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  1. Antlers

    Snow Melt 1X1 (with LittleDreamerOfSorts) [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    Sorcha sat in her cell puzzling over the smile. It had seemed so genuine. What was wrong with him? Something had changed his attitude and she was determined to figure out what exactly. Or at least to put his good attitude to the test. She could hear the two at the other end of the hall talking...
  3. Antlers

    Into the unknown

    Name: Zinnavyre (Zin) Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Half Elf Kingdom: Mirns (North) Personality: Cold and reserved. She is fiercely loyal to her lord. Often times she appears to be completely devoid of emotion due to her more logical thought process. Bio: A half elf warrior from the...
  4. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    Sorcha's first priority was food. It didn't matter what was in the meal, just as long as she was able to eat it as quick as possible. She eyed him carefully, not saying anything at first. She was puzzled at his blush and wondered if he really couldn't handle the fact that she was in a tank top...
  5. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    Pacing in agitated circles around her cell wasn't getting her anywhere. Each step throbbed and it only seemed to make her even hungrier. It was this moment of insight that helped her regain her more human senses. This form wasn't going to get her anywhere. She checked to make sure no one was...
  6. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    White lights. Pain. Blood. She can't escape. The binds are too tight. She can't move. She can feel the scalpel cutting through her fur. She thrashes against her bindings. Her muscles refuse to work, her mouth is taped shut. It's too bright. She can barely make out laughter, it's as if her ears...
  7. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    As the men left her she sank to the floor with a sigh. She was safe for the moment being. Had Ryan really stepped in on her behalf? It baffled her, but she found herself appreciating it. Maybe she would tear his throat out last. With the danger gone the adrenalin stopped pumping into her system...
  8. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    At the mention of past experiments Sorcha flattened her ears and hissed at the doctor. If he thought that threats would tame her spirit at this point he was mistaken. Not again. Not ever again. She gave a warning yowl in the back of her throat as he continued talking, her claws already extended...
  9. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    There was only one more being in the facility that Sorcha dreaded more than Ryan. The doctor. He made Ryan look like a harmless kitten. As he approached her cell hackles rose and her lips curled up into the most threatening snarl she could manage. She still had the free air in her lungs, she...
  10. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    Blood. It was the first thing sensed. She could smell it on her fur, and taste it in her mouth. The big cat spat out a gob of red saliva and growled. Anger. It filled her up, gave her strength. With green eyes flashing she stood in her cell once more, the rage of being locked back up in a cage...
  11. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    Almost. She had made it to the top of the fence before Ryan had appeared. That loathe man. Her lips had curled up into a snarl as she placed her front right paw onto the top of the barbed wire, the pain she was faced with was minimal. It was when she put her weight on the paw that the blood...
  12. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    Keep running. Keep going. Escape. Her thoughts had broken down from their human structures. It was basic survival now. Run and don't get caught. She could feel the earth shifting beneath her paws, and the moon bathing her in it's silver light. It had been too long since she had been outside. If...
  13. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    "Thank you." She caught the keys, her hands shaking with excitement. If she got caught she would be subjected to a much crueler punishment. Working in double time she unlocked the door and stripped. Her clothing would only tear if she kept it on during transformation, she would carry it in her...
  14. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    Sorcha couldn't believe it. After all that they were just going to leave her. "Hey!" She hissed at the two. "You are not leaving me here. Please." She kept her voice just low enough as not be obvious. She had been rotting in this facility for far too long to just let her escape pass her by. She...
  15. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    Sorcha winced as she heard the first signs of struggle. She had been next to Ara long enough to know what the witch was capable of. The first body fell and she watched as the skull rolled out from under her bed to protect Ara. She wondered what it was that made Jack so intent on saving her. As...
  16. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    She was about to tell him to mind his own business when she heard Ryan. Her eyes widened and she tossed the skull under her bed, moving the paper bag with a foot to conceal if from the view outside the bars. It would do no good for her however to be standing alone in her cell for no good...
  17. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    She clenched her jaw but didn't say a word. Nobility was nothing here. Since she had been little her parents had trained her and reminded her of her noble origins, to the point where it was hard to let them go, even now. She was their hope of regaining the throne, she was the true heir. He's...
  18. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    "That's too bad." She sighed. Sorcha could very well pick up on his annoyance. Her pride wished her to keep at it but she knew that it would be a poor choice to piss of the man with a plan. Anger flashed in her eyes and she gritted her teeth at the comment before taking a deep breath. "The...
  19. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    "You will help me out of this forsaken place." She snapped at him, not appreciating the tone he was taking with her. She had seen it fit to just ignore the two in the cell. What they did didn't concern her, the worst case would be possible solitary confinement. With a roll of her eyes she...
  20. Antlers

    The Experiments [Inactive]

    Sorcha's hair stood up on end as the her cell neighbour revealed himself. It was the most grotesque and purely unnatural thing she had ever seen. It took her a few moments to adjust to his shocking appearance but soon she regained her composure. After all nothing here was natural or appealing...