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  1. Knight_of_Chaos

    Castlefield: Sovereign Nation in the Hundred Kingdoms

    I'll admit that I haven't read the setting materials about Gem and I'm too lazy to go scan through my books, but my reaction to your comment is simply: This is Exalted.  We're talking about the game where there are dinosaurs that piss narcotics.  Unless the materials specifically state...
  2. Knight_of_Chaos

    Charm Viewer for Pocket PC

    Well, that takes away about half of the tedium, since this would give me the baseline statistics for each Charm with a little find/replace magic to convert it.  The other half of the problem is the Charm descriptions, which you don't have for any of the cannon Charms.  It's understandable...
  3. Knight_of_Chaos

    Charm Viewer for Pocket PC

    Hey all. I was extremely bored at work on Friday, so I decided to indulge myself on a project that I've been cooking up:  Creating an Exalted Charm Viewer for my Pocket PC phone (while filing my time under "learning how to write mobile apps" :P ).  It's not the prettiest thing I've ever...
  4. Knight_of_Chaos

    Game Finder

    So nobody else in the Minneapolis, MN area, huh?  Just thought I'd throw it out since I think we're looking for one more.
  5. Knight_of_Chaos

    So a ninja, a cowboy, and a rock star walk into a bar...

    Interesting idea.  I may follow up on that. But yeah, upon further reflection I think I was overreacting to what amounts to squicking a couple of Extras.  I'll save the "quit rock" card for something more profound.
  6. Knight_of_Chaos

    So a ninja, a cowboy, and a rock star walk into a bar...

    So last weekend something else happened that I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with yet.  We land at this cloaked floating island with our flying pirate ship ( 8) )  and I end up horribly botching my Heart Compelling roll (5 1's on 10 dice...) on two of their elite guards.  My brother rules...
  7. Knight_of_Chaos

    Solar Dodge

    And Leaping Dodge is an interesting alternative to a counter attack.  If someone flurries at you, they're going to get one attack off and then you're out of there.
  8. Knight_of_Chaos

    Solar Dodge

  9. Knight_of_Chaos

    Solar Dodge

    Re: re Are you an Abyssal?  Because you just whipped out some serious thread necromancy.
  10. Knight_of_Chaos

    <Exalt> Hero Style Form 2! or 3?

    I'm perfectly fine with adding new styles that do these other crazy things.  But the moddable nature of the <exalt> Hero Styles is something that I'd really watch in my games so that they do not move outside their normal thematic bounds.  Like I've said before, by all appearances the reason...
  11. Knight_of_Chaos

    <Exalt> Hero Style Form 2! or 3?

    You're right, and that Charm write-up that you just gave as an example is definitely something that I'd consider within the realm of SHS.   And again, the "Flash Step" type action would possibly fall under there... But I'd probably be happier to see it as an Athletics Charm. (Mechanics-wise...
  12. Knight_of_Chaos

    <Exalt> Hero Style Form 2! or 3?

    I don't have a problem with agg punches in SHS.  I guess I wasn't thinking of the mechanics of the Charms.  Just throw in some righteous sun-theme and boom, agg punches. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around adding something like teleportation to SHS.  That should really be...
  13. Knight_of_Chaos

    <Exalt> Hero Style Form 2! or 3?

    I think if I was your ST, I'd say it.  YCMV, but in my mind all MA styles each have a certain "theme" that they all follow.  Solar Hero's seems to be "Being an Unbelievably Badass Brawler," which encompasses a lot of things, but venom punches or teleportation are just not a part of that...
  14. Knight_of_Chaos

    <Exalt> Hero Style Form 2! or 3?

    I am in complete disagreement with that.  There will always be a use for pounding things with your fists.  I'd love to have a Charm that lets you punch a city wall and watch the whole place fall down!  Or one that'll let you roundhouse kick a whole army! On a more serious note, I think this...
  15. Knight_of_Chaos

    How stealth defeating are combos.

    I think Haku's on the right track.  There's nothing that I've seen that states that the Obvious keyword necessarily means "flashy".  It simply means that the user is doing something that a normal human couldn't possibly do and thus witnesses must assume that it's a magical effect. Now, the...
  16. Knight_of_Chaos

    So a ninja, a cowboy, and a rock star walk into a bar...

    Yeah, I played an evil D&D 3.5 campaign a while back where my character's goal was to become an ultra powerful lich and take over the world.  We even had our own dungeon at one point. It was fun, but it's not something I'd want to play all the time. No, I think my gripe is mostly in line...
  17. Knight_of_Chaos

    So a ninja, a cowboy, and a rock star walk into a bar...

    ...and the only possible result is a giant can of Awesome. My brother's campaign started last weekend and it looks like it's going to be a good time. The only concern I have is that the ninja has Compassion 1 and Conviction 4, while my character (the rock star) has Compassion 4 and...
  18. Knight_of_Chaos

    Exalted for dummies

    I found Kasumi's Exalted Combat 201 over on (yeah, yeah, it's a terrible place, I know) to be a fairly useful set of examples.
  19. Knight_of_Chaos frustrating

    Honestly, I think Dawns are much more useless rules-wise than Eclipse.  They'll probably buy Charms in two of their Caste Abilities (War and something else) and have to rely on their Favored to do anything besides fight.   Eclipse Castes also probably have the best Anima powers out of all...