The Briarwood Challenge


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Tina sighed as she made her way to Briarwood Auditorium. It was Orientation Day and all the students of Briarwood Academy were required to attend the day before school assembly. They probably wanted to scary the crap out of the students, and threatened them with the penalties of trying to run away. Tina thought with disgust. She entered the auditorium and climbed the stairs to the back of the building. She sat in the seat closest to the exit and guesstimated the steps it would take to reach it. The moment this stupid thing is over, I'm bolting for the door. Tina pulled out her ipod and settled in for a long boring afternoon. Turning the volume all the way up, Tina listened to Paramore's "Business of Misery" and idly flicked her fingers. Little flames started sparking around her hand, before she closed her fist and started again.

Briarwood Auditorium

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(This is the day before school starts, and mostly everyone should be moved in. Please try to make it to the auditorium for orientation.)
Leo walked into the auditorium. he looked around. 'this place is huge' he thought he sat down next to a girl with her ipod in and blasting. he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cherry lollipop. he started sucking on it. He smiled at the taste. He looked over at the girl and smiled. "hello." he said.
{You should probably tag everyone that's in the rp [MENTION=1487]Nello[/MENTION] so they know it started}

Alex and Jason walked into the auditorium and let out a huge sigh on sync.

Looking around they noticed the place was huge, and not a lot of people where there yet.

"For the first time in our lives, we're early to something." Alex said sarcasticly as she turned to Jason, who was still in awe over the how large the auditorium is.

"You know, this room is as big as our old school." Jason said as he pointed to the stage. Completely ignoring what Alex had said.

But instead of getting angry or repeating herself. Alex laughed and motioned for Jason to follow her.
"Let's go find a seat." she said, still laughing a bit.

She decided to pick a spot near the back, not wanting to draw attention by being in the front, and to be able to leave as soon as possible. Yes, Alex disliked the school thing, but it was better than being at that orphanage. Even for Jason too, since he lived with his 'could care less' uncle.

Near the back was two people sitting side-by-side. One was a girl who was listening to her ipod, and the other was a boy that seemed to be trying to start a conversation. She decided to sit in that row. Moving past the girl, Alex had accidently bumped into the boy's leg.

"I'm sorry." she said the guy as she sat next to him, and Jasons at next to Alex.

Jason leaned over to her.
"Your vision still messed up?" he said quietly, but since the auditorium was dead silent, the two would still be able to hear.

Alex gripped the handle of her seat slightly.
"I told you it'll take awhile till it comes back." she said in a low, frustrated voice.

Brady had slowly walked into the auditorium with a large smile on his head. He started to look around the room and decided where to sit he sat behind a boy with a sucker. "Hey i just met you and this is crazy but you have candy could i have some maybe?"
Leo turned to the boy sitting behind him. "Nice reference and sure." he said handing him the sucker. "Hope you like cherry." he said smiling.
Alex laughed a bit at what the guy who was sitting behing them had said to the guy sitting next to her. "I don't know how mayn times i've over heard a reference from that song from people at school." she said aloud, but to no one in particular.

Even though Alex had heard jokes about it from people at school, doesn't mean that they were telling her.
Brady had heard someone laughing at his previous quote he looked over to see a girl with dark hair. He stood up and walked over to her and said "Well hello there you brilliant creature of the stars"
Alex looked up to the guy and smiled slightly, holding out her hand she spoke. "You can just call me Alex, nice to meet you. And you are...?" she said in her usual charasmatic voice. Even though Alex never talked to many people since they were... weirded out by what she is, she still had a charasmatic tone of voice.


Jason narrowed his eyes at the guy who was talking to Alex. He knew these kinds of guys, saw them all the time in school. But this was different, this wasn't a normal school where everyone was afraid of people like Alex and him. This was a school for people like him and Alex.

"Watch it buddy." he said in a low voice without thinking. Mentally he rolled his eyes. 'Great, now they're gonna think we're either going out, or im an overly protective brother. Not to mention Alex's gonna be pissed.' Even though he thought that in his head, Jason still had his eyes narrowed at him.


When Alex heard Jason, she started laughing right away. She dropped her hand and turned to him and spoke,
"When did you become the jealous type Jason?" she said sarcasticly as she laughed.

It was the first time Alex had ever seen Jason jealous of some guy. She was gonna hold this against him for a long time.

Settling down, Alex turned back to the guy in front of her. Holding out her hand once again, she spoke.
"Sorry, he can be an over protective friend at times."

He smiled "It's okay it doesn't really bother me" he took her hand and and kissed it "So what brings such a beautiful creature such as your self here."
As Alex took her hand back, she wanted to roll her eyes, but did it mentally. She saw boys like him at their old school, saw what they did, and what happened to girls that went out with them. But instead of being rude to him, she deicded to play oblivious.

"Why everyone else is here." she said motioning to everyone else. "Because we're forced." she said in an unamused tone.

Alex looked at him for a moment, then continued.
"Unless you came here willingly?" she said joinkly. She had guessed ninety-nice point nine percent of the students attending this school was forced to, and the other percent actually wanted to.
"Well I guess that is true and I'm sorry if my old tradition come on strong to you." He stood infront of her and looked around "So what do you do that makes you fit to be here."
Alex closed her eyes and thought of which ability she should use. After a couple moments, she opened her eyes again and looked up the guy. That's when she realized, she never got his name yet.

"You know, you never told me your name yet."
Alex said to him mentaly, she decided to use 'soundless communication' as some people called, while she just called it 'mental communication'.

It all depended on him if he replied mentally too, if he was too shocked by it and not calm, the connection between them would break.

Alex would have used telekenises, but there was nothing to use. She never used sensing usless is was important. And mind reading was too invasive. So mental communication was all there was left, but there was one skill she learned before comming her, but it required way to much engery.

When she thought of the general thing to say to people when they asked what ability she has, she decided to just say.
"Mind tricks." she said aloud, even though she talked, connection between the two was still there, since she was calm.
He smiled at her while cocking his head to the side "Its very interesting but im not sure how many people will acknowledge you. A boy from where im from use to do the same thing but everyone just thought it was just themselves or ghosts. My name may be heard eventually or never it just depends it could come out at your very end" he slowly started emulating anger into her mind.
Jason grinned at the guy as he realized what his power is. "You won't be able to do that. it's very hard to influnce mentalist. One back at home tried to influnce her to st the school on fire to get her expelled, it didn't work."

Alex turned to Jason,
"it does take affect on me now. Since after that incident, i get headaches." as she said this, Alex reached into a shoulder bag she had, and took out a small pill bottle and a water bottle.

After taking the pill and drinking some water, she put both items away and looked back at the guy standing in front of her
. "We won't be good friends will we?" she asked sarcasticly, since he already tried to influnce her to make her mad.

But as she took the pill Jason looked back at her
, "How?" was all he asked her, but Alex ignored his question.
"I think your both looking at this the wrong way i don't influence people to do things i toy with their emotions. Another thing is i am not pumping out anger to its fullest this is just minor irritation and i do not send anger to one person i radiate it all around me. I am only able to get it to spread about a mile though its quite sad. " he started to laugh stopping with a smile "I don't plan to make any friends here."
Christopher pauses at the door of the academy. He glances up at the beautiful architectural design of the building, taking a mental note of its generic layout. He rubs his hands together, before pushing the door open and walking slowly inside.
Yoru stepped into Briarwood and kept walking. She didn't show any expression that she was sad to be here or excited. She got to the room she was required to be in. She aimlessly sat down next to a boy who seemed to be flirting with a girl. Yoru opened her hand and a small mini tornado began to float around in it. She closed her hands and put them on her silky white dress that was knee length. Yoru looked around the room and she showed a slight bit of shock when she noticed how big the room is. A sudden breeze of cold air filled the room and disappeared. Yoru changed back to her normal, emotionless self and looked back at the stage. A little shocked still, from seeing how big the room was.
Tina looked around the room and saw how it was beginning to fill up. Good, this things about to get started...She thought before turning around to see five people sitting in her area. Tina flinched, When the heck did they get hear? She thought incredulously as she pulled out her ear plugs. Anytime Tina had her ipod blasting, she could totally tune out the rest of the world from her existence. However usually when she floated back to earth she wasn't surrounded by people.
Yoru stood up and walked out of the auditorum. She decided if it was best if she stayed away from noisy people for awhile. She shook her head and sat on a sofa in the lobby. Yoru opened her hand and fog appeared, she was anxious right now. She closed her hand and looked around at the also, rather large lobby.
Jason was getting kind of irritated with this guy's attitude. "Influence, toy, manipulate, it's all the same. So why don't you just leave her-" but Jason was interrupted when Alex put her hand on his forearm. That was their polite way in public to tell each other to 'shut the hell up'

Alex realeased her hand from his forearm and turned back to the guy ni front of her.
"That's too bad, maybe that will change this year." she said in a charsmatic tone.

Yes, this guy was also irritating her, but it wasn't going to solve anything if she just started yelling at him, it would just create more problems for her. But that wasn't going to stop Jason. She admits, Jason does have an... anger problem, but it's controlable. As long as she was around.

Alex was starting to notice that the auditorium was starting to get full, that kind of surprised her since the place was so big.
He smiled and laughed "Your letting me get to you" he started to walk away taking the irritation with him. He walked out into the lobby walking past a girl looking fairly sad so he switched his irritation to joy and walked right past her to the restroom.
Yoru saw the boy and shook her ehad. She walked back to her spot and noticed it was taken. She decided to sit in the boy's spot. Yoru waited for the presentaition to start. She opened her hand, and once again fog filled it.
After he had left, Alex dropped the smile she had been holding. Turning to Jason she spoke, "If everyone is like him, i'll kill myself before they can." she said sticking a tumb behind her and to the doors, where he left.

Jason chuckled lightly as he placed a hand on her shoulder,
"Don't worry, there's like a.. fifty percent chance that that's true." he told her sarcasticly, probably trying to calm her down.

But she was right, if everyone was like him, this place would be even more of a hell hole.

(I like how no one interacts with me! :D I feel so forever alone, which is great, I hate using qutoation marks.)

Yoru sat in her chair listening to the others. She felt slightly alone because no one decided to talk to her, but she thought Aleast it won't trigger my emotions. She looked at her hands, they were empty when she opened them up, which mean't she was lonely. "Just like when wind disappears, it's quiet." she muttered.

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