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  1. Jensen McFarlan

    The City of Lost Memories

    okay, sounds like a plan man haha
  2. Jensen McFarlan

    The City of Lost Memories

    Name: Jensen Nickname/what you would like to be called: Jensen, unless you can come up with something Gender:Male Age:18 Personality: quiet, keeps to himself, unless very good friends or likes you. Is a very honest person, but doesnt put up with anything from anyone, he tends to have...
  3. Jensen McFarlan

    The City of Lost Memories

    I win, i was here first :P
  4. Jensen McFarlan

    The City of Lost Memories

    Id love to join (:
  5. Jensen McFarlan

    Okay so this is what happened..

    *picks up bandaid and places across forehead* AAAAAALL BEETTER
  6. Jensen McFarlan

    Okay so this is what happened..

    * realized he walked into a room with strange people, slowly backs up for door, bangs into wall and falls down* "ouch"
  7. Jensen McFarlan

    Okay so this is what happened..

    ello there (:
  8. Jensen McFarlan

    Curtain Call [One-on-One RP]

    Alright, sounds great
  9. Jensen McFarlan

    Curtain Call [One-on-One RP]

    This idea seems really cool, i would be happy to join if you would have me (:
  10. Jensen McFarlan

    Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

    To late to join?
  11. Jensen McFarlan


    Name: Jensen Nickname/what you would like to be called: Jensen, Gender: male Age:blue, 18 In a relationship?: no Crush: none yet. lets see how it goes haha What are you (one of the four options): Normal person Personality: Jensen is quiet, he keeps to himself, but trys to be very...
  12. Jensen McFarlan

    Ello mates, My names Jensen, I am currently living in Ireland. I am really into writing and...

    Ello mates, My names Jensen, I am currently living in Ireland. I am really into writing and paintings, I write short storys, long ones, and also fan fics, Im always willing to write a story/ fan fic for someone, so if you'd like one, message me (: