Souls of Unbalanced Chaos - Character Sheets


Junior Member
Here is the Character Sheet thread. Follow the example below and wait for my approval before posting in the Rp. Thank you! :lick:

(Storyline, Information and Rules thread)






Sextual Orientation:

Appearence: (add image here)




Class: (if you have one. Knight, Mage, Rogue ect...)

Group: (If you belong to one of the three groups please put here Isgar, Scarlet Barachel Cross or Red Iron. If you don't blong to any please put Wonderer or Other)


(For character creation perposes the Rules will be posted here aswell)

Roleplay Rules

Do not GOD MODE! Its pretty obvious no one likes a God Moder so please, don't be 'that guy'.

2. If your character is hit then they are hit, no dodge or evades, if it happens then its done. If you plan on fighting in the Rp I suggest you talk it over with the one you plan on fighting with so it goes smoothly and pans out correctly. Be fair to your Rp Partners, give them chances to fight back. No auto knock outs, thats just plan boring and not very classy of an Rper.

3. Do not speak for or
CONTROL other peoples characters. Its not fair, fun or right so do not do it. If you want dailog or have a idea then speak with the Rper you are interacting with and come to an agreement together. Make sure you put at the bottom of your post "Has been granted consent by ____" and put the name of the user(s). And the user(s) whom allowed it must also put on their post, "Has granted consent to ___" and put the users name. That way if someone DOES try to control and lies about consent the Owner of the character can prove they did not allowe such authorization.

4. Please try to make a character in one of the three groups. If you wish to have a Wonderer you may but then you must create another character whom blongs to one of the three groups.

5. You are in no to in anyway shape or form to
KILL or permiantely damage another Rpers character. If you are granted consent to then that is acceptable. But you are in no way allowed to kill other characters. This also goes hand-in-hand with the NO GOD MODING rule. Do not be that Rper people talk about negatively. You'll find it hard to make friends.

6. Try to type more the 3 sentances if you can. This is more of a Para. Rp so do try to make the length of your post count.

Do not Bully! Seirously guys, do I really need to play Ref? Don't try to say your character is better then anyone elses or my own. Everyone takes the time and effort in creating their characters. Don't bash them simply cause you aren't fond of the idea. If you got a problem with someone you take it to the PMs, not here in the thread. No one wants to read it so please don't add it.

8. No godly characters. Not unless you want to Rp alone don't go an make a
'All mighty' character that NO ONE can beat. Be fair, you wouldn't like it if someone did it to you.

9. Have fun! In the end this is the #1 reason why we are all here anyways. So just remember this is for fun, enjoy it!


Name: Gabrial

Age: Looks to be in mid 30's when Male, late 20's when Female. True age is unknown.

Race: Arien. A Arien, is a being that can shift from either Gender naturally and has magical capabilities that are more connected to the being more then any normal Mage. Their natural gift is they are uneffected by spells, castings and illusions. Anything of control will not take effect and be rejected by the Ariens natural gift.

Gender: Both Genders

Sextual Orientation: Bisextual


Male form:
Female form:

Biography: Gabrial was born in a small community of their own kind, the Ariens. The Ariens were a unique and rare race that could natrually change from one gender to the other. With neither gender favored over the other, the Ariens considered both their genders as themselves as a whole. These beings were mostly woodlin folk who lived off of the land and was one with nature. Their gift of gender shifting was remarkable but there were those few who saw them as an abomination. The Scarlet Barachel Cross had ordered the extermination of the race, dubbing them 'Unclean'. The heartless slaughter wadged on for 20 years and when the SBC felt that they had done the deed the search for Ariens subsided, stopping the bloodshed. The innocence that had been slane made a devistanting impact on the races population. Making an already rare breed seemingly exstinct. For the few that had surrvived they hid, staying in one form fearful of their identity revealed. Gabrial however isn't afraid to show their true self, prideful of what they are. This has given Gabrial many enemies but none of them have been able to strike them down thus far. Gabrial protects those who can not protect themselves. Going against any of the organizations that bring distruction and war to the people. Garbial has taken no side in this war and has yet to see any of them truely show pure intentions. The Red Iron has been the strongest out of the three. Being highly well organized and ahead of the game. Gabrial fears that the quarrle between Isgar Organization and the Scarlet Barachel Cross will be the victory the Red Iron. Determined to change this fate Gabrial has been searching for others to join them in battle and stop this chaos from destroying the planet.

Personality: Both of Gabrials forms are strong willed and kind hearted. Because Gabrial is an Arien, the change in Gender may change the personality slightly depending on what Sex Gabrial is. But both have the determination of a Warrior, never giving up even if all hope is lost. With the heart of a Lion Gabrial is a born Leader. Always risking their well being for others. Gabrial is a good companion and works well being groups. Whether Gabrial is the leader of the group or apart of it they're always there for their companions. Not matter if they see eye-to-eye or not.

Power/Abilities: Unnatural Speed, Healing Magic, Mild Regeneration Capabilities, High Strength, wide veriety of Elemental Magic, Demonic/Blood Magic, several Magic Incantations or Spells.

Class: Battle Mage. A Battle Mage, is a Warrior that knows high level magic skills and spell casting. Whether it is elemental magic or defencive barrier the limit to their knowlage is simply waged upon their motivation to learn. A Battle Mage fears no brute nor sorcerer that crosses their path fore they have the best of both Physical and Magical strength.

Group: Wanderer


Name: Onur or Captain Onur

Age: Unknown

Race: Elder Spirit

(NOTE: no one will be able to create this type of race until the Rp is more active and farther along but one of these beings has to be present in the Rp. Veiw Stroyline and Info page to learn more. Thank you.)

Gender: Male

Sextual Orientation: Undesided


Biography: Onur is a being that belonged to the core. A Spirit of Creation. But his duty to man had ended the day he knew the faith had died. Man had become ungreatful and punished the very world they lived in. Polution, War and the demand for land due to high population has taken its toll. No longer putting his life force through the abuse he came to the planet in a form he found suited him best. He came to destroy the very life he gave, what he helped create. Seeing it nothing more then a mistake and a waste of life. When the raise of the Red Iron came Onur volunteered. Willingly joining the force of distruction. He saught to force man kind to 'see' the error of their ways and pay dearly for it. His hate fuiled his desier to distroy the world and the beings in it. But as the years had past he had grown bored of the idea and eventually not caring about his pervious plan for Judgement. Onur has taken no steps toward correcting what he has done nor has he stopped his involvement in the Red Iron. He simply continues out hsi existance in the world of mortals and watches as they rip each other apart like rabid dogs. He watches the very world burn and feels no sting of pain from it. Growing numb to emotions and any compassion for life. The disappointment for wasting precious time on Man made him realise how vain he was in believing his kind would be loved forever. Now Onur simply waits for the world he and his bretheren had so diligently created for to be obliterated. He is now a head Captain of the Red Iron and controls the Purge attacks, along with observing the new recruits. Verifying whether they should Convert or stay as they are...

Personality: Onur has a very dark out look on life. Cold and flat of any emotion he would appear to be heartless or without a soul. He feels that the point of his existance is to simply exist and only be a being outside looking in. His veiws on man are harsh and unfavorable due to their betrayal. He is a man of few words and avoids talking if possible. Not one that really enjoys any form of conversation. His since of attention is limited due to his lack of compassion or caring. He has ruthless mythods of torture and on the battle feild he is a threat of disaster.

Power/Abilities: Shapeshifting, Angel Hair
(tiny threads of razor sharp wire that rips enemies into tiny bits and peices, mostly used for a trap mythod), Shadow Minipulation, Power of Voice or Shout, Regeneration, Soul Flame, Spell Incantation, Inhuman Speed, Brute Strength, Spirital Form, and Beast Form.

Class: None

Group: Red Iron


(You may begin to post your Character Sheets.)
Name: Stryvo Avitcha

Age: 29

Race: Ice Wraith ( Grants immunity to the cold and allows the person to cast minor Ice Magic)


Sextual Orientation:Straight


Biography: (Just guessing this is on Earth if not I'll edit it) Stryvo was born in the cold country of Russia his poverty ridden parents and his older brother. God was it hard living. His Dad and mother always working just to earn some money for bread and fresh water, whilst his older brother was left to look after Stryvo. At around the age of twelve Stryvo himself had got a small job selling little things from the household they no longer needed. At about the age of 15 two men with knives had attempted to mug he had Stryvo scared and tired that day closed his eyes and heard the two men moan. He reopened them to see the two men knocked on the floor and two long shards of ice sticking out of the ground. He hadn't told anyone about this for years on end. That was until the Red Iron came along. He had joined up and they had seen a special use for his capabilities. He had only really signed up due to the fact he would rather not become a Convert. So I guess he really joined because he was intimidated. But after being in the Red Iron for a few months he had started to grow a backbone and was proud to be called a Soldier of the Red Iron. There was only really a few times he questioned the Red Iron's motives but he soon learned that was best to be kept to himself unless he wanted trouble coming towards him at a very high speed.

Personality: Strong and capable now follows orders without questioning what he has been told aloud. He doesn't see as everything he is doing as right but he believes it must be done and theres no going back now anyway. Can be cold at times. If you catch him on a good day,which is rare, then maybe he'd share a cigarette with you. Maybe not who knows? Finds comfort in the first snowflake dropping from the sky and metaling on the ground. Has always had a tendency to hate the rain. For some odd reason most people can't seem to shut him up when he's not out fighting on the battlefields.

Power/Abilities: Ice imprisonment. ( Locks the target down in a circle of ice ) and Ice Empaler. ( Strikes the target with a long pillar of ice normally causing the target to fly up into the air and crash back down with a thud)

Class: Mage

Group: Red Iron
Name: Lauren

Age: mid 20's

Race: Immortal

Gender: Female

Sextual Orientation: Bisexual

Appearence: (add image here)

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Biography: Lauren is immortal, during the day she is human, but by night she turns to be a werewolf. But she can become a werewolf at night if you get her angry. Lauren has been a werewolf for half her life when she got bitten by a werewolf.

Personality: Lauren is acts as a sweet girl, but inside she is evil and very,very mean.

Power/Abilities: Lauren has the power when she is a human to look into someone's eyes and control them, she also has telekensis.

Class: (if you have one. Knight, Mage, Rogue ect...) none

Group: (If you belong to one of the three groups please put here Isgar, Scarlet Barachel Cross or Red Iron. If you don't blong to any please put Wonderer or Other) Red Iron
Name: Alexandria "Shadow-Born" Drake

Age: 27

Race: Shadow Being (Easily blends into the shadows, minor shadow manipulation etc.)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight


The image isn't exactly what I'd like, but oh well. Alexandria, when in broad daylight seems like a normal middle aged woman, with black, shoulder length hair, deep blue eyes and fairly pale skin. When in darkness, however, it is a completely different story. Your eyes seem to be repulsed from her location. You find it increasingly difficult to focus on her the darker it gets, and eventually you're not even sure she's there at all. Some have said that dark, wispy tendrils can be seen around her in just the right light levels, but nobody has ever proven it.

Biography: Not much is known about the shadow beings, but it is thought that they came into being by intervention by a Spirit. Although there are a few travelling shadow parties, many prefer to travel alone or in a party consisting of other beings. Alexandria can be quite hostile to members of her own kind, but not much is known as to why she is like this. Shadow beings are notoriously evil, but Alexandria seems to go against the trend.

Alexandria grew up in a small human village. She was an orphan, since she had been placed in that village by other members of her kind just a few weeks after her birth. At first, it seemed that she was just a normal human child, so they took her in and raised her as one of their own. However, she knew she did not belong, and in her late teens she left the village, taking only the bare minimum. She learned to survive off the wild, trading what she could and feeding herself from wild animals and the like. She began to realise what she could do with shadows, and quickly started to hone her skills, becoming skilled at manipulating shadows and cloaking herself in darkness. From many years living off the wild, she has become a hardened hunter and trader. After overhearing some information when trading with a Red Iron party, she realised what she was able to do. She searched for someone to sell the information to, and eventually came across the Scarlet Barachel Cross. When she gave them the information, they praised her for the good deed she had done and began to give her more and more espionage tasks. They trusted her more and more after every task, and one day, they deemed her to be pure enough to join their ranks.

Personality: Despite her sometimes threatening appearance, and her somewhat corrupted background, Alexandria is very pure of heart.. She tries to be kind and friendly to anyone who approaches her, but is sometimes quick to anger. She has been known to be too rash in her decision-making, causing her to make terrible decisions sometimes. She also finds it difficult to decide who to trust, so can be quite secretive.

Power/Abilities: Shadow Manipulation (able to blind targets with a tendril of darkness), Darkness Cloak (hides her position while in shadows more effectively) (And due to her hunting skill, she has become quite adept at using knives and other weapons)

Class: Rogue

Group: Scarlet Barachel Cross

Name: Enzo Akiori

Age: From feudal Japan, so quite old but looks to be in his twenties

Race: サイレント大虐殺 (Meaning Silent Carnage in English)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight


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Biography: He was housed with an assortment of fellow ninjas and other masters of silence, coupled with discreet assassinations. His time spent with those that he would call master was well placed with his quickly rising up through the ranks and becoming top in his studies and classes, excelling in stealth and lethal precision. The time came on his sixteenth birthday to take his first steps into the way of an assassin, forever relinquishing his previous life and all ties associated to it.

He went though year after year of this life, never failing a contract set froth by the masters of the sect. He was in and out with in moments and all of his assassinations were done with surgical precision, it being as if he was not even there. He never hesitated to do what the masters set forth and when the time of his final days in the sect’s temple was near he received a message from the masters to come to them. There he learned that he was chosen, chosen to inherit an ancient right and power given to only those that earn it. ‘The Power of the Silent Warrior’

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He willingly agreed to the offer and went through the ritual without a hint of hesitation present in his mind, days and weeks passing by as he lied within the walls of the chamber. As he emerged he witnessed something that he thought to never see, all those other than the masters were bowing before him. A couple days passed as he went on his own doing as he use to, but with vastly less effort needing to be put forth. In recent months before his turn to myth he had been seeing a woman, a woman that he held deep feelings toward. On one of his secret rendezvous with her he was seen by a commoner that delivered food stuffs to the temple, the commoner informing the masters of the sect.

As he returned from one of his ‘special’ assignments he noticed something was wrong, and to his horror he was correct as to his feelings. When he walked through the temple doors he found Kiko dead upon the floor, the masters of the order and all those training in the temple present. He went blind with rage at that moment killing all who was present in the temple, the masters being the last who felt the pain he was faced with. He left the temple a horror-esk façade, with the members upon the floor dismembered and the masters hanging from the roof with their throats cut.

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Enzo brought Kiko’s body to the overlook where they would meet, laying her to rest underneath an old cherry tree which was in bloom then. He scratched her name in the bark of the tree, adding below ‘Though the beauty of the tree pales in comparison, may your grace live on through the petals.’

Personality: Cold/dead inside (Metaphorically), uncaring for the most part, Calculative, secret romantic, untrusting with pretty much everyone, meaning hard to trust.

Powers/Abilities: Teleporting from place to place in short distances, pinpoint accuracy with throwing implements, able to blend in with the background (Sort of a chameleon thing, works better in shadow though), moderate regenerative properties, strength higher than humans but not extraordinary, speed and agility something to be feared due to his pre supernatural abilities and what he is, able to change his facial features to take on any face he wants which helps with secret infiltration of enemy basses.

Class: Rogue/Ninja-esk

Group: Isgar Organization, (His interest not yet known)
Name: January Rainehail (Known as Konlos in true form)

Age: 19

Race: Gaea (Fairy of the Earth)

Gender: Female (Genderless in true form)

Sextual Orientation: Straight (Males)


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Biography: January grew up in a wealthy atmosphere, just on the outskirts of Paris. Her entire family belonged to the God's Children, who carried powers after specific gods. She quickly discovered that she belonged to the Goddess Gaia, who controlled the land. However, this came with a rare side-effect; she would transform into a shockingly tall, skeletal being, who floated just off the ground. That being is known as Konlos, and as it, she has no control over anything. Not her powers, her thoughts, nothing. It's not violent, and tends to hide and act meekly. When she discovered this, she withdrew and lost herself in sadness. Her sisters were always unsupportive and acted higher than her, as they both belonged to Aphrodite.

Personality: She is a quiet girl, but stands out in a crowd. She has a very small temper, but is generally nice and sweet. However, if you push her the wrong way, she will not hesitate to attack you with a human-based martial art (Krav Maga in this case). She is also very sophisticated, so she talks properly, has excellent posture and moves with grace and elegance.

Power/Abilities: Glamour (Make people see things differently), Flora (Manipulates flowers and plants as weapons ((eg. A rose extends and wraps around someones leg, digging its thorns into their flesh etc.))), Driane (Manipulates the ground to shake like an earthquake, or push up to knock people over etc.)

Class: None

Group: Isgar
Name:Zinethian Rougus Maxium

Age:Mid 20's

Race:Elvin Demon


SexualOrientation: Bisexual

Appeareance: View attachment 7955

Biography:Zinethian Rougus Maxium was born as a Immortal, Born from a blackhole brought apon the Earth from the souls of the mighty and broughtto the feet of the SBC to fight for them against the evil beingsswarming like roaches at war on earth. He was created within theblackness of a cold abyss known as a black hole, that taveled throughthe vaccum of space into the Atmosphere of the earth, But instead ofpulling it Spewed Zinethian from its Dark bowels onto the SaharahPlane of the earth. He awoke amongs the sand his horns glowing, hisrobe being the only cover from the impending storm headed his way, ashe stood and looked upon the catastrophe of his existance he walkedthrough the storm like it was nothing, As his feet placed down onthe sand, leaves and vines with red and blue flowers grew out fromwhere he stepped growing the greenest any plant can grow and dyingoff just as quickly as he lifted his feet Traveling for days withoutstop following where his nstincts . He was led all the way byinstinct to the doorstep of the SBC, where he passed various testsplacing him in the high rankings of the warriors they possessed. Hebecame aware of his abilitites to create fire and lighting and lifefrom his limbs and fingertips.

Personality:Shy, reserved and off to one side. But very violent when provoked. Heis only confrontational when sent to do a task, Otherwise he is veryquiet and self preserved.

Power/Abilities:Ability to control Fire and lightning/Electricity. Great strength andamazing Vision-He can see his enemy from a long distance. Controlssome wildlife and can make flowers and plants grow and/or controlthem. He brings life to dead creatures Only if they have been deadfor a few minutes no more than an hour. But can bring plants back tolife in anytime, anywhere.

Class: Mage/Warrior

Group: ScarletBarachel Cross
Name: Alois Helena Sommers

Age: 23


Alois is a demon, although in the sub category of an succubus, a creature of lust and promiscuity and are prone to the more scandalous acts with beings and afterwards devouring their body and soul. The perk about her species is that she has a secondary
form, where her jaw unhinges like a snake's, so that she can "fully envelope" her victims. Unlike a snake though, she has has long, sharp teeth in order to tear the flesh from the victims' bodies as she devours them. Once in that form, her eyes turn completely black and typically, she discharges a "black ooze" from her mouth, like saliva. Her fingers also extend into sharp, knife-like claws and long black wings protrude from her back. Other than that, his strength is heightened, as well as his regeneration rate.

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


How her parents met she never knew. Her father is never one to tell the truth—at least not all of it and is much too fond of half-truths for Alois to ever get the real story out of him. Small, nonchalant fibs to keep a blubbering child quiet. Most importantly, she doesn't even remember her mother. The one person who is supposed to be the most prevalent in her life. Orphans have always said they remembered their mothers smell: daffodils, daisies, dandelions. Beautiful flowers that had no names. They didn't need any names because they reminded them of her. She smelled nothing. Only an empty need to fabricate something, anything for the sake of remembering something. She tried to imagine that she was alive, whole and real, and with her right now. It was impossible without those small sensory secrets. To make herself believe, even just for a second. It would've been enough. She never saw her mother's soft hair and never understood the likeness between her and her father, not without her cooing words, not without her guidance to trace the contours of their adjacent noses. Alois always felt like nobodies child. In all technicalities, she was born to a ghostly, nonexistent demon maidservant and a pompous nobleman who couldn't even recall her name - simple syllables that would've meant the world to her. There hadn't been any other children to play with: no brothers, no sisters. Only a disconcerting youngster with bright eyes, boundlessly curious, and sharp features. How many words were spoken directly to her by her father? Perhaps: "Elbows, Alois. Only speak when you're spoken to, girl. Where's your nanny? I told her a thousand times." Mostly, it was as if those words were directed at the walls. Like she couldn't bear looking him straight in the face. If he said she didn't live a privileged life, then Alois would've been lying. Her father, Captain Fenlin Sommers, had served in the war, alongside much braver soldiers, before retiring.

The Sommers estate was expansive and extravagant, with a beautiful landscape that was wasted on her. Entirely permeated with fields, stables, and gardens. It felt empty. Much too large. Much too alien. It never felt like home. Weren't homes supposed to feel comfortable? Homey, even. It was filled with people who gawked at her, as if she didn't belong in the equation. As if she weren't a true born Sommers, undeserving of it's colors More often than not, the girl was left to her own devices and enjoyed causing mischief as any other child would. Her father took no pride in her and hadn't bothered teaching her etiquette, manners, business dealings or any pleasurable pursuits. Simply schlepped her off onto her nannies, with secrets glinting in his murky eyes.

Soon enough, Alois began wandering away from the sticky, uncomfortable confines of the Sommers estate. The further she went, the better she felt. Busy marketplaces transformed themselves into triumphant adventures, which became something to skitter past, absently pulling robe hems to evoke chaffing cries of indignation. She became something of a rascal. She bombed around and made a nuisance of herself, pestering the patrons for stories of adventure and treasure. Some became fond of her eager naivety and spoiled her rotten, teaching her a few tricks of the trade to keep her happy, while others either ignored her or sent her scurrying into the kitchen with a yell. Being so small, so significantly unnoticed, she thwarted arrests while picking up snippets of information in the streets. Only truly useful to herself. Every night, as she retired to bed, she whispered into her pillow the information she'd learned during the day of eavesdropping. It was one of many games that kept her busy. Kept her from wondering why her father couldn't bear the sight of her. This continued on and on each day until her father was killed, and she was given to the hands of her nanny. She was old enough now, and this was the perfect time to flee and do her own thing, in which from that day on, she did.


Alois is a bit of a smart alec, a sarcastic twat and a general mouth-piece. She is good with words and can easily get you out of your clothes if interested. Her mouth does tend to run away with her, earning her fervid glares and sympathetic head shakes. Instead of employing tact and diplomacy, she speaks his mind, and to hell with the consequences. She's the kind of guy whose got a whip fire personality, and a temperament that’s as equally explosive, but she can be relatively quiet when she wants to be, choosing only to speak when the opportunity arises for her to insult someone or to make some witty, sarcastic or derisive remark. Now, she can be pretty pleasant but that wouldn't be fun and she isn't necessarily the nicest woman, anymore. Alois doesn't comply very well with orders or authority, depending on their outcome. If something can be gained from it, then she will take anyone’s advice, but only if it is a conclusion that can benefit her. Gaining things, whether it be good company or something more sinister, has become an obsession to mask her loneliness. This makes her pretty unaccommodating. She isn’t likely to get herself caught up in something that doesn't concern her, and if her poor attempts to help are thrown back in her face, she will simply walk away. She is quick-tempered, and quick to act on top of it. If she thinks you’re wrong, she will say so. There are not many people she would refer to as "friends", it'd be an awful stretch as far as she’s concerned. She is devastatingly dishonest to everyone she meets, unless she finds reason to tether some truth; but typically, the fibs keep people from prodding their fingers into her metaphorical pie.


Due to her species, her regeneration rate, strength and speed and a bit more heightened as well as the ability of flight from her wings in secondary form. As for magic, she is able to teleport short distances and suck life from the bodies she devours.

Class: Rogue

Group: Red Iron
Name: AmaltheaKrasava

Age: 21

Race: Music Nymph

Gender: female

Sextual Orientation: Unknown

Appearence: (add image here)

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Biography: Echogrew up in family with her father being a nymph and her mother being a siren, which led to the creation of a new race: Music Nymph. She lived a peaceful and quiet life being treated as royalty. One night while she was out exploring the forest near her home, she wasattacked by a vampire. He left her alive saying she would be his greatestexperiment as he had attempted to turn her. When her parents found her, they had feared the worst and thought they may have to kill their only daughter. Although something strange happened, she didn't turn or change into the living dead as a kind spirit had stepped into prevent it from happening thanks to her families faith to the spirit. The vampire attack however had left her blind and her parents decide to treather like a blind helpless girl. During this time Echo learned that she had the special ability of seismic sense. Over the years her families treatment towards her blindness caused her to become annoyed and she started to think of a plan to run away. Finally on her twenty-first birthday she ranaway from home by slipping a sleeping toxin into her parents drinks and now she travels the world...

Personality: People-orientatedand fun-loving, but she is also independent


Hidden daggers: Inside the sleeves of her cloak are two daggers that she uses to defend herself.

Siren’s Song: The user is capable of emittingastonishingly beautiful and enchanting song/music that is capable ofsummoning/luring anyone who hears it to come towards the singer. Enhanced Agility/Dexterity: One can go from onemotion to another effortlessly. One has impeccable balance andself-awareness.

Seismic Sense: Through physical contact withthe ground, the user is able to pick up even the slightest vibrations, enablingthem to perceive their surroundings as precisely as normal sight.

Enhanced Senses: Touch and Smell because of hernymph blood she has heightened smell and touch; although it has left herblind.

Class: (if you have one. Knight, Mage, Rogue ect...)

Songstress -
Nobody owns the spotlight like the Songstress - a singing, dancing, slice-and-dicing class that's certain to draw attention wherever it goes. Whether they're rustic minstrels, shrouded dancers, or world-famous idol singers, when the Songstress hits the stage, somebody's going to break a leg.

The Songstress is a support class with potent abilities that sweep the whole battlefield - magical song abilities that will have your whole party cheering your buffs, and dance moves that will have the enemies cursing the unstoppable effects you lay down.

Group: (If you belong to one of the three groups please put here Isgar, Scarlet Barachel Cross or Red Iron. If you don't blong to any please put Wonderer or Other) Isgar
Name: Isdolwen Taldhrinthor

Age: 332, appears to be in mid-20s

Race: Snow Elf

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


Biography: Isdolwen was born in the high mountains and the cold was something that she knew from a young age. The snow elves were a small, mostly unknown race as they lived secluded from the world. They were more a long time ago, but they fought with some of the other elven races, mainly the Drow (aka dark elves). Many of the snow elves died during this conflict and those remaining fled to the mountains and icy regions and lived in peace separated from the world. It is very rare that a snow elf go off and explore the world beyond their homes and many who do, return unsatisfied with what they encounter.

Because of this isolation, they gained a sense of pride amongst them and felt that they were superior to others who would not be able to survive in the conditions that they did. Not only did they live in extremely cold places, but many of the families lived alone separated from other snow elves and had to take care of themselves. There was also threats of other creatures and sometimes other races would go and see if they could find the snow elves. The snow elves are also known to be rarely fertile and many female elves will not produce a child in their life and those who do will only have one to two children. Any more is extremely rare. They do have a Queen as well, but no one is able to locate her and her will is passed on by messengers and other methods.

Isdolwen was born as the rare third child in her family and the only female as well. Her family traveled in the cold arctic regions and would sometimes cross paths with other snow elf families. Isdolwen learned how to survive and was pushed hard from a very young age and she learned quickly how to defend herself. When she was at the age that the snow elves considered adulthood, she was left along on a mountain top and left to survive on her own for years. She eventually ran into an old family friend and lived with them for quite some time. She married and had a child with the son of the family and was relatively happy. But things did not remain this way for long. Her child died from illness and her husband went missing one day. She later learned that a group of rogue Drows had entered their land and started to kill snow elves. But Isdolwen doubted that her husband had died.

For years she went searching for him and to locate the Drows. She eventually ended up leaving snow elf territory during her hunt as she learned that her husband may be somewhere out there chased away by the Drows. Isdolwen has just learned of the conflict and has yet to take a side in the matter, although she cares little for it as it does not effect her own people.

Personality: Isdolwen, like many of her kind, is very arrogant. She has a lot of self-pride and confidence and rarely lets anyone help her out. She is also does not take kindly to be insulted in any means. She is dedicated though once she believes in something and is willing to sacrifice her life if it is to a just cause. Isdolwen does not put up with ignorance or stupidity either and can be harsh in her words. She does not impress easily either and it takes work for her to trust people. She is not cruel though and will help those in need but she does not do favors and will not help those she deems do not deserve it.

Power/Abilities: Resistance to cold temperances (can withstand up to -100 F), has advance sneaking and hiding skills, tracking skills and incredibly agile and has fast reflexes. Able to call upon a mini snowstorm as well to aid her.

Class: Ranger

Group: Wanderer

Name: Winter Longstern

Age: 21

Race: Werewolf

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian



Biography: Winter was born into a fairly normal family. She had an older brother and a twin sister. Throughout most of her childhood she did her best to get the approval of her parents, who were hard-working middle class-men She also looked up to her brother fondly as well and spent most of her days with her siblings going around the town they lived in and looking for adventure. Winter lost her twin sister though due to an accident one day when they were eight and although she did not die, she did slip into a coma. Her parents become distant and Winter sought comfort in her older brother, although he was searching for a job. He promised to come back for her once he had gotten one so that they could live together.

But Winter's luck kept getting bad. Her brother was turned into a convert accidentally after he got caught in the crossfire of a battle. Winter did not learn of this for years. She learned at the age of twelve that she had a natural inclination for magic and started to practice it behind her parents back, wanting to develop a skill that she thought might be useful once she was taken by her brother later. She kept mostly to healing magic, but she also tried her hand at a number of things. When she was fourteen her family was told what happened to her brother by an Isgar warrior. This would be the same man who would eventually recruit her years later after the incident which would lead Winter to becoming a werewolf.

She was seventeen at the time and she was going to get some new books to study. She did not hear the werewolf before it attacked and afterwards she did not realize what exactly happened. During her first change on the full moon, she did not have control and almost killed her family. Ashamed of her actions she fled the town and ran into the Isgar warrior who earlier told her family about her brother. She offered her services as a mage and a healer and was taken in with little difficulty.

Personality: Winter is a very kind person. She always looks out for other people and tries her hardest not to disappoint anyone at all. She is very sensitive to the needs of others and in trying to help can be neglectful of her own needs. She gets upset fairly easily, especially around those who are upset as well. Winter is also a very curious person and this can lead her into trouble as she will seek out information or knowledge despite the danger it may bring to quench her curiousness. She has a love of learning and can be found with her nose in a book more often than not. Winter is also shy as well at times except when she wants to know something. She is quite mature for her age and although she appears naive, she is not. She prefers to stay positive as well.

Power/Abilities: Human - She can cast elemental magic well enough, though the larger and stronger the spell, the more drained she becomes. She also has moderate skills in healing magic, enough to tend to the wounded and the sick except in grave situations. She also cannot heal sickness or injuries that are magical in nature either. She has defensive magic as well mainly flashes of light to blind and stun enemies and a sort of smokescreen to obscure view and allow her to escape. She plans to learn more magic as well that can be of use.

Werewolf - As a werewolf she gains incredible strength and resistance to attacks. She becomes faster as well. Her sense of smell and hearing increases and she is able to see in the dark as well.

Class: Mage

Group: Isgar
@Tylor Hughes - You must either make another character that BELONGS to one of the groups or have your current existing character in a group. Please change this or else I can't approve

[MENTION=2174].:Vassel:.[/MENTION] - Splendly done, you care accepted. Welcome to Souls of Unbalanced Chaos! ^^
(ooc: This is just an experiment to see how fancy I can make my skeleton... if you don't like it, I'll make it normal! c: )


"Nonsense, how do you not know my name? I am truly, Miyuki Matsumoto!"


"I will forever be 19, and that will never change. I know that my age is
immortally special! I appear to be 19- but I'm 161!"

(ooc: She can die, although she is already dead.)


"I'm just a simple shinigami~ There's nothing to brag about- Although killing people and bringing them to the underworld with me is fun!"

(ooc: A shinigami is another word for 'death god' or otherwise 'dead spirit' in Japanese. In this area, I'm not going to consider her as a god, more like a grim reaper.)


"I'm a feminine female, see my silky long hair? That proves it~ Unless you want to go further..."

Sexual Orientation:

"Why would I waste my time on such silly things like affections? No, I am not heartless- I simply don't think spending such valued moments on this is worth my time."

(ooc: In other words, she
is a heartless soul.)


(ooc: She wears like 19 century clothes, due to the time period she died in- not considering to change her clothes)

View attachment 7983

Biography: "Why do I need to tell you...rather important information about my past?"

Miyuki, she was born as a heartless demon already. As if that was not good enough, fate set her on a path of devastation; A fatal death to the one she almost began to develop a different emotion for, in a famine, that also had a freezing cold-snow-type weather. People learned to keep on the other side of the road from the pale-skinned female. She had a complex, explainable legend that followed her through out. "The girl with white hair and pallor skin, she's a devil you know; she killed her family, and her whole city. That's why her name is Miyuki, her heart is white as snow. She has no feelings." Was the common story told from town to town as she tried to settle. Destiny never liked her, causing her troubles and indescribable despair.

Her life, was a depressing, painful story. It began as being born in a small village. It always snowed there, and that's how her name was generated. Miyuki, the name's purpose was based upon the never ending snow, "My name means 'white, silenced snow.'" The legend has it that when someone passed her, or looked her in the eye, they were her next target. Then the next day, it would snow; A blizzard would occur, without the wind. It would be
white, silenced snow. She was feared and that concluded leaving her alone.

Finally, fate foretold her ending. A blizzard made it's way through all the cities of the towns and cities of area she was living in. Causing one last famine during her life above the ground. Her heart decided it was the end, slipping gracefully off of a cliff, she planned the death, so no one would fear the 'demon' lurking around. Her body was never recovered, which led her to never actually going up in the clouds, rather down into the ground.

As Miyuki was dead, her soul traveled into the hands of a shinigami, who recovered her body. She was 19 once again, and forever would be. He placed her in the village- where she was born, making it her home once again. Then he taught her the ways of a
evil shinigami. He taught her, "It's okay to kill who you want, when you want." But, really you have to kill the designated person you were assigned to slaughter. She obeyed and wandered around the streets of cities, making the legend true....

Personality: "As you can tell, I'm sunny and bright! The greatest, supporting friend you can have!"

(ooc: Of course, she's actually truly dark, and not at all bright. She acts tough to others, hiding her secret depression which is shown only when she is alone. She hates being the way she is, wishing she would just stay dead, wandering the underworld...alone.)

Power/Abilities: "-I don't want to tell you!"

(ooc: She has the ability to send someone to death- obviously. She also has the power to stay invisible for a considerable amount of time.)

Class: "I don't know- first class perhaps?"

(ooc: She was dead since the 1850's... So she was considered rich back then because she was well dressed? smhh fml I don't know.)

Group: (ooc: She is an enemy to practically all groups. *facepalm*)
Name: Enarya

Age: 23

Race: Demon wolf

Gender: Female

Sextual Orientation: Straight


View attachment 7990Human Form

View attachment 7991 Somewhat tamed form

View attachment 7992 Uncontrollable form (huge)

Biography: ~.~coming soon~.~

Personality: Shes quiet and tends to keep to herself, very loyal to those she cares for most and to the ones she serves.

Power/Abilities: Practicing dark magic and has the ability to shift into a large dire wolf. Though when really pissed off...she looses control and shifts into a huge black wolf with red eyes that stands as tall as a 3 story building.

Class: Weapon

Group: Red Iron
Name: Yumistra Edlerstros

Age: 22

Race: Atraxis, a form of Demon/Fire Nymph hybrid

Gender: Female

Sextual Orientation: Pansexual

Appearence: View attachment 7993

Biography: Yumistra doesn't remember much of her past. Her parents were simple peasants that worked under the supervision of the Red Iron. About a week after she was born, her parents were taken into custody and turned into converts. Her existance was unknown and she was rescued by a family friend, who sent her to a distant relative to raise her. When she was seven she broke into the house of the Isgar leader, as part of a dare the children of her age at the time had given her. The skill with which she did such a thing, while clumsy due to her young age and lack of experience, gained the attention of Integera's father himself, who took the young child under his wing and when she was old enough, sent her to train with the best assassins in his troops. The girl learnt quickly and was loyal to the man and later, the woman she was practically raised with.

Personality: Yumi has a lot of tension and aggression she has built up over time, particularly towards the people that murdered her parents. As a child she was told of what happened to her parents when she was but a week old and, as was typical of many children to do in such circumstances, vowed to avenge them somehow. She can be sweet and caring when she wants to, and she cant bare to see children suffer like she did. She is a ruthless killer on the battle field, but refuses to harm a child. It has caused some conflict among the ranks when she refused such tasks. She has unwavering loyalty to the Isgar family and would gladly lay down her life for them.

Shadow Jumping: This ability allows her to use the shadows as a means of transportation, being a handy gift to have in her line of work. Fire Weaving: The use of fire to create images which then become solid creations of fire which heed her bidding. They are quenched by water, but resistant to minimal amounts of ice. They generally melt down anything frozen. Heartbreaker: The ability to affect her foes internal organs with a simple hand motion over the organ. She can completely destroy the organ if she puts her mind to it, but she only does it as a last resort. She doesn't like the thought of another's death on her hands. Stealth: she is silent and easy to miss, good at what she does. Pinpoint accuracy: She very rarely misses.

Class: Assassin/Rogue

Group: Isgar
Tylor Hughes you are accepted.

Lyra I know you are working on your bio but once your finished you are accepted.

And Ali you are accepted.

@Fork - Although I like the idea there is no Otherworld so the characters race doesn't quite fit. If you could change it a bit then I'd be happy to accept your character. And Im not sure how they fit in with the storyline. It sounds more the a character for Bleach based Rps. Just make sure you follow the Rules and fit your character in somehow. ^^

~Everyone is doing good so far on powers, lets not have god like characters. Good Luck everybody! Rp should be starting by tomorrow so I hope everyone is prepared and ready.~
Name: Integera Isgar IV

Age: 23

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Sextual Orientation: Straight

Appearence: View attachment 7994

View attachment 7995

Biography: Born into the Isgar family, Integera was given nothing but the best education in both her schooling and weapons training. Although she was brilliant with most weaponry she excelled in swordsmanship and it remained her preferred method of battle. The passion she held for this style drove her to become a fearsome opponent on the battlefield. As she grew older she learnt the secrets to strategy and soon she was a double threat to her enemies. It was no surprise that her father saw her worth and named her his successor. However, her uncle had other plans. The man was furious with Sergi for naming a meer child his successor, when it was quite clearly his rightful claim. When he realised Sergi would not be persuaded, he poisoned the man and gradually, Sergi's health deterriorated. Before his untimely demise, Sergi warned his daughter of his brother's deceit and she knew that somehow he had played some part in her father's death. It wasn't long before she had assumed control of the family that she overheard her uncle bragging about how he had murdered his brother. At this stage she asked Yumistra, the girl that her father had practically raised along side Integera, to assist her in setting up various traps and explosives as a way to destroy those that remained loyal to her uncle and help her corner the man in his own lair. When the man fled, Integera followed, and although it seemed as though the tables could turn either way, Integera first cut off the man's hand to preserve her own life and then beheaded him on the spot. She left the body to be disposed of by the handmaidens of the household, women who were no longer phased by blood or such horrible deaths.

Years later, a treaty was forged between The Scarlot Barachol Cross and the Isgars. Integera did her best to follow said treaty, being careful not to cross the line. Scarlot on the other hand, toed it dangerously on many an occasion. If it weren't for the rising of the Red Irons, she would have told them to shove it long ago. With Yumistra's help once again she has kept a tight reign on her men, those that Scarlot didn't kill 'by accident' and has maintained a powerful influence.

Personality: High strung yet level headed, Integera is the kind of woman that can be depended on to keep her head in a battle and think of the next move. She likes to be one step ahead of the enemy at all times, and normally she succeeds. If someone gets the jump on her, she knows they are a worthy foe, but rather than withdraw her troops, she comes up with new strategies and simple works to outsmart them. She despises feeling nervous or inferior. When someone gets the better of her she is likely to curse and then move on to work out how to beat their arses down. She doesnt like being belittled for being a woman at the head of an organization, knowing she is as capable, if not more than, any one of the ranked officers. She holds respect for those that can hold their own in a fight but is easily the most feared by those that know her.

Power/Abilities: Exceptional swordsmanship skills, unmatched by many in the land, and she is brilliant with firearms. She has strength required to weild such exceptional weapons. Some believe her to be an immortal due to her skills, but really she's just good at what she does. Her strategic thinking is to be feared as well. Being able to keep her head in battle has allowed her the multitude of victories she and her men have amassed.

Class: Warrior/Strategist

Group: Isgar
[MENTION=3253]MissOutlaw[/MENTION], heh. I know she's considered dead, but once more she's alive. I know she can die, if she has an existance she must die, I mean it's the inevitable. But anyways, I'm probaly not able to join, kind of screwed at home with family problems. ^-^ Thanks for the second chance, it would have been fun to edit and join.

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