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  1. BaconPancakes99

    Fantasy Dragon Thieves

    May I join? This sounds fun.
  2. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "Shame ash alvays, I guess." She swallowed the bite of sandwich.
  3. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Mags high fives with much enthusiasm.Mags pulls out a sandwich from her coat and nibbles on it. "So how have you been Michael? It's been a while." She smiles and pats his head.
  4. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "Okey, okay. Ow my head." She pushed away from Elinore and tried to keep her brains together. "Brain smoothie ugh."
  5. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "The cat is going to kill me Michael. Cat's are evil! Oh no! Now it is on your head." She runs behind Elinore and points her halberd at Michael.
  6. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "NOOOOOO!!!! NOT THE CAT!" yelled Magnolia. She pulls out Blitzkrieg and swings it in front of her
  7. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Mag's tail flares. "CAT?!?" she hops away and hides behind a bush
  8. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Magnolia wandered around beacon after finishing her classes.
  9. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    While Mags was eating with the two brothers, an arrow flies into the cave and impales one of the bagels on her plate. There is a piece of paper tied to the arrow. She unties the paper and reads through it quickly. "Assigned...mission ...toiletries... Magnolia, Spectra and Soppo. Oh hey, we have...
  10. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Magnolia giggles quietly and thanks them for the meal. She takes a bite out of a bagel. The two brothers were a lot like bears. Living in a cave and eating fish. She wondered why. Caves aren't the most comfortable places to live in her opinion, but she kept quiet and ate her food. Sent from my...
  11. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Mags gave Spectra a small smile. "Yes, please. Ummm, Do you need any help?" She asked Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk
  12. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "Thats sounds delicious. Thank you. " Mags said, her tail swaying back and forth. The thought of food was going to make her jump for joy, but she holds back and keeps her calm composure. Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk
  13. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "Not exactly, but you know. I'll end up finding my way eventually. " she gives him a shy smile. "I'm a little bit worried about them. " she listened to the fight happening with her keen ears. Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk
  14. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    She did not want to get kicked into a river or burned alive. Hopefully the couple will forgive her. Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk
  15. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Magnolia wanders through the forest and not looking back at the fight happening behind. She knew that helping the couple out would've been nice, but living sounded a lot more pleasant. Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk
  16. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    She turns and walks away from the fight. "As long as it's far from a crazy Michael and angry Elinore, I'm good. Good luck dying you two." She says waving goodbye to Loki and Aires. Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk
  17. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Mags sidesteps towards Spectra and whispers. "Hey, let's get outta here. I know these two. It's going to turn ugly, but I don't think that we can stop them." Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk
  18. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "I don't think this is a good idea. My tail is acting up." Mags strokes her puffed up tail. A sign of danger. Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk
  19. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    She sat down again and watched the fight. She notices something strange in Michael's eyes. She wasn't sure what it was. "This seems a bit intense for a sparring match though. " Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk
  20. BaconPancakes99

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "I'm Magnolia, but you can call me Mags. I've actually forgotten your name too. It's been a while. " Sent from my C1604 using Tapatalk