Steam World ~Accepting~

Hex smiled, "yeah. I don't die that easy," he examined her foot, "it's not broken just twisted so it will hurt lots but not too much damage and should go away within a week as long as its bandaged." He said. Rummaging through the little medical kit he pulled out a roll of bandage and antibacterial wipes. "So you wanna do it or shall I?" He asked grinning.
She watched him expressionlessly except for when she winced. She looked at her ankle and the small kid's hand nearby to it, holding a roll of medical bandages. She sat up and reached for the roll. "I...I think I can do it," she confirmed, leaning back on the high wall for support. She scooted the dagger closer to her by means of protection, but she knew she couldn't have to use it on a little boy. He was honestly too small for her to be intimidated by him except for the fact he had a slightly creepy smile.

Hex sighed, "good choice," he muttered before sitting on the floor, "I'm Hex by the way." Hex nodded and went through his stuff in a little belt pouch. He had lots, smoke bombs, daggers, knives. You name it he had it. When he saw the girl pull the dagger close by her he wasn't worried, he could probably take her out in a matter of seconds especially with that bad ankle. Wouldn't help much, but then she had the brute for protection, Hexwasn't scared of him either or intimidated. He just aggravated him to be honest.
"Ahliana," she said simply before wrapping the bandage tightly - but loosely enough so it wasn't too uncomfortable - around her badly twisted ankle. At one point she thought she might cry again but she stayed stiff and moved on. Once she finished she sighed and propped her good leg up so she could lean her elbow on it. "So, Hex, how'd you get stuck in all of this...crap?" she asked, not fully knowing if he was used to foul language. She certainly was, for Wane tended to use it a lot in his conversations with her.

"Well Ahliana, depends what you mean by that. If you mean my life then I guess you could say I travel. But not for normal reasons like to see the world or to move. Just other reasons." Hex replied, he didn't know how much to give away to this girl. He still didn't really know her that well so he would wait abit or if she asked then maybe...

But he was still not sure about the robot thing, that would give people the wrong idea of him.
Talia continued to adjust her leg with a grimace and looked up surprised to see they boy from before standing holding a gun. Falling backward she hit her head on the brick wall and yelped quietly. staring up at the sky once again she thought about the differences the sky here was smoky and gray not a single piece of blue poking through the overcast cloud. Compared to the wide blue sky that spanned across the horizon outside of Mortar. Closing her eyes she groaned rubbing her head.

She looked inquisitive but she didn't press the matter any further. This kid was fourteen yet he behaved like a grown man. It was probably hardships talking or something else was up. She simply responded by saying,"I see," although she quite frankly didn't see in the slightest bit. Abruptly, Ahliana stood up and winced at the stinging in her ankle, but she ignored it and held he hand out to the sitting boy. "I'm going to go find Wane; feel free to come with if you want company," she said with a fake smile. With her free hand she picked up the dagger and attached it to the belt she had around her waist.

Wane's eyes widened as he watched the familiar girl fall to the ground and hit her head. It wasn't funny but he couldn't help but chuckle quietly at her ignorant failure. He stuck the gun in the back pocket of his khaki cargo pants and he walked towards the fallen girl, who was now moaning. "Nasty fall," he commented with a snicker, feeling more playful than solemn at the moment. The thought didn't cross his mind that he was supposed to find a doctor of sorts to tend to Ahliana, he just wanted to mess with this girl. With one swift movement Wane had the girl up on her feet. His fingertips swept the dust off of her shoulders with a warm smile.

Talia glared up at the man for a second before allowing her glare to drop into a curious look. Gazing up the way he came she realized her must have been on the top of The Tower. She pulled up her gun situating it against her back and looked at the man closer. "you aren't made of metal under that skin are you?" she asked stepping back and pushing down her pant leg. She looked around glancing back to make sure no one was around. He was tall and although she was tall for a girl she still had to slightly look up to talk to his face.
"Of course not. And by the way... You're welcome," Wane said with a smirk as he folded his arms over his chest when he peered down at her. His brown eyes glittered with childish amusemnt but he didn't back down at her inquisitive pestering. Momentarily he came to his senses and asked,"You aren't a doctor or nurse by any chance are you? My apprentice needs medical attention."

He'd nodded getting up, "I'll come," he said, "I have nothing better to do." He followed the girl where she went this would be useful to help him decipher who was trustworthy and who was not. As well as find Wane who he had issues to deal with him. Hex smirked at the thought but then he just got flashbacks. Not of that day but months and weeks before. He shook his head to clear it, there was other things to think about.
Realizing how annoying must be she stopped staring and looked up. "I know a lot about anatomy and have a knowledge although limited about how to treat injuries." she replied. " thank you." she added as an after thought. "one sec." she replied before lifting up a grate and jumping down into her tunnel. She walked down a little ways and found the place where she had stashed her medical supplies. In a couple of the tunnel throughout Mortar she kept medical kits because she believed in being prepared walking back she jumped back out and showed the guy her medical kit. "by the way on top of the tallest building in Mortar you'll be incinerated in seconds if the rebels decide to drop a bomb." she smirked not fully giving away she was a rebel but perhaps trying to see if he was one as well.
In the Castle:

The queen was pacing, crying, and angered. "THAT WENCH!" She yelled throwing glass against the solid wall. Her hair was frizzed and out of place, and her heart was beating more than just 40 mph, but maybe about 70. "HOW DID SHE DEFY US!?" She yelled looking at her servant. "And what are you doing just standing there helplessly?!" She laughed a little, "I used to be helpless once. I lived in the once known "Earth", but I was abandoned, and I will never, EVER let my people be like me." She said. She was going through one of those temper tantrums again, but this time she really lost it once the injured king was carried into the room. She screamed and cried and ran towards her beloved. "Riemi, how could you just let that bastard of a child in here like that! You are supposed to be in my room 24/7!!!" She walked up to the girl and put her hands towards her throat. "My husband could possibly be dead if I didn't walk in here, but where were you!!! TELL ME!" She gripped her hands tighter, there was death in the woman's eyes and she didn't care who got it.

(NOTE: I am doing my homework and multitasking at the same time, so if I don't reply very fast, its cause of either one of those ;) )

( Oh dear freaking God, DAT WOMAN HAS GONE MAD! D: )

Riemi ~

Riemi's eyes widened as she glanced at the injured king and she gulped, feeling the cold, vicious hands of the queen on her throat. She directed her attention back to her mistress with obvious fear. "M-Mistress, I-I'm so sorry... I-I didn't see her enter the room. Please, m'lady, let's be civilized about this..," she pleaded for her life and her small hands tried to pry the woman's off of her neck. Riemi's breathing was beginning to get faintly shallower by each passing second. Not to mention, her own heartbeat was going wild. "I don't understand what you have against a young girl, m'lady," she spoke up and rest her hands on her mistress's wrists, in which she - again - tried frantically to pull them off of her.


( I am, too, and I'm stuck with a lot of other roleplays so I'll do my other two later on when I have free time

xD )
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The queen looked at the young girl struggle to get her hands off, the queen let go. "All this for a girl." she laughed louder at every thought. "Your right, haha, a girl." She chuckled and look at the king. "If I didn't worry about this girl maybe, just maybe, my king wouldn't have his life on a hanging thread!!!" She yelled. She straightened her dress and pursed her lips and then looked at the young girl. "That girl's parents were the reason why this world is what it is dear Riemi, her parents made this sick steam infest our lungs. At the thought of it makes me cry really," she said putting her finger up to her eye and wipe a tear that wasn't even there, "Her parents came to my husband and told him, oh we have an invention that would change our lives forever, and it did, but it almost killed half of our population. And now, we live in this world alone. We had to take a precaution and kill her parents so that they couldn't infest our world anymore. So now she wants revenge, and the only problem is, that girl out there knows the secret to rid all of this steam out of our air quality. But she just can't seem to every so possibly remember it." The queen was good at lying, but this was her new best. She would even have believed her self if she heard the words she spoke. She smiled at the maid and said, "Riemi, please get my sister, Nala, she will need to know what has happened and maybe she can fix things. Maybe even help the cyborg that is at this very moment trying to kill Jane. Oh I do hope he fulfills himself with flying colors." She looked out the window and saw the handiwork of the Electrons and the other cyborgs out to kill the girl. She was very pleased. She walked over to her injured husband and whispered, "This time, there will be no such thing as, Jane Mavrix." She laughed an evil terrible laugh and kissed her husband.

(yay homework... -_- I have math, science and then english, and its about ready to kill me!) 

[QUOTE="Angelic Infinity]

( Oh dear freaking God, DAT WOMAN HAS GONE MAD! D: )

(Indeed she has xD )
Hex's ear piece went off as he was walking with the girl, he clicked it. "Yeah?" For a few seconds he was listening to the other person on the end, a fellow rebel of his. "Mhm, Jane...... I-I know that name." He said before listening again. "Ok, I'll do my best but it will have to wait a little, I'll be there ASAP on e I'm done." He finished and with that clicked the ear piece off thinking. Jane.... Where have I heard that?
(Lol guys, @Wyrm, Get on this thread before Jane looses her place. Your gonna have to read way back when Jane charges at u with all these weapons. Hopefully?)
After being hit with the hot metal pipe, something went terribly wrong: Harken's loyalty implant was fused, causing him to realise how awful he had been. He raised his hands and stepped back.

"Kill me if you must."
Jane ran and then heard what the cyborg said, she stopped causing dust to form around her feet. "What?" She asked. "Are you serious? No joking here..." She said looking around as if there was an ambush surrounding them. "I didn't want to kill you anyway." Jane walked over to the cyborg, "Exquisite detail, great structure too. Great weapon training as well. Your probably the best work of machinery I've seen in a long time. Kind of.. like the cyborgs my parents made..." She kind of looked at the cyborg in a mysterious way. "Well, if you think you would like to join the rebels, just ask me." Jane started to walk towards the crowd, saw an Electron, and came back into the alley limping. She sat down on the hard ground and took a knife and started to cut into her wound to get the massive metal bullet out. "Damn it..." She said.
A shrill beep sounded through Talia's ear and then three beeps. Dropping her box she listened as her boss spouted orders angrily into her ear. "okay okay" she whispered. He was yelling at her for leaving Jane saying she needed medical attention right now and to take her and the other rebels to her control center. "you should get your apprentice the rebels want us to go underground for a bit until things die down my place is safe I need to grab Jane then we will head there." she explained rushed jumping down into the tunnel she started going back the way she came to get t Jane all the while mumbling how stupid she was and how she probably will get blown up because of her incompetence
Kneeling down, Harken made an extremely clean cut and removed the bullet easily. "This may hurt a bit"

He then cauterized the wound with the hot metal pipe, sealing and creating a small burn. "There, done."

"I am Harken. I will join your resistance." He said formally, retracting his arm scythes mechanically.

((Also, just drew a picture of Harken:


:D ))

Jane had a plain face on while she watched Harken mend her wound, she was to used to getting hurt. "Your a good soldier Harken. A great ally to have in the time of need." She tried to make a smile, but it was hard, her leg was throbbing and she didn't think she would be able to walk much. But she stood up anyway, she endured the pain and walked towards the crowd to look if the coast was clear, but it never was. She looked at how she could escape, but really with her leg bummed up the way it was, there was no way of jumping to the window sills on the rooftop. It was hopeless, the only way of getting out was to dive underground, and this wasn't an easy task, rebels will kill other rebels, even if you completely admit you are a rebel, its cruel and harsh, but that's just the way this world is now.

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