The Briarwood Challenge

Jason out a hand on Alex's shoulder, who was standing up, and spoke. "And this is my friend, Alex"

When Alex stood up and saw who Jason was talking too, since she was too distracted by her phone earlier, she held out a hand to him
. "Nice to meet you Chris." she said with a smile.

Jason looked at the aisle way that was leading up to the exit was empty, turning to the two, he spoke. "
We should get going."

((It's all good, orientation is over now))

Tina headed to the courtyard. It was a beautiful place with elegant landscaping. Each bush and tree, nestled in their on little area surrounded by concrete. All of them manicured to perfection. So perfect Tina almost felt like an intruder on their beauty. However their was one place in the courtyard that suited her well enough to allow for entry. In the center of the courtyard there was a huge fountain, all pristine and gorgeous except for one piece. A stone woman lay in the center of the fountain on little dais, surrounded by shouting water on every side. The stone woman was trapped by the water. Somehow she manged to look resigned to her prison. Tina felt the same way. Often she would come here to keep the stone woman company. "I guess it's just you and me again, old friend." With a sigh Tina turned on her ipod and laid on the edge of the big fountain. She closed her eyes and soaked up some sun rays.
(([MENTION=2814]Kyin[/MENTION], [MENTION=2890]DerpDaHerp[/MENTION], [MENTION=2769]anonymous92[/MENTION], [MENTION=1569]solarwing123[/MENTION], [MENTION=1845]AGProject7347[/MENTION], [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION], [MENTION=1161]BLADE MdM[/MENTION], I'm going to time skip ahead to the first day of school.))

Tina braided her shoulder length hair and started packing her book-bag. She wasn't really in a hurry to get to class. Unlike normal students who looked forward to the first day, it was something that annoyed Tina beyond belief. First Day, Worst Day, especially in Briarwood Academy. She thought as she reached for her ipod. Blasting her music, she headed out of her dorm room.

Tina made her way to the main school building and entered her first class of the day, English 101. As usual, Tina sat in the seat closest to the door. The only thing Tina looked forward to at Briarwood was making a quick escape.
Griffen woke up on the morning of the first day of school with little excitement in her body. In all honesty most of it was really just nervousness shaking her bones. The young girl always got nervous around people especially people she's never met. Like always she would handle the day like she every other one, staying quiet and not talking to anyone that doesn't talk to her first. Most of the time if a person were too approach Griffen she would come off as angry or mean but that was just how she acts.

She pulled on some clothes, light blue ripped jeans, a puffy dark red T-shirt, and a small black sweatherl. Oddly enough Griffen had a few mintues to spare so after she had gotten her back pack ready, she decided to play with some of the shadows around her. After goofing around for a few mintues she decided, with a sigh, to get up and start heading into Briarwood.
As Alex got ready for the first day, she felt kind of excited. But then she remembered where she was and the tension came back. She tried to forget that she was forced to be here, but it still kept crawling around in her head.

Ignoring the thoughts, she got ready. Alex wasn't sure if she was the only person that liked the first day. Maybe she'd meet someone who wasn't insane and talk to someone. Alex was usually the charamsmatic type, she had no problems talking to people, unless they were annoying or down right rude.

Grabbing her phone and headphones, Alex stepped out of her room and made her way to Briarwood.


Jason groaned as his alarm went off this morning, he was not a morning person. When he looked to his clock, he groaned more loudly this time when he realized that if he didn't get ready now, he'd be late on the first day. He didn't mind school all that much, it was the fact that he had to wake up early.

As he changed, Jason got a text from someone. He opened the text and replied to it as he walked out of his room and to Briarwood.

'Hey Jason, you awake yet? Meet me at fountain we saw yesterday' Alex had sent him

Fumbling with his phone he replied 'Yeah, and ill be there in a few.'

Alex's outfit:

Jason's outfit:
(Please read my signature for more info, but what has happened so far?)

After hiding, Yoru ran down to the school building, she had realized she missed the orientation and muttered, "shoot...". She shook her head and went to her dorm. There were plenty of things to do, unpack, ask people about the orination, but Yoru chose to throw her bag on the floor and sleep. She hopped onto her bed and sighed. Yoru moved her hand in a wavy gesture and the curtains closed, and she fell asleep.

Yoru woke up to a bright day, the first day of school. She yawned and got dressed, in another of her pretty knee length dresses. Today, she wore a dress that had ruffles, was white, and short. (That looks like this... Yoru waved her hands in another wavy hesture and the curtains opened. She picked up her bag and skipped to the school building.
He woke in the morning wipeing the sleep from his eyes. Slowly he sat up in bed and moved his feet to the cold floor.He stood up and went to restroom to relieve himself and brush his teeth. After he got out he put on a pair of khaki shorts and a tank top. He strapped his watch to his wrist looking at the time and flipping his pack over shoulder. He walked out of the room trying to avoid as many people as possible.
Yoru skipped quietly with no feeble emotions. She didn't hum or hant like the girls who skipped. She whispered, "No fear, no emotions, quiet." repeatedly. As she skipped, she bumped into a boy. She fell down not knowing who it was. Still out in space, lying coldly on the floor she whispered, "no emotions." Soon, Yoru zoned in and stood up. "I'm sorry." she said emotionless. She looked up at the tall boy and said, "It's you again." Yoru shook her head in disgust.
As Alex made her way to the water fountain, she wondered if she'd see that kid from yesterday, Chris. As she was walking, Alex saw two people bump into each other.

Walking over to the girl, she recognized both people. One was that guy from yesterday, she yet still learned his name, and Yoru. Standing in front of Yoru she held out her hand,
"Need some help?" she asked the girl, guessing she would ignore her hand, probably due to that emotion thing.

Even if she ignored her hand, Alex still wanted to be friend with the girl, she seemed nice. But the other guy, she wasn't sure if he was one of those people who were messed up in the head, or purposely trying to push people way.

Yoru shook her head as Alex offered her to get up. "No thank you." she said coldly. "But I would like you to take me to a place where this idiot isn't." She shook her head and put on a false grin, "I'll settle things with you soon enough, boy." She turned around, back to her expressionless face. "Geez. I didn't know devil me could get so mean." she muttered under her breath.
He let her run into him and watched her fall he stared at her for a moment emotionless and turned around to take a different route to his class. Slowly walking away down the hallway when heard her slightly "Ill look forward to it and turned down a hall.
Yoru walked away limping slightly, but managed to keep a straight posture and face. "How do I do it." she mumbled. She hated that boy. Just despised him. That boy made her emotions untangle. Yoru wished she could just kill him, but as a wind freak, she moved with the flow. She had to let him die when it was time,
Tina was staring at the clock waiting for the class to be over. She couldn't seem to concentrate on the English syllabus the teacher was handing out. All of this preliminary information would become redundant soon enough with all her classes. Tina did notice that Beowulf was schedule as the first reading assignment. Gory English Literature, at least that'll be interesting... She laid her syllabus down on her desk and went back to staring at the clock. The Challenge would be starting soon. She wondered when the competitors would be announced over the intercom.
Yoru walked to class and realized the Challenge would be happening soon, however, Yoru wondered what type of challanges they would be.

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