Deep Sea Guardians (Mermaid Melody RP) (Chara Sheets)

In the deep sea, fish swim and play, the mermaids playing happily with them too. Such a peaceful time. Until now..... The Dark Kingdom has risen once again with a new leader (Shadow Shatari, who will need an rper) and threatened the seven kingdoms (North Pacific (Pink Mermaid Kingdom), South Pacific (Yellow Mermaid Kingdom), South Atlantic (Aquamarine Mermaid Kingdom), North Atlantic (Green Mermaid Kingdom), Indian Ocean (Orange Mermaid Kingdom), Antartic Ocean (Purple Mermaid Kingdom), and Artic Ocean (Deep Blue Mermaid Kingdom)) of the seven seas and have started to disrupt the humans. The daughters of the old pearl princesses of their respective kingdom and friends must work together to stop Shadow Shatari and her minions. Its up to you to decide the fate of the land and seas.....

Mermaid Chara Sheet


Age (If princess, 8-16. If commoner or other 1-70)

Gender (Princess obviously female, no princes but can be a male (or female) mermaid commoner)


Star Sign


Alias (Princess only. Pink Pearl Voice (Pink Mermaid Kingdom), Aquamarine Pearl Voice (Aquamarine Mermaid Kingdom), etc.)





Human Chara Sheet







Shadow Shatari Minion









Name: Shiriki Nanami (Princess)

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Birthday: Friday, February 5, 1999

Star Sign: Aquarius

Kingdom: North Pacific, Pink Pearl Kingdom

Alias: Pink Pearl Voice

Abilities: Power of Aqua Regina

Personality: Shiri-sama is a kind girl who can be very clumsy at times. She loves to eat sweets and will often bake something for her friends. In a fight, she will sing with all her heart, pouring out her feelings into every word.

History: As Daughter of Queen Lucia Nanami and Kaito Domoto, she is heir to the throne of Pink Pearl Kingdom and owner of the Pink Pearl, a family heirloom passed down from princess to princess. Having had completed her Coming of Age Cerremony, she was able to be taught how to use the Pink Pearl to its fullest potential. About four months after, a dark presence had attacked her kingdom and kidnapped her mother and father. Hearing of similar things happening in other kingdoms, she quickly fled to the human world with Hippo, in hopes of finding others. She currently resides at the Pearl Piari Hotel.

Looks: Mermaid Form: Human Form: girls/schooluniform.jpg.html

Hippo: Penguin Form: Human Form: Hippocampus Form:
Name: Adelia Linwood.

Age: 16 years old.

Gender: Female.

Kingdom: South Atlantic (Aquamarine Mermaid Kingdom)

Abilities: She can communicate with all animals of the sea and on land. She also can heal herself and others just by a touch of her fingertip.

Personality: Adelia is very sweet and wouldn't hurt a thing. She loves to be social with the other mermaids and especially have fun. Even thought she may seem bubbly all the time, she can be quiet and stay away from others at time. She loves sea creatures, even sharks, and will do anything to help them.

History: Adelia grew up as a very spoiled mermaid. Even though she doesn't really act like it. Her mother and father have been Queen and King of the Aquamarine Kingdom for a very long time. She used to have a sister, but she mysteriously disappeared one day and was never seen again. Adelia hopes maybe one day she could find her. Her mother gave her a pet killer whale when she was 5, and she goes everywhere with him. His name is Koiko (Koy-ko) and he is about 10 years old now.


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Name: Mina Toin

Age 17

Gender: Female, Princess

Birthday: Saturday, March 25, 1997

Star Sign: Aries

Kingdom: North Atlantic, Green Pearl Kingdom

Alias: Light Green Pearl Voice

Abilities: Power of Aqua Regina

Personality: Shy and sweet

History: Can't remember anything except that her mother is Queen Rina Toin and her father is the human

Masahiro Hamasaki


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Except green


Name: Tina Toin

Age: 17

Gender: Female, Princess

Birthday: Saturday, March 25, 1997

Star Sign: Aries

Kingdom: North Atlantic, Green Pearl Kingdom

Alias: Dark Green Pearl Voice

Abilities: Power of Aqua Regina

Personality: Strong willed and sometimes arrogant

History: Remembers only the same thing her sister does


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