



Every year, there is a huge carnival that happens when all of the schools are out for Spring Break. This year is no different; rides of all sorts are scattered around, and a few acts from the circus set up around the carnival. Hundreds of people flood through the gates when the carnival opens for the week. People of all ages come through the gates, expecting to have a good time, and leave when they please. Everyone ha a great time, makes a lot of memories, and always comes back.

What you can be in this role play:

A normal person

Part of a show

Ride controller

Ticket dispenser person


• No perfect characters

•Your character cannot jump all over the place (Eg. If they are coming through the entrance, they can't be at the end of the carnival in your next post)

•No god-modding

•Please do not power play

•Ages must be 13-19

•Try to make the genders even

•Diversity in characters would be great

•Romance is allowed

•If you've read this far, put your favorite color before one of your character's age.

::Character Sheet::


Nickname/what you would like to be called:



In a relationship?:


What are you (one of the four options):





Name: Samantha Chase

Nickname/what you would like to be called: Sam, Sammy

Gender: Female

Age: green17

In a relationship?: Not currently

Crush: *Anyone?*

What are you: She is a ride controller for about an hour, then is a normal person.

Personality: Sam is a very fun loving girl, she liked to have a laugh, and is very athletic. She is very outgoing, and not afraid to speak her mind. Despite her sporty girl look, she has a very big heart, and is a lover. Sam had a laugh that is almost contagious, and is always ready to have an adventure or try something new.

Appearance: http://cs307110.userapi.com/v307110529/19c9/QUHiBgAZYyo.jpg http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=60752231


Name: Riccardo Dillon

Nickname/what you would like to be called: Rick, Ricks, Ricky

Gender: Male

Age: 18

In a relationship?: As of now; no.

Crush: not currently

What are you: Just a guy, going to the Carnival

Personality: Ricky is a very lively guy, he likes to hang with his buddies, and has a 'tough guy' appearance. But his looks don't exactly tell the tale of a lover. But he is; Ricky has a large heart, and likes to have a blast with people.

Appearance: http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/keeweeboy/keeweeboy1111/keeweeboy111100058/11215878-young-hispanic-man-closeup-headshot.jpg

Name: Sierra Wilson

Nickname/what you would like to be called: Sierra

Gender: Female

(Purple)Age: 15

In a relationship?:Not yet

Crush:no one

What are you (one of the four options): Regular Person

Personality: Sierra is usually pretty quiet, but around some of her friends, she is really wild. She loves to have fun, and is on the look out for love.

Appearance:View attachment 9361

Other:: Straight
Name: Margo. Brother calls her Margy

Age 17

Margo is a bit of a tighrope walker, but on a much smaller scale. She stands in a booth on a tightrope and dodges tennis balls chucked at her by hopeful patrons.



Name: Jackson also known as Jack

Age 19

Jackson works the booth with his sister, collecting money and calling people over to throw stuff at his sister. He's been trying to take care of her since their parents abandoned them at the carnival.

Name: Lea

Nickname/what you would like to be called: Lea

Gender: Female

Age: Green 14

In a relationship?: Nope

Crush: Is on the lookout to find someone

What are you (one of the four options): Normal person

Personality: Level headed and intelligent, not someone to do something wild very often, but she loves scary rides

Appearance: Not amazingly beautiful, but not too plain, brown eyes, brown hair, usually has her hair in a ponytail.

Hey guys!! I've posted the thread!! If you are still interested in joining this RP, by all means; join in!!
Name: Elizabeth Baxon

Nickname/what you would like to be called: Elle or Beth

Gender: female

Age:Black, no purple, no, pink...YELLOW! ORANGE GREEN! MARRON! (LOL, can't decide. :) ) 17

In a relationship?: Um, if Ricky isn't taken and u don't mind... :)

Crush: Ricks

What are you (one of the four options): part of a show. I'm the lead dancer in a group of them.

Personality: sweet, loves partying. loves nature. Singing and dancing

Appearance: her costume (yet, it's in WHITE, not pink): http://www.esmedancewear.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/a/v/avis_lyrical_dress_-_cerise.png

HER looks(sorry for the huge pic..): View attachment 9639

Other::NONE! :)
Name: Jensen

Nickname/what you would like to be called: Jensen,

Gender: male

Age:blue, 18

In a relationship?: no

Crush: none yet. lets see how it goes haha

What are you (one of the four options): Normal person

Personality: Jensen is quiet, he keeps to himself, but trys to be very friendly, hes very funny, and he always trys to be a good person, people often think of him as a brother figure.

Appearance: View attachment 9741

Other:: nope (:

Hope i am not too late to join (:
Name: Jacob Ryan Smith

Nickname/what you would like to be called: Ryan, Ry, JR, Smitty

Gender: Male

Age: Green! And 16

In a relationship?:Nope

Crush: None at the moment

What are you (one of the four options): Normal Person

Personality: Ryan is funny and laid=back n the public. He's extremely charismatic, and always makes a party when he arrives. His friends are naturally attracted to him, and he's always at the head of the table or the center of a circle as people are trying to listen to him. While he seems like a standard teenager, he actually has an extremely bad home, so he's always cautious of what he says, and flinches whenever somebody goes to give him a high five. He hides this pretty well most of the time.

Appearance: Ryan is tall and bulky. He isn't exactly ripped up like muscle builders, but due to him being in JROTC in his school, he has muscle and definition to show. He has brown hair that's short cropped to his head. He's pretty tall, at 6ft 2 inches. His skin is pale, and underneath his left and right arms there are scars. He has green eyes, and always a smile on his face when people are around. He normally wears a white and blue over shirt to a black one underneath. He also wears black jeans with Black and white sneakers.

Other:: (This is my first RP in a while, so sorry if some of my stuff sounds retarded. =) )
Name: Bronwin Reese (the 'o' sounds like 'ah')

Nickname: Bron, Bronny to really close friends.

Gender: Female

Age: blue, 19

In a relationship: nope

Crush: Jack

What are you (one of the four options): Part of a show. She is a singer in a band that performs on an outside stage.

Personality: Bron cares about the people that are close to her. After her parents died in a car accident, she joined the carnival as a singer. After a while she finally got a whole band together and it gets them good money, from the carnival and people dropping money into a special donation box.

She used to date around, until her heart got broken too many times. But a while ago, Bron met Jack and fell in love. She isn't sure at all that her feelings are reciprocated, but she keeps hoping they are. Bron is very sarcastic and flirty most of the time, but sometimes she let's her guard down and you can see the soft side of her.

Appearance: View attachment 10381

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