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    XCOM: Beyond Hope (Derp and Dino)

    The commander surveyed the room, his eyes sweeping from person to person. It was hard to believe that these eight humans were all that stood against the alien threat. He cleared his throat, gathering the attention of the recruits. "I'm sure you all know why you're here. You are the greatest in...
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    XCOM: Beyond Hope (Derp and Dino)

    "This council wishes you the best of luck, commander. For the sake of our world, we hope you succeed in all of your endeavors." "And remember; We will be watching." With their solemn parting word, the members of the council and their stony representative disconnected, leaving the commander...
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    Derp and Dino's happy fun time adventure land in Space.

    Year 2511 AD Ninth Season USG Outlander James Drake slowly peers around the the side of the vent, flinching back as yet another lumbering beast stalks past. It had been the 4th today. He drew breath and raised his Plasma Cutter. Technically, it wasn't classed as a weapon, but it was designed...
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    Derp and Dino's happy fun time adventure land in Space.

    Year 2511 AD, Fourth Season. USG Outlander James Drake peers at the screen seemingly hovering above him. He groans before lowering the brightness and continuing his work. Working throughout the night had its pros and cons. The most obvious of which were the extra work completed and the...
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    .::Souls of Unbalanced Chaos::.

    Alexandria sits in her small, temporary camp. She finishes skinning the rabbit with her hunting knife and throws it gently to the pile next to her. It wasn't the most hygienic method of storage, but it was the simplest. Anyway, these things weren't for her to eat. She would split the pile evenly...
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    Souls of Unbalanced Chaos - Character Sheets

    Name: Alexandria "Shadow-Born" Drake Age: 27 Race: Shadow Being (Easily blends into the shadows, minor shadow manipulation etc.) Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Straight Appearence: The image isn't exactly what I'd like, but oh well. Alexandria, when in broad daylight seems...
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    The Twenty Second Century Sign Up - Information Character Application Layout Charater Name: Crash/Landing site (A-D, also gives faction): Age: Gender Nationality (Corresponds to Landing site): Speciality: Landing site A: USA Landing site...
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    The Twenty Second Century

    The Twenty Second Century The twenty third century is a futuristic style role-play. Imagine Risk having a love-child with Anno 2070. The year is 2138. After years of abuse, the world finally crumbled. Pollution clouds the atmosphere, and travelling inside cities becomes virtually impossible...
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    The Briarwood Challenge

    Chris grasps Jason's hand, shaking it firmly. "I'm Chris. Nice to meet you, Jason." He releases Jason's hand and turns to Alex. "And who might you be?"
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    The Briarwood Challenge

    Chris looks around, noticing that many students had already left, but Alex and Jason were still sitting on their own. He shuffles over a few seats, then speaks to them in a rather loud voice. "Well, that was eventful. What d'ya think Meade's powers are?"
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    The Briarwood Challenge

    Chris sighs and slumps in a chair a few seats away from Jason. "Well, so much for a good first impression."
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    The Briarwood Challenge

    Christopher smiled at Alex, saying "We're all kids inside, right?" He chuckles, shuffling the cards. "Pick a card" He holds out the deck to Alex, then to Jason.
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    The Briarwood Challenge

    Christopher noticed that a few pupils seemed to be having a conversation in the corner of the room. He takes out a pack of cards and approaches them. "Anyone up for a few card tricks to break the ice?" He grins at them, trying to look as confident as possible.
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    The Briarwood Challenge

    Christopher pauses at the door of the academy. He glances up at the beautiful architectural design of the building, taking a mental note of its generic layout. He rubs his hands together, before pushing the door open and walking slowly inside.
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    The Briarwood Challenge [ Sign up]

    I want to join too, if that's alright. Name: Christopher Robertson Gender: Male Age +14: 16 Ability: Ability to create illusions, and can control/influence animals. Appearance(Picture or description, but no anime): A very tall boy for his age. He looks rather weak but has a...
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    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    James notices the monolith and gasps. He quickly recovers and chuckles to himself, muttering under his breath "Well, you really outdid yourself this time, generals". He hurries to get out of the way of the machine.
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    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    James pauses his search and presses a button on his cybersuit. A small hologram keboard appears. He types a quick message, then sends it towards one of the air units to forward back to base. The message reads "Any idea when 'The weapon' is planning on making an appearance?". He decides that he...
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    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    James slowly climbs to his feet, deciding that he should survey the area. He leaves his camoflague active, but it is slightly less effective since he is moving (i.e. you wouldn't really notice him unless you were actively searching)
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    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    James arrives at the coordinates, but finds it to be just plain, barren desert. Nothing else to be seen, except for a few bushes. He shrugs and crouches in a shrub, turning on his camoflague and awaiting the arrival of... well, anything.
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    Zero Tolerance [RP]

    Drake sits in the hover jet, impatiently assembling and disassembling his rifle. He calls up a hologram of a map of the area, with his destination labelled. He nods to himself. A small beep and a mechanical voice alerts him that he is approaching the drop off point. He stands up quickly, as the...