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  1. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    The Matriostic Circus

    "You may open them." She said
  2. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    The Matriostic Circus

    Her hair grew longer and longer, turning from black to darkness itself. A feral growl escaped her throat as her nails grew, becoming razor sharp claws. Black wings ripped out from her back, shredded skin falling to the ground around her.
  3. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    The Matriostic Circus

    "Now close your eyes." Perillia said, her eyes slowly changing to the color of fresh blood. Shadows started to waltz around her and more spirit orbs appeared. The cats spirit's eyes opened, now the same color of Perillia's changing eyes. Slowly the cat spirit grew larger, until it was the size...
  4. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    The Matriostic Circus

    Perillia narrowed her eyes at his thought then went back to vivaciousness. Raising her hand, a chair appeared out of thin air. "Please sit down. Mr. Gray." She asked politely. With a sweep of her hand, small orbs of light swirled around her, one in particular that of a cat spirit. Perching on...
  5. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    The Matriostic Circus

    Perillia scanned the crowd, black eyes curiously looking for an interesting person. Her gaze stopped on a boy with blue hair. Reading his mind to find out his name, she pointed at him and called out, "How about you Mr. Gray?" She asked.
  6. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    The Matriostic Circus

    Perillia entered the ring, her usual plain blue kimono replaced by a shimmering black one that reflected faces of loved ones, each one different to each person. "May I please have a volunteer?" She called out to the crowd.
  7. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Deep Sea Guardians (Mermaid Melody RP) (Chara Sheets)

    Name: Mina Toin Age 17 Gender: Female, Princess Birthday: Saturday, March 25, 1997 Star Sign: Aries Kingdom: North Atlantic, Green Pearl Kingdom Alias: Light Green Pearl Voice Abilities: Power of Aqua Regina Personality: Shy and sweet History: Can't remember anything except...
  8. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

    She narrowed her eyes at his outstretched hand. "How do I know I can trust you?" She asked.
  9. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

    (lol) "My name is Kikira." She said, her voice mingling with fear. Even if this wildcat was small, she knew it was a neko. Her tail curled around her waist and her ears perked up ever so nslightly.
  10. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

    (You do know Kikira's in her humane form, right?)
  11. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Mythical--be any creature you want. Will you Hide or be Free?

    Name: Vanilla Nickname: Vani Gender: Female Age:18 Crush: None Bf/Gf: Nope Spouse/Fiance: Nope Kids: None Species: Neko/ Succubus Pets: None Personality: Shy and scared at times but can warm up easily to the people around her History: Can't remember anything Looks:
  12. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

    Kikira looked up, realizing she had been followed. Narrowing her crimson eyes, she reverted to her kitsune form, tail lashing and ears pressed flat against her head. "What do you want?!'
  13. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

    Her nose twitched slightly as she scented a wildcat, close by too. Her tail bristled in fear and her ears flattened against her head. She didn't want to find out if they were good or not. Quickly reverting to her full fox form, she raced past the nekos, speeding away fast down towards the ally...
  14. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

    Kikira watched from the shadows, unsure if she should reveal herself. Could they be good? Or maybe bad.... She didn't want to take her chances. Though they were nekos. But she was a kistune. If they were good, would they even accept her? So many unclear thoughts raced through her head, confusing...
  15. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

    (Otay! Name: Kikira Age: 18 Species: White Kitsune Gender: Female Powers?: Fire, Can speak to the dead, and a couple others soon to be discovered Bio: Can't remember anything Appearance: Kitsune form: (Except white ears, tail...
  16. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Inuyasha: A Tale of Truth and Bargain of Lies (Sign Ups)

    Oooh! An Inuyasha RP!!!!!
  17. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Neko Roleplay Anyone~?

    (Would it be alright if I were a kitsune instead of a neko?)
  18. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Kingdom of Nekonia

    Name: Perrina Suzushi Age: 12 Species: Neko Type of Neko: Abyssinian Class: Noblewoman Personality: Shy and quiet Looks:
  19. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    Vampires Rule~~~~ Slave Rp

    Username: Piorrete The Black Tiger Name: Perillia Age: 18 Looks: Human or Vampire?: Human Slave or Master?: Slave Personality: Shy and quiet but can be talkative sometimes if engaged in an interesting conversation History: Can't remember anything Obedience Rating: 9/10
  20. Piorrete The Black Tiger

    The Matriostic Circus (Chara Sheet)

    Name: "The Mystical Entity" Perillia Age: 17 Gender: Female Abilities: Perillia has the ability to speak to the dead, read thoughts, and change fate Looks: