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  1. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Straight Camp?! (LGBTQ+ RP)

    Max woke up when he heard someone introducing himself. The guy was already here when he arrived and he thought everyone had already introduced themselves. He was clearly wrong 'Looks like I'm not the only one loving camp already' He thought sarcastically. Max stood up from his bunk and decided...
  2. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Muskoka Woods Summer Camp *Dead*

    ---Max--- "Food in the fridge?" He had to double check, after all, he forgot to buy groceries three weeks ago and history repeats itself "Check" Leo said in his high pitched voice "How about toilet paper? Toothpaste?" He honestly feared the house would burn down the first minute he was away...
  3. OC McCool

    Muskoka Woods Summer Camp

  4. OC McCool

    Muskoka Woods Summer Camp

    Name: Maximilian Day Nickname: Max, Maxy, Milly (Only by his younger siblings) Age: 17 Hometown: Houston, Texas. Sexuality: Bisexual Roommate: None yet BestFriend: None yet Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None yet Appearance: Clothing: T shirts and sleeveless shirts but they're always...
  5. OC McCool

    Muskoka Woods Summer Camp

    StarrySoul! :)
  6. OC McCool


    So, you wanna start or should I do it? :3
  7. OC McCool

    Constantly (Romance)

    Lol I know but I think it's the right thing to do, giving everyone a chance :)
  8. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Constantly (CLOSED)

    ((Should we wait for the others to reply before skipping to the next class?))
  9. OC McCool

    Straight Camp?! (LGBTQ+ RP)

    I know right? xD
  10. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Constantly (CLOSED)

    -Trish- I was so lost in conversation I barely noticed how fast the classroom started to fill with people I didn't even see entering "Oh yeah, we should" I gave Gen a friendly grin "I guess we'll talk later at G... I mean, History club!" I almost forgot we're supposed to keep it on the low. I...
  11. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Constantly (CLOSED)

    -Trish- I tried to remain cheerful when she pointed at Rodney. It's still kinda hard to explain what happened but it must be done, we can't just keep hiding it and wait for things to fix themselves "Yeah" I said "We're in the same boat but Rod needs more help than I do" I actually don't need...
  12. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Straight Camp?! (LGBTQ+ RP)

    Max looked out the window, watching the trees go by. They sure were lucky compared to him, they wouldn't have to die out of boredom in a happy little camp that worked as a facade for hell "You do know there's a bus that brings kids to meet their maker, don't you?" he asked sarcastically. His...
  13. OC McCool

    Straight Camp?! (LGBTQ+ RP)

    Thanks! :)
  14. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Constantly (CLOSED)

    -Trish- Well, everything went better than I expected. At least she's happy, well done Trish "So" I tried to change the subject "What brought you to the History club?" I know some people just want to help, but as of now almost everyone has a bigger reason to join GSA. Me included "I mean, that...
  15. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Constantly (CLOSED)

    --Trish-- "Don't worry, it happens to all of us" I reassured her. I remember being the new kid in school and having an awful time at it. I'm sure the others will make her feel welcome, I know I will "It's funny how you see people walk by every day, but it isn't until you talk with them that...
  16. OC McCool

    Straight Camp?! (LGBTQ+ RP)

    Name: Maximilian "Max" Stills Age: 17 Sexuality: Homosexual Gender identity: Male Personality: Max has bipolar disorder, most of the time he's friendly and optimistic but there are times when he's sarcastic, pessimistic and plain out rude. When he gets close to people he gets very...
  17. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Constantly (CLOSED)

    --Trish-- Genevieve, what a nice name, very unique "I'm Trish, nice to meet you! and we was there alright, pretty cool group don't cha think?" I joked "I don't remember you introducing yourself yesterday though. Or maybe I have the worst memory in world?" I do remember seeing her there, but I...
  18. OC McCool

    Realistic or Modern Constantly (CLOSED)

    --Trish-- "Of course, everyone seems nice enough and I have a good feeling about this whole thing" I answered Beau's question. I thought it was all a waste of time at first but it seems like Rod's starting to lose up a little, so yeah, I hope he can make some friends... And speaking about that...
  19. OC McCool

    Constantly (Romance)

    Well, I think it would be nice, we are actually already RPing in one class, and if we mix them then everyone will have a chance to talk with everyone :3
  20. OC McCool

    Straight Camp?! (LGBTQ+ RP)

    Thanks! :)