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  1. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]

    Malane was, like probably most of the company, not paticularly frightened by Koa's sudden change and his somewhat agressive behavior. It was because every animal was a child of mother nature. And aside, most people had already taken note of Koa's dangerous nature. However, Malane wasn't sure how...
  2. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    Thanks Aye and Tem. ^^ I'll keep it in mind if I'm ever going to use it. That is really cool! I did not expect that. What does she do?
  3. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]

    Malane waved at Lily and Drago, the 'parents' of the circus, as they departed the little club. With a smile on her face, she'd turn back to Vi and just glare at her momentarily. She tried to take the words in the best she could, and once she was sure not to forget them, she nodded. "I'll be the...
  4. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    Haha that's peculiar. I guess that's what they call coincidence. c: Random qeustion, but does someone have experience in the circus? Most of my father's side of the family actually participated in one. I never did though. The circus was gone before I could join. And another obvius and...
  5. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    Haha. In terms of situation, the only difference is that they stopped discussing it with 3 people and continued it with 7. Oh sounds cool. c:
  6. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    I didn't think I had missed that much. But I did mis quiet a lot haha. My apologies. Wow hahaha. Is it a haunted house or an actuall circus? c: A reall circus would be cool. The other day I realised that we should hire 'It' to be a clown in our circus. Haha.
  7. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]

    Malane looked how Vinnie held out her hand to make Malane tag along. However, Malane nervously hopped up and down, as she looked at her shoes and looked at Vinnie quickly shaking her head. "I'll be swift as the arrow of a bow!" she said as she suddenly grasped her shoes and ran to her room in...
  8. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus. could say that. It actually reminded me a lot of the Human Centipede. Nonsense gore and just a strange story. If you could call it that. If you ever want to watch a movie that makes no sense and is just illogical throghout the whole movie, watch Rubber. My friends loved it, but...
  9. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    Haha and I whole heartedly accept that advice. Actually sounds like a pretty good movie for us to watch. We recently watched Teeth, so we can’t go much downhill from there other than watching The Room. Haha.
  10. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    Hahaha. Well I suppose that's tasty. c: I have never ever eaten that. Though I guess it's logical, because I have never seen a place where they sold it here either. Well hopefully it'll be fun. c: I'm gonna go to a movie night with my friends, which often includes us watching horrible movies...
  11. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]

    Malane started to giggle as the strangely looking Flow started to tell them the 'fearsome' story. However, rather than it inducing fear upon Melane, it induced laughter. Mainly due to Flow's transformation. To Malane, it all sounded like a children's tale. One to warn them not to go into the...
  12. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    No problem. ;) Oh that's cool! I'm glad to hear that. How far through your story are you already? Oh haha. That makes a lot of sense. There's a lot of demand for people knowledgable in the binary world. Hopefully you'll pass it. c:Anyone got big plans for the weekend that they wanna share? c:
  13. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    Haha glad to hear that! Oh cool. Do you write stories too? Or write something else? Hopefully your dizzynes soon will depart you haha. Do you go to school? If so, how's that going?
  14. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    I'm doing pretty good. Got a lot of school work to finish, but aside from that I'm feeling fine. I had a nice weekend yes! How about you? How are you doing? How was your weekend?
  15. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]

    Malane looked at Vi, her face filled with surprise. However, this soon turned back to a joyful smile. "It'd be my pleasure!" She said as she shortly took a bow before her sister. She waved her open hand towards her as if she was giving her something, and continued. "You learn quickly, so I see a...
  16. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]

    Malane's hand covered her mouth as she was not paying much attention to anything. Accidentally, mid-conversation, she had reverted back into her own mind. Did she practise enough during the break? The question bothered her, like a drawing pin on a chair. She had been very occupied with a lot of...
  17. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    Thanks for being understaing. ^^ I managed to fix the internet and the problems so yay. Glad to hear you 2 are having a fine weekend though~!
  18. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    Sorry about my absence (and the lack of posts). I've been having a fight with both my parents and my girlfriend. And internet's giving me a hard time too. I'll try my best to post tonight. Hopefully everyone has a jolly weekend though!
  19. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus.

    I agree. It was a really good post. ^^ And it's nice to hear you do put so much effort in perfecting your post. It's a good thing. c:
  20. Chiryu

    The "Extraordinary" Circus. [Inactive]

    "Yes. I suppose it's not the first time" Malane said, surprisingly normal for her doing, as she rubbed her hand over her neck. "Sorry." She honestly admitted as she bowed herself a bit before the unique looking vampire. It wasn't Vi's fault after all. So it wouldn't be fair to bother her with...