The Matriostic Circus (Chara Sheet)

Welcome one and all to the Matriostic Circus. Here, no-one is normal. Shapeshifters, deformities, all of that lovely stuff. If you have ever felt even the slightest bit lonely, please drop on by. We would love for new people, no matter what they are or what they look like.











Name: "Ringmaster" Aikinoshira

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Abilities: Partial shapeshifting, ice, telakynesis


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Personality: Aikinoshira is exceptionally kind and inviting. Having created the Matriostic Circus for "freaks" like herself, it just proves the kindness held in her heart. She can seem a little insane at times, but it is perfectly normal for her.

History: Having been born as weird as she was, her parents threw her out onto the streets. Learning to fend for herself, she lived by scavenging and, when 15, getting a job. She realized at 16 that maybe there were others like her, who were going through the same thing as her. Working hard, she made enough money to build her circus. Now she is known as the Ringmaster.

Other: None
​Ohh! Sounds fun :D

"Living Rag doll" Alice

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Abilities: Change the color and material of her skin, can hypnotize others, can slice her skin open as much as she likes and will be fine and living.

Looks: long bright red hair with black streaks that she keeps in low loose pigtails, tied with black ribbons. She has dazed or bored looking black eyes (like the beads in actual rag dolls). There are stitches all over her body and each part is a different color and material. She dresses as a young school girl (a navy blue knee length dress and mary janes) because when you think of dolls you think of little girls and innocence, but during a show, she wears more skin showy things because that's what people come to see, her "skin."

Personality:She seems intimidating and mean, being that she's usually silent and her stitches and her facial expression, etc...but she's pretty kind. She doesn't trust many people, and she doesn't care about many people. She daydreams a lot so you often find her staring at nothing in particular. During a show, she puts on a huge smile and a loving and outgoing personality because, you know, dolls are always happy aren't they, well, until the show is done. After that she goes back into her usual blank expression. When she does finally put her trust into somebody, she clings onto them like a puppy to their mother.

History: She was born like a normal baby, no sign of weirdness anywhere. Other than her detached personality, she seemed and looked like a normal girl. One night when walking in the park wit her mother, a man came and grabbed them, stabbing and slicing them multiple times, killing her mother. Alice should've been dead, but she acted fine when the paramedics found her, and there wasn't a drop of blood on her anywhere. The weirdest part was there were no scratches, just sloppy stitchings everywhere.

She heard of the circus in school, when some arrogant kid slammed the flyer on her desk. She sneaked out of her house one night to find it.

Other: None

Name: “The Mystical Flame” Natalia

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Abilities: Empath & Pyrokinesis



Personality: Is essentially a kind person but due to her empath abilities, her personality normally shapes to match that of whoever she’s with. She feels like her personality isn’t her own because of this ability, which sometimes overpowers her own judgement if the emotion is strong enough. However, she gets on with people who have a good heart & decent intentions. Is somewhat of an introvert because past events made her shut herself away. When she’s around flame or using her pyrokinesis ability is when she feels she’s able to be her old self, like it’s her materialistic form of confidence. She has a naturally good rhythm and enjoys dancing.

History: Natalia lived a pretty normal life until she reached 12 years old, which was when her abilities began to kick in. She started to tap into peoples emotions and at times was able to guess in a scarily accurate manner as to why the person was upset. She was labeled as a freak as she rose up in her school years, which led to severe depression and caused Natalia to hide away in a shell, only able to feel the general school populations emotions and their thoughts of her.

Her parents never thought anything was wrong, they simply thought she was very intuitive, and eventually Natalia gave up on begging them to remove her from school. On her 16th birthday, her pyrokinesis revealed itself in a traumatic way, in front of the few friends she made over the years and her family. Due to this event she has burn scars on her fore arms and one particularly nasty burn on the left side of her waist.

After this, her family never treated her the same, but instead of shelling this ability away like she did everything else, she practiced in a secluded location. Learning to control it better every day until an evil, destructive power became a graceful art to her, implementing it with her dancing.

One day, Natalia overheard the kids at her school talking about a circus for “special” people like her. Reading their negative emotions turned her away from checking it out until she came home that day and overheard her mother on the phone talking about plans of handing her over to a facility where they would experiment on her like a lab rat and try to figure out how her abilities came to be. Angry and furious and feeling like she was fully herself in making this decision, she packed her bag in a hurry, got in her car and drove off without looking back at the suffocating place she originally called home for years in the distance. To a place where she prayed she would be accepted.

Other: --
((Reserve me a slot! I am 100 % sure of an idea! I just need to develop it a bit more! This was very similiar to a dead-roleplaycalled "The Circus on Faerly Street". Do you allow sadist-witches?))
Ugh, I can't seem to find my character form I put on one of my files, so I have to make an entirely new character... ;u;

There is no such thing as love, only hatred and despair.

Name: Gray Ryūgamine

Age: Eighteen years old

Gender: Male

Abilities: Gray is a ice elemental who can create ice out of thin air. The ice can be formed into a shield, lance, cannon, or a wall. Gray does not abuse his powers at all, he likes hand-to-hand combat with a normal, human weapon more preferablly.

Personality: The stars glitter in the night, while this creature seems to make the nebulas darker. He has a stranger aura that leaks and reeks of darkness and despair. No one knows why this is, they just rather, stay away from the teenager. He is the silent type, and agile like a cat when fighting. He does not talk often. The strange character is always seen wearing warm clothes no matter what time of the day. Gray tends to lurk around the shadows and barely make appearances in a face of a person unless he must acquire something. Having the powers of an ice elemental, he also has an icy heart, therefore concluding to some people that he has not aqcuired the sense of love. Only bitterness, despair, rage, and pitiness.


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When the blunette was born, he was immediatly rejected. In his land, having blue hair was a sign of
failure and stupidity. It was not like he could possibly do anything about it. The orphage did not allow blunettes to be put in them, so he was a lone wolf since birth. He managed to barely pass by. He was the only blunette in the whole entire realm, it was strange. Being kicked and laughed at while he searched for food, it was hard living in such a terrible state. No one liked him, he didn't like them either. Even so, he still went on with his life.


Gray discovered his powers when he was six. He was playing with a can of ice cubes a woman left outside for him to eat. He put his hand on the top of the cup and waved it around. It seemed like the ice was following his movement. He clenched his fists, and the ice melted. Now realize, he didn't fully understand how this happened. He actually began to acknowledge the ice magic around eight years old. That's when he learned to make it a combat for his protection.


A war broke out, causing everyone to flee and hide. He had no where to go, rather he just sat in the alleys as the enemies passed by. One day, a man saw him, taking him captive. Aparently, he would be "A nice slave" for the army. Gray was enslaved, and beat, also severly wounded all the time. There was no escaping his fate. forcing him once more to live on.


In the dungeon, he found that he could just make ice out of simple thin air, he furiously learned how to make tools and items as the days went on. Finally, he was abke to escape. He does not remember that time so firmly, he doesn't like to talk about it.

The Circus

Gray opened a portal to a different world, and ended up here.

He entered the circus as a safe house, and no one knows about his past, nor does he talk about it. He feels as if the army of soilders is on his tail everyday, somehow waiting for his move. He lurks upon the shadows, checking corners, alleys, and anywhere to make sure a portal wasn't opening for the soilders.

Name: "The Mystical Entity" Perillia

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Abilities: Perillia has the ability to speak to the dead, read thoughts, and change fate


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Personality: At times, Perillia can seem cold and emotionless, but when put on stage, her persona changes entirely. Vivacious and care free, she performs as happy as can be.

History: Perillia had been born into a poor family with barely any food. At age 2, her ability of speaking with the dead kicked in, causing her father to send her to an Insane Asylum, where she was locked up deep in the ground. One day, when she was 12, she mysteriously escaped and fled to towards the circus, which the dead had told her of. There she was accepted into the circus' family.

Other: None

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