The "Extraordinary" Circus.


Wait this is not youtube.

Anyhow I figure I'd start so people know to go here for the random chit chat. Like me. c: 
Sorry if my posts are a bit on the rough side. It's actually been a while since I've rped. But I hope it's bearable. Haha.
Haha same here. I had to focus on my study for a while, so I decided to wait before starting with roleplaying again.
Good I hope. I'm still yet to take my civics exam. My class was supposed to make it up this week, but it's been snowed out the entire time.
Oh that's strange. But that does mean you've already learnt for it right? So you should be ready for it. ^^ Good luck either way with that one.
Yeah. I've got everything down. Plus hey, more time to study:) and thanks!
Haha that's true. Even if you didn't got it all yet, you still have time to study up.

What do you study actually?
I plan on studying criminal psychology and art when I graduate, haha. Now I'm studying music and art in highschool.

And it depends which area. Up by chester and DC, some people got up to 6-7 inches. By me the most I think was about 4-5. Though that's not counting drift and the occasional drafting. Were apparently in for yet another storm this Tuesday aha.
Oh wow! That's a really nice direction! I'm planning on starting a study psychology myself next year.

Also that's really creative of you. Nice. ^^ Keeeeep it up~
Thank you!

I always grew up hating math and he technical bits of science, as o had a lot of issues in school. Though I've gotten help for dyslexia and stuff, so things like music theory don't give me a reason to not pursue them.

Do you have a specific field you prefer? In psychology I mean.
You're welcome! It's good that you overcame those problems, rather than linger on them, because now you can pursue your dream.

Uhm. I was really interested in criminology (criminal psychology yes) but the universities here are giving me a hard time. So I'm gonna go for the broad study. But I still really like criminology. I'm also very fond of social psychology, anthropology and logic.
I have heard absolutely amazing things in Sociology. If I didn't go into criminology I would more than definitely go into that branch. Just a job of finding a university of institute to pursue studies in once getting my degree.
I have read a lot of stuff about sociology as well and it's pretty amazing.

Do you still have to look for a university or institute or do you already know which one you're going to apply at?
I think for at least the first two years I'm going to stay at home and study at a city college not too far away. Its a very decent place though and they've got the starting psychology classes. I haven't quite looked into their later classes though.
Hm. It's good you got that atleast figured out. ^^ You'll still have 2 more years after that to see what you're going to do. Maybe you could move out after that to go to a university of your choice, or possibly go to a university close enough. But those are worries for later haha. You already got your stuff ready for now. c:
I'm so sorry, but my texts in the rp are probably going to be slow, short and with bad English. I just need to use some time checking over for spelling and grammar mistakes, because there will be quite a lot. I've never rp-ed in English before, and it's kinda hard when you need to use google freaking translate on words you don't know. Enough excuses though, I just hope you'll all beare with me~
Its no problem! Don't worry about it:) I think it's really cool that you're rping even though its not your first language. You're first post was worded remarkably well!
I agree. It was a really good post. ^^ And it's nice to hear you do put so much effort in perfecting your post. It's a good thing. c:
Yeah it was really good, I really couldnt have guessed English wasnt your first language from it.

And it's great you're interested enough to persevere despite language barriers.

Also If you ever need to figure out a word and google translate isnt helping, feel free to ask a definition in [out of character comment] thing on the bottom of the post, or send me a personal message and I will be happy to explain it to you.

(And im sure everyone else will be happy to help out if they can, too)

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