Souls of Unbalanced Chaos - Character Sheets

Name: Sakura Rei.

Age: Nobody knows. She has never shown her human self to anybody before.

Race: Alien super-solider, human underneath her armor.

Gender: So far, unknown. But most people can tell she is human just by her figure.

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Appearance: (Her Alien form and armor suite.)

View attachment 8047

(Her Human form.)

View attachment 8048

Biography: Sakura is not from this planet, at least that's what her father told her. She was abandoned by her Mother on a planet named Celkium, where her father somehow found her and took her back to Earth. She never remembered her life when she was little, and she always wondered why. Everything didn't make sense to her, and nothing seemed to matter. Her father wasn't the nicest man on the planet, and told her she was a monster from hell all the time. Sadly, she believed him. But what else could she do? She had no one else to turn to, and she was alone in her own little world. As she grew older, her father's horrid words eventually got to her. Her emotions completely shut down, and she hasn't spoke one word since. Even though she was still broken from her father, she moved on in a career of being a professional assassin. She trained for a very long time, and eventually joined the forces of Isgar.

Personality: Sakura is the silent but deadly type. She is very quiet and doesn't speak, but dangerous on so many levels. All those years of beings verbally tortured by her father, only made her stronger. She managed to get past the pain and turn into the strong person she knew she was. She still, however, does not speak or show her human self to others. Even if she did speak, it would be through a robotic voice that her helmet provides. She wishes maybe someday she could trust someone enough to show her true self. But so far, that hasn't happened yet.

Power/Abilities: Very agile, quiet, and sly. She could sneak past anybody without them knowing. She is also quite strong, and very skilled with the yellow swords that shoot out of the palm of her hand (See in her alien picture.). Many people try not to mess with her, since she is very fast and quick at wounding her foes.

Class: Professional assassin.

Group: Isgar.
Name: Marco Kravoski

Age: (centuries, but looks to be in his 20s)

Race: Immortal.

Gender: Finds the concept of gender irrelevant, but if pushed, would say "Male"

Sextual Orientation: Bisexual.



Biography: Marco has had many identities over the countless years he has lived, Yorvik Gyslovaki the crusher, when he sailed the northern seas with his norse brothers and family, where he was washed up on an island near England in a terrible storm, there he was about to die like the rest of his brethren, but he was saved by one of the last worshipers of the "old gods" the creator spirits, they, a small dying community taught him the ways of the old gods, and his faith in them grew, he eventually returned to Denmark and told what was left of his family and the friends who didn't come on the fateful journey of his ordeal, of the old gods, he was eventually banished, when lightning struck his house the locals saw it as Thor's anger at his abandonment of his old faith, and so he was driven out of his home, tearfully, he ran from his old family, and for months he traveled, every day he would pray to the old gods, until eventually, when he was in what is now called Siberia, a spirit called him into a hidden cave, inside he found himself surrounded by guardian spirits, they chanted to him, singing praises of his name, the spirits in the form of human men embraced him like a brother, the ones in human female form kissed him, the ones in animal forms went up and paid their effections, and when the strange ritual of lavishing effection on him was finished, they faded away, and he knew what he had become, he had become immortal.

Over the centuries he went from land to land, he's seen the rise and fall of the Roman empire, he watched from the hills as Hannibal's war elephants charged the roman lines, he watched as the Eiffel tower was planned and constructed, he even got a job helping with the building of the thing, of course he's made many MANY mistakes over the years, like fighting for the Germans (as a mercenary) in world war 2, before he was ambushed and taken captive by a group of English-Sikh soldiers in southern france, he was going to be put into a prison for life, but well, over several centuries, one picks up ways of getting out of a bind, he managed to bribe the right people and made off, fleeing then to the middle east, where he fought alongside the jews in their battle for independence, and in the "6 day war" on the Israelis side.

life seemed to be going well, over the centuries he had impregnated many dozens of women of all races in all corners of the world, from Russia to south Africa, to south america to Japan, of course only a few of his childen inherited the "immortal" gene, but still... in his sleep one night, while serving in the French Foreign Legion, he was visited again by a guardian spirit, they told him of their grief and sadness, how he has used his immortality to be a soldier of fortune, profiting from war, soon after this, his 5 year serve in the french foreign legion came to a close and he was out of the "war game" forever... then came the new world war.

for many months, Marco tried to be neutral, but the Red Iron was pushing the others too hard, and he knew what they did to those immortals they captured, they turned them into mindless killing machines, this was something he would NOT be a part of, he picked his side with the Isgar Organization, and he hopes the old gods can forgive him.

Personality: Serious, To the point, friendly, practical and a dry sense of humor

Power/Abilities: regeneration, the ability to control electricity (the very first manifestation of this power is what attracted the lightning that made his people think thor hated him) is physically fit and intelligent. is also a skilled sniper and swordsman.

Class: assassin/battlemage.

Group: Isgar
@♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ - As much as I like your idea I don't think this character fits the storyline that well. Shes more of a sci-fi character then anything. And there aren't any other worlds so for her to be from a different planet doesn't really work. =/ If you can some how fit her in I will be more then happy to accept. ^-^

@bettysboy - Did he worship the Greek gods first then the Elder Souls? If so then your character is accepted, just as long as you know that the Spirits and Greek Mythology are two seperate things. =3
[QUOTE="♥Lost_In_Paradise♥]Yeah I kind of agree. I guess I'll just drop this than haha. I'm in to many roleplays already anyways:)

Thank you for your entry though. It was an interesting character. =3
(I do hope I am not too late to sign up for this RP.)

Name: Deneven Auveille

Age: 17

Race: Auven (Auven are ancient beings said to be impressive shapeshifters. They also possess the ability to augment their power using their ancient energy called Auki.)

Gender: Male

Sextual Orientation: Bisexual


Biography: Deneven has lived within a secluded cave in Bombay created by his great, great grandparents who were Auven since his birth. The Auven are powerful being that change into any form they wish. Along with that, they are able to use Auki, a mysterious energy only usable by an Auven to augment and even bring out their true forms, in which they are said to be very powerful.

75 years after Deneven's birth, soldiers from the Scarlet Barachel Cross paid a visit to enlist the Auven's power and loyalty. Ares Auveille, Deneven's brother refused their request and told them to shove off. Offended by the refusal, the next day, an armada of Scarlet warriors declared war on the Auven. They quickly found themselves to be evenly matched the Auven fought back valiantly. Upon watching the bloodshed, Deneven joined the battle but drew too deep on his Auki and entered his true form, causing him to go on a rampage. Greatly ashamed of himself, Deneven ran away from home with the fear that he could never return.

Personality: Deneven is calm and composed to the exterior. Along with his relaxed demeanor, he is also very intelligent and calculating, making him a great strategist.

Shapeshifting: The Auven's most notable ability. Deneven can change into any living person or creature he wishes. Along with someone's appearance, he can also mimic the voice and abilities of whomever he is. He can shift parts of his body into any form he wants as well. With a massive amount of Auki at his disposal, he can assume his true form.

Great Reflexes: Deneven possess very sharp reflexes, and a high degree of speed and agility.

Mirage Step: Deneven's trademark technique. The technique entails a split-second burst of Auki, enhancing the user's speed to the point that the user leaves an after-image. It confuses adversaries and is uses used primarily to dodge attacks or occasionally launch an attack. With this method, he can safely use this technique only 20-30 times due to an intense strain on the body and mind.

Deneven also uses Healing Magic, Enhancing Magic, and a wide variety of Elemental Magic.

Class: Enchanter

Group: Wanderer
[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] -I would accept but you need to make another character or your current one be in one of the three groups, Isgar, Scarlet Barachel Cross or the Red Iron. Look up the groups in the information thread thats provided on the first page here. Then fix your attachement and upload the picture onto Photobucket. It says its invaild so I sadly can not see your character. Then use the link, post it next to appearence. After that I'll be more then happy to accept yoru character. We are still accepting and the Rp is a bit slow atm but thats only because of me. I plan on posting to get it moving so you haven't missed anything yet. ^^
(I think I will make a second character, then.)

Name: Tabitha Tremaine

Age: 17

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Biography: Tabitha lived with her family who were loyal to the Scarlet Barachel Cross. However: Five years later, The Pope had heard a rumor the Tremaines had signed a contract with demons. As punishment, he sentenced them to live their lives in exile. The Pope also named the Tremaines as "Defilers" and would sentence them to die should they ever return. Tabitha's parents refused to leave, and called the Pope a "Gullible Imbecile who is truly a power-hungry lunatic." Enraged by their insolence, he had Tabitha's parents beheaded. With nobody to turn to, Tabitha ran to find the Isgar Organization, hoping they will take her in. Eleven years later, Tabitha was sent to scout for the Auven's hideout and negotiate the terms of their siding with the Organization and gets caught up in the battle between the Auven and the Scarlet Barachel Cross, but finds herself badly injured surrounded the Cross army's overwhelming numbers. But in the wink of eye, Deneven, going on a rampage in his true form defeats and strikes great fear into Scarlet Barachel Cross. Noticing Tabitha after killing the remaining Cross warriors, Deneven kisses her, healing her injuries and allowing Deneven to regain control of himself.

Personality: Tabitha is brash and overbearing. Despite having grown without parents, she is very optimistic.

Destructive Force: Despite her slender build, Tabitha possesses a great amount of strength.

Class: Guardian

Group: Isgar Organization


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