Search results for query: *

  1. Marrow

    One x One Running Myths

    Hmm, I suppose I have one more question before I start. How old are we? I'm having trouble deciding on the type of character I want to make. Also, I was thinking I play the male character, if you don't mind?
  2. Marrow

    Fantasy Sy-fi magic rp based off a story I wrote?

    Oh, I guess I read that wrong D,:
  3. Marrow

    Fantasy Sy-fi magic rp based off a story I wrote?

    I think a demon is fitting, as the headmistress should be powerful, and a demon can pretty much outclass anything else. That, or a dragon of sorts seems like it'd fit.
  4. Marrow

    Fantasy Sy-fi magic rp based off a story I wrote?

    The all mighty lord Google has revealed unto me that a tarrasque is a fancy creature, and I think it's quite cute and cuddly!
  5. Marrow

    Fantasy Sy-fi magic rp based off a story I wrote?

    @Karcen the only plausible answer to that question is a platypus, everyone knows this... >.>
  6. Marrow


    Hmm. I suppose I could welcome you to the site, but that's too mainstream, and I'm a non-conformist. So, you're looking for a partner? Hmm, I suppose I could oblige. If you're interested, have any plot ideas, or want some from me, just let me know, and we can get this thing rolling like a fat...
  7. Marrow

    Fantasy Sy-fi magic rp based off a story I wrote?

    Hmm, I'm interested, pending plot and story and setup and such! But, even though I doubt anyone else will choose it, I'd like to officially reserve the official Basilisk, officially... >.> If that's OK... >.>
  8. Marrow


    @Pine, I'm not confused, but it seemed I confused you! I win. I was greeting you to this site as well. I know you're not new, haha! I'm a winner!
  9. Marrow


    @Pine yes, I'm new here! And thanks! Also, welcome to you too! I hope you enjoy your time here as well! Also, I'm not weird, also, despite all my oddities, I promise I'm a better writer than a conversationalist... >.> Oh, Elder Scrolls reference, and I missed it! Oh man, and I call myself a...
  10. Marrow


    Google has everything you could ever need. All hail lord Google!
  11. Marrow


    I'm in the same boat as Pine haha! i've got years and years of actual RPing experience, but I've never done a dice game. It often requires knowledge of existing systems and such, and I don't much care for research, I came here to write, not to do homework :'( Speaking of homework, wait, I...
  12. Marrow

    Um.. Hello.

    Yes, and the same formula without butter makes an atom bomb. That's how I accidentally made the atom bomb, while trying to make popcorn. Oh well, I guess I should use this thing now.
  13. Marrow

    Um.. Hello.

    @Dm611 Dang, I knew I wasn't the smartest rocket scientist in the world, but to make a mistake as big as forgetting the butter! Oh well, I guess that means I made an atom bomb by accident then.
  14. Marrow

    Um.. Hello.

    Hmm, I'll be simple as well. Hmm... ... ... I know! I'll explain quantum entanglement, as well as the digestive system of all reptiles! That seems a good start for this simple reply to your simple post. So, when you take one atom ... ... ... And that's how you make popcorn! OK class, lesson's over.
  15. Marrow


    Wait, this isn't where I parked my car... >.> Was it that other parking lot? Sigh... <.<
  16. Marrow

    A few random plots

    OK, so, I have been scouring the site for roleplays that interest me, but I haven't found anything that just pulled me in. I've only been a member for a day or so now, and now that I have some actual time to myself, I'm writing out some of my ideas. Let's start with what I expect of my...
  17. Marrow

    Have you seen my cat?

    I used to be a loser with no life, I own every character up to Rek'Sai, but then after that, I stopped playing..... I probably still am a loser with no life xD
  18. Marrow

    Have you seen my cat?

    I lost my cat and can't seem to find it. Though I guess that makes sense, since I don't own a cat... I'm not really a cat person... They are boring and don't like to cuddle unless you force them. I did meet a cat pirate once, it was weird, since they couldn't talk and all. Didn't stop them...