Curtain Call [One-on-One RP]


Arielle Hart and Alexander Garfield have been best friends since forever and just like any other best friends, they've been through a lot. A lot might mean fights or friendzones for most BFFs but what Arielle and Xander face is far more daunting. While they faced the standard ballet lessons, poetry, football, ugly-duckling-to-swan transformations that any other teens would, they also faced a huge wave in their life for two long years. At 9 years old, Arielle was diagnosed with leukemia. The two of them, along with their families struggled to keep things together even when Arielle went down a spiral that went no where but down. Then, just a week after her parents were asked to consider taking her off life support, she suddenly recovered fully--making her a miracle child.

They continued life like normal teenagers from then on--Arielle with her ballet and Xander with his football. The two of them seemed just right, falling in and out of love... making mistakes...acting like teenagers. Then, right at the peak of everything--at 16 years old, where the world was just starting to open up, Arielle's cancer relapsed and this time, only God knows how much time she had left. Now they have bucketlists to finish, ballets to choreograph and love to confess--all in so little time.

This story is actually a story I'm writing at the moment and I believe I need a bit more character depth. So, I realized the most fun way to find that is through RP!
:) I need someone who can RP in at least a 7-sentence paragraph as the shortest reply to play Xander. I'd really love the help plus, I've sort of reached a dry point in my story wherein I have no idea how to continue so RP-ing with me will be a huge help. No need to make a character sheet since I technically have Xander's bio in my head but of course, just post if you're interested and we can communicate. :)

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