The "Extraordinary" Circus.

Dont worry about it, least we can do :)

I've had to use google translate and other programmes like that before when I've been translating archive documents that were only available in other countries, and I know, it can be, and how much better it is to have someone actually write an explanation, rather than just the direct translation of individual words etc.
Yeah. One of my good friends at school is from Brazil, and knows next to no English. For her it was much easier for me to explain things to her in Spanish than the individual words in translation. Its also very bad with grammar, so on many occasions did sentences not make sense to either of us.
Mhm, I try to use it as little as possible though, and rather use synonyms or write things in another way. But my language gets very limited that way, so the best way is just to read a lot of English, books and stuff, or ask someone, like you said.

Right, you can't use google translate to make sentences, they'll often just get really weird..
Yeah, especially if it's english to french or something where sentance order is different, so rather than having 'the blue ball is over there' you end up with 'over there is the blue ball' haha.

It really cant cope with sentance order and such.

So, hows everyones weekend so far?
Could be better. Had a little incident with the dog but other wise good c: going to Sarah's tonight for a harry potter marathon boo yaaa
Shame about the dog, hope thats sorted now, but nice one! :P

I live about 20 minutes away from the cathedral the potions classroom was filmed in, and the outer courtyard they first practice quidditch in (not the actual pitch)
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Sorry about my absence (and the lack of posts). I've been having a fight with both my parents and my girlfriend. And internet's giving me a hard time too. I'll try my best to post tonight. Hopefully everyone has a jolly weekend though!
Dont worry about it, and bugger, sorry to hear that man. Hope you get that all sorted out.

My weekend has been boring, but alright. Nothing to whinge about anyways!
Its all good Chiryu, don't worry about it:)

And yeah. Same here. Might be a little absent for the rest of the night.
Thanks for being understaing. ^^

I managed to fix the internet and the problems so yay.

Glad to hear you 2 are having a fine weekend though~!
I'm doing pretty good. Got a lot of school work to finish, but aside from that I'm feeling fine.

I had a nice weekend yes!

How about you? How are you doing?

How was your weekend?
Good to hear :)

And im doing alright, just revising and been writing a lot today. Kind of dizzy for some reason, but nothing too bad.

And my weekend was pretty good, went round a mates and mooked about.

Nothing exciting, but still fun.
Haha glad to hear that!

Oh cool. Do you write stories too? Or write something else?

Hopefully your dizzynes soon will depart you haha.

Do you go to school? If so, how's that going?
Thanks :)

And yes to both haha.

Im writing a book which is going very well, and im at University; did archaeology, and now doing a masters in computer networking which is going very well.

Archaeology was awesome, but it's not very good for jobs, hence the switch to the binary world.

Oh and thanks very much for the review, I appreciate it :)
No problem. ;)

Oh that's cool! I'm glad to hear that. How far through your story are you already?

Oh haha. That makes a lot of sense. There's a lot of demand for people knowledgable in the binary world. Hopefully you'll pass it. c: 
Anyone got big plans for the weekend that they wanna share? c:
Bout the biggest thing in my life is going to Tutti frutti with my sister, our tattoo artist, and my best friend who also happens to be his daughter haha
Hahaha. Well I suppose that's tasty. c: I have never ever eaten that. Though I guess it's logical, because I have never seen a place where they sold it here either.

Well hopefully it'll be fun. c:

I'm gonna go to a movie night with my friends, which often includes us watching horrible movies and bashing on them. Haha.
I fully suggest Blair Witch house project and any zombie movie made by an independent indie group older than 2009
Haha and I whole heartedly accept that advice. Actually sounds like a pretty good movie for us to watch.

We recently watched Teeth, so we can’t go much downhill from there other than watching The Room. Haha. could say that.

It actually reminded me a lot of the Human Centipede. Nonsense gore and just a strange story. If you could call it that.

If you ever want to watch a movie that makes no sense and is just illogical throghout the whole movie, watch Rubber. My friends loved it, but I started to regret every decision in life watching that movie. Haha.
Im about 2/3rds of the way through a book I think, hard to tell exactly haha.

Yeah independant stuff tends to be much better.

And forgive my ignorance, but...what the hell is this tutti frutti place you're visiting?

And I agree, yeah teeth/human centipede etc dont even constitute horror or thriller really, they're more just arbritary grossness to try make you cringe.
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