Battle Scars -MLP Apocalypse AU RP-

"Yes, but... but... Oh, what... No..." Joran began sobbing. This wasn't Cashmere. It just wasn't. Cashmere was dead. He looked up and saw a stranger, someone who he didn't know. Joran just curled up on the ground, crying his eyes out. He pounded the ground, breaking the road into little chips of rock. "WHY?!" He yelled through his tears, over and over again. "Oh Cashmere, why did you have to DIE?!" He screamed, slamming the ground. This created a huge crack in the earth, as Joran just kept on sobbing. 
((Also, Manehattan is being destroyed by demons right now. Remember that little alicorn named Rachel?

Quickly, here's a picture of Joran.

Cash backed up, her hooves taking tiny and hurried steps. "Uh, I'm gonna go now. But uh...thanks for...saving me, and all that, yeah?" she said, extending her wings again. She leaped into the air, flapping her pathetic-looking feathers to create as much lift as they could in this state.

River nodded. "That would be wonderful. Is there anyplace you'd like to go?" he offered, his smile returning slightly. It was refreshing to see a familiar and friendly face for the first time in a long time.
(Oh wow. That's a large number.)

Nightshade made her way out of town, the bits tingling in her bag. She smirked, continuing to walk.

"I-I don't know," Psych Ward frowned. "My mind's fuzzy. You can just lead the way."
(ok) angelic knew she had to go back to manehattan. she took to the air much to her dismay and flew back to manehattan. she smelled blood and it made her sick! angelic looked at the bodies in sorrow.
Rachel giggled uncontrollably as she sprinted around as fast as her tiny legs could carry her. She yelped gleefully as a demon killed another 20 ponies. She ran over and ate all of their souls, summoning more demons in her wake. This was fun!
((I'm trying to think of a clever way to kill of River. I guess it'll just have to wait.))

Cash was far gone when Joran died, and she most likely wouldn't have cared had she known. The filthy pegasus flew for a while until she found a creek that was only mildly polluted and dunked herself in it, washing away most of the mud. The water left a decent amount of grime on, but it was better than manure and blood.
angelic gasped and all this and her horn glowed. she got a determined look in hrr eyes and said"STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" 
angelic gasped and all this and her horn glowed. she got a determined look in hrr eyes and said"STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!"
Rachel started crying, "Drazuulaskii, that mean pony hurt my feelings!" She screamed, in a voice that would kill any pony that was not a alicorn. A giant demon turned around and faced Angelic, his dire blade at the ready.
The demon was banished, only to have ten more step around a corner. They charged Angelic, swinging their terrible wicked swords with precise skill.

((Maybe he casts a spell reflexively because he's scared, and the magic discharge attracts a demon from the city?))
((I know, right!! It was just getting to the good part, the body count piling up, and Quinto (and a few others) decide to stop posting. I think Joran summed it up pretty well:

((I think I will take over from here. Should I start a new thread?))
(I decided to stop posting because my post was either missed or ignored and I've been in way to many rps that just ignore my posts.)
((So, I was thinking we could have Manehattan become the Gateway, a giant bastion of evil demon thingamaboberz. The Zebras have formed a temporary truce with the ponies, but it isn't holding particularly well. And the demons are winning, led by Rachel Darkling, who everypony knows as Deathwish. I'll think of some creative way to kill off any unused characters... yeah, that's just about it.))

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