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Realistic or Modern Straight Camp?! (LGBTQ+ RP)


The New Boy Wonder


This roleplay is exactly what it sounds like.

A group of male,female, and non gender binary LGBTQ teens are sent to a summer camp by their parents. At this "camp" they claim they have the power to somehow magically 'cure' their campers.

In the roleplay characters will develop. Maybe realizing being a member of the LGBTQ community is ok and normal. Maybe they find the one or maybe at the very least they realize there are people out there just like them, realizing:


Camp Rules:​


  • No smoking, alcohol, or drugs are allowed on the premises.

  • Prescription medications must be given to counselors for investigation before they are allowed to be in your possession.

  • No sexual/emotional misconduct between campers of the same sex/gender.

  • No hugging or inappropriate physical contact between campers of the same sex/gender.


  • All campers must shower daily, use deodorant, and brush their teeth twice a day.

  • Males must shave off all stubble and keep their facial hair nicely groomed.

  • Females must shave their legs and armpits every two days.

  • Hair color is only allowed to be natural. Any hair that is streaked or dyed must be dyed back to it's original before entering the campsite or it will be cut off.


  • Males must wear shirts at all times, even while sleeping. T-shirts without sleeves are not permitted at any time, whether worn as an outer garment or an undergarment. This includes “muscle shirts” or other tank-tops. Bikini-style underwear, thongs, and jockstraps are prohibited. Boxers and briefs only.

  • Females must wear bras at all times, except while sleeping. Thong-style underwear is prohibited. No tight, provocative, or exposing clothing is to be worn.

  • If you do not dress accordingly, a new outfit will be given to you.

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Jonathan gave his mother a huge hug next to the door of her burgundy Subaru Forrester.

"You sure you're gonna be ok," she asked handing him his bible. He took the leather bound book from her and put on his best fake smile and nodded slightly.

"Yeah ma. It's only for a few weeks. Then I'll be back home good as new. You'll see," Jonathan said giving her a huge kiss on the forehead,"I love you ma."

"I love you too honey," she gave her son a tight squeeze and kissed his cheek.

"Can I pray with you one last time before I go?" She asked.

"Yeah mama," Jonathan said placing the bible on the hood of the car and taking her hand. She closed her eyes and whispered some long prayer about protecting her son and helping him defeat the devil inside him. Jonathan was barely paying attention.

When she said,"Amen" the two released their hands and have each other one final hug before separating. Jonathan's mother got in her car and started to drive away. Jonathan waved until he could't see the car anymore. He was kinda bummed that his dad hadn't seen him off, guess the man was still in too much shock

Jonathan knew that this place didn't work. He didn't want to change but he knew if he convinced the people here he was hetero then his parents wouldn't kick him out. He'd just have to be more careful about kissing boys at his place. He should have known better than to let Riley Philips into his house. His mom was supposed to have been working late anyways so it wasn't really his fault he got caught locking lips with Riley. I mean unknown to her they'd done lots of stuff in the past at Riley's house, stuff way more hardcore than making out. That was one of the advantages of being in the closet. Nobody knows what you're really up to. Jonathan adjusted the strap of his duffle back and then he headed towards the Camp Office to sign in, his bible in hand.
Lucky refused to make eye contact with his father, this just made the man more reluctant to unlock the doors and let his son leave. "Lucy look at me." He ordered.

"I don't know who you're addressing, there is no one named Lucy in this car, my name is Lucky though," the fair haired boy sasses back, staring at the camp parking lot from his window.

His father sighed and finally gave in to unlocking the doors "Fine! I give up, you're too fucking stubborn! Get out, have fun at camp, maybe you'll finally realize what's wrong with you,"

Lucky opened his door up as soon as he got the chance and slammed it behind him right after getting out of the car. He walked around to the trunk of the car to grab his bag and guitar case, he slammed that door shut too once he had his belongings in hand. Most of the families Lucky saw in this parking lot were sharing heartfelt goodbyes with each other, but that wasn't the case for him, the way Lucky decided to bid farewell to dear old dad was by giving him the finger. He smirked as he did this then turned his back to the car and began walking to the camp entrance.

This camp was going to make Lucky bunk with female campers and he just couldn't get over how hilarious that sounded to him. He had been on T for years, wore 'guys clothes', had a 'guys haircut', and came from a flat chested family so breasts had never been an issue for him. The only thing left in his transition was bottom surgery, and he was too young for that. "This camp can try it's best to fix me, but their just going to be disappointed in the end," he thought.
"Just wait and see honey. When you come home you will be all cured and maybe you can even start dating Docter Davins daughter Merida. She is a real sweet heart. " Isuma, his mother, coed black curling hair stiffly falling around her shoulders and eyes. His father stood as stiff as her hair behind her.

Saru scoffed baring his teeth at her as he lifted his suit case off the ground. "I can't be cured and considering you claim to be doctors you should know this. I'm beginning to think you aren't as good as you brag to be."

Turning on his heels he stalked off leaving his so called parents in his dust. I know that kids can be disowned but can I do the same to my parents. I don't think metaphorically doing so counts I'm pretty sure there is a few forms you probably need to fill out. Stopping as he saw the Camp office he finally really looked around and liked what he saw. If I'm going to be stuck here while dumb fucks try to fix me at least I will be able to spend some time outside. Hopefully I don't have to do homework. Snorting he began walking again. Once he signs in he should really see if he could find a tree he could climb, maybe even hide in. Yea, that's what he will do.
The car was quiet, but the silence sitting between Toni and their older brother Mark wasn't tense or awkward, but rather sad. Mark was the one that drove Toni out, since he was always the supportive one and if he hadn't, Toni would have shown up in a cab. Their parents wanted them to go to the magic straight camp or whatever, but didn't have the decency to drive Toni out there.

"Hey, kid, look at me," Mark said, meeting his younger sibling's eyes in the mirror. Toni did look up, and smiled at their brother, glad that at least he wasn't saying 'sister'. "You'll be fine, got it? Don't let them change you, or force you into doing anything. And you better mail me updates regularly or you're gonna be sorry," Mark teased, putting on a fake mean face, even though his smile gave it away.

Toni was used to their brother's teasing and laughed, rolling their eyes. "Uh huh, of course," they said, grabbing their laptop bag and duffle before taking a deep breath and exiting the car. Surprisingly there's a bunch of other kids, and Toni almost feels overwhelmed until Mark honks the horn, waving and smiling. Toni smiles back and waves as Mark pulls away, adjusting the beanie on their head before following the flow of kids to the office.

Toni was going to have to sleep in the girl cabins, which made them a little mad. Most of the clothes packed were from guy sections of the stores, and since they were skinny and barely had any fat whatsoever, Toni only had one good bra and a few binders hidden in the bottom of their duffle. Huffing in slight anoyance, Toni kept their head down and allowed their thoughts to wander a bit. There would be a lot of that in the next few weeks probably, ignoring the world and watching the others.
"Elizabeth, cheer up. Maybe you can see your mother again. See this as a good thing" Eli/Ellie's grandmother smiled from the passenger seat, as his/her grandfather drove. They stopped at a foresty area, the sign reading "Randal Bradshaw's Straight Camp". (S)he scrunched his/her nose up, looking at the sign. "Okay young lady, go fix yourself. You don't want me to beat it out of you, do you?" Her/His grandfather asked him/her. Fear filled Eli/Ellie's eyes. 2 nights ago, before her/his grandparent's decision, they had beat him/her for stand up for LGBT+ rights.

(S)He looked at the sign again and sighed, a duffel bag in hand, her/his hair hidden by a dark beenie. Ellie/Eli watched other teens get out of vehicles, others walking to cabins. The tears on his/her face had dried since the car ride. (S)He was forced to go, to change her/his sinful ways. "You're just a confused young lady" Her/His mom, dad, grandfather and grandmother would comment. (S)He got out of his/her grandparent's car and started to walk towards the Camp's Office. When walking, (s)he spotted a young man, walking in the same direction. Maybe he knows what he's doing (S)he thought (I'm talking about @OrenjiGatsu btw xP )
Elliot grumbled to themself as they walked to the camp, still a good 10 minutes away by foot. In hindsight, maybe he shouldn’t have made the comment about how this camp was a waste of time and money for all of them and basically told his parents that they were ignorant bastards that acted like they knew everything about the LGBT+ community when they clearly didn’t. They’d yet again started another fight between them and their parents, and this happened to be one of the worst. After what seemed like an eternity of yelling, screaming, and cussing, Elliot’s dad abruptly stopped the car. If it wasn’t for the seat belt, their mom would have flew through the windshield.

“Get out of this damn car now! If you don’t even have the decency to treat your own parents with respect, than I won’t have the decency to drive your ungrateful ass to this camp.” And just like that, they were gone, leaving him and his bags of clothes on the side of the road. Part of them was glad that they were away from them, while the other part was ticked off that they didn’t at least drop him off closer to the camp. He thought about calling one of his friends to come pick him up and let him crash at their house until the camp was supposed to be over, but the thought came and went. They wanted to be as far away from their parents as possible, the more miles the better. And if that meant going to the equivalent of Hell, this “Straight Camp”, then he’d take it in a heartbeat. It’s not like they can change me, anyways.

Elliot eventually made it to the camp. He could feel the beads of sweat rolling down his face and back. They haven’t had that much physical activity since….never. He sighed, collecting his for a moment before taking a good look at the camp.

It looked like your average camp, maybe a bit nicer than they had imagined. The other campers were still being dropped off. Ha, at least they were dropped off on the camp grounds. Some looked like they wanted to be anywhere but here. Others were actually smiling as they walked away from their families. Then again, they could be faking the look to make their family happy. Hell, Elliot wouldn’t blame them. All the prisoners campers seemed to be gravitating towards the largest cabin in the camp. That must be the camp’s Office. Elliot groaned and slowly but surely made his way over to the cabin to sign in.
Jonathan smiled a little at all the eye candy around him as he was about to open the door to the main office main office. Out of the corner of his eye he looked the other boys up and down. They were kinda cute and a few reminded him of Riley. He let out a small smirk before finally entering the main office building.

A man with balding white hair, wearing a white polo shirt, and slacks stood at the top of the stairs looking down at the boy from a balcony. Jonathan knew from the brochures that this man was Mr. Bradshaw, the owner of the camp.

"Hello. Have you seen the others?" He asked politely walking down the stairs to meet them.

"Yeah...they're all outside still. There're on there way up now though," Jonathan answered pretending to be at least semi-appreciative.

Michael Bradshaw the son of Mr. Bradshaw walked out from the supplies shed a basketball in his hand. He was tall, dark, and definitely classed under handsome. He had gone through the 'treatment' like these kids where about to go through. He had been "cured" of his homosexuality and was now a happily engaged straight man (or so he claimed). His jet black hair and stormy blue eyes glistened under the morning sun. He saw the new recruited and a few of them seemed lost.

"Whoa, whoa! Ladies and Gentlemen this is your captain speaking," Michael started putting his hands up making a T stating a timeout.

"You guys are in the wrong place for sign-ins. They're up there at the main office," The 29 year old said pointing towards the two story cabin the Jonathan had entered a moment earlier,"Come on. I'll show you."

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Rolling his eyes from where he stood in the back of the camp office behind the others Saru grabbed his suit case and began making his own way to the other cabin in front of the others. He had spotted it threw the window. Why does this seem so complicated? All I want is to finish this so I can explore and they seem to like wasting my time. After all a sign telling us were to go would be helpful. Then again this entire summer will be a waste of my time so I don't think they give a crap.
Ellie/Eli followed the other individuals in the main office. A rather attractive man walked out, making a "T" with his hands, like they were at school gym class. Ellie/Eli rolled his/her eyes and looked at him. He pointed to a cabin, which he said sign-ins and cabin assignment. (S)he walked towards the , getting to the top of the stairs to see a cheery 20-something woman with round glasses greet her. "Hello young lady! What is your name!" The woman asked unknowingly. Ellie/Eli looked at her, hiding at her anger, a small tuft of hair falling from her beenie over her greyish green eyes. "Um....Elizabeth...Fortino" (S)he said regretfully. (S)he didn't liked being called Elizabeth, it was so gender specific.

"Oh! Elizabeth, here you are! You'll be sleeping in cabin 14! Your assigned attire and schedule to cleanse you of your sins will be in your cabin" She giggled happily, shooing her away to see a new miserable teen waiting to be told this awful fate

(S)he walked to cabin 14, creaking open the door, observing a large lock on the door.
Absolutely NO leaving your cabin after hours! It read. Apparently all of us were let to suffer without fresh air or alone time after certain hours. (S)he was the first one to enter his/her cabin, looking around. A bathroom laid on the far corner, but besides that the only other thing in the cabin were beds, covered in stereotypical pink bedspreads and sheets
Toni had been happily daydreaming at the back of the crowd, wishing they were anywhere but at the camp. Sure, Mark had given some encouraging words, but for Toni to think they'd come out exactly the same after the experience was just stupid. Every kid since the beginning of homosexuality and homophobia knew at least one story about a magic straight camp to 'cure' the gay and non-conforming, and there weren't any real pleasant ones. 'Be brave,' Toni reminded themself, then sighed as everyone started moving towards the office. 'Be brave even if it means be stupid.' Yeah, the wonderful advice from older brothers.

The air conditioning in the little office was a blessing, but when Toni was told by the oh-so-kind woman behind the desk that "You'll be in a cabin with all the other girls, Miss April", Toni honestly wanted to do some not very nice things to her, their parents, and whoever decided to make the damn camp. Trudging across the open area to thei cabin, Toni paused in the doorway to glare half heartedly at the pink bedsheets. Seeing there was already someone else there, Toni smiled briefly before throwing their bag on a top bunk closet to the door. After a moment of mentally wishing the sheets to spontaneously combust (or the whole camp, that'd work too), Toni climbed up into their bed and sighed again. "Think they'd belive me if I lost these?" Toni asked jokingly, looking over at their cabin mate.
Ellie/Eli looked at them walking through the cabin door. Ellie.Eli noticed that (s)he had also noticed the bed sheet, and smiled faintly as (s)he glared. After a few moments, (s)he walked over to one of the bunks and threw her luggage up onto it, along with climbing up it. Ellie/Eli laughed as they spoke. "Yeah, that'd be great. What if they were purple, or blue....." (S)he paused for a moment "Or God forbid rainbow" (S)he giggled. "Well, um. My name is Elizabeth....on my birth certificate at least. Today, my name is Eli Maxium Fortino. Tomorrow it could be Ellie Maxine Fortino, you can't ever really tell" (S)he introduced happily. "It's good another person is sane in this camp. They'll never 'set me straight'. I'm a girl and a boy, heterosexual and homosexual. Pansexual too. You could be a purple lesbian with 3 eyes and green hair, if you're nice, I love you" (S)he explained

"What's your name?" (S)he asked them from their bed, deciding that Eli would sleep on the bottom bunk underneath them @Jacrezz (sorry it took so long to post)
Toni honestly didn't understand what the other kid was saying about halfway through, but the nonsense was funny and made them smile a bit. At Eli's last comment Toni actually laughed, covering their mouth quickly before grinning. "Well I'm not purple, but I did have green hair at one point," they commented, smiling a little but inwardly cringing at the memory. Not only had their parents flipped, but the green had faded to a terrible highlighter yellow. All pictures for six months after that Toni wore a hat that covered all the offending hair.

"It says Tonya April on my birth certificate, but I just go by Toni," they introduced themself, laying on their bed and hanging their head upside down over the edge to look at Eli/Ellie. "I guess by your logic I'm a boy and a girl at the same time, and some days I'll be more one than the other. Gender isn't a big important thing for me, so I'm pansexual I guess," Toni said with a small smile. "Hey, um, could I call you E or something? That way no matter what you are one day I'll be sorta right and hopefully not offensive? If not that's cool," they said quickly, flashing a smile and pushing their glasses up into place.
Heading into the main office Saru was greeted with the sight of a rather cheerful woman. He had gone to camp before and knew the drill so didn't let one high pitched word escape her mouth before inturrepting her. "Saru, you don't need to know my last name."

Frowing she huffed as she searched for his name muttering under her breath until she found it. "What a rude child. I can definitely see why he needs cleaning. " Looking up she went to speak but was again interrupted.

"I'll find it myself." Saru decided. He wished to explore a bit more and it probably wouldn't be that hard to find his cabin. Turning on his heels he left the main office and headed in a random direction. I hope my feet leads me somewhere interesting.
Collin stood in front of the gates, staring vacantly inside. He felt like crying, but the past few weeks seemed to have drained him of the capacity. His mother placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ready?" she asked. He looked up to her and gave only a hesitant nod in response.

"I'm very proud of you," she said before offering a hug.

"I know."

He held his head low on his way to the main office. The lady there was cheery, nice, and admittedly pretty. Collin wanted to pay her some kind of compliment, being that she was the first person to greet him here, but he felt as though his mind could hardly grasp the mechanics of breathing, let alone coherent speech.

"Did you catch that, Mister Andrews?"

He was too lost in thought to be paying any attention. He opened his mouth to try and stutter out some words, but only silence escaped him.

"Cabin 13," she repeated. "Out past the bathhouse."

He nodded adsently and started off on his way to the cabin. The backpack combined with the weight of a duffle bag began wearing on his right shoulder, and he wanted nothing more at that moment than to be weightless and immobile.
Mr. Bradshaw told Jonathan to go unpack in the boy cabin's and meet the others. Turns out he came into the office through the back door and was supposed to come through the front and talk to some blonde lady, oops.

Jonatha headed towards the cabin 13, the boy's barracks. When Jonathan arrived he ignored the other two boys already in the cabin. He didn't want to be here. Jonathan felt like he'd been abandoned or something.

Jonathan picked the bottom bunk closest the door. He was into adventures and with all these woods surrounding the camp he expected it would be easier to sneak out and not wake up the others if he was closest to the door. He threw his duffle onto the bed and unzipped it pulling out his teddy bear. It was old and obviously well loved. He was pretty sure he was gonna get slack from the others for bringing it but it helped him think about home, or at least the good things about home. He rested it onto the pillow and grabbed a purple bandana from one of the side pockets of his duffel and tied it to one of the bedposts. The bandana was Riley's, when he'd bolted after they'd been caught making out he'd forgotten it. It still smelled like him. His the smell ax body spray had been soaked into the cloth somehow. Jonathan took his duffle and slid it under the bed. He looked around at the other beds in the cabin that the other boys had already unpacked trying to get a sense of who they were by the possessions they brought and had with them. Jonathan wondered where they were and why they weren't in the cabin.

Michael, Mr. Bradshaw's son opened the door to the boy's cabin and entered. Fresh sweat glistened on his brow and his smokey blue eyes glistened under the room's overhead lighting. His green shirt was damp with sweat and clung to his muscular body. His biceps and flat stomach where almost perfectly outlined in the wet thin cotton fabric. His black athletic shorts didn't do much to hide the decent sized bulge in his front. In his left hand he held a small towel and dabbed his face with it and tried to catch his breath. He'd obviously been running. The gold band on his left ring finger stuck out like a sore thumb since the rest of him looked like the beginning of some hunky gay porno.. As soon as ,"Boys. This will be your home for the remainder of your stay here. Men are known for roughing it and this is pretty rough. I know you guys will be able make the most of it. Unpack and be back in the main office in a half hour for introductions. You guys need to meet the rest of the group. And no rough housing...we would really appreciate the cabin to stay in one piece. See you boys shortly," Michael said before leaving them alone to their own devices to unpack their things as he headed to the girl's cabin to rely the same message to them.

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Saru snorted as he watched the camp counciler leave the cabin from his perch on a tree across from it. Reformed homosexual my ass. Turning toward the trunk he scaled down the tree and landed at the base in a crouch. Standing he grabbed his suitcase that was hidin in the bushes and headed toward the cabin mentally dreaming it ' his.' Walking in he clained the top bunk closest to the door. It was high up which he prefered. Hoping up onto it he reclined back and watch the ceiling already feeling boredom nip at his heels. I wonder what my friend's are doing.
Ren stumbled down the hill, sneakers being scuffed and clouds of dirt that seemed in the process of becoming sand. That wasn't possible, though, sand was ground down from rocks near water or rain, years of erosion. He shook his head, irritated that the focus of his thoughts was how sand was created, and not how he was being sent to the claws of a white collared factory that turns out happy and satisfied straight people. He sighed, thinking back to the strenuously long and cheap bus ride with no air conditioning, he was sure that the man across the aisle with the bag of stuffed animals was staring at him. He was probably a child molester, his bag full of stuffed animals only helping with this claim. So he shifted in his seat, the cracked brown leather poking at him uncomfortably, and tried to ignore the full toothed, well a few were missing, yellow grin that was being shot his way.

Get me off this bus, dear god.

And now he was, standing before the disgusting sign labeled "Straight Camp" labels seemed so prominent now. Words of hatred spewed, his families refusal to look at him. He crouched down and put his head in his hands, staring at the dirt and/or sand.

"Truly Hell." He murmured, stand up and recomposing himself, the opening arch of the camp was the opposite of inviting. He wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. Quietly he shuffled in, hugging his sides and noting that probably anyone watching him go through this series of drastic movements would think he were crazy, not that he cared. Signing in, the lady at the front desk hardly shifted expression when she saw him enter. That's right, he looked away, I'm just another one of these "crazy" individuals. He blew at a strand of his hair, he knew that the length of it wouldn't fly well with the headmaster but he couldn't care less. Silently, he left the indifferent front desk lady, and walked to the boys cabin. Climbing into a top bunk that was clearly un-taken he leaned against the wall, wishing that he could go home to his books and tiny room.
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Max looked out the window, watching the trees go by. They sure were lucky compared to him, they wouldn't have to die out of boredom in a happy little camp that worked as a facade for hell "You do know there's a bus that brings kids to meet their maker, don't you?" he asked sarcastically. His brother barely looked at him, being the overprotective sibling he's always been, giving his little brother a good example of responsible driving was first on the list "That's a classy way to thinks about it. And of course I knew, I just wanted to bring you myself" 'Yeah right' Max thought 'You just want more money to enjoy your Maxless summertime' Something Max himself would do if he was Leo, so he couldn't blame him.

Max left the car as soon as they arrived, giving his new home for the summer a good first look "I bet they put candy on the pillows" he muttered, mostly to himself even though Leo could hear him "Well it's not exactly the Hilton" The older said taking Max's baggage off the car's trunk "But they say it's good enough" just as he said this Max turned his attention to the awfully old sign that read "Straight Camp" Max let out a whistle and looked at his brother "Cute, you brought me to every suicidal teen's favorite nightmare" he commented with a thumbs up.

Leo sighed and rubbed his forehead "I thought you said you would try" his brother was clearly annoyed, so Max decided to give him a break "I am trying, it's just..." that was the problem, there was virtually nothing wrong with the place, but just like almost everything in the world it unfairly suffered Max's hate "I know, it's hard" Leo said "But you're a big boy now, and a strong one for that matter. I know you'll do just right and if anything happens I can always pick you up and we can drown our sorrows on cheap store candy" he added with a smile. Now it was Max's turn to rub his forehead "I'll hold your word on that" he said before taking his suitcases.

"That's my boy" Max would have died to hear that years ago, now he could just die "Now remember, you to head to the main office first to sign in, then I guess some counselor will be there to guide you" Leo really had everything planned, he even got in the car as soon as he said that "See you soon, kiddo" he winked at Max and left him there. Max was alone, again, but he wasn't that lucky and wouldn't be for long.

'Stay positive, Leo will come back if something happens, no pressure' a voice at the back of his head said, and he really wanted to trust it but he knew it was useless. He couldn't be helped, so why not just enjoy the rest of his miserable life. He started by skipping introductions and going straight for the boys cabin, taking the first free-from-campers bottom bunk he found, despite the top bunk being taken, he figured his neighbor wouldn't mind. Slowly, he drifted off to sleep thinking over and over again 'Here lies Max Stills... died virgin'
Elliot glanced up at the handsome man directing the newcomers to another cabin before letting out a rather obnoxious groan. This place was already confusing enough with all the people around.... Reluctantly, they yanked their bags up and headed to the other cabin.

Towards the front of the inside of the cabin was a rather cheerful lady. Forcing a smile, she asked, “First and last name, Sir?” There it was again, that gender-specific word. They tried to keep their grimace as unnoticeable as possible to the woman. Even if she did notice, her smile never faltered. He took in a deep breath before answering.

“.....Elliot. Elliot DeMuelle.” That’s what they wanted, right? The name straight from the birth certificate. Not that he minded his name too much, though others typically shorten it to Eli.

The woman squinted for a moment before she finally found his name. "Ah! Here we are. Elliot DeMuelle: Cabin #13, the boy's cabin past the bathhouse. Enjoy your stay!" Before he could rebuke the statement, the woman had already moved on to the next camper.

They let out a sigh as they were told their room assignment. Elliot DeMuelle: boy’s cabin #13. It was a weird feeling, really. A part of him felt uncomfortable being in a cabin full of guys, but at the same time, being in a cabin full of girls felt wrong too. The perks of being gender neutral.

They grabbed their stuff and trudged along to the guy's cabin. When he opened the door, a bunch of guys had already arrived before him. Most, if not all of them, were keeping to themselves. Eli made his way over to the bunk beds farthest away from the crowd. They threw their stuff on the top bunk to claim it as their own and climbed into it. Then he took his earbuds out of his pants pocket (they were already connected to his phone) and turned on one of his songs, “Knives and Pens”. They always had their music blaring to drown out the rest of the world. The song was probably loud enough for the rest of the campers to hear, but they didn’t care.
Collin was silent as he came into the cabin. He was curious if anyone was looking at him, but he kept his head down, not wanting to look anyone in the eyes. It used to be so easy for him; meeting new people. It used to be easy for everyone, but with maturity comes a weariness of the world outside and of the people whose intentions - once so innocent and pure as one's own - are now a mystery. He felt so out of place, yet in a way, he knew he belonged here, and that was the scary part. It was hard knowing that he had likely nothing in common with these boys and that if he weren't like them in some way, he wouldn't be here. His limbs began to tremble slightly as he fought against his instincts to turn tail and run. The flight had always come more naturally to him than the fight. It was a long walk, or at least, it seemed that way as he made his way past all the other beds to the back of the cabin, counting the floor boards under his uneasy breath.

Should someone address him, should words fail him as they often did, he supposed he could always feign a stroke or seizure or something. Maybe an epileptic fit would make for an adequate defense mechanism. He wouldn't want to break down in front of everyone like that, and this floor did not exactly seem like a comfortable place to spasm, but he was desperate for escape. He would bargain with any god or devil or consequence to be free from this place. He looked up at the top bunk of the very last bed in its row. It was no use to wish. He had come here of his own accord to serve his penance and to cleanse his mind. If this was what it would take, then so be it. This would be his prison and his home and his tomb.
Ren put away the book that he was reading under his pillow, the irritating son of the Headmaster seemed to exude over-confidence and attractiveness from every pore. He thought that it was counter intuitive, this supposedly cured homosexual would do anything but stop these crazed and sad teenagers from being gay. His hair covered his face, as he smiled inwardly, entertained by this flaw in the system. Quietly he slid off of his bunk, they had all been instructed to go back to the main office in a half hour, but none of the people in the cabin seemed inclined to get out of their sulky areas. So many of them looked unhappy, and he was no exception for looking depressed.

He may not have wanted to be here, but he would rather be semi-obedient than punished. Slipping past the people standing around on the cabin floor, the main office not far from the boys cabin. It was nice outside, the sun shined down but he was rather irritated that this day could look so perfect when everyone in this camp would have to have their lives changed for the worst. It all looked normal, but it wasn't. Arriving at the main office, he walked inside and leaned against the wall of the wooden cabin. Everything here was so rustic, he missed all of his technology. Anime Idols that never aged, video games that always waited for him, and shows that he could marathon for hours on end.

"This is annoying." He mumbled, staring at the empty main office.
Bored and not getting a reply from their cabin mate, Toni climbed down off their bunk, jamming earbuds in way farther than they probably should be and turning their iPod up. Panic At The Disco blared into Toni's ears, but they didn't mind and wandered out of the girls' cabin. Outside it was really bright and they had to stop for a second, blinking until their eyes got used to it. "Stupid nature," Toni grumbled, sticking their hands in their pockets and finding a shady spot under a tree. Already Toni was losing composure and itched to call Mark to pick them up. Of course that wouldn't work though, Toni's older brother would politely tell them to 'suck it up and deal for a few weeks'. They'd already had the conversation in the car, and Toni doubted they'd win over the phone. Sighing tiredly, they wiped some dust off their glasses before leaning back against the tree, lazily watching other kids move around the camp and half day dreaming.
Yawning Saru groggily pulled himself from the light sleep he had fallen into. Man, I must have fallen asleep. Running his fingers threw his hair Saru sat up and looked around with blurry eyes. Others must have came while I slept. Cracking his neck he rolled himself up and over the boards around it shifting in midair to land in a crouch. Rubbing the back of his neck he yawned again and headed out of the cabin absently noticing he lacked his shoes and socks making the hem of his black pants brush the ground. I probably kicked them off in my slee. Again. Turning in a random direction he allowed his feet to lead him. Hopefully they will lead me to some place interesting this time.
Elliot gingerly glanced at the dirty blonde-haired person as they stood by their bunk bed. They could tell that the person was speaking by how their mouth was moving, but thanks to their earbuds blaring Black Veil Brides, they couldn't make out anything the person said. When the person's mouth stopped moving, Elliot took out one of his earbuds, finally getting a good look at the talker.

The person was a handsome fellow. Their skin had a healthy glow, unlike Elliot’s pale, easy-to-burn flesh, and their hair fell in messy layers on top of their head. The person’s face had soft features, but it still had a mature look to it. I give them a 7 out of 10.

Elliot eventually caught himself staring at the poor person. They could feel the heat rising into their face out of sheer embarrassment. They ripped their gaze off of the talker, staring at the floorboards as if something interesting suddenly popped up on them. Then he started running his fingers through his longer strands of hair, trying to calm down their heartbeat.

"Umm....so what were you talking about?" they said almost at a whisper. He half-hoped the person didn’t hear him.


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