send me a PM and I'll delegate and help you both sort it out.

4... You must be active. I don't ask that you post every single day, but you must post at least twice a week. If you think you have to be gone you must let us know so we can prepare.

5... This is a literate, detailed RP. Please spellcheck your posts, don't use script format, no caps or huge fonts. You must post at least four sentences. Don't stress about this though. Just describe the environment around the character or how they are feeling or thinking. You arent going to get booted for short posts, but if it continues to be a problem for people I'll have to do something.

6... No God Modding or Power Playing. Your character has not read other players Character Bio's. They cannot see the future or read minds. They are not infinitely powerful. I trust you to handle any combat maturely and fairly.

7... No Mary/Gary Sues/Stus. Your character must have noticeable flaws. If you give your character flaws, real human flaws, I guarantee that you will love your character more and have more fun playing them than the most perfect special snowflake unicorn princess in the world. I will call you out on this.

8 ... You are only allowed to play 3 characters at once, and we recommend only playing 2. You can shelf certain characters in your cast in order to play a new one, but first I must see that you can balance the ones you already have.

9 ... More as I see fit. ( Help??? )

αναιℓαвℓє ¢нαяα¢тєяѕ . . .


William T. Spears



Soma Asman Kadar


Elizabeth Midford




Charles Grey

Aleister Chamber






иσи ρℓαуαвℓє ¢нαяα¢тєяѕ . . .

Queen Victoria

Hannah Annafellows


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¢нαяα¢тєя αρρℓι¢αтισи . . .

( All of these must be filled out, even if you are applying to be a cannon character. We are not accepting animals/ferals, or furries. Werewolves, familiars, or transformations are allowed. )

Full Name:

Apparent Age:

Real Age:



Fashion: ( How do they dress? Be general. They arent going to be wearing the same thing every day. Just talk about the style. )

Distinguishing Features: ( Scars, tattoos, strange body language, odd habits, funny accent, ect )

First Impression:

Current Residence:

Brief History: ( Just the milestones in their life. Ciel's family died. He got a butler. London burned down. It fucked him up. Just the jest, you will get into your history in the story telling later. Dont waste it here. If you want your character to remain a mystery, give a short description of where they appear to be coming from or what lie they are telling other people. Below, in brackets [[ ]] Explain their real history. It will remain private, and will not be posted in the general Character Bios. But I must have an idea how your character can fit into the grand scheme of things so I can work them into the plot better. )

Core Values: ( Ciel's core values are dignity, his duty to the Queen, the safety of his family and his revenge. If your character has important goals or is religious you would add this here. )

Skills: ( List any talents, special powers, or proficient skills here. )

Combat: ( Weapons or fighting style. If your character has combat or martial arts training, you must specify where they did their training and what style. You can have only two weapons! Shinigami can have only one. )

Sample: ( Copy a previous RP or excerpt of personal work and paste it here. It doesn't need to be for this character. I just need to see how you write. Must be a paragraph. Can be a small one. )
¢αѕт σf ρℓαуєяѕ . . .

@Red Juliet as
Sebastian Michaelis

@BlueInPassing as Ciel Phantomhive

[/i]Kichuna as Venessa Villalobos
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Full Name:
Bartlebee Göldin Archambeau

Apparent Age: 26 - 35

Real Age: Unknown

Rank/Titles: Military General, Member of Parliament, Noblemen



Current Residence: A medieval gothic style mansion on the outskirts of London, near Maidstone and Kings Hill.

Race: Demon

Gender: Male

Fashion: Extravagant, lavish, expensive. Layers of fine linen shirts and silk vests and velvet doublets. Large, embellished golden rings on several of his fingers with gaudy stones. Lace trimming on the cuffs of his sleeves to match a lace cravat around his neck. His height is accentuated by the metallic heels of his wing tipped shoes.

Distinguishing Features: Black lines trailing from his eyes and down his cheeks like tears. They are permanent and dark, bringing out the high contrast of his bright amber eyes.

First Impression: Very well connected, but weak. All boast but no bite. Arrogant and ostentatious, to the point of looking like a fool. His deep, manly voice is very surprising because of his dainty and foppish appearance.

Skills: Bartlebee has a strong command of military jargon and combat experience. His martial prowess is only rivaled by the bite of his tongue. He claims that his culinary skills are unriveled, but there are a few butlers who could argue that claim. Bartlebee's familiar is the form of a large black dog. Bartlebee is also capable of disentergrating into shadows or fragments of light and sometimes even a flurry of monarch butterflies.

Core Values: Bartlebee is very disconnected and uses most people for material gain, but he deeply values loyalty. Sometimes he may exploit his comrades, but you can count on him to repay the debt later. Consequently the few he recognizes as his peers are few in number and frequently tested. Bartlebee is very compassionate towards orphans and children who suffer at the hands of their parents. He tries his best to provide for them while keeping a distance, afraid his influence might drive them toward darker things.

Combat: A large, intimidated beaten old pistol and the thin sharp lace hidden in his kitschy walking cane.

Brief History:

Bartlebee boasts about being a decorated soldier. Its clear his lifetime spent in war zones has made him develop a detachment from other people. Apparently a fellow soldier betrayed his trust, and Bartlebee has never trusted another person since.

He uses men and women for physical companionship and spoils them completely, sometimes altering the course of their lives entirely and becoming deeply emotionally intimate. Then unexpectedly he disowns them and alienates them completely.

He sometimes mentions someone he was very close to who passed away. Despite his cool steely demeanor, it appears that he does know the meaning of true grief.



Ciel was about to take a bite when the reaper leapt in, clinging himself and rubbing against Sebastian. Ceil sneered, feeling his appetite wane until he noticed the cream on his fork begin to descend. He quickly forced the bite into his mouth and relished its sweetness, closing his eyes to block out the flamboyant reaper wrapping himself around his butler.

He ignored his poor butler's predicament, preferring to pretend that Grell never existed, and took small relishing bites of his treat. The warm, bitter taste of his tea refreshed his pallet and soon the young Earl was in a peaceful trance. His one available eye stared blankly ahead as he held the tea cup to his lips, enjoying the hot feel of the porcelain on his tender lips. Unbeknownst to him he lingered with in meditation for longer than he intended, and shook his head hard ruffling his hair. He set his tea down as the figure he had been staring at caught his eye a second time; consciously now and alert.

There was some sort of rich gentlemen in the dark corner of the store opposite to where Ceil was sitting. Past several tables of people Ceil saw the man's gaze despite the shadow of a top hat hiding his eyes. The man was slowly stirring his cup of tea, aloof and smoldering as his energy focused in on the young Earl. Ceil stared back, hard and cruel and continued to enjoy his creme puff. He made a glance at Sebastian, but his Butler was distracted by the red reaper molesting his chest and shoulders. Ceil noticed a long curved smile grace the white face of the far away man who still stirred his tea lazily.

Ceil was not concerned, merely a pervert or a bully. But the intensity of the man's presence sent his body into unwilling chills. He felt invaded and vulnerable, and suddenly the weight of his age lay heavy on him. The child was paralyzed, and could not finish his plate.

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Lady Jacqueline K.(Kuvira) Dean

Apparent age:





December 13, 1875





Queen's name:

(though she hates it) the Queen's swan

Duty to Queen:







Always wearing the finest dresses and jewelry that's in style at the time. Never wearing a same dress twice since her aunt finds it pitiful if she does. In honesty she would prefer to wear men's clothing since it seems more comfortable so she sometimes sneaks an outfit at times.

Current residence:

A mansion not too far from london


The most notable thing about Jacqueline is her little tolerance for boredom. She is willing to so almost anything to keep herself entertained. Jacqueline is outgoing, brave, loud. She treats everybody with respect, But, will speak her mind at times which can get her in trouble. and arrogant. Has extreme intelligence, grandiosity, incapacity for remorse, arrogance, and an unhealthy degree of self-confidence. self-assured, dauntless, poised and composed but is also very talkative, which, makes it hard to have an awkward conversation with her. She's also funny and is kind of a feminist though she was also an excellent tactician, regularly displaying cunning, perception, and resourcefulness that allowed her to take advantage of almost any situation.

Core values:

Endurance, Loyalty, Respect( very important to her since she is a lady living in a 'man's world.)


+Playing music (Mostly Violin)



+ Science



-Being wrong

-Being told what she can and can't do

-She actually doesn't hate a lot of things

- being bored

First impression:

She looks very fragile and gentle at First, like a person who is spoiled all of her life but remained humble. This suddenly changes until she opens her mouth. Her northern American voice capable of booming through a crowd and her true cocky and adventurous side in revealed to everyone around her.

Favorite Tea:

Green tea with honey and lemon.


She was born in New York . Her mother, Gwendolyn Dupois, is a Prima ballerina for a french ballet company whilst her father,Anthony,'owns the U.S. (and soon Britain) prominent engineering ( mostly weapons) company. Her parents got a divorce when she was 3. Because of her father's trade with companies in Britian, She was introduced to the phantomhives and the midfords. Due to her father owning a weapon company ,he thought that his daughter should learn how to use them as well. So she learned swordfighting by Francis midford, And also learned other weaponary by various teachers including her father. She is also skilled at martial arts as well. She's built many things in the past. her father wanted to make a Britain headquarters for britian because of the constant trade with them and reduce the months it will take to transport them from America,Through months of persuasion, Jack became the leader for the British headquarters(though she gets confronted all the time for being a woman). The Queen (whose they also had encounters with) used this to her advantage and made her the Queen's swan. Jack had foriegn affairs in France for a month or so but recently returned, excited to go back to business.


Jack is a person who uses most of her time to anayse her opponent's tactics, style of combat and so forth.The most notable thing about Jacqueline's fighting ability is the way she turns any fight into a dance. Using dance moves (such as ballet) to keep her balance and grace while fighting. Since she has a slim frame, she is able to do quick attacks. Never letting a second go to waste. Her preferred hand to hand combat technique in through boxing



Hand crafted just for her as a gift from her father.

Daggers and knives in her clothes.

Sample paragraph:

The sunlight hit her face as she looked outside the glass window of the steam train that seemed to go on for hours.
"Its boring isn't it? Looking at the country side all you see is cow's, trees, and dirt." She turned to the people she was sitting with who was looking at her rather odd. Jack slid into a random First class coach. And began communicating to them as if they knew each other for years. "Oh come now. This can't be a one sided conversation forever. If it remains this way how do you expect me to be enetertained?"


Full Name: Sebastian Michaelis

Titles: N/A as a butler to the Phantomhive household

Apparent Age: Mid-to-late twenties

Real Age: Unknown

Race: Demon

Gender: Male

Fashion: Impeccably dressed in a butler’s uniform typically a double-breasted tailcoat, vest, and black trousers, with white gloves and a silver pocket watch. The Phantomhive crest is emblazoned on his cuff links and lapel pin.

Distinguishing Features: Black fingernails and his Faustian contract upon the back of his left hand. Replies always to his master’s orders with “Yes, My Lord.” Also has a tendency to throw dark and sarcastic humor around along with playful puns claiming he is simply “One hell of a butler." He enjoys and often smuggles cats into the mansion as he finds them highly endearing.

First Impression: Sebastian takes great care to uphold his master’s wishes, and to preserve the Phantomhive reputation by making certain everything looks and runs smoothly. At first glance he is a proper servant, but his thinly-veiled contempt occasionally slips through. He finds a sort of amusement watching humanity struggle and adapt against all odds to overcome various obstacles thrown their way over the centuries.

Current Residence: Phantomhive Manor, London

Brief History: Sebastian claims to be responsible for the Black Death in the 14th century. He also claims he knew Smenkhkare, a Pharaoh from 3,000 years ago. In his past, he claimed and devoured a plethora of souls, but found them unsatisfying and has since resorted to saving himself for quality souls. Since his first encounter with the young lord at an occult ritual, he has served the Phantomhive as a proper butler and conduit to his personal vendetta.

Core Values: Sebastian’s strongest core value is that of duty, and as long as the contract is in place his duty is to faithfully serve and fulfill his master’s wishes. His aesthetic is most important to him.

Skills: Enhanced strength and speed, along with heightened senses such as smell and hearing. Manipulation or charming humans to darkness, as William called the “signature ability of a demon”.

Combat: Occasionally fights with silverware, or any particularly useful object on hand, but he is not against hand-to-hand combat.




Jack the ripper

Apparent Age:


Real Age:



Grim reaper



"Wrong! I'm obviously a female I mean just look at me!"


typical attire consists of a vest, gloves, a red and white striped bow tied around their neck, and red and black 11 cmhigh-heeled ankle boots. Grell also sports a red coat they confiscated from Angelina Dalles after fatally wounding her.


Distinguishing Features:

Shark teeth, green and yellow eyes,red-framed glasses which are accessorized with a chain with skulls.

First Impression:

Current Residence:



Grell is over-the-top, flamboyant, and outspoken.possess a strong predilection for the color red, and believe that substances which reflect that color, such as blood, can be used to achieve beauty.Grell's a ruthless, bloodthirsty individual who is even willing to kill their own comrades once they lose interest in them.Grell is very fond of using double-entendres and incorporating plays into their speech. They often put things in terms of theater.

Brief History:

Angelina Dalles started the Jack the Ripper murders, Grell followed her since she was the reason for the soul retrieval list being so filled. They sympathized with her, since they could relate to her troubles—the inability to give birth—and opted to help her, even though such an action blatantly defies the Grim Reaper's code of neutrality. Grell then disguised themselves as the Burnett family's butler to avoid suspicion.

Core Values:

Love, Death, elegance, poetry, handsome men... Does that count?


Enhance agility, endurance. And last but not least soul review and collection.




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Full Name: Ciel Phantomhive

Titles: Earl, Executive Chairman of Funtom Corporation, The Queen's Watchdog

Apparent Age: 13

Real Age: 13

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Fashion: Appropriately dressed for his noble status, with a wide array of outfits specially designed and tailored to fit. Ciel wears two rings, one being a gold signet ring bearing the Phantomhive crest and the other being a large blue stone with an ornate silver setting. The latter is a precious family heirloom. An eyepatch hides his Faustian contract.

Distinguishing Features: The Faustian contract on his right eye and a brand on the left side of his body

First Impression: Unimposing in stature but certainly in presence, Ciel bears himself with all the mannerisms and arrogance that his status entails. He acts calm and mature for a thirteen year old, remaining largely unperturbed no matter the situational development. However, he is exceedingly competitive and hates to lose; in this respect, he shows his true age.

Current Residence: Phantomhive Manor, London

Brief History: Ciel lived out the first ten years of his life in sheltered bliss. On his tenth birthday, sudden tragedy struck and robbed him of all that he had ever known. Unidentified assailants killed his parents and abducted him, later selling him off to cultists. They branded him with the "mark of the Noble Beast" and prepared to offer him as a human sacrifice in their cult ritual. Surrounded by strangers who looked on amusedly at his suffering and overcome with murderous desire, he succeeded in summoning a demon and forming a contract with it after his sacrifice -- thus, the connection between master and servant was forged. Ciel returned to take his inheritance as Earl Phantomhive, accompanied by a mysterious young man as his new butler.

Core Values: Ciel values his own pride above almost all else. His need to exact vengeance is inextricable from this core value, as it is of the selfish sort; it lies not in the pursuit of justice, but in the desire to humiliate his tormentors. He is also dutiful in his services to the Queen, in keeping with the Phantomhives' traditional role as Her Majesty's loyal agents. While Ciel may seem to be cold and distant at times, he truly does care for his friends and family, preferring to keep them out of harm's way in his own pursuit for revenge.

Skills: A cold and calculating strategist, ruthless in achieving his objectives. As the Queen's Watchdog, he has an extensive underground information network spanning from Europe to Asia. In addition, his successful management of the Funtom Corporation is a clear indicator of his keen business sense.

Combat: Largely reliant on his butler in regards to combat, but he is competent with a gun. He always carries one on his person as a defensive measure.


Gilbert shuddered to life, his hands clutching at his throat as he broke into a violent fit of coughing. Squinting his eyes at the sudden brightness, he propped himself up into a sitting position. Lifting a hand up to his forehead to shade his vision from the radiant sun, he took in his surroundings: lush overgrown grass that prickled his skin, sporadic clumps of flowers that dotted the landscape, and tall trees that beckoned him into their shade. The area wasn't well-kept like the castle gardens, but the wild growth of the plants had their own natural charm. Where was he? Had he been here before? The scenery tugged at a corner of Gilbert's mind-- he could envision a person's back turned to him in this garden and he could hear a man's voice gently calling his name. An indescribable feeling welled up within his chest, a conflicting mix of deep melancholy and idyllic happiness. He closed his eyes and seized the memory, struggling to bring it into clarity.


Full Name: Isabelle Blanche Farley.

Apparent Age: Late teens.

Real Age: Somewhere between fourteen and eighteen.
((Meaning that I haven't quite decided.))

Race: Human.

Gender: Female.

♦ ♦ ♦

Fashion: She considers herself to be good at keeping up with the current trends, so will dress essentially as is expected of her, being a wealthy young woman. However, some of her choices can be considered 'risqué', as she has been known to be one to show a little skin. Recently, she has been sticking to dark, more mourning colours.

Distinguising Features: She is rarely seen without a fan of some sort, she'll tap her lips with it when deep in thought and often bats people (particularly servants) with it when she is frustrated. Additionally, she chews at the cuticle of her left thumb a lot; it's not very becoming and her mother always used to scold her for it.

First Impression: Your first impression of Isabelle really depends on her first impression of you. Most people find her as cold as she is pretty, some think she's a tearful, doe-eyed young woman still mourning her losses, others find her to be a femme fatale. She knows how to play people.

Breif History: Isabelle was born into a wealthy family, as you can tell from her large house, expensive clothing, the like. Unfortunately, however, her father passed away from influenza when she was eleven and her mother never truly got over it. Isabelle and her mother stayed with her uncle for a while, but almost as soon as her mother died, her uncle was gone, feeling he was fee of the responsibility. To top it all off, Isabelle's beloved betrothed died in a carriage accident. Now, she lives alone with her servants and her pets.

[[isabelle cared little for her parents or her betrothed. She would rather be alone and can handle herself. She had a secret relationship while betrothed but he broke her heart; she now has a rather distasteful view on all men and holds an undesirable prejudice.]]

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Full Name: Nancy Rose Holloway.

Titles: None that are particularly important.

Apparent Age: Early twenties.

Real Age: About twenty two.

Race: Presumed to be human, a possible half demon.

Gender: Cisfemale.

Fashion: Naturally, she sports her uniform whenever working, and on the rare occassion she goes out for reasons other than work, she sticks to plain and simple, yet still reasonably pretty, dresses.

Distinguishing Features: When nervous, she picks at her clothing, usually at her apron. She also pulls up her stockings every ten minutes or so, almost out of habit- usually, she doesn't even need to. She has a small scar running along her lower back, and she is very self conscious about it.

First Impression: If you meet Nancy while she is working, she does her best to seem doe-eyed and obedient, fixated on carrying out her job and noting more. She's definitely curious and loves to dust ornaments in the same room as visitors to try and overhear conversations. She's a bit of a flirt too, although if someone else intiiates the flirting, she is easily flustered and becomes clumsy. Oh, she truly is a hopeless romantic, as well, and can be terribly naive; she likes to think she can manipulate people, and she can, but she finds herself ending up being the one who is manipulated more often than not. Hey, she's a sucker for a pretty face and a silver tongue.

Current Residence:

Brief History: Nobody really knows much about Nancy's past, all that is known is that she came to serve Lord Bartlebee approximately ((years)) ago.

Core Values: Truly, Nancy only cares about serving her master well and living out her life in peace; she wants to settle down and hopes that a steady job is the way to do that. Loyalty and kindness are important to her.

Skills: She happens to be an incredible acrobat and is weirdly talented when it comes to exotic dancing- something a 'friend' taught her, she claims.

Combat: Being quick and agile is handy in combat situations, and while she could never win a fight with brute force, a few quick kicks here and there are usually useful. She can use a bow and arrow with reasonable accuracy, but is not professionally trained.



Full Name: Claude Faustus

Titles: Butler

Apparent Age: Late twenties

Real Age: Unknown



Fashion: He is most often in a dapper black uniform, adequately dressed for his role as a butler. It consists of a common Victorian waistcoat and pants, white gloves.

Distinguishing Features: Oddly enough, his glasses seem to make him most distinguishable, apart from the rich gold of his eyes and the mark of the Faustian contract.

First Impression: More often than not Claude seems to be rather apathetic and disinterested with his surroundings. He not very emotionally projective unless it's derived from anger, or sometimes simply to taunt the other.

Current Residence: Trancy Manor, London

Brief History: Claude made a binding contract with the young male Alois who sought his demonic assistance. He plays the part as his butler, awaiting to fulfil said contract and claim his soul. However, upon discovering the soul of Ciel Phantomhive, he finds it a greater trophy to claim.

Core Values: He does not hold any real values, but definitely believes you must seek what you're after even when rather pressing consequences can be anticipated.

Skills: He's clever and fiendish which makes him rather devious. He can thoroughly formulate cunning plans to try and get the best advantage of a situation. Aside from that, the usual enhancements that come with being a demon which deal with strength, speed, and endurance.

Combat: Though Claude does good with hand to hand combat, he also uses kitchen knives, and on few occasions the devil sword sheathed within Hannah.


He stood with gentlemanly posture in front of the tall lattice window, taking a moment to gaze out towards the dawning sky. It was the early hours of morning before the wretch of a boy awoke. It was Claude's only hours of solitary peace throughout the span of the day and he found that he spent a large amount of this time in contemplation and inquiry.

He place a hand on the window's sill tentatively, his fore finger tapping out a gentle rhythm on the wood. He had yet to put on his gloves, and his coat was draped over the crook of his forearm.

This child seeks more than I have for him. This affection that I simply do not care to give. Claude mused, catching a speckle of dust from the window frame with a swipe of his finger, It's wearying at times...

"Claude?" The voice chimed through the lengthy halls.

He did not respond.


Claude let out a sharp but quiet sigh, involuntarily making it a hiss. It would be something petty, some ridiculous request. He quickly slipped on his gloves and coat, fastening the buttons as he took long strides towards Alois' room. His eyes noticeably lit up when the demon arrived.

"Hannah knows nothing. I don't want her to dress me, I need you." He spoke, a small pout on his mouth. Claude looked to the other demon, her head low, eyes down casted; her mouth a small frown.

"Yes, your Highness." He spoke calmly as he neared the boy.​


alois trancy

'Hoheo Taralna, Rondero Tarel.'


Full Name: Alois Trancy

Titles: Earl Trancy

Apparent Age: 14

Real Age: 14

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Current Residence: Trancy Manor outside of London.


First Impression: Alois plays the role of a childish, naïve, innocent, playful young boy very well. His flirtations are usually interpreted as a boy with no personal boundaries because of his youth. Alois does not seem capable enough to be Earl of the Trancy Estate. He wastes frivolously with no regard for work effort. His bad language is sometimes met with disapproval when he is in sophisticated company.

Fashion: Alois likes to dress provocatively. He wears short shorts with high boots to accentuate his legs and boyish figure. He likes to have an enticing and sophisticated appearance with tailored long coats and ribbon cravats. He is not above wearing dresses or silk robes if he finds himself attractive in them, but generally uses his boyish charm to try and seduce the object of his affection.

Distinguishing Features: He has mischievous, sinful cold blue eyes. His face has a distinctive frame caused by a cowlick in his bangs. His shorts reveal his long pale legs, revealing too much skin for a boy his age in Victorian London. Few people have seen the golden pentagram Faustian seal on his tongue – it only appears when his beloved butler is nearby.


Combat: Alois has no combat experience or skills. When engaged physically he trashes like he is throwing a tantrum, and then screams and cries

like a frightened child.

Skills: Alois has very few talents. The one thing he is proficient and truly gifted with is how to manipulate people and situations to achieve the best outcomes for himself. But his mood wings and volatile personality often ruin his plans.

Core Values: Alois is driven by his desire for affection and other peoples acknowledgement. He craves peoples attention, good or bad. Especially the attention of his butler Claude Faustus. Alois lavishes Claude with physical affection and teases him relentlessly as punishment for Claude not reciprocating the boys love for him. Alois’s heart aches to be loved by another, truly loved for who he is and not the things he can give them or do for them.


After he was born, Alois was kidnapped from Tracy Manor.
Wrought with despair, his mother committed suicide and no efforts came through to find him. He was raised as a slave in a village he never knew the name of. In captivity, he learned of an incantation that could summon a fairy to grant you your hearts desire. Alois called out to the fairy, who appeared to him in the form of a spider with a beautiful, human face. When the fairy asked him his wish, Alois could not answer. Later, Alois learned that someone beloved to him did not die of a random plague, but a plague caused by Sebastian Michaelis. Because that secret loved one was the only person who ever truly loved Alois, his wish was to punish Sebastian and satisfy Alois’s desire for revenge.

He returned mysteriously the age of 14, traumatized by his time in captivity. His uncle spoiled him with clothes, toys, and affection. Secretly the old man abused young Alois, but Alois always had keen eye for moments to steal advantage. Alois seduced the aged Earl Trancy in a false sense of security, getting him to signing in Alois’s inheritance all the Earl’s lands and titles. Once that was done Alois ordered Claude to kill him, making Alois the new Earl. All of the responsibilities as Earl were shouldered on his servants, his aloof butler Claude Faustus, an attractive maid called Hannah Annafellows, and three mute triplets.


Alois then had only one pursuit, to exact his revenge on Sebastian by stealing Ciel away from him forever. The only problem was that the only way to make Sebastian suffer and satisfy Alois’s goal also meant object of his love and desire would cast him aside. For Alois, Ciel stealing Claude’s attention and love away from Alois was a fate worse than death. At the moment Alois has resigned himself to mere plotting, investigating Ciel Phantomhive as a guest in his house and suffering in heartache over seeing his beloved Claude cast his gaze away from him and to a different boy.

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Name: Venessa Villalobos

Titles: Lady of Villalobos, her parents the Conde (Earl) and Condesa (Countess)

Apparent Age: late teens

Real Age: early twenties

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Fashion: During the day she is most often seen wearing riding entire due to her family being prominent horse breeders in both England and Spain. Her evening attire is more fitting of Lady, likes layers but likes for the top layer to be lose and flowing, normally will not wear anything that is tight for the evening. Always has some kind of gloves on.

Distinguishing Features: Longer than normal fingers, a scar running along the major vain leading to her third toe on her left foot, has a burn mark on her left hand that she keeps covers most of the time.

First Impression: Venessa is very strong willed and can come off as being brash; she tries her best to adhere to the social press of what is expected of her but will push the bounds what women ought to do, much like Lady Midford. She has a very dark sense of humor when the atmosphere is tense, she will not be tense herself but she will try to lighten the mood. If the need calls for it, or she just feels like it, she will sometimes do what normally revered for servants, ie she will do thinks like muck out stalls, cool down her own horse, and is a decent in the kitchen.

Current Residence: Guest of the Midford

Brief History: Was born into a well-established Spanish family house that is well known for breeding top of the line horses for hunting and showing. Her mother side of the family is also known for breaking racehorses; the marriage between the two of them strengthened both sides. Venessa nearly grow up on horseback, she started riding nearly as soon as could sit up on her own. Despite her brash nature her family sent her to live with the Milfoils, who have been a longtime friends of her mother’s side for generations, to try get a better gage on what the horse stock was like there.

She just arrived from Spain a few days ago and is still trying to get a handle on things in London; she has issues with some parts of high society. Venessa is use to having more control over what she is allowed to wear and do. Because of that she is having some issues fitting into London high society.

Core Values: Integrity: You can bend the truth just don’t bend it too much, Family bonds: Family means everything to her if you don’t have your family than you have nothing to fall back on, Respect: If you have her respect you will have someone watching your back for you

Skills: Is a talented harp player, has amazing balance to due to growing up almost entirely on horseback, has a talent for sleight of hand (always has at least a pair of Chinese Health Balls on her if not more)

Combat: Will grab anything that will allow her to keep her distance while staying close i.e a long pole or something similar. Venessa uses her patients, stamina, and agility to wear her opponent out before going in for a quick end.

Example: A woman with her long brown hair walks down the hall towards the basement flanked by a German Shepherd on each side, on her right was an older solid black Shepherd while on her right was a younger white Shepherd. In her hand was a basket that appeared to just have bandages in it, under them where a few things that might cheer up the people in the basement. Having spent the last five years tending to the countries she had come to understand what each of them liked. And having just come back from athree day vacation she had managed to get something’s forthem. The German woman tried to make the countries as comfortable as she possible could without putting herself in too much risk. Grizelda had learned very early on that it was not wise to cross Russia, though she had been know slip things to them while they where in the basement just as she was about to do.

As they near the door to the basement the white Shepherd broke from her owners sides to soar down that the stairs and straight up too Lithuania and nuzzles his hand before sniffing him gently to make sure he was ok. The dog had taken an instant liking to all three of the Baltic States but it was clear to anyone that she liked the Lithuanian the best. After giving him the once over she sat down next to him looks at Ireland with her head turned too the side as if to say, ‘Are you ok?’

As she nears the door Grizelda sighs slightly as she reaches the top of stairs just in time to hear Lithuania shouting about trying to find a way out and instantly knows why Vreni bolted down the stairs. As she walks down the stairs she calls out to them, “I leave for three days and two of you try to escape again?” Her voice holding disappointed but it is unclear if it is because they tried to leave or because they got caught. She stops in front of Irelands cell and unlocks it as she smiles slightly at the both two of them, “Just makes sure you don’t leave the basement this time.”

With Ireland’s cell door open Vreni nuzzles the door open and walks up to Ireland nosing her ankle slightly before putting her paws on redheads and giving her a few licks on the face. Grizelda shakes her head slightly as she reaches into her basket and hands Lithuania a canister along with a pair of wool socks before she looks back at Ireland and “ It’s real whiskey this time and” she looks at theLithuanian as he hands him a few plan white pastry bag. “The pastries where freshly made when I bought them this morning,” she glances over at America before looking at Lithuania, “I will attended to you right after I have looked him over.”
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