Okay so this is what happened..

Lady DreamEater

New Member
Okay so there I am browsing facebook, and Im like.. hey! Why aren't I rp-ing right now? and Im like gee.. why not? So long story short Im on here now so... talk to meh. I would post something more interesting but, its late, its cold, and I need more food.

*goes to kitchen and scrambles for some cookies... comes back to computer and looks at inbox*

Huh... no messages.. #theworldhatesmeh :<

oh well lol

Well thats all Im posting, no ones gunna read this so.. cya everyone xD
First of all, welcome to the RpNation Lady DreamEater!

Just wanted to thank you for posting an introduction. If you have any questions such as creating a role play, updating your avatar, earning achievements, etc.. please visit the following link:


Now if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out to one of our staff members!

Your new friend

Lady DreamEater, AHA! Ace looked at this so PWWWWNNNNAAAGEEE. *steals cookie and swallows* This tastes weird. *Eyes widen* Poison... *chokes and dies*
I have heard of it, seen a bit but not enough to understand lol Oh btw, I decided I wasn't going to send an inbox because its too much effort :< lol Ill just say it here. What kinda rp did you wanna do? lol
I liked that one too :3 okay, so If im correct we can do this RP in the private section? Ill go claim a spot and name it somethin lol

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