The Briarwood Challenge

{Lol i was gonna talk to your character, now im thinking i shudn't :D }

Alex heard muttering from behind her, where the guy from earlier sat. Turning around slightly, she noticed that it wasn't the guy, it was some other girl. Alex was thankful that she took his seat.

"That's a good thing you know. if its't too loud, it draws unwanted attention." she said to the quiet girl. Holding out her hand, she smiled. "Name's Alex, and you?"
Brady walked back in the auditorium and noticed the girl from outside. He walked towards her “Are you comfertable” he sat on the ground beside the seat.
Yoru didn't smile at all or take her hand. "Yoru." She wasn't happy nor upset when the girl told her it attracted unwanted attention. "You're right." she said in a bland voice. Yoru opened her hand and a small gust of wind blew around her hands, "I control wind." she said closing her hand. Yoru didn't crack a smile or say anything, If I say too much I'll trigger emotion... and the school might get very... very cold. she thought. All of a sudden the room began to get hot, Yoru was worried that she would trigger her emotions, so the room began to tense. She quickly stopped worring and became calm once again. "I am a wind manupulatior. Emotions trigger them." she said in her bland voice. "I can not use my emotions or who know's what will happen."

Yoru turned to the boy and said in her bland voice, "You annoy me. You constantly chit-chat when you could close your trap. You know I believe Alex would like some quiet time." She could get 'angry' without using her emotions, she had mastered that ability long ago. Stop talking or you'll trigger it. she reminded herself.
Christopher noticed that a few pupils seemed to be having a conversation in the corner of the room. He takes out a pack of cards and approaches them. "Anyone up for a few card tricks to break the ice?" He grins at them, trying to look as confident as possible.
Jason had turn to see who Alex was talking to. When Yoru, insulted, or more of told him to 'shut the hell up', James started chuckling under his breath.

Then when another guy came out of no where with a pack of cards, Jason raised an eyebrow at him, but shrugged anyway.
"Sure, why not." he said in a neutral tone.


Alex had held back the urge to burst out laughing. it was funny enough that she told him to shut up, but the way her voice was bland, made it even more funny. She sensed that this girl was nice, dispite her bland tone. Alex would try later to talk to her and befriend her.

When another person popped up and asked about a card trick, she turned to him.
"Please tell me it's not one of those card trick that even kids can learn?" she said sarcasticly. Alex couldn't count the times her little sister had showed her a card trick, or how many times her friends did.

But Alex quickly pushed away the thought of her sister, not wanting to miss her so quickly. If she did, she would most likely start bawling.

Laughing a bit, she smiled.
"Sure, let's see if you got the skills of a magican." she said again sarcasticly.
Christopher smiled at Alex, saying "We're all kids inside, right?" He chuckles, shuffling the cards. "Pick a card" He holds out the deck to Alex, then to Jason.
He started laughing and smiled fakely "It seems that your a feisty arent you." then looked up at her "Stop talking why if it annoys you then im doing wonderful. I would like to see how many people i can get on their bad side" he smiled fakely again with tears running down his cheeks.
Yoru looked at the boy with her expressionless eyes and shook her head. She shook her head and said, "Tears are just one way of showing how fake you are." Yoru opened her hand and there was a cold breeze around it, calm. She sighed and closed them. "You know nobody enjoys your fake emotions, get real." Yoru said slapping him across the face not too hard. She breathed cold air out, meaning she was begining to get frusterated at the boy, whom was a fraud.
He smiled and lowered his head rubbing his cheeks "Thats one of the effects of my not allowed emotions...i mean i can always fake them but i will never feel anything sincerly." tears still running down his red cheek.
Yoru looked at him coldly with no expression and said, "Your lucky you are even able to use your emotions you phony!" She sighed and shook her head, "Nobody would understand anyways." Yoru looked away and let his fake tears flow. If she used anymore emotions she may not be able to control the wind.
He started to laugh and smiled at her changed his emotion that he was putting off to sadness. "Well you know you just smacked me i cant feel that and i know i should feel offended by your words but i cant do it." he laughed again as tears started to fall into his lap.
She stood up and dis not look at the boy. Yoru raised her leg and kicked him across the face. "Dumb-ass..." she muttered storming out of the room.
Distracted by Yoru and the guy's argument, Alex didn't hear what the guy in front of her with the deck of cards said.

When Yoru had kicked and slapped across the face, she let out a

As Yoru left, Alex stood and looked over to the boy,
"See what happens when you open your mouth and you say things your not supposed to." As she finished saying that to him, Alex got out of her sit, and made her way up the aisle and to the door. But as she reached for the door handle, she turned back to him and said. "And about that, 'getting on everyone's bad side, your off to a great start." she said sarcasticly before opening the door and going into the lobby.

Looking around, she spotted Yoru and ran over to her,
"Emotions?" she asked standing behind her, guessing her answer was yes.


Jason pulled out a card, but noticed Alex wasn't paying attention. Tracing where she was looking at, she found the girl Yoru and the boy from earlier. When Yoru kicked and slapped him, Jason couldn't help but grin. In his opinion, the guy got what he deserved.

"Your not going to last in this school boy, if you keep that up." he said nonchalantly, as he looked over his card. Then turning to the guy in front of his with the rest of the deck, he spoke. "Don't worry about him." he said waving his hand behind him.

Looking down at the deck in the guy's hand, then back to his face. Jason spoke again,
"What do i do now?" he said waving the card around, but not letting him see what the card is.
(Sorry I'm late ;) )

Magic tricks, over confident assholes, and enough moody girls for a tampon commercial. This school was going to drive him insane.

Isaac had been sitting next to Jason since he had arrived, and so far, he was glad he was invisible. All the bickering was giving him a migraine, and the circus sideshow of powers, from the girl with a tornado twirling in her palm to the obnoxious flirt attempting to incite a riot, was chaotic and frankly, rather threatening. However.. threatening wasn't bad. It was fun.

With a practiced fluidity, Isaac's hand flew up from the arm rest and quickly swiped away Jason's card, watching it disappear as it came into contact with his fingertips. Jason, and the few people paying attention to the trick, seemed startled by the vanishing card. He chuckled, before appearing for all the world to see, with the ace of diamonds held high between his thumb and forefinger.

"Ta-da", he whispered softly, to no one in particular.
(okay...before this goes crazy I'll start orientation. I can't wait for @Kyin any longer.))

Vice Principal Wong made her way to the auditorium, her high heels clicking on the floor as she walked. She scanned her surroundings, searching for any wayward students trying to skip the assembly. She noticed two girls in the lobby and quickly snatched them by the arm. Pulling the girls closer in her vise like grip, Ms. Wong stared right through them. "Orientation is about to start. You'd both be wise to take your seats." She said calmly, in her chilling voice. She released the girls and made her way into the assembly.

Tina was still in shock over seeing a guy get kicked in the face. I have got to get out of this place before they turn it into an insane asylum. She thought, rolling her eyes. Tina was about to turn on her music again until she noticed the demon lady entering the room. As she passed by, Tina felt a shiver go done her back. I hate that woman...

Vice Principal Wong walked down the aisles to the front of the auditorium. She made her way on stage and took hold of the mic laying across the stage podium. "Everyone take your seats and be silent." She said, her tone so intense it gave some of the students pause. As she walked to the side of the stage and took her seat, a video slide show about Briarwood Academy began to play on a projector screen....
Isaac's smile faded as soon as the woman entered the auditorium, and by the time her voice had barked out the order to 'get in you seats!' it had completed it's transformation in to a frown. The arrival of an authority figure had brought him back down to earth, and the misery of Briarwood; the school that was destined to be his prison for a long, long while.

"Sorry to interrupt", he sighed glumly to everyone that had been participating in the magic trick before passing the card back to the wannabe Chris Angel.

I wish I was home. Or rather, I wish I was any place that wasn't here.

Isaac closed his eyes, counted to three, and when he opened them his body was gone, no longer visible. He got up and walked a few rows forward to an empty part of the auditorium, where he sat, ready to watch the assembly dejectedly, and alone.
As he was kicked in the face he automatically started laughing from his lies. The looked up at a classily dressed women as he smiled and sat down in a seat. He would get every one away from him. He didnt want anyone else to die because him. So he went on smiling with a little blood coming from the corner of his mouth.
Before Alex could hear Yoru's respose, someone grabed her by the arm. Turning to look at the moron who grabed her, Alex realized it was either the principle, or vice. Either way, she knew this woman was a *****.

Stumbling down the aisle, when the woman pushed her, Alex brushed off her sleve before walking to her sit. When she did, she notice a new guy was sitting next to Jason.

As she ploped down in her seat Alex muttered under her breath,
"What a *****.." she said in a low annoyed tone.


Before the 'magician' could say anything, someone who had been sitting quietly next to Jason had snatched the card from him, made it disappear and reappear.

Turning to the guy he grinned slightly,
"Nice trick. im guessing if i ask you how to do it, your gonna say-" but before he could continue, a woman, most likely the principle, walked onto the stage and barked out an order to settle down.

Looking to the other sit next to him, Jason noticed that Alex wasn't back yet
, "God, where is she, orintentation is about to star-" but before he could continue that sentence too, Alex had ploped down into her seat, muttering something, but all he could make out was '*****'

Not wanting to attract anymore attention to him or Alex, he decided just to wait after the stupid assembly to ask her. And maybe he'd ask that guy his name, he seemed to be the only normal, and seemably cool one here.

Turning to the other side of him, Jason noticed the guy wasn't there anymore. But Jason just shrugged and watched the video, wondering if he'd see the guy again.

{Not to get ahead of the rp or anything, but how will classes work?}
(I put a schedule on the storyline. You can pick what classes you wanna take but their not really that important. Their just their for interacting with other players. Sometimes I'll just breezing through them, until it's the end of the day when the challenge starts. That's the main part. Today there are no classes so you can just socialize.)

As the slide show movie ended, a shadowy figure made his way to the podium. The dim lights became brighter, and Tina focused on the steely eyes of Sedrick Meade. The man made a show of smiling but it didn't quite reach his intimidating silver eyes. His smiles never did... Tina thought absently. Watching him and Vice Principal Wong always made her unsettled.

"Greetings, I am Principal Meade." He said is conversational yet authoritative voice. "I am the Headmaster and overseer of Briarwood Academy. Welcome to the 2012 school year. Some of you have been here before; some of you are attending for the very first time. Regardless I would like all of you to know how pleased I am to have you as a part of the Briarwood Academy." He said with another false smile. "It is our duty here to educate you in the fundamental knowledge necessary for the real world. More importantly it is our goal to train you in how to handle yourselves in the real world.” Principal Meade’s expression became severe. “Let’s be clear, none of you are normal students and you never will be. You all have special abilities and talents. At Briarwood Academy we teach you how to control your gifts through training and disciple. At the end of your school term, the Academy will decide whether students are ready and able to be a part of normal society. Until then all student stay here, on Briarwood campus under constant observation. If you wish to go out into town, you must wear your tracking bracelets. Refusal to wear the tracking bracelets will result is students being confined to campus grounds indefinitely.” He said with a tone of finality. “I highly suggest student do not attempt to leave campus without permission. We will catch you, and you do not want to deal with the repercussion of your actions.” With that Principal Meade stepped away from the podium. “Once again, welcome to Briarwood Academy.” He said before exiting the stage. Vice Principal Wong followed suit and trailed behind him as they exited the building.

Somehow Tina was able to breathe a little easier once they were gone. She rested her head on the back of the chair as the other members of the facilities took to the stage and gave introductions. After that, orientation was just a routine assembly about school requirements, expectations, and the fabled Briarwood Challenge. How it was such an honor to participate in blah blah blah..Contenders would be announced the first day of school. Tina noticed that the Head Officiator of the Challenge didn’t make any introductions. He just sat there like a rottweiler with a stick up his butt. Eventually the assembly ended and the teachers dismissed the students. Tina bolted for the door without a backwards glance.
Chris looks around, noticing that many students had already left, but Alex and Jason were still sitting on their own. He shuffles over a few seats, then speaks to them in a rather loud voice. "Well, that was eventful. What d'ya think Meade's powers are?"
As the wonderful assembley ended, everyone was rushing out the doors and to the lobby, while Alex and Jason waited for the aisle way to clear out.

Jason turned to Alex with arms crossed,
"So, what was with that 'bit**' comment earlier?" he said with a sarcastic tone.

Alex, who was checking for her phone for the time, stopped to look at Jaosn.
"That evil looking woman, what's her name, grabbed me by the arm when i was checking on Yoru." she said in an annoyed tone.

Before Jaosn could respond, the guy with the cards from earlier appeared in front of them.
"Who knows, probabaly super strength or something." he said, sounding uninterested in the subject.

Standing up, Jason held out a hand to him,
"Sorry, forgot to introduce myself. The name's Jason." he said with a slight smile.
Griffen was late to the auditorium, she was usually late to a lot of things anyways so there wasn't much of a difference to her except the whole Briarwood challenge and all. Sprinting down the hall, she could feel her lungs start to ache for a steady breath, but as she reached the doors to enter she took a few second to lower her breath. Once she walked in and realized that Principal Meade was in the middle of talking, she cursed underneath her breath to herself and made her way to a seat in the back as far away from any body as possible but still close enough so she couldn't be noticed as being "anti-social". Since her power was the manipulation of darkness, she started to amuse herself by playing child like with the shadows. Luckily she made it in at the right time to start paying attention to all the important aspects of the speech that the principal was giving. In all reality, Griffin could care less, a lot less.

It wasn't exactly her choice to come to this school, it wasn't even her paren't idea, partly because she never knew them but it she still didn't have a say in it exactly. Thoughts tumbled through her mind as she thought back to her long life that her had as an orphan and couldn't help but feel a giant twinge of anger flood over her body. Maybe her temper was the main reason she was here in this school, her powers always seemed to become uncontrolable when she got angry. The anger started to show in her brown eyed gaze. As she tried her best to keep her anger controlled and her powers hidden, she flicked a piece of her short dusty blond hair from her downward gaze.

She looked up with her expression still hard and full of spite. Once she was calm she looked over at another group of kids and one imparticular stood out to her. He was quite handsome and by the looks of it mad. A boy seemed to be chatting with the girl sitting next to him until he decided to converse as well. Griffin couldn't help but wonder what his power was.

Griffen occupied herself by looking down at her feet that were now covered by her brown and old leather boots that went up to her mid calf. The rest of her legs were in a pair of light skinny jeans that had multiple holes in them. Her dark red shirt fluffed out from underneath her black hoodie. Sinking back into her chair, the young girl thought about how long this whole deal was actually going to be.

[sorry for the late post, I was camping.]
Chris grasps Jason's hand, shaking it firmly. "I'm Chris. Nice to meet you, Jason." He releases Jason's hand and turns to Alex. "And who might you be?"

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