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Realistic or Modern Constantly (CLOSED)

((Be on my laptop in just a sec and I'll get all of my characters up to where they belong. Seems some of mine have already found people to speak with~ ^-^))
((Kay, congrats by the way. I told you no one could possibly do worst than me at driving :3))
((God, the dudes driving some car thing were absolutely horrible! We drove a huge truck and did so so much better than them. But yes, thank you so much!))

So yesterday was... interesting, I didn't get the chance to really talk to anybody, but most importantly, Rod didn't get the chance to talk to anybody. I wonder what happened that made him so nervous he had to leave. I bet it had something to do with Theo and the twins, after all, they might not be the hottest guys I've ever seen but I can't say the same for Rod. He doesn't have many male friends after all.

"So, did you got the chance to talk with Parish yesterday?" I asked, half joking half serious while I drove us to school "Who?" he asked. I forgot Rod never got the chance to hear the twins' names "Twin hottie number 1, the one that left the classroom after you did" I explained.


Oh, him "No, he looked pretty annoyed until his brother came out. And then Theo and Delaney joined them" I was quietly watching them from afar, I guess some would call me a stalker but I really don't mind anymore.

"If you were that close how come you didn't join them?" Trish asked, she wasn't looking at me, but I knew she was dissapointed. I just shrugged and left the car as soon as we arrived the parking lot "Hey wait up!" I could hear Trish calling me but I didn't stop until I was inside the classroom. She came close behind me and sat next to me. This is going to be a long day.

((I know what you mean, some people shouldn't drive xD me included u.u ))

Jacob was on his way to school on his motorcycle when he saw some old gang members and stopped a little to say hi and left when he got to school he parked his bike near the entrance of the school and he got off his bike taking off his helmet and walking into to school with his earbuds on also people were moving out of his way in the hall while he looked at all the people with his eyes half open lazily and he walks into the class ignoring all the people and sits in his seat in the back looking at everyone half eyed.
Stormy nods at the girl and shrugs her shoulders. "Who knows?" She grinned slightly before turning from the girl and heading back to her camaro. Driving away she realizes later that she hadn't even asked the girl her name. Oh well..maybe we'll meet again. She went home after that.

The next day Storm had already gotten up and left before her aunt. No way was she going to be stopped and questioned about the GSA when she wasn't even too sure of what it was. Slipping on a hoodie and heading out the door, she heads to the car and slides on in. Her first thought was mainly on who that girl was.
Just another girl, nothing special, probably. She tells herself with a yawn while revving the engine and pulling out of the drive way heading for school. She doesn't have to worry much about morning classes seeing as she has a couple insignificant roles in two of them. Freedom. Rolling the windows down and blaring classical rock out the car while doing at least seventy miles on back roads had to be one of the greatest things in the world.

As she pulls up to the school a couple minutes before the first class would be starting, she drives around still having the music pretty loud while listening to Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones. Her lips move with the music obviously singing along up til she parks and turns it down then rolls up her windows. It was nice not having to rush much and leaning back in her seat, Storm takes a deep breath.

Parish was weaving through the parking lot while Beau trailed behind. His brother was far too slow in the mornings though it could have something to do with the killer hang over he seemed to be suffering from after Parish forcing him into drinking his own weight. He can see it now, Beau getting up in the middle of class and trying frantically to get out before the drinks of last night resurfaced. Too bad he didn't talk to anyone other than that jock..if they got together, I think I'd shoot myself. He sighs as he makes it to the front of the school and stops. Getting off the skateboard and looking back and around for Beau he doesn't look the least bit enthused for being here.

Beau's head is pounding like stones being thrown one by one at his skull. It was painful to say the least even though Ace had given him some pills to help out. He can feel his pulse in his forehead and for a moment he thinks about going and lying down in the road to hopefully relieve himself of the continuous pounding.
I'll never drink again... He thought though knows it to be a lie due to his living arrangements and the people in his life. Drinking was just a part of him, but Parish would still be the one to probably never let it go. His brother has to drink, it's in his blood by now.

Groaning, Beau sluggishly makes it into the building and heads for his first class of the day. With Parish's guidance, they both get to class and Beau goes to his seat getting a rather rough pat on the back. "See ya later, bro!" Parish told Beau before noticing the Rodney kid and Trish.

Genevieve jogs from her house to school every morning, that was just something she had always done since having quit track. She takes a short, easy breaths and combed her hair back before walking into the school and quickly making it to her locker to retrieve any homework she had most likely avoided the day before. Her eyes scan the locker though she can't find much of anything. Finally she gives in and gets to class empty handed.
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Alex walked down the hall to the classroom but he didn't go in. He scanned the room for Harper but he didn't see her which wasn't much of a surprise, her mother always had to go to the store in the mornings. He tapped his foot on the floor, contemplating whether or not to enter or wait on her to get here; he decided to wait.

Now he stands at the door, listening to his classmates talking and laughing.


"Bye Harp!" She heard her mother say but Harper had already shut the car door without saying a word. She steadily walked down the hall, clearly annoyed at her mother's lack on rushing; her mumbles were muffled by the sound of students laughing, chatting, opening and shutting locker doors, along with the ones that are walking to class.

"Harper!" She looked up and saw Alex standing at the door. "What are you doing? Greeting people as they enter?" He smirked and placed his hand between her shoulder blades, "I was waiting on you stupid," he replied as he pushed her into the room.

"Hey" I noticed the twins just entered the classroom and nudged Rod's shoulder as soon as an idea hit me "How 'bout a challenge?" Rod looked at me, confused "What do you mean?" he said. I smirked mischievously and I could tell he knew I was up to something "Look over your shoulder"

He blushed as soon as he saw who I was talking about "...What about them?" sometimes all you need is a little push in the right direction "I bet you a week's worth of your chores that you can't start a conversation with one of them"


Did she just went crazy? But before I could reply Trish did the unthinkable "Hey, Beau!" she called one of the twins and stood up, taking my hand and dragging me with her in the process. Oh no, we're getting closer. Help!
Beau had just gotten to his seat and was about to sit when his name was called. His eyes glance around before spotting two of the people from the GSA meeting. "Oh, hey." He smiles to them both glad to see that they were in his first hour class. Maybe they could get to know one another. "Good morning." He tells them while slowly bringing up a hand to rub at his face. The hangover starting to ease up just a bit. "You're Trish, right? And you're Rodney." Beau tries not to show the tole the alcohol had taken on him and he still smiles.

Parish watches the two people he hardly remembered much about because of his uninterested state of yesterday. He says nothing as they approach Beau though he grins at them both and heads out into the hallway. He needed to get to his own class while putting in some skating time. Rolling down the hall, he soon disappears down another.

I grinned back at Parish as he left, and decided to put my plan in action "The same ones!" I answered Beau with a smile while Rod merely nodded. I sat down next next to him, pulling a still nervous Rod with me "Such a lucky coincidence that we share our first class, don't you think?" I asked the twin.


Is it me or is he hotter than yesterday?... I blushed as soon as the thought crossed my mind. His brother also grinned at us and I nearly melted. I looked at the floor while Trish started to make conversation with him. I really hate cleaning the bathroom after all our siblings are done with it but I don't think this is worth it.
Beau watches the two and looks a bit startled as Trish sits in the desk beside his. He nods at her statement and laughs quietly. She was quite excited over this early morning conversation. "It's nice, I'll admit. At least now I know people in here." Stretching, the twin sits back down and looks back to Rodney who he still has yet to hear speak. Turning his head upon noticing that Parish had already left, Beau sighs and leans his elbow onto his desk with his face resting in his palm. "So you guys are still coming to the club meetings right? I'd like to see you both." He says genuinely meaning it. They seemed cool and if he was honest with himself, Rod was pretty cute..in a shy sort of way.

"Of course, everyone seems nice enough and I have a good feeling about this whole thing" I answered Beau's question. I thought it was all a waste of time at first but it seems like Rod's starting to lose up a little, so yeah, I hope he can make some friends... And speaking about that "Oh hey, look!" I pointed at the other girl from GSA, the one that came in a hurry and I couldn't catch her name "She's also from our history club, I'll go say hi!" I gave Rod another mischievous grin and left.

If things go as planned Rod will make a new friend, in the meantime I'll do the same "Hi!" I told the girl with a bright smile. However, I still kept an eye on my little brother and our buddy twin hottie number two.


Why have you abandoned me sister?! "...Uh" I looked at the twin, Beau I believe? For the first time in the eyes "...Hi?" oh god.

I was running extremely late due to the fact that Gavin had never come home yesterday. I wasn't even sure what period it was. He didn't answer his phone, he wouldn't text me back. Something was wrong. In my haste to avoid hall monitors and principals, I jogged to my locker and stuffed all my notebooks for the day into my rucksack.

Again, I checked my phone but I had no text from Gavin. What was I going to do? What if he never showed up? The thought its self almost made me have a break down, so I rushed to the bathroom and decided to wait for the next bell to ring. Then I'd figure out where I needed to be.
"Glad to hear it.." Beau smiles at her response happy to know that they'd be joining them again. I hope that Parish can stay this time around...he really was acting like a child yesterday.. His hand begins to slide from under his cheek just as Trish spoke again. He turned his head to the side to see who the girl was talking about and gives a waves to the Genevieve and watches Trish leave them for the other person. He turns back to see Rodney beginning to speak. "Hey, you can talk!" His eyes brightened a bit just as he yawns again. The alcohol was really bringing him down. "'scuse me.." Beau uncovers his mouth and nods. "Hello!" His energy was draining but that doesn't keep him from trying to talk more with this stranger.

Genevieve looks around the room until she notices some girl come closer. She smiles and waves seeing Trish and then the other two guys. Her attention shifts to the girl. "Hey! You're the girl from the history club meeting, right?" She then glanced toward the other two. Ohhh, those are two of the guys who're gay, right..? Yep! And the football player too! She recalls the information and looks back at Trish. "I'm Genevieve!"

Sighing and eventually exiting her car, Stormy goes into the school while everyone else have, for the most part, vanished into their designated classrooms. She heads to the bathroom packing her make-up bag with her and headphones still blaring various classical rock songs. She makes it to the restroom and walks in, automatically setting her bag on the counter and starting to dig through it. She doesn't notice the same girl from the previous day until she looks back up with a stick of eyeliner in one hand and the other reaching up toward her face. She stops and grins. "Hey there." Pulling out an ear bud, she goes on putting on the eyeliner.

Genevieve, what a nice name, very unique "I'm Trish, nice to meet you! and we was there alright, pretty cool group don't cha think?" I joked "I don't remember you introducing yourself yesterday though. Or maybe I have the worst memory in world?" I do remember seeing her there, but I was so distracted by Rod's sudden departure from the group that maybe I missed her introduction.


Okay, he's either tired or... "You okay?" I've only seen Trish acting like that on the days after our neighbor's numerous parties. She used to say she only had a little stomachache, but Leo explained things to me. He used to be so nice, always watching out for me. I looked at the floor again, feeling a little bit down all of the sudden.
Gen smiles, she hadn't gotten to meet anyone other than Amy, the one responsible for bringing the lot of them together. "No, no I arrived late..just before you're introduction..it was unfortunate that I couldn't have met you guys yesterday." She apologizes. "There were the twins, I remember them..and then that football player and his 'girlfriend' but I never caught any of their names." She replies with a sigh.

At first, Beau looks surprised but the surprise quickly melts away to show his ashamed inner feeling at this moment. It wasn't cool to let others know that you went home last night and drank until you couldn't even crawl in a straight line. He glances away but then shakes his head. "I'm still recovering from the worst hangover of my life.." He says honestly before noticing something change. "How about you?" He leans forward a bit to see the other's face.

"Don't worry, it happens to all of us" I reassured her. I remember being the new kid in school and having an awful time at it. I'm sure the others will make her feel welcome, I know I will "It's funny how you see people walk by every day, but it isn't until you talk with them that you can finally say you've meet them"... Whoa, were did that came from?


I let out a long sigh "Yeah, sorry I... Ah!" I practically jumped ten feet in the air when I realized he got closer "Oh, sorry... I'm not used to people being too close, I...Sorry" I turned fifty shades of red and looked down again. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Alex fumbled to get to his desk. He looked at Harper and nods his head to the two desks he has his hands on, wanting to know if she wants to sit here or somewhere else. Not that it really mattered to him, but Harper was smart; she knew that it mattered where you sat. To his surprise, she nodded her head and dodged the students that were in her way.


"Ow!" Alex swatted her hand away from his hair when she pulled at a tangle. "Don't touch me fiend," he said with an attempt at a hiss. "Oh my God please shut up whiney," she rolled her eyes and set her elbows on her desk, propping her head on her hands.

"Oh, hi again!" I gave the girl a small smile, as I shoved my phone back into my back pocket. My appearance reflected back in the mirror and I frowned. Today I looked horrible. My messy brown hair was pulled into a bun on the top of my head, and I hadn't even looked at the close I picked out for myself today. My black jeans had holes in the knees, and I was wearing a very old Rolling Stones t-shirt. I don't even think it was originally grey, but it sure as hell was now.

"I never got your name." I was surprised when I spoke up to the girl, and even glanced over at her. She was applying eyeliner, and I envied her. She could look good no matter what probably. I was stuck here looking like a cat dragged out of water.
She smiles at the reassurance coming from Trish and offers a nod in response to her second statement. "Ha, that's crazy true!" Genevieve's smile seems to intensify just a little as she contemplates the spoken truth. It was a bit odd wording but also made sense. It isn't long before Gen gives up on the thought and lets out a laugh. "I'm glad to make your acquaintance!"

Beau, though not nearly as surprised as Rod, winds back quickly with the sudden sound of surprise. "Sorry, sorry!" He apologizes just before Rodney begins his own. "Oh..uh, well it isn't your fault, really." He smiles a bit awkwardly while scratching his elbow. "That's ok, I get it." Leaning back toward him just a bit, his head tilts and his smile grows. "You have nothing to be sorry about." The way his face turned so many different shades of red, he tries hard to compress his chuckle. If it had been Parish here this guy would have been much more embarrassed.

Finishing one eye after a minute, Stormy brought her hand to the other while listening to the girl behind her. "The name's Stormy and if that's how you always dress, I could take you shopping for newer merch." She looks back at Paxton with a half smile while looking at her reflection and summing up the way she was dressed; the Rolling Stones t-shirt being a clear sign that they were into similar music choices. "Rough morning?" It wasn't like she did this often..talking to younger classmates, that is but this chick seemed alright, I mean she needs a bit more spice to keep those bullies off her case but other than that she was ok. "I have a straightener and brush in my bag if you need it." Helping people is not how Stormy is. Sitting in the bathroom applying eyeliner and having a conversation is not what she usually does and for once she enjoys herself a bit.

"You are a saint!" I exclaimed, wanting to hug her but knowing that would be a little awkward. "It's not a bother if I use it, right? I don't want to bug you. I know its a little weird-" I cut myself off, throwing my hand over my mouth and taking a deep breath. I rambled when I was nervous, and right now my anxiety was on high. Instead of continuing, I faced the mirror again and pulled the bun out and let my curls fall loose. I pouted, and started raking my fingers through them, before saying, "I'm Paxton."


I woke up, and instantly regretted last night. Some girl was laying on me, and she was just in my t-shirt. "Fuck." My face was oily, from sweating, ad my hair felt disgusting. I needed a shower. The girl laying across my chest groaned, and sat up, sending me a sloppy smile.

"I'm gonna need that back," I told her, pointing to the shirt. "I have to get to school. Pax is probably worried." I didn't even realize she probably had no clue who Paxton was. Nonetheless, she got an offended look on her face and stood to storm off. Really? No shirt? Where even was I? I got out of the bed, and realized this was a very high class house. Someone rich must have lived here.

I wandered out of the room, and almost bumped into someone. "Listen, Carie-"

"What the fuck are you doing in my sisters room!"

Thats what lead to Bruce chasing me out of his house, and down the street.
Storm smirked at the rambling teen and shakes her head. Cute. She chuckles and tosses her bag full of make-up and the other hair products next to the girl. "It's no problem, you look like you've had it rough." Her eyes return to her own reflection and soon get to work applying eye shadow and a bit of mascara. All in all she doesn't go over board as she's seen so many other kids doing. Setting the mascara down, she goes over it all one more time before giving herself a slight nod and turning toward the girl. "Woah, those things look to have a mind all on their own." She says while looking at her curls.

"Yeah, they do." I poked one of the curls, and rolled my eyes at it bounced slightly. "Thank you soooo much," I sang as I began to brush and straighten my hair. "Usually I'm not this much of a wreck, but this morning was just horrible." There were some parts of my hair refusing to straighten and I sighed. "Good enough..." I mumbled to myself. Makeup wasn't a main priority of mine, but I needed something to distract people from my hideous attire. Using her liquid eyeliner, and red lipstick, I tried to make myself more presentable to the world. My hair was wavy a bit, never staying straight for too long, and I looked a little better. Before I could thank her, the bell rang and I sighed.

"Thanks again," I told her with a smile. "But now, I am off to gym. My own personal hell."

Well, everything went better than I expected. At least she's happy, well done Trish "So" I tried to change the subject "What brought you to the History club?" I know some people just want to help, but as of now almost everyone has a bigger reason to join GSA. Me included "I mean, that is if you want to talk about it" the last thing I want is to force the truth out of someone.


Why is he so nice? Any other person would have ditched me by now. I have to change subjects right now before I turn into a strawberry "Trish says you can get rid of a hangover instantly by drinking coffee and covering your nose" well... At least it was something useful... But it was still as awkward as hell. Yep, I bet that will scare him away.
((Super sorry for my late reply! I was out all day.))

Rose combed through her hair again before getting out of her car. It was a run down little thing, the most she could afford, but it still drove. Rose couldn't complain. She hiked her bag strap up her shoulder and walked towards the school. She looked up at the sky briefly and almost missed the bright paper she stepped on. It skidded behind her somewhat, and she turned, curious. Upon picking it up and expecting it, she discovered it was a history club flier.
Weird, she thought to herself as she continued to walk, paper still in hand, I didn't know we had a history club. She brushed some dirt off the top corner and was surprised to see a small rainbow.

She slowed for a moment, but quickly snapped out of her pondering when the bell shrilled in the distance. She half-ran to the front doors and slid in before they shut. Students were still pouring into the school, but it seemed all her classmates had already made it to class before the bell because the hall to the PE room was nearly empty. Rose quietly entered the room and took her seat next to the petite brunette. (Was her name Harper? Rose couldn't remember today.) She set down her bag onto the floor, stuffing the flier into it.

Unfortunately, she didn't notice when the flier slipped out of the bag and onto the floor beside her.

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