Snow Melt 1X1 (with LittleDreamerOfSorts) [Inactive]


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Antlers submitted a new role play:

Snow Melt 1X1 (with LittleDreamerOfSorts) - the winter court rules the city of Brycan, but not forever

No one is sure how the city under the dome came to be. It just is. For miles and miles stretches the city of Brycan, a diverse city full of all types of life forms and magic. Not once has it ever crossed any of the residents' minds to venture beyond the dome. The government in the city controls nearly every aspect of the residents' lives. Laws, Careers, meal times and the climate. Or at least they used to control the climate within the dome. This responsibility now lies in the hands of the four...
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Iza frowned at the two figure who was thrust before her by her loyal guard. There was no doubt that the mage had tied his post with those of Summer, he reeked of summer. "What is the meaning of this?" She addressed David.

"Caught him sneaking around the warehouse." David was a quiet man, whose sword often proceeded his words. With disdain Iza watched the blood ooze from the mage's wounds. There was a reason she had accepted the elven girl into her court. It would not help the tension between the gangs if she proved to be a bad hostess. She would send for the in a little bit, but not until she got her answers. Stepping towards the intruder a smirk formed on her red lips.

"Well, I wonder why on earth a summer mage would be snooping around the base of the Winter Court?" She tilted the man's face up to her's with the tip of a claw like fingernail. Iza could see the fear in his eyes. The average street rat knew that it was best not to cross her. The children told tales of her wicked deeds, and called her the Snow Queen. She liked that. After a few moments of tense silence she clucked her tongue and raised her voice once more. "Speak up. Account for your actions." Still the mage offered no answer. Frustrated, she bid the temperature of the main warehouse plummet as a final warning.
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Janie sat in her room reading over the letter her gang had managed to send her in private. She was supposed to meet them tomorrow and tell them what she learned. The problem was, she wasn't sure how she was going to leave without causing suspicion. She read and reread the letter memorizing the time and location. She tore it up when she finished and tossed it in the trash bin.

She sat down looking out at the window at the never ending white blanket that kept the plants from growing and the birds from singing. She missed the smell of dew in the morning and the feeling of raindrops against her skin. The icy snow was much too cold for her liking. She'd take a lightning storm over this blizzard any day. The white was so boring and dull.

Her grey eyes moved away from the window and turned toward the ceiling. She brushed her bright colored hair behind her pointed ear. She had been here for weeks and she still hadn't been able to find the key anywhere. They leader kept it's whereabouts impossible to uncover. Her gang was starting to think she wasn't trying hard enough, that maybe she had decided she liked winter better. It wasn't true. Why couldn't they see how difficult this was?

She sat up suddenly feeling the temperature drop. It had to have meant Iza was mad.
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The mage was barely breathing when Iza stepped away from his form. With a sigh she looked down at the frost bitten figure, if she didn't get Janie in to see him soon the poor thing would most likely fall severely ill. Although she considered it would be a good warning to those of the other courts, she needed someone to spread the news. That meant a survivor. "David, go fetch the elf." Her eyes did not leave the shallowly breathing form as she spoke.

"As you wish." David gave a half bow and left the warehouse for the residential buildings across the street. When he reached the door to Janie's room he knocked once. "Our leader is in need of your services."

Inside the hall Iza awaited the return of her guard. She leaned against one of the many stacks of crates and lit a cigaret.
Janie walked to the door quickly opening it up. She looked at David and stepped outside closing the door behind her quickly. She followed David to the warehouse. The temperature dropped all the more the closer they got to Iza. She shivered entering the same room as the leader. Her eyes landed on the form laying on the ground in front of Iza. She knew instantly why she was there, although she wasn't too sure what the man had done to deserve his fate. She approached the fallen figure, but she waited for instructions in case her instincts were incorrect. She didn't want to get in trouble for assuming incorrectly although her heart went out to the injured body. She hated seeing someone in pain.
"Ah. Janie, would you be so kind as to assist our guest? It seems he had an accident." Iza watched the two enter. "I wouldn't want him to die on us. Make sure he's able to live. I don't so much care if his wounds are healed." She nudged the body with the toe of her boot and stepped away towards a sort of throne she had set up. It was truly just an office chair, but it was placed on a balcony that overlooked the city. As she made her way up the steps towards the balcony a small black cat followed her. "Nice of you to join us, Luxor." She sank into the chair and faced the floor below, the cat jumping into her lap. "David I want you to call for a meeting while Janie here repairs our guest."

"As you wish." The man gave a half bow before exiting the warehouse. There was not a large number of members but there was a decent amount, soon the warehouse would be full of all sorts.

"Janie, how long until we can get our guest conscious once more?"
Janie bent down on her knees looking over the injuries as soon as she was asked to assist. She listened to Iza continue speaking as she attended to his wounds. She crinkled her nose in concentration when she found anything major and began to heal the wounds slowly. She moved her hands carefully over his body deciding to save any head injuries for last. "Maybe 20 minutes." she estimated as she healed his broken nose. She could feel her energy drain each time she used her magic. It took a lot of will and concentration. She finally placed her hands on the sides of his head and closed her eyes taking her time to bring him back to consciousness. She definitely didn't want to get this wrong.
"Good." Iza watched the elf do her work. She hadn't necessarily trusted the elf girl, but a healer was always an important asset to have. Besides fear was a powerful tool when it came to obedience. She couldn't see the girl putting up too much of a fight if it came to it. The cat on her lap looked up at her and meowed. She chuckled and continued to pet it. Luxor had always preferred the form of the cat. "Today is your lucky day girl. I am charging you with keeping our guest here. His lodgings will be across the hall from yours. If you wish to get a guard for the night you may, but other than that he will be your responsibility." It was a test really. Iza wanted more information out of the mage, but she also wanted to make sure that the elf wasn't too untrustworthy. Soon the members started to fill into the warehouse, each taking their places and speaking in hushed tones.
Janie finished healing the 'guest' as Iza referred to him as. She looked up at Iza. "Me?" she asked "I don't think I'd be any good at guarding." she disagreed shaking her head as she returned to her feet. Her eyes wandered to the entrance of the room as people began filing in. How was she supposed to leave and talk to her friends when she was supposed to be guarding the mage at the same time? This wasn't going to turn out well if she couldn't get out of one of the tasks.
"Yes you, elf." Iza raised a single brow at the girl. "You'll do as you are told as well. He is feeble and weak, he will not be able to go very far if he does escape. Besides I see him being in need of more medical attention in the near future." She did not like being contradicted. She had made an order and it was final. There should be no problem for the elf if her loyalty lay completely with Iza.

The entrance to the warehouse slammed shut as the last of the members arrived. The darkness was only temporary and was chased away by the flickering of industrial lights. Iza stood from her 'throne' and looked down at the assembled crowd. "My loyal members. Today marks the 6th month of winter." She basked in the cheers of the crowd before speaking once more. "As you may well know the other gangs grow weary of our rule over the land. Just today the summer court thought it fit to send us a guest." There were boos and hisses among the people as Iza directed her gaze towards Janie and the mage. "This blatant trespassing is unacceptable. We shall not allow it. I want an increased guard. No one enters or leaves the designated grounds without consent. Punishments for breaking this new rule will be harsh and swift."
Janie nodded her head deciding it hadn't been a good idea to speak up. She brushed a piece of her bright colored hair behind her ear uncomfortably as Iza made her way to her throne. She jumped startled at the sudden crash of the door shutting. Her grey eyes wandered up to the ceiling looking at the small amount of light in the room as her eyes adjusted. Her head moved to turn to the sound of Iza's voice as she began speaking to the crowd. She jumped against when the crowd began to cheer and realized she should probably join them. She clapped her hands trying be enthusiastic.

Her head spun to look at the wounded man she had helped to heal when he was mentioned in the leader's speech. She felt her heart start beating faster at the mention of how upset she was. Her head snapped up to attention when she mentioned an increased guard. Her hands clenched and unclenched into fists nervously realizing she wasn't going to be able to meet up with her gang. She found herself panicking internally. The key forgotten for the moment. She just wanted a way out. There was no way she would be able to pretend for much longer if everything was going to get more strict and so much suspicion in the air.
"I expect to see these changes put into effect immediately. I trust that you will be able to figure out scheduling by yourselves. Meeting dismissed." She stepped away from the balcony railing as the crowd began to file out. A select few of her trusted guard stayed behind. They knew what came next. When the rest had left Iza made her way back down the stairs to the main floor. "Now. Let's get down to the matter at hand. Summer boy here has decided that he doesn't wish to talk. Well. We're just going to have to see about that. Janie here has been selected to keep watch over him, and attend to his wounds." She nodded to the elf as she spoke. "Which, I believe will keep her quite busy."
Janie watched the leader finish her speech the crowd. She stuck around staying with the Summer gang member pretty sure she wasn't supposed to leave him. She watched Iza approach the small group that was left after the rest of the gang had filed out. "How exactly do I watch over him?" she asked. She wasn't sure if she was expected to lead him around their territory if keep him locked up in a room or a cell. She still wasn't quite sure how this whole situation was supposed to work. She was also concerned with how much healing she was expected to do. She didn't have an endless supply of energy is they were thinking of beating him close to death everyday.
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