The City of Lost Memories


Cupcake Fairy

so i have an idea for a 1x1, ive tried it, but the other person kinda bailed on now im recruiting to start fresh!!!

the idea is about a mysterious town where everything seems normal, too normal. me and whoever chooses to join me would have characters with memory problems. whether it be no memory, some memory, or memories they dont think belong to them. there is someone pulling stgrings in the back round, somethings not right. will these people ban togehter to figure out whats wrong?? what is this place, this strange town? and why are these people stick here?

PS: the people are all dead and their memories are being manipulated, so they dont know they are dead. the unusual town is a place stuck between earth, and heaven/hell. where ever your going.

reply if you wanna join!!!
well, how about each of you put up a character bio and i will choose a character who best fits the story?

i might use two character just so you know you can too....

who ever doesnt get it shall be at my mercy as i think of another 1x1 for you to have with me! i love 1x1s :3
Name: Jensen

Nickname/what you would like to be called: Jensen, unless you can come up with something



Personality: quiet, keeps to himself, unless very good friends or likes you. Is a very honest person, but doesnt put up with anything from anyone, he tends to have alot of people depend on him because he is often known as the big brother type

Appearance: View attachment 9745

Other:: loves music, writing and painting

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