Steam World ~Accepting~

Talia looked up at the girl a screwdriver in her mouth as she used her fingers to do something with her leg. Quickly taking the screwdriver and tightening something she threw it back into her bag pulled her pant leg down again and sat back. "I'm human but uh I have a robotic leg and my spinal cord and liver are artificial. I live in a series of underground tunnels that span all over Mortar and a couple surrounding places. I'm a mechanic so I build things and fix things and also I can destroy things pretty well so I work for the rebels to overthrow the king and queen. I don't particularly need gasoline the main objective was to empty this plane because they are going to blow it up and gasoline would have made the explosion to big. The big guys up there said that they were blowing it up because of something the king needed here but now I suspect the real mission was to come and get you to take you to saftey. They don't always tell me everything." Talia answered and looked out the window at the storm. "Oh yeah um not in three years I only get orders from the boss and do missions I haven't seen or really talked to anyone in three years. I tried once to talk to the guy who gives me orders but he didn't answer he only takes mission statuses." She said pulling out her ear piece in explanation then looking back out the window.
Jane gathered the information, she calculated the days she's been in the plane and then asked, "When exactly did you get this mission?", she was considering so many possible answers. She took out a locket and rubbed her fingers around it covering over the design. (Picture of locket for no reason :P )

Jane opened the locket and starred into the picture of her parents, saddening to even look at their living faces knowing that their dead makes any occasion feel worse. The storm started to clear up, the trees were bent like little lightning bolts and the exterior of the plane was in bummed up condition. Jane stepped out, well once she got the stuck door open, and looked at the plane. The back was bent and almost about to fall off....never mind, it did. Jane saw the puppies head stick out the end of the plane and he barked at her. She smiled a little and then hear a noise. It was the sound she would never forget, the normal sound of the electric sparks of an Electron cycle. She turned and saw them rolling towards the plane. Her eyes grew wide and ran into the plane, grabbed her stuff and yelled, "WE GOT TO GO, NOW!"

Wane & Ahliana -

Wane jogged off with a smirk and Ahliana reluctantly followed. "Damn it," Wane whispered to her when they turned a corner. "You told him my name." "Oh, so it's my fault, eh?" Ahli sounded annoyed and angry with him for two reasons: he almost strangled a little boy, and he was being a whiny-ass about some brat knowing his name so he was accusing her for it. "I'm not a sadist," she added in hurt annoyance. He was - after all - her partner and they needed to get along just as they did almost an hour ago. Wane rolled his eyes to himself and stopped at another corner, pulled Ahliana into a hug and whispered his apology. "I'm sorry, Ahliana, I was being a a pain in the ass wasn't I?" Wane asked quietly. He could feel her arms bundle up against his chest and he smiled. He had won her over. Ahliana only nodded and slightly shivered in the cold morning air.

Riemi -

The small girl looked faintly confused at her mistress's actions and attitude; first she wanted her husband, then the nurse. Her blue eyes widened as she contemplated whether to get both of them, the nurse first then her husband. Riemi finally got the courage to ask her mistress in a timid voice,"Would you like me to get the castle nurse, then your husband, m'lady?"

Talia jumped up grabbing her bag and the gasoline and jumped out of the plane running in the direction that she had drilled the hole. Beckoning for Jane to follow her she took off sprinting at full speed towards her target. "Blow it up blow up the plane." she yelled as she made sure the girl and her creature were following her. Turning and aiming her giant gun she shot out a giant plasma bolt that hit an Electron and blew up.
Hex was determind to follow now. A kid walked past and Hex stole his jacket before taking his hat to cover up his hair and casually walking on. He saw the two and casually stopped and went on his phone as if about to call someone. He needed to know who these people were. At the same time he was jotting down the guys name in notes, Wane. He waited until they would come out and the. He would follow again.
Meanwhile at the castle:

The queen was overwhelmed, she couldn't think straight knowing that girl wanted to assassinate her. She heard her mistress asking her question, the queen took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. "Yes, dear, I would like the nurse as fast as possible, and my husband after the nurse has made a full scan. Then I would like you to get my finest clothes in my wardrobe and prepare me for a gathering on the balcony." She said. She walked over to the window and looked down at her kingdom, she loved the words, they spoke so softly on her lips, "My kingdom" she said softly. The queen began to dance slowly, imagining the day the world came into her grasp and possession. The crowd was roaring with pleasure, there wasn't any sign of betrayal at all. Just the sheer factor of happiness. The queen stopped in her foot steps, but that GIRL!! She was in the crowd that day! The little pest was only 9! Ugh and she still gave me a hatred scowl on her face the day I announced my crowning! "AUGH!" She screamed grabbing a chair and smashing it through the glass. The queen watched it fly through the city and land on a little girl. She didn't care, she had nothing to care about, her husband is handling things. "Yes, indeed, he is handling things just fine, I'm sure that girl is dead by now, lickety split he said she'd be gone! Yes, indeed. She is dead, I can feel it, her blood is pooling on the ground right at this very moment! Oh how it would be grand to watch her die...." She said aloud. ((THIS LADY HAS PROBLEMS! :P ))

The Electron chase:

Jane was following Talia, then she realized that she herself did have a hover board. Jane stopped, kicked it up and got on. She flew by Talia and yelled, "Grab my hand!" But then again Jane just grabbed her and put her on the hover board anyway, they didn't have time to decide whether or not they would be going on the hover board or wouldn't. Jane turned her head and watched the Electrons turning back around. "Shit.." she said under her breath. She grabbed out her sonic blaster, this was a fricken huge gun by the way, and started shooting the electrons, she still navigated the hover board perfectly fine. There were 9 Electrons, and that was after she shot 2 already. She kicked the hover board at max speed and they were off towards the canyons of the Lost Valley.

Riemi -

"Y-Yes, m'lady," Riemi said as her blue orbs grew larger. She watched her queen throw a tantrum, a literal and violent tantrum. Riemi's heart was metaphorically pounding out of her chest as she ran out of the room to escaper her queen's wrath of blood, sadistic gestures, and crazy conversations she held with herself about some little girl which she obviously despised. Thankfully, Riemi knew it wasn't her for if it was, she would not be here. It must be some other girl, but in which the "tragedy" had happened. Daily, the small child had heard about the treason or something like the matter that another girl like herself had committed. Immediately, she stopped at the door of King Tyran's library and study. His voice could be heard loud and clear as he argued with a mystery person. Riemi decided against intruding or Tyran would have her head. She shuddered and continued down the dark hallway until she reached the nurse's room. "Finally..." she muttered and rapped on the door with her small knuckles. A large woman opened the heavy oak door momentarily and hustled down the hallway again as Riemi explaimed her misstress's crazy ranting. "Aye, that girl caused a good bit of trouble to madam, she did," the old wench confirmed when they opened the door once more to reveal the beautiful Queen Tyran.

"M'lady, I'll go get your husband," Riemi stated and without waiting for a response from either of the ladies she left to find the king. He was - of course - still in his study arguing with a "troublesome fool" as she heard him say so. She raised her hand to feel the iron doorknob and without knocking she flung the door open. "The Queen wishes your presence, my Lord," Riemi said with her head bowed. From the young age of five years old, she had been taught not to make eye contact with her superiors and my what great training that was. It certainly didn't prepare her as much as she had later on hoped for this job, ut it was largely better than being unprepared at all for the lunatics called the Queen and King of Mortar.

Wane & Ahliana -

Wane and Ahli broke the warm embrace as they turned back forward to face the oncoming crowd of Mortar civilians and just in time to watch a chair crash down below from the queen's balcony. In surprise, Wane held his assistant close to her as they were only about thirty feet away from the now-splintered wood. The street was littered with robotic creatures that all looked shocked and troubled for their glamorous queen had just thrown a chair out of her glass window. "What in bloody hell was that?" Ahliana asked with her eyes wide; Wane only shrugged in response. The couple inched along the wall in a cautious attempt to not get thrown at.

The queen was being scanned by the nurse when she saw her husband walk in. "Its the girl again, isn't it?" asked the King. The queen pushed aside the nurse, but of course the nurse understood and already was used to that. "Yes..." the queen replied, "I thought we talked this out!" he yelled. the king already had enough on his plate and now his wife is going bonkers because of the girl that built on defiance. "Castian-" the king looked up at her in despise, "Castian, I know we've talked this out, but the little brat is still living! And I can't sleep at night knowing that she might be hiding in my bedroom waiting to plot my death! All I wanted is to ask you to put more guards in my room." "SO YOU THROW A CHAIR!?" he yelled. The queen was shocked and just stood stiff. "God Alia! I told you I would deal with her!" "And you took 10 years to fulfill that promise! Oh right, she's still NOT dead!" The king darted up to the queen, she stood her ground and turned her head. "You watch your mouth, you're talking to the king, and as easily as I can kill anyone, I can easily kill you." "You wouldn't have the guts.." she replied with a scowl on her face. The king walked to the window and stepped out on the balcony. "People of Mortar! I am sorry for the complications from the Queen! She is in bad shape and will not be attending to her regular deeds. Please take full precaution to not be in the range of the balcony at all times!" He nodded with a smile as if it were any reassurance and walked back in. The crowd immediately moved out of the way. "Surely there is another way to be sure that the girl is dead?" asked the queen. "Yes, there is," he said, the queen had a smile on her face, "but maybe if you stop worrying about Jane Mavrix, SHE WOULD BE DEAD ALREADY!" He walked out stomping. The queen shed a tear. "It's alright m'lady, that frown will be upside down in no time." The queen scowled at the nurse, "You don't know anything do you? If Jane gets anywhere near me it'll be a check, and all she needs to do is just walk down the hall and make a checkmate! That's all she needs to do. Just walk!" The nurse looked at the queen in the most sympathetic way, but even she sometimes despised the royals. "Aye, madam, I best be gettin' on me way then. I have the wounded electrons to attend to." And with that the nurse walked away. The queen watched outside, she took heed to every person that was down in the square. But two in particular caught her eye. But then the clatter and fizzle of the Electrons came buzzing in. The king had sent out 12, but now there were only 4. The queen turned and started to walk with haste down the stairs, through the corridor, out to the square and ran to the Electrons. And then the drama came. Jane and Talia were being chased by the Electrons previously, but once they killed 5 more the remaining 4 electrons gave up. ((sorry sadlyimnotbatman, i just have to quickly edit your character in here so all the characters can meet)) Jane and Talia had hitched onto the side of the Electron cycles and demanded they drive back to the city for the perfect sneak attack. The queen kept asking the Electrons questions like, did you get her? Did you kill her? Where is she? the only reply from an Electron was, "Get back..." and that was the cue for Jane to roll off the side and arm herself with her big blaster, the same size as Talia's, "Hello my queen." Jane said smirking. The queen started to run, the rest of the citizens stepped aside in horror. It was payback time...
Talia jumped off the cycle letting the thing keep going and crash into a building she had no bother to care about. She smiled at the queen thinking about how her brother had been beheaded and his body tossed into a river like worth nothing filth or so the queen had said. Pointing her giant gun at the queen she smirked. "My lady turn around and stop running or you for sure will have two giant holes in your back." Her hair was in a awful state of disarray from riding the cycle and her goggles were pulled down over her eyes giving of a mentally unstable took to her already crazy words. she stepped forwards her boots clanking on the ground as the crowd surged back farther from the devilish intruders.
The king was informed about the raid going on at the square and his eyes grew wide. He came running to the balcony, seeing the duo and his wife hiding away. "You! How are you still alive! How are you ever ALIVE! You've tossed my kingdom to the dust all because your mommy and daddy are dead!" He yelled to Jane. A tear ran down her face, but she still stood strong and stiff. She put her gun down and walked to the center of the square. "Well then, how is everyone doing this fine afternoon? Is everyone, ok? Yeah? Fine? Okie Dokie?" She asked, everyone looked at her with confused faces, most in the crowd screamed traitor, or kill her, or even blow her into bits. Jane just chuckled. "So, if you hate me that much that you've been sending so many Electrons out to kill me, why haven't you succeeded? Mmm... right, yeah, your Electrons SUCK! My parents could have built better robots to kill someone rather than sending out a pile of rubble! But wait, yeah, they wouldn't be able to." She shook her head and thought for a minute, she was originally going to kill them, but for some reason she just thought it was too soon. Then a blast hit her leg. "Augh!" She yelled bending on one knee and shooting the sneak attack guards. It became a full shoot out before she even got to the point.
Talia looked at this girl as she shot out three guards nailing three straight in the head. She ducked and rolled around another shot and sprinted into the crowd disappearing. She made her way around the crowd plastering herself to the wall so she could try to get to the queen. As she moved along she bumped into a guy no not a robotic guy and actual guy. She stood for a few second wide eyed looking at him. It was her first day meeting a person in three years and here is another one right out in the open. Shocked she realized her goal and took off casting one last glance back around as she realized it was a couple. She broke through the crowd next to the queen and smiled at her. "You remember me.... hmmm... maybe not but I bet you remember my brother whose head you watched roll across the floor."
The queen was shocked, she looked at the girl and thought for a moment and then she realized who she was, "Indeed I do, and it was the best day of my life." She said with an evil smile. Before anybody shot the queen a group of double o niners came up and made a wall between Talia and the Queen. ((This is what they looked like)) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.5ab4b6680af29bcf7a057a2dc7ef3d0f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6440" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.5ab4b6680af29bcf7a057a2dc7ef3d0f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The queen disappeared into the castle, she finally got up to her room and saw the king in distress. Jane was there with a dagger to the king's throat. "But you were down there and your leg was, but, how?!" She said. Jane smirked and threw the king off the balcony while the Queen screamed reaching her hand out as if to catch him. "Pity, now you know how it felt to lose someone you loved." She said. The king wasn't dead though. He was just unconscious, and Jane flipped of the balcony and ran into an alley way fixing her wound.



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Talia looked at the machines in front of her a smiled. She began laughing hysterically as she flipped down her goggles and smiled. "Everyone knows you don't send machines to mess with a mechanic." Laughing she launched herself into the air and landed behind them a twisting drill came out of her hand and she worked quickly unscrewing all the robots bolts and taping into the circuit drives easily. With a few twitches of her fingers they were all doing crazy things. She ran away sliding her way through the crowd once she saw the boy and girl again a twinge of jealousy ran through her as she noticed they were wrapped in an embrace. She wished she was close to someone and had a partner to be with and keep her company. She turned her head motioning them to follow and ran down the alley Jane escaped to. Noticing the girl was limping she pulled open a grate looking up at the rest of the humans around her she heard Electrons beginning to search and dropped in moving away from the hole.
(@Hexed and @Angelic Infinity come on people's :P )

Jane ripped some of her cropped shirt and tied it around the wound to stop the bleeding. She watched as Talia ran into the alley with her. "Thanks for helping me with that." She said with a smile. She layed back and watched the crowd for a while. She watched as a family of three walked by telling the little girl it will be alright. She smiled as they left. Her parents said the same thing a long time ago. And it never was.
Harken knocked on the King's door, awaiting orders. His twelve curved blades creating slight scratch marks on the door. He heard nothing, waiting a solid five minutes. It was then that the queen barreled down the hall and opened the door, and Harken followed her inside. The next thing he knew, a traitorous dog had back-flipped off the balcony, the king was badly wounded, and the queen was crying. He immediately gave pursuit, his cyborg muscles making his very fast. he jumped up and hooked his scythe onto a wire, ziplining at insanely fast speeds, towards the intruder. However, she had a head start, so she had rounded a corner. He pivoted faster than any normal human could, jumping to a zipline facing left down an alleyway. Spotting the assassins, he jumped down, landing with a loud thud and standing up. His scythes glinted cruelly in the fading sunlight, his smile even more so. About one second after he landed, he leaped forward with a frightening velocity, attempting to lightly clasp the necks of the criminals with his bladed fingers.

"Now you die."
((A couple things:

1: I wear a fedora, not a helmet

2: He doesn't give a damn about pain from your electric blaster thing

3: As soon as you try to jump on him, he would attempt to slash at you

4: Good luck tying me up in a few seconds while I have knives for fingers. xD

5: How did you escape the whole bit where I grab your neck? You did not describe this.

Pick which one went differently, and then we'll play it out from there.))

{I'm going to assume the boy and girl that you're talking about are Ahliana and Wane

xD , Batman. & I fell asleep really early because I'm not feeling well ;-; }​

Ahliana & Wane -

The couple jumped back when they watched a cyborg with lethal knives for fingers held the neck of people they did not know. All they actually did know were that these people were rebels that had just tried murdering the monarchy of Mortar. Honestly, Wane thought they were ignorant to try it; Did they not know the king would have dozens of electrons on the opposing side of things? Ahliana had somehow twisted her ankle while running away from an Electron that apparently was going to attack all of the surroundding people. Ahli looked to be in immense pain and once they made it into the alley the girl had directed them to, they stopped. "Ahli, let me look at that," he said calmly and they cautiously sat down on the ground. Once he examined her ankle thoroughly - with Ahliana almost about to cry in pain - he came to a conclusion: she had extremely twisted it. "It's twisted pretty bad. Maybe we should go back home," Wane offered hopefully, while the Electrons went crazy to find the unwanted rebels.

Ahliana was shaking her head, and she replied," What are we going to do at home? Sit around until these brave people die away and the ruckuss is over? I don't think so, Wane. I might have an impaired ankle, but we can at least try and help the rebels." Wane reached for her hand as he stood up. He nodded just to save time and he picked Ahliana up to carry the small girl on his back while traveling. It would help the swelling of her ankle go down if she didn't walk on it.

Hex saw the girl twist her ankle, "ouch!" He whispered to himself. He then contiued to follow th two hitting a droid on the way and free a fellow rebel. The guy nodded his thanks and was on his way so was Hex. He had to keep up this would be important if he was to dig surf up on the kid
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They walked out of the alley on the opposite side with no violence or bloodshed, much in favor of Ahliana who was already feeling queasy about her ankle. It wasn't bleeding but it caused so much pain to the small girl that it made her feel sick in the stomach. Wane was silent as well as Ahli, they just kind of pondered all of the happenings of the day so far. After a few minutes of walking the duo reached the ladder which led up to their home. He set her down easily but it was hard enough to make her cry out in pain. "Ahliana, this is a serious injury. Let's get a medic," Wane pleaded with her but she defiantly shook her head. She still didn't say a word as she began her painful ascent up to the top of the tower, with Wane at her heels. Once they arrived at the platform she lay down against the perimeter wall. Wane sat beside of her and coaxed her head into his lap so he could soothe her.

Talia watched as Jane fought the cyborg wide eyed. She had supported the girl but wasn't about to get herself killed. Jumping into the tunnel she had made she hoped that Jane would follow suit instead of trying to beat that monster which would be foolish. Racing away she turned a corner whispering to herself. "sh*t this tunnel isn't connected to the main tunnel I have to get out at the tower then get back in." mumbling. She remembered the boy and girl hadn't the girl hurt herself maybe. Once she knew she was safe she could look into it. Jumping out at The Tower as she called it which was the tallest building in Mortar she sat down for a second kicking the grate over the hole. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a picture of her and her brother smiling. "I really messed up this time I shouldn't have gone with Jane it was a bad idea if the Rebels want to take out the queen and king we need more people and a better plan." She sighed heavily and hauled herself up wincing as she noticed her leg was off. she looked around to make sure she was still safe and sat down again pulling out a knife and screwdriver.
Hex followed them up to their little home but went a different way. He ended up behind the two breathing silently and looking at the girl. She seriously injured, he thought. Staring around he noticed the city below and all the hustle and bustle but his attention didn't stray for long as he looked back at the boy and his assistant. "Wane......" He whispered to himself, "that's his name..."
(I am so sorry wrym, I went to go take a nap and my friend was over, how she got into my computer I don't know. :P Let me just replay that scene)

Jane saw everyone running away from the fight. Are you kidding me?! She thought in her head. She looked at the cyborg with his bladed fingers cutting into her neck. "Look you big bull crap! I don't care who you are and if I die! It's the reason I'm dieing that this world will finally realize how selfish your KING really is!" She took out a pipe from the building, it was boiling hot, but she didn't care, she bonked him on the head burning his hat. She was able to break loose and start to get all the weapons she could before he started to dodge at her. She started to think of her family, it gave her great adrenalin to realize that it was the king that she flipped off the balcony, it was the king she had a knife to, it was the kingdom she is in right now that she was possibly about to die in..."Time to make history.." she said charging at the cyborg with as many weapons as she found which were a lot actually;


(NOTE: Jane comes prepared ;) ) (PLUS: I have to go to school, I'll be back around 3:30)

Soon enough Ahliana was about to give into Wane getting a medic before she - again - cried out weakly in pain when she had absentmindedly moved her damaged foot. Her eyes were tearing up and by this reaction, Wane thought her ankle had a good chance at being broken. Ahliana never cried, not since she was a small girl when her parents abandoned her on the streets. "W-Wane, g-go get someone to fix this... Please..," she said quietly, giving in to the pain and the dizziness she felt in her head. "Okay, but I'll be right back; I swear. Don't leave and do not move your foot whatsoever," Wane advised cautiously and he gently set her head down on a jacket he found on the streets. Ahliana's eyes closed tightly in pain and new-found fear of what was to come. Before he left, Wane left his dagger so if she need to - which he wished she wouldn't - she could defend herself.




Wane descended down the ladder and as soon as he dropped to the ground, he heard a high-pitched beeping nearby. He froze, thoughts of Electrons and the King's cyborgs flooded his mind as he gripped his gun tightly in his hand.



When Wane left Hex ran straight to the girl, "shhh" he whispered, "don't say anything, I'm gonna help you." He kneeled down and got out a small box full of medical stuff. A boy in the last town before he came had given it to him before he left. He fished around in it until he found a few things. He looked at the girl, "I can leave now if you want me to..." He said.
Ahliana's eyes immediately open when she heard an unfamiliar voice. When she sat up on one of her elbows she stated quietly,"You're that kid Wane almost strangled." She winced at the pain erupting from her foot when she shuffled her body weight onto her elbow and she glanced at the dagger before adding apologetically,"I'm really sorry about that...I don't know what to call you." She chuckled a bit despite her suffering and she looked back at her ankle. "It isn't broken is it..?" Ahliana bit her lower lip thinking, I'm probably just overreacting. Or this could be just a nightmare, but I doubt. This pain is too flucking real to just be a dream.


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