The Briarwood Challenge [ Sign up]

Name: Brady Gehirn

Gender: Male

Age +14:16

Ability: Has the ability to change a persons mental state such as invoking intoxication, drowsiness, love, Hatred, Happiness. Also pain but not physical like you feel it but nothing is actually happening.

Appearance(Picture or description, but no anime):


Background (what landed you in Briarwood): Brady has been to several other school such as this but was kicked out for causing mass confusion threw the school having several kids committed suicide. (Not because he made them do it)

Other: He enjoys a good fight especially when he is in it. He likes to play with them so he uses blunt weapons such as a baseball bat or brass knuckles. When he was a baby he was left a temple in china where he practiced scorpion style kung fu to the age of ten. He showed great potential at the age of 6 being able to break threw 6 layers of bamboo one for each year.
Name: Christina, Tina Gilbert

Gender: Female

Age +14: 17

Ability: Fire Manipulation


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Background (what landed you in Briarwood): Tina learned about her powers at puberty but she got good at hiding them for years. Unfortunately last year when she was at a party, she got careless and accidentally set fire to someone's house. No one was seriously injured but the cops and fire-marshals came and made a big commotion about it. After that, Tina's parents sent her to Briarwood to finish her education there and learn to better control her powers.

Other: N/A
Name: Leo Grave

Gender: male

Age: 17

Ability: Ice control

Appereance: long snow white hair and crystal blue eyes. Stands at about 6'2". Is about 220 lbs.

Background: Leo was home schooled for most of his life. His morher was a scientist and father was a historian. Once they found out about the academy Leo was sent there. Being taught by a scientist and a historian Leo was rather a advanced student. The he heard of the challenge that was being held to get out early he jumped at the chance.

Other: is always sucking on a cherry lolipop.
Name: Griffien Bennit

Gender: female

Age +14: 16

Ability: Controling Darkness

Appearance(Picture or description, but no anime):

Griffen has hair that is a bit shorter then shoulder length that is a dirty blond hair color with more of a blond tone to it. She has dark blond and very light brown hightlights that streak through her hair. Her skin tone is fairly pale and is pretty even. Her eyes are honey brown and have a dark black ring around the edge. She isn't taller then most girls her age, in fact she is average, and is thin.

Background (what landed you in Briarwood):

Since her mother passed away when she was a baby and her father could care less about her, Griffen was sent to a orphanage where she discovered her powers. Keeping them in secret most of her life she tried her best to keep the other children and owner from noticeing. Sadly one day when she was goofing around with her powers, the owner saw, and since she knew about the school, had Griffen sent off to learn there.

Other: Doesn't get along with people too well.
Name: Alex Smith

Gender: Female

Age: 17 years old

Ability: Mental powers: such as telekinesis, mind reading, sensing (She can see flashes of the history behind a person/object just by touching it)


View attachment 5810 (A more intense green for the eyes)

Background: Alex has been friends with Jason since they were babies. So when Alex found out about her powers at the age on 10 and Jason was there to see, he promised to make sure no one would ever find out and send her away to a boarding school, thus seperating them. When they were old enough to drive, the both of them go into street racing. But durning one race with Jason, Alex noticed her brakes weren't working and the steering was beginning to fail, realizing that if she didn't tell Jason, they would both possibly die. When she figured out she wouldn't get Jason's attention and warn him, Alex used her telekinesis and stopped his car, but she still crashed. Alex woke up in the hosptial the next day, badly injured. When the police came after she was taken to the hospital, both of them told the police and their parents that it was simple car accident on the street, but they figured out that she used telekineseis to save Jason, (Though they thought the ability came at the exact moment, not thinkign she had been hiding it) and sent her to the Academy after she recovered.

Other: Her eyes glow this color ( when she uses her sensing power. Has the ability to hack, but never does.

Name: Jason Blackwell

Gender: Male

Age: 17 years old

Ability: Super Strength, and high tolerance to pain


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Background: Since they were little, Jason swore to protect Alex no matter what. A couple years after they both discovered Alex's supernatural abilties, Jason soon discovered his. One day when Alex and Jason meet after school, he noticed that there was a scratch on her cheeck. When he asked her what had happen Alex told him a girl had gotten into a fight with her and scratched her in the process, but she reassured him that she had won that fight and wasn't ever hurt a bit. But still angry at not being able to protect her, Jason hit a nearby wall and make a huge dent. That's when they both discovered his supernatural ability. When Alex crashed about four years later, and he realized that Alex was going to be sent away to an Academy, he purposly hit a metal table that was sitting next to the hospital bed (Instead of just telling because he didn't want his parents to find out he was hidding his power for years) His parents and the police, after witnessing the action, decided to send him to an Academy with Alex after she recovered.

Other: Both him and Alex enrolled in a martial arts/aikido classes when they were younger and are still using the skill to this day.
sorry, I've been having thunderstorms and power-outages a lot lately. I'll be on tomorrow to start it.
Here are the bio's of three characters I'm are going to be introducing in the orientation. Just a head's up, none of the characters know they're invited to take the Challenge yet. Here's a link to the rp incase anyone needs it:

Name: Principal Sedrick Meade

Gender: Male

Age: 46

Ability: Advanced psychic abilities, not much is known beyond that


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Background: Briarwood Academy was founded by Principal Meade's ancestors. Every new generation of Meade men are groomed to become the Headmasters of of the Academy. When Principal Meade became the overseer of the school, he pioneered for the rights to admit gifted students into the Academy. He built state of the art training facilities around the campus to 'help' the gifted student learn to control their powers, and gain the discipline needed to repress them in normal society. Principal Meade also spearheaded production of the advanced equipment used to monitor the grounds of Briarwood Academy. The same equipment is also used to subdue potentially harmful threats to the student body. Most importantly, Principal Meade is the creater of the Briarwood Games.

Other: N/A

Name: Vice Principal Amanda Wong

Gender: Female

Age: 40

Abilities: Shape Shifting, Reptilian Species


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Background: Not much is known about Ms. Wong. She started working at Briarwood Academy shortly after gifted students were admitted to the school. She is more of an assistant to Principal Meade than a Vice Principal, however she gets both jobs done with calculating efficiency. She is quiet and works better behind the scenes of school's operations, but her chilling presence is to intense to really ignore. Ms. Wong is also an officiator of the Briarwood Challenge.

Other: No one at Briarwood has ever seen Vice Principal Wong's reptilian form.

Name: Derrick Stokes

Gender: Male

Age: 44

Abilities: Earth Manipulation


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Background: Derrick Stokes is a hard-ass trainer for gifted students. His methods were perceived as harsh and inhumane amongst other gifted facilities and he was let go for endangering the students. Shortly after his dismissal, he was contacted by Briarwood Academy for an opening position. This year he works there not as a trainer, but as the new Head Officiator of the Briarwood Challenge.
Hey, I know the rp started, but I was wondering if you would still accept new characters? This sounds awesome, and after reading what you guys wrote yesterday I love all the characters and their dynamics as a group of individuals.

I'm going to submit a character anyway... but if i can't join that's totally cool, I understand.

Name: Isaac Anderson

Gender: Male

Age +14: 16

Ability: Invisibility, the ability to be completely silent while invisible.

Appearance(Picture or description, but no anime): 5'10 and 135 pounds. He is skinny, but, with quite a bit of sinewy muscle. He is ruggedly handsome with unruly black hair that goes down to his shoulders, and he suffers from a condition known as heterochromia, meaning he has two different eye colours ( the left one is brown, and the right is a startling, pale blue. )

Background (what landed you in Briarwood): Isaac's father was a thief, and a damn good one at that; by the time Isaac was born, his father, Blair, had amassed a fortune through jewel theft, credit card fraud, and other means. Isaac grew up almost exclusively in his family's English manor, raised by a his mother (who was, quite amusingly, his father's maid). At the age of six, Isaac accidentally discovered his invisibility powers... and disappeared for 6 months before he figured out how to disable them. Once he was found, his father began training him, realizing how useful the power to become invisible might be for a thief.

After 10 years of performing robberies and burglaries with his father all around the world, Isaac and Blair were caught, while attempting their biggest heist yet... the robbery of Briarwood Academy. Despite being caught red handed, the two were not thrown in prison, after striking a deal with the principal of the school: for the privilege of keeping their freedom, Blair would have to "donate" a large sum of his wealth to the school, and Isaac would have to attend the academy in the fall.

Other: Isaac is egotistical, self centered, arrogant, and rather posh. However, he can be charming, and of course possesses the famed British accent.


I want to join too, if that's alright.

Name: Christopher Robertson

Gender: Male

Age +14: 16

Ability: Ability to create illusions, and can control/influence animals.

Appearance(Picture or description, but no anime): A very tall boy for his age. He looks rather weak but has a challenging look. Despite his weak appearance, he still manages to have quite a large presence. He has short dark hair and near-black eyes.

Background (what landed you in Briarwood): Christopher grew up as what you would call a troublemaker. Although he wasn't a bully, and didn't go around beating people up, he still liked to cause trouble with what he called 'Pranks'. He would make people hear sounds that weren't actually there, sometimes making them jump or yell. He would make the teacher hear voices that didn't exist. This was all obviously harmless fun, but soon Christopher realised that he could do more than make sounds. He could make people see things that weren't there. He tried this several times on the teacher, each time making the illusions more and more sinister. One day, he eventually drove the teacher to tears when he made her see... something. Nobody knows exactly what she saw, not even Christopher. He realised that his powers were growing out of control, and things were appearing that he had not meant to happen. He went home, feeling extremely guilty. Driven by guilt, he told his parents what had been happening. After discussing it for a while, his parents decided that the academy was the best option.

Other: Sometimes cannot control his power
[MENTION=1161]BLADE MdM[/MENTION], [MENTION=2890]DerpDaHerp[/MENTION], accepted, post whenever...
Name: Yoru

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Ability: Wind manipulation (lol all elements!)

Appearance: I have gotten permission....

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Background: Yoru lived in a town where it never was windy one day, when Yoru waved her arm and said, "Kaze" it started to be very windy. Her mother was Japanese and realized she had said, "Wind." and was very shocked at the affects. Yoru's mother experimented and told her to say "Ikigire" which mean't small wind. The air seemed to have a small gust in the air. Her mother decided it was best for her to go to Briarwood.

Other: When she gets angry a storm might begin to stir. So usually, Yoru will show no emotions at all. If she is sad it begins to become foggy. So Yoru keeps her emotions all bottled up. She doesn't need to say the commands anymore, she just uses her mind, she will imagine what she wants and it appears.

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