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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Aires looks at the bombs given to her by Spectra. "Roger that, Spectra." She says an examines Elinore's condition. "Luna are you alright?"
Elinore stopped to try and withstand the ear shattering scream from her prey then turned her now red eyes towards the group and her target, "You aren't getting away that easily." she hissed at her prey. She slowly walked towards the group, every area her feet touched caught flame that died without spreading after a certain distance from her. She stopped for a second. The sprung. Aim to slaughter, not hold, dropping her axe on the ground, moving as quick as the rabbits she caught for fun, Elinore jumped into the crowed and slammed into Micheal, pinning him down on the ground to punch him square in the nose. Tackling was a legal move apparently.
She turns and walks away from the fight. "As long as it's far from a crazy Michael and angry Elinore, I'm good. Good luck dying you two." She says waving goodbye to Loki and Aires.

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"No Luna stop!" Aires runs after her an tries to calm her by using Spectra's bombs. They have no effect, or she keeps missing the moving targets. She finally starts to pull on Luna. "You're hurt we have to take care of you please stop!"
Aires looks at Loki, "But this isn't she's has to be in there somewhere. Elinore snap out of it!" She yells at her still tying to pry her off the boy.
rolling with the blow he moved back he garbed her wrist and hammer throw tossed her at Aries and loki. as soon as he was free he snatched the blade of his sword and tore it to peaces.

Elinore got up off the couple, her fire based aura flaring up again. Any further attempts to touch her will end in not so spontaneous combustion. "Stay out of this." she told Aires coldly before dashing back to her axe and laughing several flaming round as Micheal.
"OKAY! MATCH IS F****** OVER PEOPLE SO STOP ALREADY!" William yelled as he finally decided to intervene in the fight, noticing that everything was totally out of hand now. He walks over to Micheal and stands in front of the angry looking fellow to talk to him peacefully, before seeing Elinore shooting several rounds at Michael. The guy he was in front of now. Well s***.
Aries coughed up some amount blood. "Damn. . ." She was stubborn alright, "No! This isn't worth it Luna a huntress is not this!"
"Fine then." Loki slams Maelstrom into the ground and ice spear into the air separating Luna and Micheal. "Luna that is enough, you are beyond this. Is this what Annabell would want? Her sister to freak out and kill one of her friends?!"
the first of the rounds did not so much as make contact with anything let alone malcharion. the second detonated near spec and the last in the volly well it slammed into the back of will, who flew into the now steel clawed malcharion. "what a nice little sheald"

Magnolia wanders through the forest and not looking back at the fight happening behind. She knew that helping the couple out would've been nice, but living sounded a lot more pleasant.

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The heat from Elinore's semblance melted the ice Loki had placed around her. So many things trying to pull her back. William stepping in, the others shouting, Annabelle...Annabelle. That almost pulled her out of it. She turned her head to look at Micheal to find that William been hit. And Michael planned to use him as a shield. "You think that thing is my friend? You think it's human?" she asked the crowed of distractions. "You couldn't be more wrong. Now stay out of my way before someone gets hurt!" she snapped at them. She was a huntress to protect. To eliminate dangers to people like Anabelle. This thing in Michael's place, this thing that obviously knew how to fight, that wasn't a mistaken lawyer, was one of the things she was trained to kill. And she was going to kill him, and get William out of there too. Elinore knelt down on the ground and ran her hands along the grass, creating a fire wall surrounding the trio so the others wouldn't interrupt. "Put him down." Elinore demanded.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!!" Several ice bombs landed at the people who were fighting and completely froze them. Soppo walked forward, angry as hell. "Take your friends and leave before you cause more forest fires." Soppo cuts the bottom of the ice so that it is movable. He then walks to Spectra. "Go home now. And take your faunus friend too so that she doesn't get lost again. The rest of you, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!" Soppo walks off with Spectra, leaving a wall of ice so that now one else follows.
William looks at Michael with bewildered eyes, kind of amazed to be called a shield. First time someone called him that apparently, since it was usually being called robot or cyborg. But a shield... really demented Michael? Really?

"Not to break your celebration of using me as a shield my dear lawyer, but you do remember what my semblance is right?" William said just as the steel clawed malcharion caught him from the explosion and was holding him in front of an angry Elinore as a shield. "I produce lots and lots of amount of electricity in me and if you hold onto me when I'm charging, well... you get shocked fool." William then charges up his entire armor to the max as electricity was flowing all around the armor in huge quantaties, most of it going to the STEEL CLA-... NOW HE'S COVERED IN ICE. JUST GREAT! YIPPITY FREAKING DOO. Well at least Michael won't get shocked to death now at least...
Hm? What? Ice? Okay then. Elinore's fire semblance flared again, melting the ice and Soppo walked away. Good then. No more of that. She took a step forward, grinning at her frozen prey. How nice. She took her axe and gently carved William out of the frozen situation, letting her semblance die down so she didn't thaw either of them. She took the Willcicle and dragged him off, leaving him out of the battle before shooting another flaming around at Micheal "NOW YOU'RE MINE" she said with an almost insane grin.
another earth shattering scream, no not a scream laughter insane laughter. from the block of ice as it shatter and slid about. "WOULDN'T THAT BE NICE." braking free he slashed down on her axe grabbing as he did so "mine" a quick slash of her wrist insured she let go. now she was at his mercy his pry.

"I do not know... What can we do, it is impossible to stop these two and nothing anyone is trying is working. This isnt Micheal and that isnt Luna. I don't know what to say or do to stop them." He puts himself between Aires and the fighting, just in case it went their way.
Spectra said nothing and walked away. He turned to Mags and said, "Sorry about that. How have you been, are you getting home alright?" Spectra asked as Soppo walked in front.
"This might be a stupid idea but," Aires unleashed her wings once again and with her lighting dust electrocuted Luna And Micheal, not enough to kill them but just enough to get them to stop. "STOP! This is stupid! You both are out of your minds."

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