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  • Users: Wyrm
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  1. Wyrm

    Excellantro. Yourself?

    Excellantro. Yourself?
  2. Wyrm


  3. Wyrm

    Steam World ~Accepting~

    Kneeling down, Harken made an extremely clean cut and removed the bullet easily. "This may hurt a bit" He then cauterized the wound with the hot metal pipe, sealing and creating a small burn. "There, done." "I am Harken. I will join your resistance." He said formally, retracting his arm...
  4. Wyrm

    Steam World ~Accepting~

    After being hit with the hot metal pipe, something went terribly wrong: Harken's loyalty implant was fused, causing him to realise how awful he had been. He raised his hands and stepped back. "Kill me if you must."
  5. Wyrm

    Steam World ~Accepting~

    ((A couple things: 1: I wear a fedora, not a helmet 2: He doesn't give a damn about pain from your electric blaster thing 3: As soon as you try to jump on him, he would attempt to slash at you 4: Good luck tying me up in a few seconds while I have knives for fingers. xD 5: How did you...
  6. Wyrm

    Steam World ~Accepting~

    Harken knocked on the King's door, awaiting orders. His twelve curved blades creating slight scratch marks on the door. He heard nothing, waiting a solid five minutes. It was then that the queen barreled down the hall and opened the door, and Harken followed her inside. The next thing he knew, a...
  7. Wyrm

    Steam World

    Name: Harken Scythe Human/Cyborg/Robot/Electron/Other(Specify): Cyborg Weapon: Scythe-arms, claws made of sickles Age: 76 Skill: Being incredibly creepy, managing to silence an entire room by entering (How does he do it?!), harvesting 'crops' Personality: Mute. Does not seem to care...
  8. Wyrm

    [MLP] Battle Scars (Chapter 2: Gateway Rising)

    ((Awwww yeah... Let's get this started! Sorry for the absence. :( )) The new Archwizard, Moonstone, sat in her room. As per usual, she was studying banishment techniques, hoping to find something relatively useful. Sadly, also as per usual, there was nothing. Pacing left and right, she heard...
  9. Wyrm

    My Little Pony - Apocalypse AU - Sign-Ups

    Sorry, but this RP is currently closed and dead. I am currently trying to run the second chapter of the same setting, found here: Simply copy-paste this app in there, so we have proof that you...
  10. Wyrm

    [MLP] Battle Scars Chapter 2: Gateway Rising (Sign-ups!)

    The thread is HERE Character Sheet (Delete the parenthesis!): Name: (Self-Explanatory.) Sex: (Only male and female) Age: (1-5 is foal, 6-10 is filly/colt, 11+ is stallion/mare) Species: (NO ALICORNS! THEY ARE ALL DEAD (twilight, you're fine, I won't delete your well-though-out...
  11. Wyrm

    Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

    ((G'night!))ATTENTION!: THIS THREAD IS DEAD! IT DIED A HORRIBLE AND PAINFUL DEATH IN A FIRE IN A RANDOM PIT IN A RANDOM DITCH IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! Any replies to this thread will be promptly ignored. The new thread is HERE.
  12. Wyrm

    [MLP] Battle Scars (Chapter 2: Gateway Rising)

    Sign up HERE!
  13. Wyrm

    Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

    ((Okay, I'll start a new thread tomorrow. Gosh I'm tired...))
  14. Wyrm

    Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

    ((So, I was thinking we could have Manehattan become the Gateway, a giant bastion of evil demon thingamaboberz. The Zebras have formed a temporary truce with the ponies, but it isn't holding particularly well. And the demons are winning, led by Rachel Darkling, who everypony knows as Deathwish...
  15. Wyrm

    Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

    ((Okay, OPERATION RESURRECT is underway! Brace yourselves!
  16. Wyrm

    Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

    ((I know, right!! It was just getting to the good part, the body count piling up, and Quinto (and a few others) decide to stop posting. I think Joran summed it up pretty well: "WHYYYYYYYY?!?!"))((I think I will take over from here. Should I start a new thread?))
  17. Wyrm

    Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

    ((Drat, it's dead... D: ))
  18. Wyrm

    Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

    ((I was talking about river xD ))
  19. Wyrm

    Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

    The demon was banished, only to have ten more step around a corner. They charged Angelic, swinging their terrible wicked swords with precise skill. ((Maybe he casts a spell reflexively because he's scared, and the magic discharge attracts a demon from the city?))
  20. Wyrm

    Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

    Rachel started crying, "Drazuulaskii, that mean pony hurt my feelings!" She screamed, in a voice that would kill any pony that was not a alicorn. A giant demon turned around and faced Angelic, his dire blade at the ready.