[MLP] Battle Scars (Chapter 2: Gateway Rising)


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It's been several years since the Mane Six first met in Ponyville. Each filly is a mature mare, carrying on with her life just as her destiny told her. However, tension is brewing between the zebras and the ponies. Cultural differences, resources, and land have gotten between the two species. Equestria is on the brink of war.

Several more years pass, and Equestria has become a battleground. Megaspells rain down on every city, pegasi fight overheard, advanced magical weapons can be heard firing off at zebras everywhere a pony can see. Earth ponies in suits of mechanical armor march into battle while unicorns man the magic. Canterlot is under a shield spell that won't hold much longer, serving as a military headquarters for all of Equestria. Refugees wander throughout the country in search of food and shelter. Military propaganda covers every wall, every billboard, every piece of merchandise to be found. This is total war, and the ponies of Equestria have lost faith in their princesses and the Mane Six with their control over the Elements of Harmony.

The Mane Six are all lost, dead, or being held captive by zebra forces. All hope is lost. Ponies have resorted to raiding towns, selling ponies into slavery, and gambling or fighting for bits to buy food in order to survive.

How long can you survive the battle-scarred Equestria?

It has been a year since the Striped War ended, and a new one is underway. A young alicorn foal, who most people call Deathwish, has utterly abolished the city of Manehattan, and has turned the entire city into one demonic gateway. These demons would make Discord look like a puppy, and King Sombra a rabbit. They are insanely powerful, and worst of all, they are led by the most chaotic, heartless, and cruel individual imaginable. Deathwish herself, a 1-year-old alicorn who wants nothing more than to have all of the souls in equestria. Souls are like candy to her, though she also wants all the candy.

The zebras have formed a temporary truce with the ponies to overcome this growing threat. Still, as this alliance goes thin, a cold war has started between the species. Political assassinations, propaganda, and civilian massacres are all part of everyday life for both sides. With advanced technology at their fingertips, ponies and zebras had pushed back the demons, only to find that the demon king, Jarzuul, had entered Equestria. Crops started dying everywhere, and people began falling ill as the king of plague and darkness cut a bloody path through the land and destroyed Canterlot. The land of the Griffons is the last bastion of ponykind, and it is beginning to fall.

Can you survive this cruel and unforgiving Equestria?


-Angelic Sparkle (twilight sparkle)

-Trixie [CANON] (Trixie Lulamoon)

Character casualty count (includes chapter 1):

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(danke! ^-^) angelic looked at what now became of manehattan with anger and regret. she was in a nearby forest trying to think of a way to defeat deathwish and the demons. the alicorn paced back and forth in the cottage she built thinking.
((Awwww yeah... Let's get this started! Sorry for the absence. :( ))

The new Archwizard, Moonstone, sat in her room. As per usual, she was studying banishment techniques, hoping to find something relatively useful. Sadly, also as per usual, there was nothing. Pacing left and right, she heard the cries of anguish of the ponies outside. The Griffons were strong, proud warriors, but they did not understand the pain that all ponies of the time felt.

She sighed and continued to write her scroll of banishment, now a solid 100 yards long. It still hadn't amounted to anything useful. A sense of hopelessness filled Moonstone as she finally fell asleep at 3 AM.
(I'll continue, sorry for the late arrival! Not sure where to go with this.. xD )

Trixie sat on the outskirts of Ponyville, next to her old busted cart she tried time and time again to fix. She had struggled getting the wheels back on, with no hope. She realized her cart couldn't be moved, and so being stubborn, sat with it and waited for help, flipping through old scrapbooks of the way things used to be.
Angelic trotted out of her cottage and through the meadow. she looked up at the sky and sighed sadlu. anglic laid down thinking then got an idea.
Trixie stared up at the sky, and how dark it had gotten since she had started sitting there.

"Equestria is nothing as it use to be.."

She came across a few blurry pictures in her photo album she had taken days before the Striped War, before chaos broke loose, and it made her emotional side cave in.

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